VI. Translate the following sentences into English observing the sequence of tenses and the rules of presenting reported speech. 1 страница

1. Ты говорил, что завел часы, а они остановились. 2. Ты меня вчера спрашивала, нет ли у меня лишней тетради. Я принесла тебе две. Вот они. 3. Я всегда думала, что к тому времени, как мне будет двадцать лет, я буду чувствовать себя совсем взрослой. Теперь вижу, что ошибалась. 4. Вы слышали, что он сказал? – Он сказал, что следующая лекция состоится через два дня. Все могут приходить без специальных приглашений. 5. Сознание того, что она в доме одна и что до утра никто не придет, тревожило ее. 6. Я не знала, что Анна уезжает на следующий день. Я думала, что у нас будет время обсудить этот вопрос детально, прежде чем она уедет. 7. В своей лекции профессор заявил, что на этой планете нет жизни. Я слышал другие мнения. Некоторые астрономы считают, что планета населена. 8. Я люблю читать сказки. Когда я была маленькой, вечерами бабушка рассказывала сказки. Я верила, что животные и даже растения могут говорить на своем собственном языке, так же как люди. 9. Когда я его последний раз встретил, я спросил его, когда он вернет мне книги. Он обещал, что вернет их через два дня, но с тех пор я его не видел. Может быть, ты можешь сказать, что случилось? 10. Мы никогда не думали, что эта работа отнимет столько времени. Когда мы начали, казалось, что мы закончим за две недели, но теперь совершенно ясно, что мы не закончим и до конца месяца.



I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

A traveller who had been riding in the rain and was wet through, arrived at a small hotel in the country. There was only one fireplace in the hall and a lot of people around it. The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm. He asked the hotel owner to take some fish to his horse. The hotel owner was surprised but the traveller insisted and the hotel owner did as he was asked. All the people rushed out to see the horse eat fish. The traveller had the fireplace all to himself and felt comfortable. When the hotel owner returned he said, “I was sure horses do not eat fish.” –“Then why did you take it to my horse?”


1. Why did the hotel owner try to feed the horse with fish?

2. Why did the traveller ask him to do it?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Once John Smith and his wife Mary who (1 – live) in a small house in the mountains, (2 – find) a dog. Though the dog (3 – be) weak and hungry, he (4 – not eat) anything in the presence of his new masters. Several days later the dog (5 –disappear). John and Mary (6 – leave) alone. But one day when Smith (7 – travel) in a train, he (8 – see) his dog running along the road. He (9 – get) off the train at the next station, (10 – buy) a piece of meat, (11 – catch) the dog and (12– bring) him home again. There the dog (13 – tie) up for a week.

The dog (14 – escape) several times and each time he (15 – run) north. At last the dog (16 – decide) to stay at the cottage but a long time (17 – pass) before Smith and his wife (18 – can) touch him. They (19 – call) him Wolf.

One summer a stranger (20 – come) to the cottage. As soon as the dog (21 – see) him, he (22 – rush) to the stranger and (23 – lick) his hands. Then the stranger (24 – say): “His name (25 – be) not Wolf. It (26 – be) Brown. He (27 – be) my dog.” Mary (28 – ask) to leave the dog with them. But the stranger (29 – refuse) and (30 – say) that the dog (31 – must) decide it himself. “I (32 – say) goodbye and (33 – go) away. If he (34 – want) to stay, let him stay.” For some time Wolf (35 – watch) the man go. Then he (36 – rush) after him and (37 – try) to stop him. Then the dog (38 – run) back to Smith and his wife (39 – try) to drag Smith after the stranger. He (40 – want) to be at the same time with the old and the new master. Finally the dog (41 – lie) down at the feet of Smith. Mary (42 – be) happy.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I ... glasses since I was a child.

a) wear, b) wore, c) am wearing, d) have been wearing.

2. When the phone rang, I ... dinner.

a) cook, b) was cooking, c) had been cooking, d) have been cooking.

3. He usually had dinner at 4 p.m., ... ?

a) had he, b) hadn’t he, c) did he, d) didn’t he.

4. He works ... and makes good progress.

a) hard, b) hardly, c) good, d) badly.

5. He reminds me ... someone I knew in the army.

a) of, b) to, c) from, d) about.

6. Mary is here. Where are ... ?

a) other, b) others, c) the others, d) another.

7. What ... bad weather we are having today!

a) the, b) a, c) an, d) – .

