Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Образуйте существительные от выделенных слов, употребив их в предложениях.
Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Образуйте существительные от выделенных слов, употребив их в предложениях.
Образец: My father works at a plant. He is a worker.
1. My brother drives very well. He is a...
2. Mary plays the piano well. She is a...
3. My mother teaches English. She is a...
4. My friend studies history. He will be a...
5. He plays chess very well. He is a good...
6. Beethoven composed many great pieces of music. He was a great...
(The Article)
Артикль – это служебное слово, поясняющее существительное.
В английском языке два артикля: неопределенный a (an)и определенный the. Форма a употребляется перед существительными единственного числа, начинающимися с согласной буквы, форма an– с гласной, например: a season, a pencil; an apple, an hour. Артикль the употребляется с существительными как единственного, так и множественного числа.
Артикль относится непосредственно к существительному, но если у существительного есть определители, то артикль ставится перед ними. Например: an old man, a five-storeyed modern building.
Неопределенный артикль при существительном обычно обозначает, что имеется в виду какой-то неопределенный, любой предмет из класса однородных предметов. Например, в предложении "Give me a pen, please" речь идет о любой ручке, а не о какой-то конкретной. Неопределенный артикль обычно не переводится на русский язык. Иногда ему могут соответствовать слова один, какой-то, любой.Например:
A small boy came up to Какой-то маленький мальчик
me and asked: "What's подошел ко мне и спросил:
the time?" «Который час?»
Определенный артикль при существительном обозначает, что имеется в виду определенный конкретный предмет или явление, выделяемое из ряда подобных ему предметов или явлений. Определенный артикль обычно не переводится на русский язык; иногда ему соответствует в русском предложении слово этот (эти), тот (те). Например:
Who can answer the question? Кто сможет ответить на вопрос?
1) с исчисляемыми существительными, I can see a book on the table.
когда они упоминаются впервые;
2) с существительным, являющимся My brother is a doctor.
частью составного именного He is a clever young man.
3)с существительным после оборота There is a new music school in our
there is..., а так же после it is …, street. It is a pen.
this is ... This is a pencil.
4) после слов such, quite, wтat; Tom is such a nice boy.
5) с существительными в роли My grandmother, a school teacher,
приложения; is on pension now.
6) перед числительными а dozen, I've read a lot about this
a hundred, а thousand, a million; author.
ввыражениях a lot (of), а great
many of;
7) в некоторых оборотах: it is a pleasure, as a result, as a matter of fact, as a rule, to be in a hurry, it's a pity;
8) в сочетаниях с глаголами to have, to take, to give: to have a cold, to have a good time, to have a toothache, to have a rest, to have a smoke, to take a shower, to give a hand.
1)с существительными вHere is the magazine you
единственном и множественном want to read.
числе, когда говорящему ясно, Open the window, please.
о каком предмете идет речь;
2) с существительным, которое I saw a new film on TV yesterday.
упоминается в контексте второй раз; The film was not very interesting.
3) когда перед существительным стоит:
а) порядковое числительное Gagarin was the first cosmonaut
of the world.
б) прилагательное в превосходнойMinsk is the largest city in Belarus.
в) одно из прилагательных: following, Answer the following questions.
last, next, same, very, only This is the only way of doing it.
(единственный). Hо: next door, He finished school last year.
last week, last year;
4) когда существительное имеет The price of fruit is high this year.
при себе уточняющее или Somebody is knocking at
ограничивающее определение; the door of our flat.
5) с существительными, The sky is blue and the sun shines
обозначающими предметы, brightly in summer. The ground
единственные всвеем роде: is covered with leaves in autumn.
the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning
the world, а также в словосочетаниях: and go to bed at 11 in the evening.
in the morning, in the afternoon,
in the evening;
6) с исчисляемыми существительными, The snowdrop, is the first
обозначая весь класс однородных spring flower. The cow
предметов, а не выделяя один is a domestic animal.
предмет из ряда ему подобных
(но: man, woman); Man is the highest creation of nature.
