Замените придаточные предложения соответствующими инфинитивными оборотами.


I am sorry I am bothering you. – I am sorry to be bothering you.

1. I am glad I've met you.

2. I was sorry I had disturbed him.

3. I expect I'll have passed all my exams by June.

4. It seems that you are making a mistake. – You seem…

5. I'm happy that I've a chance to talk to you.

6. I was disappointed that I had missed the party.

7. It seems that she has got lost. – She seems…

8. She was pleased that she had found the house.

9. Charles is sorry that he has wasted time at the University.

10. Edna was glad that she was asked to join the cheerleading team.

11. We are quite happy that we have been exchanging our information with your laboratory for a number of years.

12. Alex is not surprised that he has been given a warm reception there.

Закончите предложения, используя инфинитивные обороты.


The supermarket has a car park for the customers to park their cars in.

1. The hotel has a gym for the guests … .

2. The school has a playground for the children … .

3. The office block has a restaurant for the staff … .

4. The bus has a bin (мусорная корзина) for the passengers … .

5. The youth club has a cloakroom (раздевалка) for the members … .

6. The plane has lockers (ящики) for the passengers … .

7. The University has a library for the students … .

8. The bus station has benches for the people … .

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Прежде чем переводить текст, необходимо внимательно прочитать его.

2. Профессор Смит всегда последним уходит с кафедры.

3. Этот раздел слишком сложен, и поэтому его невозможно понять без предварительной подготовки.

4. Чтобы решить эту проблему, нам придется вернуться к предыдущему материалу.

5. Их цель – разработать новый метод проведения опытных исследований.

6. Ник попросил проинформировать его обо всех возможных изменениях в повестке дня.

7. Ей бы хотелось, чтобы ее познакомили с новыми коллегами.

8. Чтобы добраться до вокзала, вам нужно сесть на автобус № 1 и проехать 4 остановки, затем вам следует выйти и пройти два квартала вперед.

9. Не могли бы вы дать мне что-нибудь почитать?

10. Что вы сделали, для того чтобы помочь им?

Инфинитив и герундий

The Gerund and the Infinitive

Сравнение смысловых различий в употреблении герундия и инфинитива после приведённых ниже глаголов:

Глагол + Герундий + Инфинитив
  Прошлое действие или событие Настоящее или будущее действие или событие
1. remember forget We don't remember even seeing you. I'll never forget flying for the first time. Please remember to post the letter. Don't forget to feed the cat, will you?
2. regret He regrets saying it. I'll always regret not going to university. I regret to say that you are not right. We regret to inform you that you are not accepted.
3. stop They stopped talking. Они перестали разговаривать. They stopped to talk. Они остановились, чтобы поговорить.
  Пассивное значение Активное значение
4. need want require The windows need cleaning.(need to be cleaned) Your car wants washing. This water requires filtering. I need to call them. She wants to redecorate the kitchen. You need to filter this water.


1. Выберите правильный вариант: инфинитив или герундий.

1. I stopped … television, because the film was boring.

a) to watch b) watching

2. I stopped … him, but he didn't notice me.

a) to greet b) greeting

3. My father promised … me a computer.

a) to buy b) buying

4. I tried … my bike, but couldn't.

a) mending b) to mend

5. "I'm willing … a chance", he said.

a) to take b) taking

6. He kept the conversation ball … by asking questions now and then.

a) to roll b) rolling

7. He continued … silently.

a) to drive b) driving

8. I suggested … a CD for his birthday.

a) to buy b) buying

9. I advise you … tickets in advance.

a) to book b) booking

10. They managed … the product at the beginning of July.

a) to launch b) launching

11. Don't worry! I won't forget … your cats.

a) to feed b) feeding

12. My mother never forgets … our cat, but I sometimes do.

a) to feed b) feeding

13. Where do you like … your holidays?

a) to spend b) spending

14. I refused … on a walk because the weather was too bad.

a) to go b) going

15. I can't stand … at restaurants.

a) to eat b) eating

16. My husband hates … .

a) to shop b) shopping

17. I don't mind … at all.

a) to cook b) cooking

18. This problem isn't worth … .

a) to discuss b) discussing

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