8. Did you read ... English books at school?

a) some, b) many, c) much, d) none.

9. I want to know what ... .

a) are you doing, b) were you doing, c) will you do, d) you are doing.

10. I’ve made ... mistakes now than I made last time.

a) few, b) a few, c) fewer, d) less.

11. Can ... of you help me?

a) some, b) any, c) somebody, d) anybody.

12. This translation is twice as ....

a) easy, b) easier, c) the easiest, d) much easier.

13. We ... two compositions this month.

a) write, b) wrote, c) were writing, d) have written.

14. I had a feeling that somebody ... there before.

a) is, b) was, c) has been, d) had been.

15. She won’t see him ... he phones her.

a) except, b) after, c) unless, d) because.

16. ... only one theatre and two cinemas in this city ten years ago.

a) there is, b) there was, c) there are, d) there were.

17. My watch ....

a) stops, b) has stopped, c) have stopped, d) stop.

18. Do you know when he ... ?

a) comes, b) will come, c) shall come, d) come.

19. I don’t have any pets. Neither ....

a) she does, b) does she, c) is she, d) does she have.

20. His parents didn’t let him ... TV late.

a) to watch, b) watch, c) watching, d) watched.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Москва была основана Юрием Долгоруким.

2. Небо темное, может пойти дождь.

3. Мы не знали, что он собирается нас навестить.

4. Кто знает прогноз погоды на завтра?

5. Нам не пришлось долго ждать их.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. What’s the name of the most famous clock in Britain?

a) Big Albert, b) Big Stephen, c) Big Wren, d) Big Ben.

2. What’s tartan?

a) a dish, b) a pattern of the kilt, c) a bird, d) a dance.

3. Where is Glasgow situated?

a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland.

4. What’s the name of the London underground?

a) Metro, b) Tube, c) Subway, d) Underground.

5. What is the nickname of the Liberal Party?

a) the Tories, b) the Whips, c) the Ubs, d) the Whigs.


I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

A young writer has just managed to publish his first book. He is very proud of his success and is boasting of it to everybody around. For more than half an hour he has been talking about his success to one of his friends who is also a writer. At last he thinks that his friend is not very much interested and apologizes saying “I am sorry to have taken so much of your time, it is so selfish of me.” – “Never mind,” answered his friend absent-mindedly. “You haven’t taken my time at all. I’ve been thinking over the plot of my new novel.”


1. Was the young writer modest?

2. Why wasn’t his friend annoyed?

II. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

The writer is proud of his success and is boasting of it to everybody around.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

In summer I (1 – go) to Brighton. When I (2 – arrive) there it (3 – be) late afternoon. After dinner I (4 – put) on my raincoat and (5 – go) out for a walk. It (6 – be) a nasty day, the sky (7 – cover) with clouds, and it (8 – rain) a little. As I (9 – move) slowly along the quiet empty street, I (10 – see) a stranger. He first (11 – pass) me by but then (12 – stop). ‘(13 – be) that you, Peter?’ he (14 – cry) out. It (15 – be) Jones. “I (16 – not see) you for ages,” he (17 – say). – “Why, what you (18 – do) here?” I (19 – ask). “Why you (20 – not go) home?” – “I cannot,” he (21– answer). “I (22 – forget) the name of the hotel where my wife and I (23 – stay).” – “If you (24 – ring) up the hotels, you (25 – find) out where you (26 – stay),” I smiled. He said that he (27 – have) no money. And he (28 – explain) that they (29 – get) to Brighton at 11 o’clock. They (30 – leave) their things at the station and (31 – go) to a hotel. He (32 – change) his clothes and (33 – decide) to go for a walk. The sun (34 – shine) brightly and there (35 – be) nothing in the forecast about rain. I suggested that we (36 – go) to my hotel. While Jones (37 – take) a shower I (38 – think) the situation over. Then we (39 – begin) telephoning all the hotels in Brighton. We (40 – do) it so well that next afternoon Jones (41 – find) both his hotel and his wife.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I ... since breakfast and I’m very tired.

a) travel, b) am travelling, c) was travelling, d) have been travelling.

2. He came to the party ... he hadn’t been invited.

a) although, b) in case, c) even, d) in spite.

3. We have ... for a new secretary but we haven’t had any replies yet. a) announced, b) advertised, c) advised, d) noticed.