7) со следующими именами The Thames, the Volga,
собственными: the Black Sea, the English Channel,
а) названиями рек, озер, океанов, the Atlantic .Ocean, the Urals
горных цепей, островов, пустынь но: Lake Baikal, Lake Naroch
б) названиями некоторых стран, the United States (the USA),
местностей, сторон света the Crimea
в) названиями некоторых the Kremlin, the British
исторических зданий (учреждений), Museum, the National Gallery,
музеев, театров, библиотек, the United Nations Organization,
организаций, английских газет, the Times, the University
за исключением названий of London, но London University,
университетов и колледжей, Oxford University,
которые имеют в своем Cambridge University
названии имя собственное
г) названиями сторон света: He works in the North.
the North, the South, the West, Have you ever been
the East, но без артикля: to the South?
from North to South,
from East to West;
д) с фамилиями для обозначения The Browns spend their
всей семьи в целом. holidays in Italy.
Артикль не употребляется:
1) если у исчисляемого Give me your plan, please.
существительного имеется There are some books on the,
определение, выраженное table. This man: is John's
местоимением (притяжательным, father. Where is room six?
указательным вопросительным, I have five English books.
неопределенно-личным), Open your books at page
именем собственным в 5 and do exercise 10.
притяжательном падеже или
количественным числительным;
2) с существительным во We are friends. Nick and
множественном числе, которые Tom arй doctors.
являются частью именного
3) с неисчисляемыми Do you like tea or coffee?
существительными, если они Ho: The coffee is cold.
не имеют ограничительных
или уточняющих определителей;
4) если существительное является Children, don't speak at the
обращением; lesson.
5) перед словами father, mother, Is Father at home?
uncle, aunt в высказываниях
членов семьи;
6) с названиями дней недели, Winter begins in December.
месяцев и времен года; My day off is Sunday.
7) перед существительными What will you have for dinner?
breakfast, dinner, lunch, sъpper; I have breakfast at 8 o'clock.
Примечание:В конкретных ситуациях I cooked the dinner myself.
эти существительные, также как и Three years ago the summer
названия дней недели, могут was rainy.
употребляться с определенным
8) с именами собственными; Mary, London, Pushkin Street
9) с существительными, обозначающими My favourite subject is history.
названия наук и учебных предметов; My brother is good at physics.
10) в ряде устойчивых словосочетания:
in time, for example, to be at home, to go home, by bus (train), at work, at night, at dinner, by heart, for instance, on foot, by chance, out of doors;
to leave (finish) school, to go to bed, to be out of town, by name, by mistake, at present, from beginning to end, at first sight, etc.
1. Объясните наличие или отсутствие артиклей перед существительными в следующих предложениях:
1. This is a pencil. It's a red pencil. The red pencil is on the table. 2. I'm a teacher. I’m at home now. This is my room. The room is large and clean. 3. Open your books at page thirteen. 4. This is a black tie and that is a white tie. 5. Yesterday I met my friend with a young girl. The girl is a first-year student of the Universty. She lives on the second floor in the house not far from us. 6. Summer is the most beautiful season of the year. There are many-flowers in the fields and gardens everywhere. The flowers are very beautiful in your garden. 7. Victory Square is in the centre of Minsk. 8. I live in Kirov Street. 9. The Black Sea is in the South of our country. 10. I live in the Republic of Belarus but my friend lives in Moldova.
2. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо:
а) 1. .... Volga is ... longest river in ... European part of ... Russia. 2. I'd like to go on an excursion to ... Crimea. 3. There is ... stadium not far from our ....house. ... stadium, is ... largest in our town. 4. My brother is ... pupil of ... 8th form and he wants to become ... engineer. 5. ... chemistry is his favourite subject at ... school. 6. ... children like ... ice-cream. 7. Can you tell me ... way to ... theatre? 8. Here is ... book you need. 9. ... walls of our classroom are yellow. 10. ... butter and ... cheese are made of ... milk. 11. Which ... fruit do you like: ... apples or ... oranges? 12. I go to ... bed at 12 o'clock at night. 13. When will you finish ... school? 14. I get up at 7 o'clock in ... morning.
