Буква N: сочетания ng, nk, nc

Буквосочетание ng в конце слова читается как звук [ŋ],

thing [ðıŋ]

sing, ring, bring, string, king, bank, pang, gang, rang, sang, hang, clang, slang, banging, hanging, clanging, song, tong, strong, long, along, rung, hung, lung, dung, sung, stung, hang, hung, sting, sling, bang, longing

Буквосочетания nk/nc читаются как [ŋk],

ink [ıŋk]

Sing [sıŋ] song [sɒŋ] ring [rıŋ] wrong [rɒŋ] singer[sıŋə] longing ['lɔŋɪŋ] hanging[hæŋıŋ] think [θɪŋk] thank [θæŋk] uncle ['ʌŋkl] ankle ['æŋkl]

Ink, wink, clink, blink, pink, sink, stink, chink, fank, rank, bank, lank, tank, drank, prank, crank, Frank, sunk, chunk ,junk, runk, blank, rank, drinking, sinking

Буква P: сочетание ph дает звук [f],

Photo ['fəutəu], phone [fəun], elephant ['elɪfənt]

в окружении гласных может давать звук [v]

nephew ['nefju:], [-vju:]

phosphate, Ralph, phone, Philip, asphalt, nephew, elephant, emphatic, telephone, telegraph, phantom

Буква S, s

а) В начале слова и в конце слова после глухих согласных буква s передает звук [s]:

so, same, sun, side, stand, lamps, takes, Pete's

б) После гласных и звонких согласных букв s передает звук [z]:

his, has, gives, plans, globes, Tom's


us [ʌs] bus [bʌs]

в) Находясь между гласными, буква s обычно передает звук [z]:

rise, rose, nose, to use

Сочетание ss может звучать как [ ʃ]

admission expression confession permission

Буквосочетание sh дает звук [ʃ ]

shine, shade, ship, shop, rush, fish, wish

dash, cash, gash, lash, mash, rash, sash, dish, fish, wish, gush, mush, hush, rush, sheep, sheet, sheen, shod, shot, shop, ship, shin, shun, shut

буквосочетание sc дает звук [s] пред буквами e, i, y. В остальных случаях читается как [sk]

scissors ['sɪzəz] science ['saɪəns]

screen [skri:n] scratch [skræʧ] script [skrɪpt]

Буква T,t, сочетание th

th имеет два звуковых значения: глухое [θ] и звонкое [ð] :

В английском языке звонкий [ð] встречается в служебных словах (артикль, местоимение, предлог и т. д.) и в середине других слов в результате озвончения глухого [θ] окружающими его гласными.

that [ðæt] , then [ðen], the [ðe],there [ðeə] mother ['mʌðə] father ['fɑːðə]

than, then, them, this, thus, that, thou, thee

в остальных случаях th указывает на глухой звук [θ] .

thing [θıŋ], thrill [θrıl] think [θɪŋk]

bath, path, hath, Smith, cloth, tooth, thin, thing, think, thick, three, thank, throat, throne, filth, forth, north, south, mouth

Буква W,w, сочетания wr, wh

В буквосочетании wr читается только [r] в начале слова перед гласными

write [raıt], wrong [rɒŋ], wrap [ræp], wrist [rɪst], wreck [rek]

wrench, write, wrote, written, wrought, wren, wring, wriggle, wrinkle, wrung, wreck, wrangle

Буквосочетание wh

1) В начале слова, перед всеми гласными, кроме O это сочетание читается как [w],

When [wen], which [wıtʃ], why [waı], while [waıl]

When, white, which, whip, whale, wheat, wheel, whim, white,

2) Перед гласной O читается как [h]:

whose [hʋ:z] , whole [həʋl] , who [hʋ:], whom [hʋ:m]

Буква X,x

Перед согласными и в конце слова дает звук [ks]

excuse [`iks`kju:z], box [boks]

Между двумя гласными - [gz]

example [ig`za:mpl] exam [ig`zem]

В начале слов перед гласной [z]

xenon [`zenon], xylophone ['zaɪləfəun]

exist, expect, expel, explore, exclaim, excuse, expense, export, exert, exhale, extend, expert

Чтение согласных буквосочетаний

ck [ k ]   black, stick
ng [ ŋ ]   sing, bring, ring, reading
sh [ ∫ ]   she, shop, fish
ph [ f ]   phone, photograph
[ v ]   nephew
th [ [ð ]   this, that, the
[ θ ]   thank, thick
[ t ]   Thames
wh [ w ]   when, white, why
[ h ] who, whole, whose
kn [ [n ]   know, knife
wr [ r ]   write, wrong
gh [ f ]   enough
[ - ]   high
gn [ [n ]   sign
ss [ [s ]   possible
[ ∫ ]   pressure
sc [ sk ]   screen
[ s ]   scene
nk [ ŋk ]   think
ch [ t∫ ]   chess
[ k ]   chemistry
[ ∫ ]   machine
tch [ t∫ ]   match