4. Ted is good at football but Rick is ... .

a) good, b) well, c) better, d) best.

5. ... “Romeo and Juliet?” – Not yet.

a) Did you see, b) Do you see, c) Have you seen, d) Had you seen.

6. He makes me ... .

a) laugh, b) to laugh, c) laughing, d) have laughed.

7. He had an accident yesterday and was taken to ... hospital.

a) the, b) – , c) a, d) an.

8. It’s crowded in here. There’s ... to sit down.

a) hardly, b) hardly any, c) hardly anything, d) hardly anywhere.

9. Next June my cousin ... from high school.

a) graduate, b) graduated, c) will graduate, d) has graduated.

10. The Earth ... round the Sun.

a) goes, b) was going, c) will go, d) has gone.

11. Are you interested ... working for him?

a) at, b) in, c) with, d) of.

12. He is reported ... 400 dollars.

a) to steal, b) to have stolen, c) to be, stealing, d) to have been stolen.

13. Put... sugar into your tea.

a) some, b) any, c) none, d) not any.

14. I ... my book on the desk a few minutes ago.

a) lay, b) have lain, c) laid, d) have laid.

15. There’s nothing left for him but escape, ... ?

a) is it, b) isn4, c) is there, d) isn’t there.

16. The news ... so shocking.

a) are, b) was, c) have been, d) were.

17. ... the dinner by the time Peter came?

a) Have you cooked, b) Did you cook, c) Do you cook, d) Had you cooked.

18. She ... when I came.

a) works, b) work, c) was working, d) has worked.

19. You ... work hard at your French if you want to pass the exam.

a) can, b) may, c) must, d) might

20. Do you like ... milk with your tea?

a) few, b) some, c) many, d) a few.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Когда вы закончили школу?

2. Если она придет, я тебе позвоню.

3. Они должны вернуться в понедельник.

4. Он увлекается плаванием.

5. Когда мы пришли, фильм уже начался.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. What is the symbol of the Speaker’s authority?

a) the mace, b) the woolsack, c) the ribbon, d) the bell.

2. Who presides over the House of Lords?

a) Prime Minister, b) Lord Chancellor, c) Lord Protector, d) the Speaker.

3. What’s the name of the British flag?

a) Star-Spangled Banner, b) Stripes and Stars,

c) Union Jack, d)John Bull.

4. What London street is famous for shops?

a) Oxford Street, b) Fleet Street, c) Lombard Street, d) Charing Cross Road.

5. What was J. Constable?

a) a musician, b) a politician, c) a poet, d) a painter.


I. Прочитайте и ответьте на вопросы.

The famous composer Rakhmaninov was also a very good pianist. When he was a small boy he was asked to play at a home party at their friends’ place. Though he was only eight he was quite experienced in playing the piano and did it well. At that concert he was to play one of Beethoven’s sonatas. It must be mentioned that there are several very long intervals in that sonata. In each of these intervals the boy took his hands off the keyboard and waited. During one of these intervals the old mother of the hostess came up to him and said, “My boy, why don’t you play something that you know I very well?”


1. Why did the boy stop playing several times?

2. Did the old lady know Beethoven’s music well?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

Rakhmaninov was a famous pianist and composer.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

One evening Mr Green (1 – drive) his car along a country road. He (2 – be) to London where he (3 – take) 250 pounds from the bank. He (4 – put) the money in his pocket. At some part of the road a man in shabby clothes (5 – stop) him and (б – ask) for a lift. Mr Green (7 – tell) him (8 – get) into the car and (9 – continue) his way. He (10– talk) to the man and (11 – learn) that the man (12 – escape) from prison and thought of his 250 pounds.

Suddenly he (13 – see) a police car and (14– have) a bright idea. He (15 – begin) to drive the car fast. He (16 – look) back and (17 – see) the police car nearing his car. It soon (18 – overtake) him and he (19 – have to) stop. The policeman, (20 – take) out his notebook and (21 – want) Mr Green’s name and address. Mr Green (22 –want) to tell the policeman about the robber sitting behind but the man (23 – take) out a gun and (24 – put) it to Mr Green’s back. Mr Green was afraid of (25 – shoot) so he (26 – say) nothing. He only (27 – ask) (28 – take) to the police station but the policeman (29– say): ‘You (30– have to) appeal- at the police court later.’ He (31 – give) Mr Green a talk about dangerous driving and (32– go) away. Then Mr Green (33 – start) up his car again. He (34 – think) his 250 pounds (35 – lose). When they (36 – be) near a small town the robber said to Mr Green: “You (37 – be) good to me. This (38 – be) the least I (39– can) do in return.” And he (40 – hand) Mr Green the policeman’s notebook.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I’ve just bought... copy of his latest book.

a) –, b) a, c) the, d) any.