б) 1. ... England has to import ... raw materials, such as ... timber, ... petroleum, ... wool and others. 2. Many ships, with ... grain, ... oil, ... cotton and other goods come to ... London along ... river Thames. 3. I usually drink ... tea with ... sugar. 4. Will you have ... cup of tea? 5. Pass me ... sugar, please. 6. ... tea is very hot, I'll put ... milk in it. Don't pour milk into my cup, please. I don't like ... tea with ... milk. 7. ... Peace is ... life, ... war is ... suffering and ... death. 8. What ... beautiful rose! What ... beautiful flowers! 9. Good ... luck! 10. We shall go to ... theatre ... next week. 11. We shall see ... new play at ... Belarusian Drama Theatre. 12. Let's go to ... cinema. 13. They say ... new detective film is on.
3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей.
1. Осень — дождливый сезон в Беларуси. 2. Вода и воздух необходимы для жизни. 3. Вечером я пью чай или молоко, но не кофе. 4. Молоко слишком холодное, не пей его. 5. Он попросил стакан воды. 6. Это очень простой вопрос. Школьник может на него ответить. 7. Покажи мне статью, которую ты написал. 8. Ивановы уехали на юг сегодня утром. 9. Жаль, я не могу пообедать с вами.
Тест Личные и притяжательные местоимения
Личные местоимения
Именительный падеж | Объективный падеж |
i – я he-он she - она it - он (- а, - о, это) we – мы you - ты, вы they - они | me - мне him - ему her - ей it - ему, ей us - нам, нас, нами you - тебе, вам them - им |
Read the dialogues and dramatize them in class.
— Can you do me a favour, Jim? Would you mind introducing me to Miss Jones?
— Oh, yes, with pleasure, though it's rather strange you don't know each other yet.
— I just didn't have a chance to get acquainted with her. Is she a nice girl?
— Yes, of course, and she has a very nice dog.
— Harry, have you met Mr. Grey?
— No, we haven't met.
— Come along then, I'll introduce you to him, if you like.
— With pleasure.
— Mr. Grey, I should like to introduce Mr. Smith, a friend of mine.
— How do you do, Mr. Smith? Pleased to meet you.
— How do you do, Mr. Grey? I'm very glad to know you.
— James, may I introduce Henry Brown? Mr. Smith, this is Henry Brown. You are sure to have plenty to say to each other.
— How do you do, Mr. Richardson?
— How do you do, Mr. Brown? (They shake hands)
— Have you met Mr. Hall?
— No, we haven't met.
— Come along, I'll introduce you to him, if you like.
— With pleasure.
— Mr. Hall, I'd like to introduce Mr. Brown, a friend of mine.
— How do you do, Mr. Hall?
— How do you do, Mr. Brown? I'm very glad to know you.
— I'm sorry. Are you acquainted? No? Harry, this is James Richardson. Mr. Richardson, Harry Smith.
— How do you do? I'm so glad to meet you.
— How do you do? I'm so pleased to have made your acquaintance, Mr. Smith.
Clocks Through Time
It was probably around 3,000 years ago that people first began making things to help them measure the passage of time. Having observed that shadows move around trees as the sun moves across the sky, someone drew a circle and put a stick in the centre. As the sun passed overhead, he marked even divisions on he circle as the shadow of the stick crossed it. Then people could tell which par of the day it was by noticing which marks on the circle the shadow fell across. These circles were -Пес' sundials. Later, they were made of stone and metal to last longer.
Of course, a sundial didn't work at night or on cloudy days so men kept inventing other ways to keep track of time" One invention was a striped candle. Each stripe took the same amount of time to melt. If each stripe melted in about an hour, about three hours would have passed when three stripes melted. A water clock was another way to tell time. A container had a line with a number beside it for every hour. It also had a tiny hole in the bottom. The container was filled with water that dripped through the note. When the water level reached the first line, people knew that an hour had passed. Each time the water level fell to another line, one more hour had passed.
