The Fundamental fields of Mechanics

Theoretical Mechanics. It is as old as mechanics itself. It makes research in various trends. The theories of stable motion, of automatic and optimal operations, the dynamics of flight, etc. are treated. The problems concerning the behaviour of mass-points, motion, density, liquids, gases, plasma and their states are dealt with. Ideal physical and mechanical models are introduced to make formulation of mechanics possible with the aid of differential and integral calculus.

Analytical Mechanics formulated at least 200 years ago studies systems of mass-points or rigid bodies, finite in number. Analytic methods and the methods of differential equations are used.

Applied Mechanics. The theory of machines and mechanical devices, the theories of vibrations, regulations, gyroscope, automatic control, etc. are developed. Most problems are of engineering and manufacturing aspect.

Electromechanics commonly implies the interaction of currents with fluids and the construction of practical electromechanical energy-converting devices. The theory covers topics regarding the nature of the mechanical and electrical properties of the interacting medium. It makes a great difference whether the fluid is a gas, a liquid, or a plasma to say nothing of the diversity of properties associated with each of these media.

Hydrodynamics. Aerodynamics. Magnetohydrodynamics. Elektrohydro-dynamics. They are all based on classical Newton's mechanics and the model of material continuum. The theories of perfect fluid and viscous fluid, the perfectly flexible line, the membrane, gas and wave dynamics, the perfectly elastic solid, the infinitesimally visco-elastic material and plastic material, the phenomena in the Earth's interior and in its atmosphere are created.

Celestial Mechanics. Stellar Astronomy. Astrophysics. The investigations of the gravitational fields, celestial bodies with various configurations, the evolution of planetary and satellite systems and their stability, the motion of cosmic dust, topological peculiarities of the rotation of celestial bodies, stellar atmosphere, cosmic gas dynamics, the structure and evolution of stars, etc. are being performed in all these fields.

Задание 2. Задания по тексту.

II. Перепишите и переведите письменно текст на русский язык.

III. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

1) What theories are developed in applied Mechanics?

2) What does Electromechanics commonly imply?

3) What problems does Theoretical Mechanics deal with?

IV. Составьте 3 специальных и 3 общих вопроса к первому и второму абзацам текста.

Задание 3. Грамматические задания.

V. Перепишите следующие предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Do you know what this table (make / is made) of?

2. The first telegraph line (built / was built) in America in 1844.

3. This town is changing all the time. Many of the old buildings (are being pulled down / are pulling down).

4. Some American programmes (show / are shown) on our television.

5. Oh dear! The vase (has broken / has been broken) into lots of small pieces.

VI. Перепишите, подчеркните форму страдательного залога и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности употребления пассивного залога в английском языке.

1. The telegram was followed by a letter.

2. Samuel Morse is often credited with the invention of the telegraph.

3. In 1843 Morse was раid by Congress to build the first telegraph Line in the USA.

4. The letter will be answered tomorrow.

5. Children are taught foreign languages at school.

VII. Перефразируйте, употребив пассивную форму сказуемого (исполнителя действия можно не указывать, если в этом нет необходимости), и переведите новые предложения.


We test each piece of equipment very carefully

Each piece of equipment is tested very carefully. –Каждыйобразецоборудованияиспытываюточеньтщательно.

1. Samuel Morse didn’t actually invent the telegraph.

2. Usually people credit Morse with the invention of the telegraph.

3. By 1838 Morse had developed his code.

4. He also introduced the daguerreotype, an early form of photography.

5. Samuel Morse perfected the telegraph after the twelve years of effort.

VIII. Выберите правильный вариант и в скобках обозначьте форму времени и залога глагола-сказуемого:

1) An experiment______next week on Monday.

a) will be made c) is made

b) will make d) is being made

2)The article______already discussed.

a) is being c) has been

b) has d) was

3) The key______for everywhere but it______

a) was looked, hasn't found

b) has been looked, didn't find

c) is looked, hasn't been found

d) has been looked, hasn't been found

4) The work______yet.

a) hasn't been finished c) hasn't finished

b) wasn't finished d) didn't finish

5) The bridge______by tomorrow morning.

a) will have been reconstructed

b) is being reconstructed

c) will be reconstructed

d) wasreconstructed

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