2. ... in my class likes him.

a) All, b) All pupils, c) All the pupils, d) Everyone.

3. Jack left ... Paris last week.

a) in, b) for, c) from, d) to.

4. They ... yet.

a) didn’t arrive, b) haven’t arrived, c) hadn’t arrived, d) don’t arrive.

5. Turn right... the end of the street.

a) at, b) in, c) to, d) on.

6. Nelly is ... at History than Jane but worse at French.

a) as good, b) not so good, c) better, d) best.

7. A young man asked if we ... students.

a) are, b) were, c) have been, d) shall be.

8. I have asked some friends ... for tea.

a) to go, b) to stay, c) to bring, d) to drink.

9. Has he of his decision?

a) talked, b) said, c) told, d) spoke.

10. She made her husband ... the tree,

a) to cut down, b) cut down, c) to have cut down, d) cutting down.

11. When I entered they ... to music.

a) have listened, b) were listened, c) were listening, d) listen.

12. She spoke to ... person at the party.

a) few, b) a few, c) every, d) many.

13. I ... glasses since I was a child.

a) wear, b) am wearing, c) have been wearing, d) was wearing.

14. They took a rest after they ... the yard.

a) had cleaned up, b) were cleaning up, c) would clean up, d) have cleaned up.

15. I knew I’d forgotten ... .

a) somewhere, b) anywhere, c) something, d) anything.

16. You usually have dinner at home, ... ?

a) do you, b) don’t you, c) have you, d) haven’t you.

17. The police haven’t got... information to catch the robber.

a) some, b) enough, c) another, d) these.

18. I haven’t heard … you.

a) anyone call, b) anyone to call, c) someone call, d) someone

19. The news you’ve brought... much better than last time.

a) is, b) are, c) have been, d) were.

20. I hope I’ve got... mistakes in my test today.

a) little, b) less, c) fewer, d) fewest.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Ты знаешь, сколько ему лет?

2. Тебе следует больше заниматься английским.

3. Я думал, что ты знаешь это.

4. В каждом журнале есть что-то интересное.

5. Мы спросили их, купили ли они словарь.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. What is the Barbican?

a) a river, b) an art centre, c) a pop group, d) a cinema.

2. Where is Ben Nevis situated?

a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland.

3. Who is the head of the state in Britain?

a) Mayor, b) Prime Minister, c) Queen, d) Speaker.

4. What is standing in the middle of Piccadilly?

a) the Statue of Eros, b) the Statue of Pan, c) the Statue of Cromwell, d) the Marble Arch.

5. What is soccer?

a) American football, b) hockey, c) squash, d) boat-racing.


I. Прочитайте текст в ответьте на вопросы.

A certain king was in the habit of writing verses. He thought highly of them. Since he was a king the people to whom he showed them tried to praise them too. Once he showed his verses to a wise man. The wise man didn’t like them. It made the king very angry and he put the man into prison. Some time passed and the king decided to set him free. The king invited him to dinner and showed him his new verses. Then he asked the wise man what he thought of them. The wise man turned to the king and said, “Send me back to prison.”


1. Was the king wise?

2. Why did the wise man ask to send him back to prison?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

The king thought highly of his verses.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

One bright afternoon Major Brown (1 – go) out for his usual after-dinner walk. The major (2 – be) a little man, very energetic and strong-looking. Some time before Major Brown (3 – retire) from the army and now (4 – live) on a small pension. He (5 – be) a brave and successful solider but he never (6 – like) being a military man. He (7 – take) a small house in London and (8 – devote) the rest of his life to growing his favourite flowers – pansies in his little garden.

As the major slowly (9 – walk) along a narrow street he suddenly (10– see) a most pleasant sight. A large, heavy man (11 – push) before him a barrow full of pansies. The major never (12 – see) such beautiful flowers. He (13 – come) up to the man and (14– begin) to talk to him. At first he only (15 – want) to buy some of the pansies but finally he (16 – decide) to buy them all.