Candles and water clocks helped people know how much time had gone by. But candles had to be remade, and water clocks had to be refilled. So, after glass blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use. Glass bulbs were joined to be a narrow glass tunnel and fine dry sand was placed in the top bulb. The hourglass was easy to use but it had to be turned over every hour so the sand could flow again.
It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. One of the first such clocks was built for a king of France and placed in a tower of the royal palace. The clock didn't show minutes or seconds. Usually it did not even show the correct time! Since there were no planes or trains, however, people were not concerned about knowing the exact time.
Gradually, clocks began to be popular. They still didn't keep correct time, but they were unusual. And they could be beautifully decorated. One clock was in the shape of a cart with a horse and driver. One of the wheels was the face of the clock.
Watches came into use as soon as clocks were made small enough to be carried. These didn't always tell the correct time, » either. They were often put into beautiful watchcases, which were made to look like anything the owner wanted.
The pendulum clock was invented in 1657. This was the beginning of the style of clocks we call "grandfather clocks", which were enclosed in tall wooden boxes. Pendulum clocks showed the hours more exactly than earlier clocks, since the weight on the pendulum could be moved up or down to make the clock go faster or slower. About forty years later, minute and second hands were put on some clocks. Grandfather clocks are very much in demand again today. They are usually very-expensive and require more space than other styles of clocks.
As people began to go to more places and do more activities, they were more interested in knowing the correct time. By 1900 almost every house had a clock, and every well-dressed gentleman wore a watch on a chain tucked in his vest pocket.
Today, of course, we have electric clocks that keep giving the right time until they are unplugged or the electricity goes on. Scientists have invented clocks that look like large machines and tell the correct time to a split of a second.
The most modern electrical clock for home doesn't have a face or hands. These clocks are called digital clocks and they tell the time with a set of numerals which appear in a little window.
As people began to go to more places and do more activities, they were "more interested in knowing the correct time. By 1900 almost every house had a clock, and every well-dressed gentleman wore a watch on a chain tucked in his vest pocket.
Today, of course, we have electric clocks that keep giving the right time until they are unplugged or the electricity goes off. Scientists have invented clocks that look like large machines and tell the correct time to a split of a second.
The most modern electrical clock for home doesn't have a face or hands. These clocks are called digital clocks and they tell the time with a set of numerals which appear in a little window.
Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Образуйте существительные от выделенных слов, употребив их в предложениях.
Образец: My father works at a plant. He is a worker.
1. My brother drives very well. He is a...
2. Mary plays the piano well. She is a...
3. My mother teaches English. She is a...
4. My friend studies history. He will be a...
5. He plays chess very well. He is a good...
6. Beethoven composed many great pieces of music. He was a great...
(The Article)
Артикль – это служебное слово, поясняющее существительное.
В английском языке два артикля: неопределенный a (an)и определенный the. Форма a употребляется перед существительными единственного числа, начинающимися с согласной буквы, форма an– с гласной, например: a season, a pencil; an apple, an hour. Артикль the употребляется с существительными как единственного, так и множественного числа.
Артикль относится непосредственно к существительному, но если у существительного есть определители, то артикль ставится перед ними. Например: an old man, a five-storeyed modern building.
Неопределенный артикль при существительном обычно обозначает, что имеется в виду какой-то неопределенный, любой предмет из класса однородных предметов. Например, в предложении "Give me a pen, please" речь идет о любой ручке, а не о какой-то конкретной. Неопределенный артикль обычно не переводится на русский язык. Иногда ему могут соответствовать слова один, какой-то, любой.Например:
A small boy came up to Какой-то маленький мальчик
me and asked: "What's подошел ко мне и спросил:
the time?" «Который час?»
Определенный артикль при существительном обозначает, что имеется в виду определенный конкретный предмет или явление, выделяемое из ряда подобных ему предметов или явлений. Определенный артикль обычно не переводится на русский язык; иногда ему соответствует в русском предложении слово этот (эти), тот (те). Например:
Who can answer the question? Кто сможет ответить на вопрос?