Буквосочетания mb, mn

В конце слова в буквосочетаниях [mb] и [mn] звуки [b] и [n] отпали, произносится только [m].
lamb [læm], bomb [bɒm], limb [lım], autumn [ɔ:tm], hymn[hım], comb [kəum]

climb [klaɪm], thumb [θʌm], dumb [dʌm]

Буквосочетание bt

на конце слова читается только [t]:

debt [det] doubt [daut]

"Немая буква" В каких буквосочетаниях Примеры
b g n g k l w bt gn whe, whi igh kn ould alk who wr doubt design, sign when, while height, weight, fight knowledge, knife should, could, would walk whos, whole write, wrong

http://envoc.ru/code/pravila/sogl.php - подробные правила чтения и озвученные буквосочетания

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oQd4GH4tr5g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5YOC7fm_K0&feature=player_embedded

видео о чтении буквосочетаний с согласными.



Сочетания с гласной A


[ei] paint train gain grain stain rain play say day pay

bay may stay bray nay stray clay pay sway day play tray gray pray way

hay ray lay say


[a:]: pass, master, past, ask, task, mask, plaster, vast


[a:]: father, path, rather, bath
wa[ɔ:]: water ['wɔ:tə], ward [wɔ:d], warm [wɔ:m]

[ɔ] перед k, g и в словах want [wɒnt], wash [wɒʃ], what [wɒt], was [wɒz], watch [wɒtʃ].

A l + согласная

[ɔ:]: also, false, ball, halt, small, hall


talk , walk , chalk stalk, balk


balk calm palm alms balm


[ɔ:]: cause, pause, because, autumn, August, author, law, saw, raw, lawn

claw raw jigsaw draw saw outlaw flaw slaw seesaw gnaw straw withdraw

jaw thaw law paw

Исключение aunt [ɑ:nt]

Сочетания с гласной E


1. [i:] teapea eat speak please meal sealean read clean teacher

beat meat defeat bleat neat repeat cheat peat retreat cleat pleat eat seat

feat treat heat wheat

2. [e] treasure instead bread head breakfast sweat dead ready

3. [eı] steak great break


[i:] treefeed beefeel feepeel feet meet green see tree three street week

bleed need agreed breed reed exceed creed seed indeed deed speed proceed

feed steed succeed greed tweed heed weed

Ei/Ey (последнее обычно в конце слов)

1. [eı]. eight [eıt] , weight [weıt] , they [ðeı] , grey [greı].

2. [aı], например: eye [aı], height [haıt], either['aıðə], neither ['naıðə]

Исключение - key [kı:]

Eu/Ew(последнее обычно в конце слов)

1. [ju:] knew,dew, few,neutral ['njʋ:trəl] , Europe ['jʋ:rəp]

2. [u:] chewblewgrew

flew slew brew grew spew chew knew stew crew mew threw dew new

drew pew few screw

Сочетания с гласной I

ie, как правило, отражает долгий звук [ı:]

field [fı:ld] , chief [tʃı:f] , piece [pı:s] , niece [nı:s],yield [jı:ld]

исключение friend [frend]


[ai] highlight sighsight night fight might

Ild, ind

[ai] mild, child, wild, grind, mind, kind, bind, grind

Исключения: wind[wınd], window [wınd əu], children ['tʃıldrən], to hinder ['hındə]

Сочетания с гласной O


[əu] coat oak boat


1.[u:] soon moon

2. [u] book [buk] hook [huk] look [luk] good [gud] foot [fut] flood [fud]

book rook checkbook brook shook fishhook cook took handbook crook mistook

hook notebook look outlook nook overlook


1. [au] loud house mouse round blouse

2. [ʌ] touch


1. [au] (в середине слов) brown down town flower (исключения - now how )

2. [əu] (в конце слов) crowknow window yellow show slow follow pillow fellow shallow snow grow blow


[ɔi] coin point, oyster, boy,joy, join, foil

O перед согласными m, n, th, v

[ʌ] front, some, dove, brother, glove, won, mother, come.

O перед st

[əu] host, most, post

ol+ согласная

[əu] old [əu ld] , told [t əu ld] , sold [s əu ld] , bolt [b əu lt]

bold scold marigold cold sold retold fold told scaffold gold behold hold

mold old

Сочетания с гласной U


Например: bull [bʋl] , full [fʋl] , pull [pʋl]
Исключение- dull [dʌl]


[kw] square [skweə], question ['kwesʧən], queen [kwi:n], aquarium [ə'kweərɪəm], quarter ['kwɔ:tə]

Сочетания -tion/sion звучат как [ʃn]

Action, protection, tradition, intention, fiction, station, plantation, information, starvation,

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