VII. The Past Perfect Passive

Exercise 1

Brian came home last night and found that his flat had been broken into. He made a list for the police describing ail the things that had happened. Make up sentences using the Past Perfect Passive according to the pattern.

> Pattern: clothes/throw on the floor

When Brian came home, he found that his clothes had been thrown on the floor.

1. front door lock/break

2. mirror/smash


4. money/take

5. furniture/move

6. wine/drink

7. posters/tear down

8. books/remove from the shelves

9. desk drawer/break

10. food from the fridge/eat

11. watch/smash

12. wife's diamonds/steal

13, milk/spill on the carpet

14. dog/put to sleep

Exercise 2

Use the Past Progressive Passive or the Past Perfect Passive instead of the Infinitives in brackets.

1. I couldn't use my car last Sunday. It (to fix).

2. When I got to the parking lot, I didn't find my car. It (to steal).

3. We didn’t go to the party because we (not to invite).

4. When I phoned Mark, he told me that my wireless still (to repair), so I couldn't come and get it.

5. When the taxi arrived, the things still (to pack).

6. When the taxi arrived, the things (to pack) already.

7. In the dining-room Johnny still (to give) a lecture on table manners.

8. There were no tickets left when we came. They all (to sell out).

9. When Mother came, the room locked spotless. Everything (to tidy up).

10. When they arrived home, the preparations still (to make).

ll. I (to ask) a lot of questions before they agreed I knew nothing.

12. When I came into the room, the students still (to ask) questions.

13. When the guests came, everything (to do) already, and the kettle (to boil).

14.By the time we got home, everything was quiet. The children (to put) to bed.

15. I heard some noise upstairs. 'What's going on?' I asked and got an answer that little Kate (to put) to bed.

16. After he (to promise) the job, he felt quite jubilant.

VIII. The Future Perfect Passive

Exercise 1

Make up sentences using the Future perfect Passive according to the pattern.

> Pattern:By the time you get there (everything/to do).

By the time you get there everything will have been done.

1. By next summer (the swimming pool/to build) in this street.

2. By three o'clock (my work/to finish) already.

3. By the time you come back (the flat/to tidy up).

4. (The supper/to cook) by the time the children come from school?

5. By next year (this house/to reconstruct).

6. I hope by winter (this road/to repair).

7. I think by tomorrow (the question/to settle).

8. By the time he comes (all traces/to hide).

9. You can't go to the library at eight tomorrow. By that time (it/to close).

10. They think that by next winter (the reconstruction works/to finish) and they'll be able to let the tourists see the gallery.

Exercise 2

a) What do you think will/won't have been done in your street/district/city by 2000? 2010? 2020?

> Use: the Future Perfect Passive of the following verbs: to build, to create, to repair to reconstruct, to open, to close, to enlarge etc.

b) What changes wilt have occurred on Earth by the year 2050?

Ø Use: the Future Perfect Passive of the following verbs: to find, to invent, to discover, to build, to organize, to achieve etc.

The Imperative Mood

Exercise 1

Supply the appropriate form for the following imperative sentences.

1. ... the salt and pepper, please.

2. ... up! It's time to get up.

3. ... that pot! It's hot! You'll burn yourself.

4. ... pages 35 through 70 for tomorrow's class.

5; ... it easy! there's no need to be angry.

6. ... the window.

7. ... ! I can hear you. You don't have to yell.

8. ... this soup. It's delicious.

9. ... ! I am drowning!

10. ... the light on. It's getting dark here.

11. ... a newspaper on the way home.

12. ... anyone my secret. Do you promise?

13.... for me, please. I'll be ready in just a few minutes.

14. ... out! A ear is coming!

15.... this passage aloud. It's so funny, I'd like everyone to listen to it.

16.... on your raincoat. It might be cool outside.

17. ... your words! Think first, do not be rude.

18. ... the steps. They are very steep.

Exercise 2

Translate into English.

1. He ходите здесь! Это может быть опасно.

2. Давайте сделаем подарок для Мэри — у нее ведь день рождения.

3. Подождите минуту, я позову мистера Грина к телефону.

4. Смотри! Кажется, это то, что нам нужно!

5. Передайте, пожалуйста, белый соус.