1) с исчисляемыми существительными, I can see a book on the table.
когда они упоминаются впервые;
2) с существительным, являющимся My brother is a doctor.
частью составного именного He is a clever young man.
3)с существительным после оборота There is a new music school in our
there is..., а так же после it is …, street. It is a pen.
this is ... This is a pencil.
4) после слов such, quite, wтat; Tom is such a nice boy.
5) с существительными в роли My grandmother, a school teacher,
приложения; is on pension now.
6) перед числительными а dozen, I've read a lot about this
a hundred, а thousand, a million; author.
ввыражениях a lot (of), а great
many of;
7) в некоторых оборотах: it is a pleasure, as a result, as a matter of fact, as a rule, to be in a hurry, it's a pity;
8) в сочетаниях с глаголами to have, to take, to give: to have a cold, to have a good time, to have a toothache, to have a rest, to have a smoke, to take a shower, to give a hand.
1)с существительными вHere is the magazine you
единственном и множественном want to read.
числе, когда говорящему ясно, Open the window, please.
о каком предмете идет речь;
2) с существительным, которое I saw a new film on TV yesterday.
упоминается в контексте второй раз; The film was not very interesting.
3) когда перед существительным стоит:
а) порядковое числительное Gagarin was the first cosmonaut
of the world.
б) прилагательное в превосходнойMinsk is the largest city in Belarus.
в) одно из прилагательных: following, Answer the following questions.
last, next, same, very, only This is the only way of doing it.
(единственный). Hо: next door, He finished school last year.
last week, last year;
4) когда существительное имеет The price of fruit is high this year.
при себе уточняющее или Somebody is knocking at
ограничивающее определение; the door of our flat.
5) с существительными, The sky is blue and the sun shines
обозначающими предметы, brightly in summer. The ground
единственные всвеем роде: is covered with leaves in autumn.
the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning
the world, а также в словосочетаниях: and go to bed at 11 in the evening.
in the morning, in the afternoon,
in the evening;
6) с исчисляемыми существительными, The snowdrop, is the first
обозначая весь класс однородных spring flower. The cow
предметов, а не выделяя один is a domestic animal.
предмет из ряда ему подобных
(но: man, woman); Man is the highest creation of nature.
7) со следующими именами The Thames, the Volga,
собственными: the Black Sea, the English Channel,
а) названиями рек, озер, океанов, the Atlantic .Ocean, the Urals
горных цепей, островов, пустынь но: Lake Baikal, Lake Naroch
б) названиями некоторых стран, the United States (the USA),
местностей, сторон света the Crimea
в) названиями некоторых the Kremlin, the British
исторических зданий (учреждений), Museum, the National Gallery,
музеев, театров, библиотек, the United Nations Organization,
организаций, английских газет, the Times, the University
за исключением названий of London, но London University,
университетов и колледжей, Oxford University,
которые имеют в своем Cambridge University
названии имя собственное
г) названиями сторон света: He works in the North.
the North, the South, the West, Have you ever been
the East, но без артикля: to the South?
from North to South,
from East to West;
д) с фамилиями для обозначения The Browns spend their
всей семьи в целом. holidays in Italy.
Артикль не употребляется:
1) если у исчисляемого Give me your plan, please.
существительного имеется There are some books on the,
определение, выраженное table. This man: is John's
местоимением (притяжательным, father. Where is room six?
указательным вопросительным, I have five English books.
неопределенно-личным), Open your books at page
именем собственным в 5 and do exercise 10.
притяжательном падеже или
количественным числительным;
2) с существительным во We are friends. Nick and
множественном числе, которые Tom arй doctors.
являются частью именного
3) с неисчисляемыми Do you like tea or coffee?
существительными, если они Ho: The coffee is cold.
не имеют ограничительных
или уточняющих определителей;
4) если существительное является Children, don't speak at the
обращением; lesson.
