Союзные слова в английском языке

И в английском, и в русском языке придаточное и главное предложение могут быть связаны не только союзами, но и союзными словами – относительными местоимениями who, whose, when, which, that, where, how, why.

В отличие от английских союзов, союзные слова не только связывают части сложного предложения, но и являются членами придаточного предложения:

I know the architect who has built this opera house.
Я знаю архитектора, который построил этот оперный театр.

(Союзное слово who здесь является подлежащим)

We were not even explained what to do.
Нам даже не объяснили, что нужно делать.

(Союзное слово what здесь является дополнением)

I am sure Lisa will help you when she comes.
Я уверен, что Лиза тебе поможет, когда она придет.

(Союзное слово when здесь является обстоятельством времени)

Как отличить союз от предлога или наречия

Иногда английские союзы совпадают по форме с предлогами и наречиями.

Различить их можно по их значению и функции, выполняемой ими в предложении:

I read a lot when I was a kid, but never took a book in my hands since.
Я много читал, когда был ребенком, но с тех пор ни разу не брал в руки книги.
(Since – наречие, так как оно является членом предложения)

All my friends I’ve known since childhood, are gone.
Все мои друзья, которых я знал с детства, ушли.
(Since – предлог, так как он связывает существительное с глаголом)

So, what did you do since we last saw each other?
Ну, чем ты занимался с тех пор, как мы видели друг друга последний раз?
(Since – союз, так как связывает придаточное и главное предложение)

Radiation turned out to be a danger the world had never encountered before.
Радиация оказалась опасностью, с которой мир никогда до того не сталкивался.
(Before – наречие)

He would sit on his porch all night long, gazing at the steppes before him.
Бывало, он просиживал на своем крыльце всю ночь напролет, глядя на степи перед собой.
(Before – предлог)

We had spent an hour begging the old farmer before he agreed to drive us home.
Мы упрашивали старика-фермера в течение часа, прежде чем он согласился отвезти нас домой.
(Before – союз)

Упражнение 1.

Заполните пробелы соответствующими союзами и союзными словами:

1. I like Sally *** I don’t like Bob.

2. She likes her *** she is always friendly.

3. That’s the painting *** my father bought last year.

4. This is the house *** I’ve lived for 9 years.

5. In the morning I always have coffee *** toast.

6. She is happy *** her test is good.

7. In our house lives a man *** is a detective.

8. Tell me *** you can come.

9. He always thinks *** he is so clever.

10. We had dinner, watched TV, *** then we went to bed.

11. *** we arrived he had already gone.

12. That’s the longest test *** we have ever written.

13. Did you understand *** he told you that story?

14. I was not really interested in *** he was talking about.

15. Is this the hotel *** we stayed last year?

Упражнение 3.

Заполните пробелы союзными словами, приведенными ниже.

Although, despite, however, whereas, yet, because, in spite of, yet

1. My friend Alice has just bought herself some new shoes *** she already has some 20 pairs.

2. We decided to walk from coast to coast *** our lack of training.

3. Giving up was not an issue *** the situation got more confusing by the day.

4. The children behaved like angels *** the long drive and the hot weather.

5. The hotel wasn’t really idyllic. *** , we had a great time there.

6. I love cycling *** my wife prefers walking.

7. *** the weather forecast spoke of wind and rain, we really enjoyed a warm and sunny afternoon.

8. I don’t really believe everything he says. *** , I thoroughly enjoy being with him.

9. *** he’s 6 already Steve still can’t ride a bike.

10. Hans finished second *** his leg injury.

11. Nothing will ever grow on this land *** in the 60s a nearby factory dumped its waste here.

12. Anne is a fine person to be with, *** what she thinks herself, she has great listening skills.

13. John never apologizes *** real friends need not apologize all the time he says.

14. We arrived at the hospital soaking wet *** the fact that we were all wearing waterproof jackets.

15. The evolution of modern technology never ceases to amaze me. *** , I’m pretty sure the mysteries of life will
never be revealed.


I like Sally but I don’t like Bob.

She likes her as she is always friendly.

That’s the painting that my father bought last year.

This is the house where I’ve lived for 9 years.

In the morning I always have coffee and toast.

She is happy because her test is good.

In our house lives a man who is a detective.

Tell me when you can come.

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