6. Не читайте лежа, это вредно для глаз.

7. Не будите его. Он не спал уже два дня.

8. Давайте пойдем на каток вместе.

9. Медсестра, сделайте перевязку этому пациенту.

10. Возьмите зонт. Во второй половине дня обещали дождь.

11. Заканчивайте свои дела и поедем домой. Я подвезу Вас.

12. Давайте зайдём в это кафе. Здесь можно неплохо перекусить.

13. Не говорите никому, что видели меня. Я хочу сделать сюрприз своим родным.

14. Не делайте ничего, что бы могло помешать ходу дела. Держите меня в курсе.

15. Мистер Бэн просил Вас зайти к нему в 5 часов.

16. Она попросила меня отправить телеграмму её родителям.

17. Джон сказал, чтобы мы его не ждали.

18. Попросите его быть впредь более осторожным.

Modal Verbs


Exercise 1

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verb CAN.

1. I am sorry you won't let me look at the picture once again. But that can't be helped.

2. These words were unexpected for me, so what could I do or say?

3. I could not possibly let him tell Mother what he really thought of her.

4. 'Well, as soon as you are dry, you shall be varnished and framed and sent home. Then you can do what you like with yourself.’ (0. Wilde)

5. My head was still dizzy, my sight was dim, and my limbs were feeble; I could not soon recover myself.

You can't have forgotten that you assured me most solemnly that nothing in the world would induce you to send it to any exhibition.

7. 1 wish I could believe you were lying: I wish it more now than ever; since even you cannot explain this mysteryto me.

8. I cannot explain it to you but I have a subtle premonition of something terrible that is in store for us all.

9. Can it be that Jonathan had betrayed her feelings, her devotions, her affection towards the best in his nature?

10.There can have taken place a miracle for how, otherwise, they would be able to get through it all? How can they have forgotten the hostility separating them for decades?

11. Agnes left a couple of minutes ago and if you had come earlier you could have caught her.

12. You could have said at least that you did not agree with them. They don't know him as intimately as you do: you are his brother.

13.Can she have misplaced the jewels? By all means it is a good idea to warn the police about their loss.

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with CAN/COULD followed by the appropriate form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. ... this letter (to write) by Rodger a week ago? When I saw him last he did not even mention it to me.

2. Going to a picnic was a great pleasure for everybody; for the ladies ... (to talk) over all their household problems, the gentlemen ... (to discuss) politics without their family interfering and the children and dogs ... do whatever they liked.

3. How ... you (to trust) this man who has already caused so much trouble to your family by just his presence here?

4. Your answering machine has spoilt the last recording. I ... (not to recognise) the voice though it seemed fairly familiar.

5. ... she already (to study) at the University? I remember her at the age of five; she was the most amusing child I have ever seen.

6. I've known him for already fifteen years and I am perfectly certain that he ... (not to mean) that. You ... (to misunderstand) him or vice versa.

7. Here you are at last! You ... (to come) earlier: you were informed that I was ill.

8. There is little wonder that he has been imprisoned. I have always suspected that he ... even (to murder) someone, to say nothing about pilfering.

9. Why did not you ask me to help with your business? I ... (to do) something to save your money.

10. ... it be true that no one knew about the mine there? The whole board ... (not to miss) the informational note that had come from our partner there.

11. You ... (not to leave) possibly without seeing your sister inspite of all misunderstanding reigning between you two.

12. ... you still (to write) that essay on nature? Now I understand why all your written works contain so many facts and details and why their style is immaculate.

13.Unfortunately I ... (to attend) the conference but I hope Magnus will inform me about it, although he ... (to do) it on his arrival, a week ago, if he really planned to.

Exercise 3

Translate into English using CAN/COULD to express incredulity, doubt, astonishment and supposition.

1. He может быть, чтобы они уже знали об этом вчера. Я только вчера вечером все решил.

2. Неужели Алиса всё-таки решила работать учителем? Она так нетерпелива и капризна.

3. Не может быть, чтобы вы там были вчера: я там тоже была и не видела вас там.

4. Неужели газеты ещё не знают о том, что случилось в Парламенте сегодня утром?

