Ex. 7. Explain how the rules of the Sequence of Tenses work in this clauses. Translate the sentences.

1. She called my mother to say that they had just got a telegram from Boston announcing that Henry's brother had been married in Germany. 2. I knew she was itching to tell me what had happened. 3. He knew that his mother would think he was seriously ill and would probably speak to the teacher. 4. He wanted to return to the house to see how Billy was doing and tell him that he would be going out to California in 2 or 3 days. 5. Rudy decided that he would have to tell Bogart that it was impossible for him to appear before the board the next day, but that he would offer to do so any other day.

Ex. 8. Give your reasons as to why the rules of the Sequence of Tenses are not observed in the following sentences.

1. He says he is free tomorrow. 2. He spoke with the satisfaction of a competent workman who knows his job from A to Z. 3. He sought pleasure in the simple and natural things that life offers to everyone. 4. Monty told me that he had no permit for the gun, and that in England it is illegal to own a gun without a permit. 5. I knew I should go; but we sat there because it is difficult to go without any particular reason for leaving. 6. Billy folded his arms and leaned back. "I told you I do not like milk".

Ex.9.Make an action of the following object clauses simultaneous with those of the principal clauses.

1. I thought you (have)better sense. 2.She could not imagine what he (to do)there.3. I’ve forgotten what he (to look) like.4. I didn’t know whether the doctor (to mean) whether (to say) or whether he (to have) joke at my expense.5. What surprised me was that Pat (be) so much at home here.6.He asked me what work I (do) and whether I (intend) to go to a university. 7.I was surprised you (to know) my name.8. He told his father that now he (to make) ten dollars a week less.9. The last two weeks she had been saying to everyone who phoned her that she (to be) unwell and (not to live home).

Ex.10.Use the required tense-aspect forms in the following sentences, observing the rules of the

Sequence of Tenses.

1.When I went into the office next morning I already (to formulate) my plan.2.Well, I don’t think I ever (to see) you before. 3. She ended by saying that she (to think) she (to make) a mistake. 4. She knew what (to go) on in their minds.5. So I went into the living room, where my aunt already (to wait) for me.6. She telephoned her husband to the office to say that her brother (to return) from abroad.7. An old friend rang up to ask how Elizabeth (to feel), and whether she (can) go with his wife to the concert on Sunday.

Ex. 11. Translate the following into English observing the rule of the Sequence of Tenses.

1.Он мне говорил, что интересуется историей.2. Он знал о чем она думает.3. Он сказал что вернется очень скоро.4. Я знал что он живет в Лондоне.5. Я знал что она жила в Сан-Франциско. 6. Она мне не сказала что говорила с ней. 7. Я думал что он получает от нее письма. 8. Я думал что они пригласят нас. 9. Я был уверен что он работает и поэтому не вошел в комнату. 10. Он не знал что м знаем друг друга с детства.11. Я был уверен что он жалеет что поссорился с ним. 12. Я подумал что он устал и спросил его что он делал все это время. 13. У меня было впечатление что он находится там уже некоторое время. 14. Она говорила что не может понять почему они переменили решение. 15. У меня было подозрение что она забыла упомянуть что я жду его. 16. Я не имею понятия знает ли она что Филл будет здесь.

Методические указания по изучению данного раздела:

1. Дать необходимую фоновую информацию предложенного текста.

2. Лексические задания направлены на актуализацию словарного запаса по теме, поэтому необходимо формировать умения определять смысловую релевантность английских слов.

3. Извлекать необходимую информацию и структурировать ответ и формулировать свою точку зрения; уметь рассуждать логически, используя необходимые лексические выражения.

4. Формирование грамматических навыков пройденного материала

Unit 13.


Text: The Use of Leisure

Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech.

Практические цели: ознакомление и закрепление активной лексики в речевых упражнениях, развитие умений и навыков монологической речи, практиковать студентов в устной речи по теме урока и введение и обобщение грамматического материала “Direct and Indirect Speech ”,выполнение грамматических упражнений на закрепление.

The Use of Leisure


By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told more surely in all probability than by the way he does his work. For most men work is necessity in order to gain a living. Vast numbers of men have not even been able to choose what work they would do, but have been forced by economic necessity to take the first job that came their way. But in their leisure time they do what they really want to do and their real selves are reflected in their actions.

Some people are completely passive during leisure hours. If such people go out they go to some place of entertainment where no effort is required by them, a cinema or a dancing hall, and if the latter, they do not dance but simply sit and watch others dancing.

A different type of person hurries home from work full of eagerness to begin on some scheme which he has been planning for his leisure time. Perhaps his hobby is carpentry or model engineering, or gardening-, or he might wish to write, or to study some subject in which he is interested. .This is the creative type of character. For him, his leisure hours are full of promise and he can look back on them with satisfaction when he reviews what he has achieved in them.

Leisure should be refreshment; it should send a man out with fresh spirits to battle with the problems of life. Sometimes this freshness comes not from doing anything, but by filling one's mind with fresh springs of duty. Many a man gets full value from his leisure by contemplating nature, listening to music, or reading noble books. By this sort of occupation he may not have made anything that he can show, but he has none the less recreated his own source of inspiration and made his own mind a richer fuller treasure house. This is the true use of leisure.

Topical vocabulary

1. go out проводить время вне

2. treasure сокровище

3. film(picture, movie) кинофильм

4. adventure приключенческий фильм

5. favourite occupation любимое занятие

6. hobby хобби

7. feature художественный фильм

8. enjoy oneself ,(have a good time) хорошо провести время

enjoy (a party, a play etc) получить удовольствие от ...

9. be on идти (о пьесе, фильме в определенный день)

10. run (v) демонстрировать, показывать (фильм,пьесу)

11. run (n) период показа (пьесы, фильма)

12. poster (AmE: bill-board) афиша

13.news – real хроника, киножурнал

14. ballet балет

15. opera опера

16.drama драма

17.tragedy трагедия

18.show представление, сеанс

Ex.1.Suggest the Russian for:

By the way; probability; no effort; fresh springs of duty; go out; to gain a living; in which he is interested; vast numbers of men; have been forced by economic necessity ; to run; to take the first job; their real selves ; completely passive; the latter; to be on; a different type of person; own mind; full of eagerness; feature; to begin on some scheme; the creative type of character; full of promise; satisfaction; refreshment; adventure; with fresh spirits; to battle with the problems of life; full value from his leisure; place of entertainment; by contemplating nature; own source of inspiration; treasure house; the true use of leisure, favourite occupation ; tragedy;

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