“I (17 – tell) you something, sir,” (18 – say) the man and (19 – look) around. “If you (20– interest) in such things, you just get on to that wall,” and the man (21 – point) to the garden wall by which they (22 – stand). “The finest collection of yellow pansies in England (23 – be) in that garden,” whispered the man. How it (24 – happen) no one ever (25 – know) but the fact (26 – be) that a second later the major (27 – stand) on the garden wall. At |the next moment he (28 – forget) everything. In the very centre of the garden he (29 – see) a large bed of the most beautiful yellow pansies. But it (30– be) not the beauty of the pansies that (31 – surprise) him. It (32 – be) something else: the pansies (33 – arrange) in gigantic capital letters which (34– form) the sentence “Death to Major Brown.” An old man (35 – water) them. Brown (36 – look) back at the road behind him. The man with the barrow (37 – disappear). Then he (38 – look) again at the flowerbed, that had the terrible words. The evening air (39 – be) so still, the garden (40 – look) so quiet. Suddenly Major Brown (41 – see) the watering can (42 – fall) from the old man’s hand.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Mother doesn’t have much free time. Neither ... .

a) do I, b) do I have, c) I do, d) I am.

2. It has been snowing all day. I wonder when ... .

a) will it stop, b) does it stop, c) it stops, d) it will stop.

3. This is ... useful advice.

a) such, b) such a, c) so, d) so a.

4. I have two rooms. One is a bedroom, and ... is a sitting room.

a) other, b) the other, c) another, d) others.

5. He ... his hat to welcome us.

a) rose, b) has risen, c) raised, d) is rising.

6. I haven’t the slightest idea of what I ... to do in this situation.

a) could, b) ought, c) would, d) should.

7. They let their children ... different pets at home.

a) keeps, b) keeping, c) keep, d) to keep.

8. You have to support your children, ... ?

a) have you, b) haven’t you, c) do you, d) don’t you.

9. We all ... mistakes when we are young.

a) do, b) make, c) did, d) made.

10. Something is wrong with the watch. Can you repair ... ?

a) they, b) it, c) them, d) its.

11. She looks

a) happily, b) happy, c) nicely, d) beautifully.

12. I’ll give the book back as soon as he ... it.

a) will want, b) want, c) wants, d) doesn’t want.

13. When the phone rang I ... a bath.

a) had, b) was having, c) had been having, d) have been had.

14. Не ... whenever he goes to the theatre.

a) is boring, b) has bored, c) bores, d) is bored.

15. If it... rain, we’ll have the party outside.

a) won’t, b) wouldn’t, c) doesn’t, d) didn’t.

16. When I arrived at the party, Tom ... home.

a) had already gone, b) has already gone, c) already went, d) have already gone.

17. Is that the man ... yesterday?

a) you’re met, b) met you, c) you met, d) has met you.

18. We couldn’t find the cat....

a) any, b) nowhere, c) anywhere, d) everywhere.

19. He won’t let anyone ... his records.

a) to touch, b) to have touched, c) touch, d) touching.

. 20. ... already dark outside.

a) There was, b) It was, c) There had been, d) It had been.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером?

2. Я опоздала на десять минут.

3. Кто из вас самый старший в семье?

4. Можно мне еще чаю?

5. Мы спросили, сколько времени нам потребуется, чтобы добраться поездом до Ярославля.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. What is Humpty Dumpty?

a) a toy, b) an egg, c) an animal, d) a bird.

2. Where is the official residence of the Queen?

a) Chatham House, b) Regent Palace, c) Westminster Palace,

d) Buckingham Palace.

3. What is Benjamin Britten?

a) an architect, b) a composer, c) a writer, d) a politician.

4. What is the emblem of Wales?

a) Rose, b) Leek, c) Thistle, d) Shamrock.

5. What’s the name of the Queen’s eldest son?

a) Charles, b) Philip, c) Andrew, d) Edward.


I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

A driver who was going in his car at a great speed through the country road saw a man crossing the road and a dog following him. As the car drew near them the dog suddenly stopped, was hit by the car and killed. The driver stopped his car and came up to the man. “I am very sorry for what has happened,” he said. “Will 50 dollars be enough for the killed dog?” – “Oh, yes,” said the man, “50 dollars will be quite enough. ‘The man put the money in his pocket and when the driver disappeared in the distance, looked at the dog and thought, ‘I wonder whose dog it was.”