5. Неужели всё это напрасно и я уже никогда не смогу выступать на соревнованиях и выигрывать?

6. Не может быть, чтобы его уволили, не объяснив, почему его работой недовольны.

7. Неужели он действительно сделает всё так, как обещал тебе? Это так на него не похоже.

8. Неужели он не сумеет отстоять своё мнение на заседании совета директоров?

9. Как они могли оставить её в таком неловком положении? Неужели никто так и не пришел ей на помощь?

10. Не может быть, чтобы вы были не в состоянии выполнить волю своего отца в отношении вашего младшего брата.

11. Они вполне могли забыть о том, что им надо быть дома в девять: дети так увлечены игрой!

12. Ты мог бы и присмотреть за бабушкой в моё отсутствие: ты же знаешь как она стара и слаба и что она не может обходиться без помощи.

13. Как же ты могла наговорить столько грубостей! Не может быть, чтобы ты действительно имела в виду то, что сказала.

14. Не может быть, чтобы это было бриллиантовое кольцо. Слишком уж низка цена на него.

15.Он вполне мог уйти на рыбалку рано утром и не предупредить вас. В этом случае он вернется к обеду.


Exercise 4

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verb MAY.

1. 'Shall I tell you of what it reminded me?'

'You may’.

‘Of the foul German spectre — the Vampire'.

2. This picture may not be ever shown to the public; you must remember it very well.

3. I wanted to be weak that I might avoid the awful passage of further suffering I saw laid out for me.

4. Georgiana said that I might use the guest rooms in her village cottage as well as her conservatory and gardens.

5. You might have telephoned to the embassy and settled everything with the visa so that I might leave this country.

6. You must have gone by the side door: your boots are muddy.

7. Jack might often be seen sitting on the porch with a pipe in his mouth, contemplating.

8. I asked if he might bring his wife down next Saturday.

9. Aunt Augusta has invited us both for dinner next Sunday but she is afraid you might be bored.

10.There was so much they had shared together and so much more they might have shared that they had not.

11. Joney said that I might take his car whenever I wanted it.

12. 'Did she say where she was going?'

'She may have left a message.'

13. 'Did she say where she was going?'

'No, but she might have left a message. She knows I am always getting so nervous when she leaves all of a sudden.'

14. 'What has happened to the dog? It is not here.'

'Mom may have taken it round for a walk in the park.'

15. She gave a shrug of impatience. This affair may well fade into nothing.'

Exercise 5

Fill in the blanks with MAY/MIGHT followed by the appropriate form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. 'Who is this elegant woman walking through the garden together with Annie?'

'I don't see from here but it... (to be) her mother. She is always so exquisitely dressed.'

2. '...I (to smoke) here?'

'Yes, it's perfectly all right with me — I never mind when people smoke.'

3. ‘I think we... (to go) skiing to Austria next February. I hope we'll 4p, Jacob is so keen on skiing.'

4. 'Where is Val?'

'I am not certain... I think he ... (to play) squash. Let's go and see if I am right.’

5. 'Where is Val?'

'I have heard something about his love for plants and flow­ers. So he ... (to go) already to the Botanic Gardens without waiting for us.'

6. Take your camera. There you ... (to come across) something worth remembering.

7. 'Why is he so impatient about returning home as soon as possible?'

'He ... (to hear) from his family and (to learn something that makes him return in a hurry.'

8. Don't turn off the light: father... (to come back) after dark. 'Why are you whispering all this when you can say it all aloud: we are alone.'

9. 'One never knows who ... (to listen) too.'

10. '... I (to look) around? The place is very pretty.'

'Yes, you ... . But don't forget that dinner is served here at seven.'

11. Joan did not approve of Michael's behaviour; she thought:

'He ... (to behave) in a more appropriate way: he knows it is difficult for me to justify his way of life.'

12. 'Where do you suppose he is now?'

'He ... (to be) in New York.'

13. You are welcome to come with me. You ... (to notice) things that I miss.

14. 'Molly, do you know where Mum ... (to put) her addressbook?'

'No, though I think it... (to lie) still in the hall.'

Exercise 6

Make up situations to illustrate the use of the modal verbs in the following sentences.

► Pattern: It might have been worse.