5) перед словами father, mother, Is Father at home?
uncle, aunt в высказываниях
членов семьи;
6) с названиями дней недели, Winter begins in December.
месяцев и времен года; My day off is Sunday.
7) перед существительными What will you have for dinner?
breakfast, dinner, lunch, sъpper; I have breakfast at 8 o'clock.
Примечание:В конкретных ситуациях I cooked the dinner myself.
эти существительные, также как и Three years ago the summer
названия дней недели, могут was rainy.
употребляться с определенным
8) с именами собственными; Mary, London, Pushkin Street
9) с существительными, обозначающими My favourite subject is history.
названия наук и учебных предметов; My brother is good at physics.
10) в ряде устойчивых словосочетания:
in time, for example, to be at home, to go home, by bus (train), at work, at night, at dinner, by heart, for instance, on foot, by chance, out of doors;
to leave (finish) school, to go to bed, to be out of town, by name, by mistake, at present, from beginning to end, at first sight, etc.
1. Объясните наличие или отсутствие артиклей перед существительными в следующих предложениях:
1. This is a pencil. It's a red pencil. The red pencil is on the table. 2. I'm a teacher. I’m at home now. This is my room. The room is large and clean. 3. Open your books at page thirteen. 4. This is a black tie and that is a white tie. 5. Yesterday I met my friend with a young girl. The girl is a first-year student of the Universty. She lives on the second floor in the house not far from us. 6. Summer is the most beautiful season of the year. There are many-flowers in the fields and gardens everywhere. The flowers are very beautiful in your garden. 7. Victory Square is in the centre of Minsk. 8. I live in Kirov Street. 9. The Black Sea is in the South of our country. 10. I live in the Republic of Belarus but my friend lives in Moldova.
2. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо:
а) 1. .... Volga is ... longest river in ... European part of ... Russia. 2. I'd like to go on an excursion to ... Crimea. 3. There is ... stadium not far from our ....house. ... stadium, is ... largest in our town. 4. My brother is ... pupil of ... 8th form and he wants to become ... engineer. 5. ... chemistry is his favourite subject at ... school. 6. ... children like ... ice-cream. 7. Can you tell me ... way to ... theatre? 8. Here is ... book you need. 9. ... walls of our classroom are yellow. 10. ... butter and ... cheese are made of ... milk. 11. Which ... fruit do you like: ... apples or ... oranges? 12. I go to ... bed at 12 o'clock at night. 13. When will you finish ... school? 14. I get up at 7 o'clock in ... morning.
б) 1. ... England has to import ... raw materials, such as ... timber, ... petroleum, ... wool and others. 2. Many ships, with ... grain, ... oil, ... cotton and other goods come to ... London along ... river Thames. 3. I usually drink ... tea with ... sugar. 4. Will you have ... cup of tea? 5. Pass me ... sugar, please. 6. ... tea is very hot, I'll put ... milk in it. Don't pour milk into my cup, please. I don't like ... tea with ... milk. 7. ... Peace is ... life, ... war is ... suffering and ... death. 8. What ... beautiful rose! What ... beautiful flowers! 9. Good ... luck! 10. We shall go to ... theatre ... next week. 11. We shall see ... new play at ... Belarusian Drama Theatre. 12. Let's go to ... cinema. 13. They say ... new detective film is on.
3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей.
1. Осень — дождливый сезон в Беларуси. 2. Вода и воздух необходимы для жизни. 3. Вечером я пью чай или молоко, но не кофе. 4. Молоко слишком холодное, не пей его. 5. Он попросил стакан воды. 6. Это очень простой вопрос. Школьник может на него ответить. 7. Покажи мне статью, которую ты написал. 8. Ивановы уехали на юг сегодня утром. 9. Жаль, я не могу пообедать с вами.
Тест Личные и притяжательные местоимения
Личные местоимения
Именительный падеж | Объективный падеж |
i – я he-он she - она it - он (- а, - о, это) we – мы you - ты, вы they - они | me - мне him - ему her - ей it - ему, ей us - нам, нас, нами you - тебе, вам them - им |