1. Did the man feel very unhappy that the dog had been killed?

2. Why was he happy to get 50 dollars?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

A driver was going in his car at a great speed through the country road.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.


There (1 – be) a very interesting story in the morning paper about a man who just (2 – inherit) 50,000 dollars. The newspaper article (3 – be) quite detailed. It (4 – say) that the man always (5 – behave) very strangely.

What others (6 – like) he (7 – dislike) and what most people (8 – enjoy) he (9– hate). He (10 – not bear) the sun, but he (11 – take) long walks in the rain without a raincoat or umbrella. He always (12 – see) the black side of everything. He (13 – find) fault with the best picture of the year but he (14– stay) up late watching very old films on TV.

Last week his uncle (15 – die) and (16 – leave) him 50,000 dollars. Perhaps the uncle (17 – be) rather strange too. Or perhaps he (18 – know) about his nephew’s strange preferences – one of them, anyway – and (19 – decide) to try and cure him.

In his will the old man (20 – insist) that the nephew (21 – spend) half the inheritance within the next two years. In case he (22 – fail) to do that the money (23 – give) to a university. Everyone (24 – want) to know what the nephew (25 – do). You see, the thing he (26 – hate) most of all (27 – be) to part with his money.


There (1 – be) always a big problem with Rex. Mr Smith never (2 – know) where he (3 – go). He (4 – try) to keep him in the garden but it (5 – be) no good. Rex always (6 – bring) something home with him.

One day Mr Smith (7 – come) home tired and (8 – be) soon fast asleep. He (9 – wake up) by a loud knock at the door. Rex (10 – look) at him with one eye. Mr Smith (11 – get up) and (12 – surprise) to see a policeman in the doorway. The policeman (13 – apologize) and told him that there (14 – be) a thief in the district stealing from the local shops small things like sweets, chocolates... Mr Smith said that if he (15 – notice) anything he (16 – let) the policeman know. But he knew who it (17 – be).

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The gunman ... the pilot of the plane to change direction.

a) demanded, b) made, c) controlled, d) forced.

2. Be sure to read ... Chapter 3.

a) a, b) – , c) an, d) the.

3. The doctor said he ... be all right soon.

a) shall, b) should, c) will, d) would.

4. This bag ... for all occasions.

a) is used, b) used, c) is using, d) has used.

5. Nobody heard him ... the house.

a) to leave, b) left, c) leave, d) have left.

6. If I ... money I’ll buy the book.

a) have, b) had, c) will have, d) would have.

7. He could open the book most ... .

a) easy, b) easily, c) easiest, d) easier.

8. ... there any news in your father’s letter?

a) Are, b) Were, c) Have, d) Is.

9. The hall was full... smoke.

a) with, b) of, c) off, d) for.

10. I’d like you ... the mirror a bit higher.

a) rise, b) raise, c) to raise, d) to rise.

11. The student had to read it twice, ... ?

a) had he, b) hadn’t he, c) did he, d) didn’t he.

12. ... something strange in her appearance.

a) There is, b) It is, c) This is, d) That is.

13. The hat is ... fashionable!

a) so, b) such, c) the, d) this.

14. I ... you for five years.

a) don’t see, b) didn’t see, c) haven’t seen, d) doesn’t see.

15. Don’t go out. It... hard.

a) rain, b) rains, c) had rained, d) is raining.

16. They don’t think so, ... .

a) so do you, b) so I do, c) neither I do, d) neither do I.

17. Have they bought it ... ?

a) yet, b) ever, c) just, d) never.

18. She sings extremely ....

a) good, b) bad, c) well, d) fine.

19. He is fond of... speeches in public.

a) make, b) makes, c) making, d) doing.

20. She ... the article and wants to show it to the teacher.

a) was translating, b) translated, c) has translated, d) translate.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Вам придется завтра рано встать.

2. Эту книгу можно найти в любом магазине.

3. Если я не поступлю в институт, то буду искать работу.

4. Мало надежды на то, что мы достанем билеты.

5. Он сказал, что ждет уже час.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. What is the nickname of the Conservative Party?

a) the Tories, b) the Whigs, c) the Libs, d) the Whips.

2. What monument is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

a) Cromwell’s statue, b) Nelson’s Column, c) Queen’s statue,

d) Edward Elgar’s statue.

3. Which animal can look at the Queen?

a) a dog, b) a cat, c) a lion, d) a tiger.

4. What’s the name of Sir Churchill?

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