—Yesterday Mike invited me to a new programme in the circus but Michael did not come and I had to see it all alone. It was terrible.

— It might have been worse. I know Michael is crazy about two things: circus and parachute jumping. Can you imagine yourself doing the latter?

1. He may telephone yet.

2. He may not have recognized you.

3. You might have fallen.

4. He may be reading in his room.

5. From afar the house might have been taken for a small inn.

Exercise 7

Translate into English using MAY/MIGHT.

1. — Могу ли я позвонить из вашего офиса?

— Да, конечно, можете.

2. На этой выставке можно увидеть полотна выдающихся художников старой школы.

— Могу я поговорить с мистером Венелером?

—К сожалению, он отсутствует. Что я могу ему передать?

4. Может быть, не всё ещё потеряно, и они успеют предупредить его.

5. Возможно, он будет президентом страны. Мне очень этого хочется: он заслуживает этой чести.

6. Зачем ты поехал в горы? Ты же не умеешь даже стоять на лыжах. А если буря? Ты бы мог вообще оттуда не вернуться!

7. Из окна было видно, как ласточки, свившие гнездо под крышей сарая, кормят птенцов.

8. В Москве на главных улицах можно увидеть множество людей со всего света и услышать такие языки, названия которых вы даже не знаете.

9. Возможно, я простила бы Алису, но она продолжает испытывать мое терпение и дальше.

10. — А чем занимается этот юный изобретатель, Аллан?

— Возможно, он в эту минуту занят изобретением вечного двигателя, а, может быть, и ничего не делает.

11. Всё может произойти, но не теряйте присутствия духа и держитесь все вместе. Тогда вы непобедимы.

12. Возможно, вы и правы. В таком случае, нам есть что обсудить и о чём поспорить.

13. Вам нельзя входить в операционных блок. Сюда могут входить только хирурги и медсестры.

14. Можно мне позаниматься в вашей библиотеке? Такого богатого собрания книг я ещё нигде не видел.

15.Может быть, и его пригласят на ужин: он в последнее время стал часто захаживать к ним.

Exercise 8

Supply the correct form of the verbs CAN and MAY in the sentences expressing permission and prohibition.

1. You ... use my car tomorrow since I do not need it: I am staying at home.

2. 'I ... come in?'

'Yes, do, please.'

3. You... not smoke here. Look, there is a "No smoking" sign over the door.

4. You ... not do it without your parents' consent.

5. You ... go now; but remember what I have told you.

6. I ... not tell you about it. I have promised to keep silent about this.

7. You ... not watch this film until you have completed your homework.

8. No one ... sit down while the King is speaking.

9. Nigel said that I ... stay in his apartment while he was in New York putting his affairs in order.

10. Colonel said that I... come and see him whenever I thought I had important information for him.

Exercise 9

Paraphrase the following sentences using the verbs CAN/COULD and MAY/MIGHT where possible.

1. Perhaps she was busy yesterday and couldn't finish the task in time.

2. Is it possible that he is a good tennis player? I have never known him to be a sportsman.

3. Perhaps you forgot to lock the car door and somebody has stolen it.

4. It is impossible that he should not know about his sister's arrival.

5. Perhaps he will come in time.

6. Is it possible that she has followed her parents' advice?

7. Perhaps he is having lunch now.

8. It is possible that he has already come and you will soon hear from him.

9. It is impossible, I think, to cross this river: it is too wide and full-flowing.

10.Perhaps he will be invited too as he is a friend of Nick's.

11.Perhaps he telephoned but I was inmy office and the answering machine, probably, received his message.

Exercise 10

Translate into English rendering correctly the Russian expressions "может быть" and "не может быть".

1. а) Может быть, пойдёт снег.

b) Может быть, снега не будет.

c)Не может быть, чтобы пошёл снег.

d) Неужели будет снег?

2. а) Может быть, он знает вас.

b) Может быть, он не знает вас.

c) Не может быть, чтобы он знал вас.

d) Неужели он вас знает?

3. а) Может быть, они ждут нас.

b) Может быть, они не ждут нас.

c) Не может быть, чтобы они ждали нас.

d) Неужели они нас ждут?

