Герундий в функции дополнения. Употребление предлогов после глаголов, причастий и прилагательных.

Перед Герундием после глаголов, причастий и прилагательных могут быть использованы различные предлоги. Сложность заключается в том, что часто русский вариант не соответствует варианту английскому. Иными словами во многих случаях эти предлоги придется просто заучить. Здесь нельзя сказать, что такой-то предлог употребляется реже, чем остальные.

Предлог Пример Перевод
Of To be proud of Гордиться чем-либо
To be fond of Любить что-либо
To be afraid of Бояться чего-либо
At To be surprised at Быть удивленным чем-либо
To be annoyed at Быть раздраженным чем-либо
To be good at Что-то хорошо делать
In To succeed in Преуспеть в чем-либо
To be interested in Интересоваться чем-либо
To result in Приводить к каким-либо результатам
On To depend on Рассчитывать на что-либо
To To object to Возражать против чего-либо
To get\be used to Привыкать что-то делать
From To prevent from Препятствовать какому-либо действию
Into To persuade into Убедить что-то сделать


1. Вместо предлога At, в некоторых случаях, могут употребляться предлоги By и With:

We were shocked by his behaving.
Мы были шокированы его поведением.

I am disappointed with your failing the exams.
Я разочарован тем, что ты провалил экзамены.

2. Чтобы сделать отрицание, нужно поставить перед герундием отрицательную частицу Not.

I was surprised at not finding the money.
Я был удивлен тем, что не нашел деньги.

Приложение №2

План реферирования газетной статьи

1. The headline of the article is ... (The article is headlined ..., The headline of the article I've read is...)
2. The author of the article is...
3. The article is taken from the newspaper...
4. The central idea of the article is about... (The main idea of the article is... the article is devoted to... the article deals with... the article touches upon... the purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on... the aim of the article is to provide a reader with some material on...)
5. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-20 sentences).
6. State the main problem discussed in the article and mark off the passages of the article that seem important to you.
7. Look for minor peculiarities of the article.
8. Point out the facts that turned out to be new for you.
9. Look through the text for figures, which are important for general understanding.
10. State what places of the article contradict your former views.
11. State the questions, which remained unanswered in the article and if it is possible add your tail to them.
12. Speak on the conclusion the author comes to.

13. Express your own point of view on the problem discussed.

Приложение №3

Образцы статей для реферирования

November 6, 2009

Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Will Russia Bring Back

Capital Punishment?

Introduced by Vladimir Frolov

Russia’s Supreme Court has filed a petition with the country’s Constitutional Court asking for a ruling on whether Russia should continue with its self-imposed moratorium on capital punishment. Russia has maintained a moratorium on capital punishment since 1999, when the Constitutional Court ruled that the death penalty should be suspended until trials by an independent jury become available in every region of Russia. Does Russia really need to reintroduce capital punishment? Why are the Russian public and political parties so strongly in favor of this cruel measure?

In January of 2010 Chechnya will introduce jury trials, making it the last federation subject to introduce this regime. This effectively eliminates the legal preconditions for a countrywide moratorium on capital punishment. Abandoning capital punishment by 1999 was a condition Russia had to fulfill in order to join the Council of Europe and its institutions. Russia also signed (but failed to ratify) the Sixth Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, which explicitly bans capital punishment. Reintroduction of capital punishment will put Russia on the brink of expulsion from the Council of Europe, the oldest European institution.

Today, Russian public opinion is split on whether the country needs to reintroduce capital punishment. Opinion polls show that a strong majority of Russians (63 to 70 percent) favor capital punishment and even want to expand it to a wider range of crimes. However, Russians are increasingly skeptical about the court system, with barely 38 percent saying that the courts are unbiased in their decisions, while over 45 percent do not trust the police. The Kremlin is equally uncertain about how to proceed. While he was still president, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin always spoke out against capital punishment, while President Dmitry Medvedev has not made his feelings on the matter quite clear yet.

Russia’s political parties, from United Russia to the Communist Party, strongly favor the reintroduction of capital punishment, with only a handful of liberal politicians speaking in support of the current moratorium. It is most likely that the Kremlin will seek to postpone making any decisions on this issue, sensing serious political repercussions both at home and abroad. Evidence on whether capital punishment is a strong deterrent for criminals considering serious crimes is hazy, while evidence of mistakes being made in court decisions is much stronger.

Capital punishment is banned in Europe, while the United States maintains it for some federal crimes like terrorism, and certain states administer capital punishment for less serious crimes. It is widely practiced in China, where it is even used to fight corruption by government officials.

Does Russia really need to reintroduce capital punishment? Why are the Russian public and political parties so strongly in favor of this cruel measure? Is it an issue where Russia could still “join Europe,” or should it follow the American and Chinese models? Will capital punishment become a serious political issue for the Russian election cycle in 2012? Why is Vladimir Putin, the KGB hardliner and a man of the past, according to the Obama administration, against capital punishment?

El Paso's small step

Sep 24th 2009 | EL PASO
From The Economist print edition

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