Choose the correct verbs to complete this conversation.

A: Where do/are you from, Anton?

B: I'm/ be from Milan, in Italy. And you?

A: I comes/come from Jakarta, in Indonesia.

B: Oh, really? And who do/does you work for?

A: I don't/doesn't work for a company. My husband and I has/have an export business.

B: And .what do you export/exports?

A: Local hand-made products - furniture, ornaments, things like that.

B: That's interesting. So does/is your company based in Jakarta?

A: Yes, it is. But we don't/aren't there very often. My husband travel/travels a lot of Europe, and I work/works more in North America.

B: So he don't/doesn't see you very often!

A: No. But we are/do usually at home in July and August.

Here art some facts about Pizza Hut (UK). Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

turnover employs market share located products subsidiary competitors outlets  

1. The headquarters of Pizza Hut (UK) is ____________in London.

2. Their range of ___________ includes pizza, pasta, salads, and desserts

3. The company__________ 16,000 people.

4. Pizza Hut (UK)'s ___________ is over £300m.

5. Their main____________ are Pizza Express and Ask.

6. They have____________ in most large towns in Britain.

7. Pizza Hut (UK) is a _________ of Tricon Global Restaurants.

8. Their_____________ at the moment is 6%.

Put the words in the sentences in the correct order.

1. are lot there in good restaurants Soho of a.

2. Radisson Empire Hotel night a costs $165.

3. a nice near is there hotel Central Park.

4. is important what you choose a hotel when?

5. she goes into shop a clothes never.

Write in words.

1. 0.54

2. 3%

3. 47th

4. 6, 524

5. 37.49

6. 7, 850, 000

7. 961

8. $ 20.50

Write in figures.

1. sixteenth

2. twelve

3. twenty five pounds thirty

4. thirty seven percent

5. twenty four point three six

6. eleven point five

7. two hundred and fifty nine

8. nought point three two

Choose the correct preposition on, in, at.

1. ________ 1870

2. ________ May

3. ________ Friday

4. ________ morning

5. ________ Easter

6. ________ October, 1

Complete the sentences about your own company or a company you know well.

1. It's name is____________.

2. It's based in _____________.

3. The company makes/produces/provides/manufactures_________________.

4. It's customers are_______________.

5. It's____________ company.

6. It employs________________.

7. It's annual turnover_________________.

8. It's annual sales___________________.

9. It's subsidiaries___________________.

10. Use the spaces below to write a short description of your department:

I work in the ________ department/section. There are________ people working in this department. Our main tasks are_________ and ___________. We also _________I deal with ___________.

11. Read this article and answer the questions below.

Nikki Beckett.

Nikki Beckettwas named Businesswoman of the Year. She received her prize at a ceremony in London. At the age of thirty-eight she is the chief executive and founder of a software business with offices in America, France, Germany, and Britain, and a turnover of £50 million. NSB Retail Systems provides software packages to department stores and fashion chains such as Selfridges or Debenhams.

The company was founded in 1994 and now employs 600 people.

What is the secret of her success? She has always been ambitious. After school she took a summer job with IBM and stayed for fourteen years. “I then knew I wanted to run a public company by the age of thirty-five and after that to have a company worth £0.5 billion by 2001.” Another reason is her husband, Geoff, who works part-time for the company and part-time at home looking after their two children. He took early retirement from IBM, which allowed Nikki to concentrate on her career. She doesn't work at weekends and takes all her holidays. Her employees can work from home if they want to, and she allows them time off for their families when necessary. “I see someone's career as a long journey. We are long-term employers,” she said, after receiving her prize from the sponsors Veuve Cliquot. These are very strong, old-fashioned values from someone at the head of such a modern, high-tech company.

a) Complete this table using information from the text.


Name of company______________


Number of employees___________

Office locations________________

Annual sales___________________


b) Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? If they are false, correct them.

1. NSB Retail Systems has offices in four countries.

2. Geoff Beckett runs NSB Retail Systems.

3. Nikki and Geoff both worked for IBM.

4. Nikki often works at the weekend.

5. The company supplies software to retailers.

6. The Becketts have three children.

7. Nikki Beckett likes employees to stay with the company a long time.

8. The competition was sponsored by Moet & Chandon.

c) Translate the text.


Вариант 5.

Complete the dialogue.

A Lisa, _____________Marcel Tullier? Marcel, __________ a colleague of mine, Lisa White.

B ________________, Lisa. ____________ .

С Hi, nice to meet you too, Marcel.

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