4. а) Может быть, он потерял ключи.

b) Может быть, он и не терял ключи.

c) Не может быть, чтобы он потерял ключи.

d) Неужели он потерял ключи?

Exercise 11

Make up situations of your own using the following sentences in them. Try to show clearly the difference between the sentences containing the modal verb CAN and the ones containing the verb MAY. (For pattern see Exercise 6).

1. a) He may not be in now.

b) He may not have been in when you called him up.

2. a) He may not have heard from his family yet.

b) He can't have heard from his family.

3. a) He may be reading in his room.

b) He can be hiding somewhere.

4. a) He can't possibly have done it.

b) He may as well give you a lift.


Exercise 12

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the verb MUST.

1. 'No, Basil, you must tell me,' insisted Dorian Gray. 'I have a right to know'.

2. Dorian shook his head. 'You must not ask me about that, Basil'.

3. I must part with you for my whole life and I must begin a new existence amongst strange faces and strange scenes.

4. Since I haven't seen anything, the vision you had must have been unreal.

5. That woman was — must have been Grace Poole.

6. I always have a warm corner for Roberta. I must try and find her before I go abroad.

7. 'When does Mr. Johnson come back?'

'Next month'.

'You must be missing him terribly then'.

8. Mrs. Cromwell took us around her yacht. There was no doubt that it must have cost her a fortune.

9. 'Pull yourself together,' I said. 'You must be imagining all this'.

10. This house must have been pretty a long time ago.

11. Once a professional, one always must be a professional.

12. I haven't seen her for ages. She must have changed since then. I am sure I won't recognize her.

13. It must have been the golden hair that penetrated her with a sort of glowing and made her look like a fairy.

Exercise 13

Supply the correct form of the infinitive with the modal verb MUST.

1. His mind turned to the accident. It was the kind of thing which must (not to occur) again.

2. It is lovely to have you home again. We must (to have) a party to celebrate your arrival.

3. 'I must (to get) old,' she said, 'to be talking like that'.

'Nowadays big hotels must (to do) tremendous business,' thought old Jolyon.

5. 'You must (to be) right. I am not going to argue with you since I share your point of view.

6. But at last he rose realizing dully that he had work which he must (to do).

7. I must (to sit) there for a quarter of an hour waiting and thinking about it before I saw the letter.

8. He had said that he himself was an admirer of French philosophers. This must (to influence) him in making his decision.

9. At half past eight came Lucy, wet to the skin. She must (to wait) for Sid since the rain had started.

10. Someone of us two must (to go away) to prevent a disaster. We definitely can't work together.

11. The old lady must (to be) a beauty оnсе. Susy wished to see Mrs. Durley's picture to find out if she was right.

12. Bring me that cigarette-case. It must (to lie) on the salver in the hall.

13. Nick brought the repaired bicycle. He must (to work) since early morning today to finish in time.

Exercise 14

Make up your own questions and give affirmative and negative answers according to the pattern.

> Pattern: Must I read this article too?

—Yes, you must.

—No, you needn't.

Exercise 15

Make up situations to justify the use of the modal verb MUST. For pattern see Exercise 6.

1. He must be working.

He must have worked.

He must have been working.

2. He must never have been poor.

He must have failed to come in time.

He must have misunderstood you.

Exercise 16


Paraphrase the following sentences using MUST to express supposition. Try to avoid using the negative particle NOT.

1. I am perfectly certain that he did not manage to catch the train.

2. I am sorry! Now I see that I did not recognize you.

3. I am sure that he was not noticed by anyone of us.

4. She definitely did not understand this rule.

5. He obviously did not know that he was awkward.

6. He evidently did not answer his mother's message.

7. He evidently wasn't worrying about anything.

8. He is sure to be not very careful to have broken your favourite vase.

9. I am sure the information they have given us is not perfectly correct.

10. He was certain he had not a fair chance of winning: he wasn't in good form for recently he had gone through a serious trauma.

11. He did not seem to be conscious of having said the wrong thing.

12. I am sure they did not do anything about their report. I don't see any changes.

13. She did not seem to be experienced in swimming though she said she was.


Translate into English paying attention to the way you render supposition in the future and in negative sentences.

