Tense forms (the active voice)

  Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive
Present I ask   you ask   he asks   she asks   it asks   we ask   they ask I am asking   you are asking   he is asking   she is asking   it is asking   we are asking   they are asking I have asked   you have asked   he has asked   she has asked   it has asked   we have asked   they have asked I have been asking you have been asking he has been asking she has been asking it has been asking we have been asking they have been asking
Past I asked   you asked   he asked   she asked   it asked   we asked   they asked I was asking   you were asking he was asking   she was asking   it was asking   we were asking   they were asking I had asked   you had asked   he had asked   she had asked   it had asked   we had asked   they had asked I had been asking you had been asking he had been asking she had been asking it had been asking we had been asking they had been asking
Future I will ask   you will ask   he will ask   she will ask   it will ask   we will ask   they will ask I will be asking   you will be asking he will be asking she will be asking it will be asking we will be asking they will be asking I will have asked you will have asked he will have asked she will have asked it will have asked we will have asked they will have asked I will have been asking you will have been asking he will have been asking she will have been asking it will have been asking we will have been asking they will have been asking
  Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive
Future-in-the Past I would ask   you would ask     he would ask   she would ask   it would ask   we would ask   they would ask I would be asking you would be asking   he would be asking she would be asking it would be asking we would be asking they would be asking I would have asked you would have asked   he would have asked she would have asked it would have asked we would have asked they would have asked I would have been asking you would have been asking he would have been asking she would have been asking it would have been asking we would have been asking they would have been asking

Appendix 1


  Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive
Present I am asked   you are asked   he is asked   she is asked   it is asked   we are asked   they are asked I am being asked you are being asked he is being asked she is being asked it is being asked we are being asked they are being asked I have been asked you have been asked he has been asked she has been asked it has been asked we have been asked they have been asked  
Past I was asked   you were asked   he was asked   she was asked   it was asked   we were asked   they were asked I was being asked you were being asked he was being asked she was being asked it was being asked we were being asked they were being asked I had been asked you had been asked he had been asked she had been asked it had been asked we had been asked they had been asked  
Future I will be asked   you will be asked he will be asked she will be asked it will be asked   we will be asked they will be asked   I will have been asked you will have been asked he will have been asked she will have been asked it will have been asked we will have been asked they will have been asked  


  Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive
Future-in-the-Past I would be asked you would be asked   he would be asked she would be asked it would be asked we would be asked they would be asked   I would have been asked you would have been asked he would have been asked she would have been asked it would have been asked we would have been asked they would have been asked  

Appendix 3


The Main Clause Conjunction The Subordinate Clause The Example
will + Simple Infinitive will + Progressive Infinitive The Imperative Mood if unless in case provided that The Present Simple The Present Progressive I'll be glad if he comes. I'll be seeing you tomorrow unless I'm held up at school. Please phone me in case you can'tcome in time. We'll give you a refund provided that you show our receipt, in case we don't get you'll get it you’ll get no money
would +Simple Infinitive would + + Progressive Infinitive might/could + + Simple Infinitive might/could + + Progressive Infinitive if unless The Past Indefinite The Past Subjunctive ("were") If they knew about our problems, they would help us out. If you had a thousand dollars, what would you do? If I were you, I wouldn't be so optimistic. If John could be more assertive, he would certainly get the job. If it were not for his stupidity, he wouldn't be in trouble.
would + Perfect Infinitive would + Perfect Progressive Infinitive might/could + + Perfect Infinitive might/could + + Perfect Progressive Infinitive if unless The Past Perfect If Martha hadn't left her glasses at home, she would have seen the notice. If he had been more attentive, he might have heard the announcement. If it hadn't been for the traffic jam, we might have got home in time.

Note: If it were not for his stupidity, he wouldn't be in trouble. = But for his stupidity, he wouldn't be in trouble.

If it hadn't been for the traffic jam, we might have got home in time. = But for the traffic jam we might have got home in time.

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