1. Он, должно быть, не осознавал, что вёл себя бестактно.

2. Они, должно быть, ничего не заметили и поэтому не стали волноваться.

3. Я, должно быть, не так произнесла Вашу фамилию! Извините!

4. Вы, должно быть, не осознали важности происходящего.

5. Вас, скорее всего, никто не заметил. Не будьте так трусливы.

6. Собака залаяла. Должно быть, не признала своего хозяина.

7. Наверняка всё еще уладится в вашу пользу.

8. Скорее всего, он вам напишет уже из Австралии.

9. Должно быть, он позвонит вам вечером. Не отходите от телефона.

10. Скорее всего, он ничего так и не узнает.

11. Наверняка они придут всей семьей на юбилей тётушки.

12. Скорее всего, он решит это дело в вашу пользу.

13. Должно быть, она не будет страдать из-за этой встречи. Но вы всё-таки её навестите.

Exercise 17

Ask tag-questions to the following sentences.

1. He could be right though I doubt it.

2. You can have been mistaken. Ask him once again.

3. He must be reading in the library.

4. He must have talked to her already. She knows what has happened.

5. They may be still in the mountains.

6. They may have moved house. They don't answer my letters.

7. They must have been walking in the rain. They are wet to the skin.

8. They may be still staying at their aunt's. Otherwise they would be already here.

9. She cannot have failed to recognize yew. She has known you for 15 years!

10. They cannot have forgotten about their mother's birthday. It's not like them.

11. Don't get upset. You could have misunderstood him.

12. They may have been doing well since they do not ask for help.

13.It must be raining outside, do you hear the noise?

Exercise 18

Paraphrase the following sentences using the modal verbs MUST, CAN, MAY to express supposition, doubt, astonishment, surprise or incredulity.

1. I do not believe that he is as stupid as he is said to be.

2. I doubt that they said that. They are too well-bred.

3. I am sure that the person who telephoned me was Allan.

4. Is it true that Michael has divorced Alice?

5. He is probably at the theatre now enjoying Swan Lake.

6. He is sure to have forgotten about his promise .to arrive on Thursday.

7. It is possible that they have already arrived. But why then is there no message from them?

8. Is it true that he has decided to move house and go to Spain?

9. I am sure he has a university degree: he is a well-educated man.

10. Probably he will enter the University, or, perhaps, the Polytechnical Institute in Manchester.

11. Is it really true that they built their cottage in a month?

12. I do not believe that he has been invited to the party: last time he did not behave properly.

13. It is impossible that you saw him on Wednesday evening in the opera house.

14. You must not get upset: everything will probably turn out all right.

15. Perhaps, they have telephoned while you were out.

16. I am perfectly certain that he is speaking on the telephone now: the line is busy.

17. Is it true that they are still translating this article? It is one of the easiest tasks I could think of.

18. People were folding wet umbrellas as they were entering the metro station. AndI thought that it was raining outside.

19. It is quite possible that they have already woken up: it is nine o'clock and you can ring them up.

20. Perhaps he will come next week and bring you a very nice doll or a box of chocolates.

21.It is impossible that he has failed the exam: he was so well-prepared and he knows nearly everything.

Exercise 19

Translate into English using the modal verbs MUST, CAN and MAY.

1. Он должен много читать вслух, чтобы улучшить своё произношение.

2. Он, должно быть, много читает вслух, у него хорошее произношение.

3. Не может быть, чтобы он много читал вслух, он совсем не улучшил своё произношение.

4. Вероятно, он ещё не закончил читать эту книгу.

5. –Неужели они никогда не видели снега?

— Конечно, нет. Они же из Бразилии.

6. Неужели вашей собаке уже пять лет?

7. Наверное, ваш брат станет знаменитым историком: он так увлечён наукой.

8. Вы можете и не высказывать своё мнение вслух. Я его отлично знаю.

9. Наверное, он не пожалеет времени и средств для того, чтобы иметь информацию обо всём.

10. Может быть, вы и не хотите, чтобы ваше имя попало в газеты, но этого, я думаю, уже не избежать.

11. Вы должны исполнить только то, что в ваших силах. Никто не требует от вас большего.

12. Нужно проверить его слова: он, возможно, прав, а, возможно, и нет.

13. Не может быть, чтобы летом шел снег, а зимой — стояла жара. Так же невероятно и то, что ты мне только что сообщил.

14. Должно быть, он никогда не испытывал нужду и не знает, как живут небогатые люди.

15. Он последнее время довеем к нам не ходит: он, вероятно, не знает, что мы уже приехали.

16. Он поспешил уйти. Скорее всего не захотел, чтобы его заметили.

17. Неужели вы ещё не были в Париже? Вам обязательно нужно там побывать — это удивительный город.

18. Скорее всего, он уже не появится: слишком поздно и пора расходиться.

19. Вероятно, я тоже буду в Москве на будущей неделе.

20. Вы можете оказать мне небольшую услугу? Позвоните моей сестре и помиритесь с ней.

21. Ничего уже не поделать! Вы больше не будете друзьями.

22. Он не мог не рассмеяться, когда увидел уснувшего за телефонной беседой отца.

23. Очевидно, он, наконец встретился с Сарой, поэтому он и был вчера таким веселым.

Exercise 20

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verbs TO BE TO and TO HAVE TO.

1. The picture had to be concealed: there was no help to it.

2. The very first thing we have to do is to reduce the overheads in this business.

3. I've had to give a lot of thought recently to my feelings toward you.

4. Now will you please show me the office where I am to work.

5. He was to have had a board meeting on Tuesday but was suddenly summoned to the summit in New York.

6. He looked around for his car but it was nowhere to be seen.

7. You are not to utter a word in the presence of the Royal Family otherwise you'll be punished.

8. Now I've had to listen to a lot of lying. And I never watch faces.

9. I had to feel my way down the stairs as there was no light.

10. I found myself in an unknown town and had to have someone show me the way from the station.

11. If you don't pay for the parcel you are sending, the recepient will have to pay for it.

12. 'What are the arrangements for the conference?'

'We are to be there to be present at the plenary meeting.’

13. I don't have to attend all the lectures on history: last year I took a special course in history under the supervision of the same professor.

14. You don't have to be in a hurry: the flight was delayed until twelve so you will not miss the plane.

15.You did not have to copy this article: I had some spare copies so I could share them with you.

16. This medicine is to be taken three times a day before meals.

17. They left for France and they were never to come back. But then they could not predict that.

Exercise 21

Make the following sentences: — negative;

— interrogative.

1. You have to stay in bed until your cold is over.

2. You have to pass examinations twice a year.

3. You had to read this book by Friday.

4. They had to build the shop by last summer.

5. He will have to telephone his tutor and ask for advice.

6. You will have to join us later.

7. She had to work hard to make both ends meet.

Exercise 22

Define whether the verb TO HAVE is modal, auxiliary or notional.

1. I have been calling her up all day and I haven't recieved any answer as yet.

2. Have you any relatives living permanently in Egypt?

3. What are we having for dinner tonight?

4. You don't have to be there at all: I am going there and will settle everything for you.

5. It is superb! Have you done it yourself?

6. The weather is awful but I still have to go out. My doctor says I need exercise.

7. Have a look at these fantastic engravings. Aren't they absolutely amazing?

8. Where have you been all this time? I have been worrying!

9. I have to telephone my parents and tell them I have already arrived: they'll be happy.

10. Have another cup of coffee. Help yourself to it.

11. She never had to work: she was very rich.

12.She had never worked in her life, for she was immensely rich.

13.Do you have any complaints? Is everything all right? If you need anything just ask your servant.

14. What have I done to make her so unhappy?

15. You don't have to spend so much time studying chemistry. Natural science is a wide field and there are so many interesting aspects.

Exercise 23

Fill in the blanks using the modal verbs TO BE TO, TO HAVE TO or IUST.

1. Uncle Nick's things ... to be moved out of his room so that it could be redecorated.

2. For the next few weeks I ... to stay in bed. Everyone came to visit me and I... (not) to do the cooking.

3. The chief engineer who ... to work for General Motors had not arrived yet.

4. They went to see Mabel's new house. Mabel said that only the last touches ... to be added and she ... to move into itquite soon.

5. That day I had my agent waiting to see me after his business trip to Italy and I... to cut my visitor short.

6. Both sisters... have been ashamed of having spoken as they had in front of a third person.

7. But at last he rose realizing dully that there was work which he ... to do.

8. a) He looks very tired. He ... have been working since breakfast.

b) He... to work hard to earn at least something to provide for his family.

9. You... take the dog away, I won't have it here any longer.

10. At this boarding school the discipline is rather strict: the children ... to go to bed at 8 o'clock.

11. My mother says that I ... (not) to hurry home because she herself is out playing bridge.

12. a) My car is being repaired now and I... to walk here this morning.

b) My car was being repaired and I... to collect it that afternoon.

13.a) He ... to stay the night with us because I won't let him go out in such stormy weather.

b) He ... to stay the night with us, for he has missed the train.

14. 'I told my husband that he ... (not) to smoke in the sitting-room.'

'I... (not) to do so: my husband is a born gentleman and he never does it.

15. In March I... to be in Manchester: I am invited as the best man to my best Friend's wedding and according to his plans I ... (not) to come back until early in April.

16. The new Governor ... to arrive in May. By then everything... to be ready to organize a fabulous meeting.

Exercise 24

Translate Into English.

1. Эндрю должен был встретиться с Майком за ланчем на следующий день, но он не видел причины рассказывать об этом своему адвокату.

2. На следующий день Гринам показали Прадо, а вечером они должны были ужинать в Савое.

3. В это время Флору уже было обычно не застать в её кабинете.

4. По радио объявили, что вечером должен выступать президент.

5. Ночью корабль зашел в порт, где они должны были заправиться топливом и пополнить запасы пресной воды.

6. Он должен был привстать со своего места, чтобы увидеть, что происходило на трибуне.

7. В этот момент вошел Кларк, которого мне совсем не нужно было представлять гостям: он был слишком известен.

8. Мне нужно было всё ещё раз хорошенько обдумать, и вот я здесь и готов нести ответственность за всё.

9. Романа пригласили шафером на свадьбу. После венчания они должны были поехать в ресторан, и Роман должен был договориться с менеджером ресторана.

10.Книге, на которую он потратил половину своей жизни, не суждено было появиться на свет до его смерти.

11. Они жили долго и счастливо, и им суждено было умереть в один день.

12. — Ты ведь никогда не говорил мне, что встречал Мориса.

— В этом не было необходимости, да и ты не спрашивал.

13. Электричество и газ были отключены из-за разбушевавшегося шторма, и им пришлось готовить пищу на огне.

14. Он любил спать на улице, но в ту ночь поднялась буря, и ему пришлось перебраться в дом.

15. — Ты чем-то расстроен?

— Мы с Фишером договорились встретиться в шесть часов у входа в Институт, но он так и не пришёл.

16. В это время, как обычно, Монику можно было видеть через распахнутое окно. Она играла на рояле один из вальсов Шопена (Chopin).

17. Тебе уже не нужно решать с ним производственные проблемы. Знаешь, он теперь должен стать главой департамента занятости (employment department).

18. Мне необходимо было найти кого-либо, кто бы хорошо говорил по-голландски, чтобы позвонить в Голландию.


Exercise 25

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verbs HOULD and OUGHT TO.

1. These words cut me: what could I do or say? I ought to have done or said nothing.

2. I think you ought to let your parents know that you are here; otherwise they'll be angry.

3. George did not see why he should not discuss the matter with his chief.

4. He remembered that he should not smoke unless invited to do so.

5. You should have taken part in that amateur performance. Why should you miss a chance to show how artistic you may be?

6. Nancy is so graceful. You should have seen her on horse-back: she looks like a born queen.

7. Your father ought to know about you financial failure: he is always ready to help you, don't forget about it.

8. He drove at great speed. He knew that the guests had already all arrived at his house.

9. Anything we can do to clear up this miserable affair ought to be done.

10. Tea is between half past five and six and it should be ready now.

11. I am working late today but I ought to be able to do my shopping: the stores are open until eight.

12. Now I am all right since I know that nothing has happened to you. But you ought to have told me about it earlier.

13. How should I know when he is coming? I am not his personal secretary.

14. Jack who should have been sweating at the gym was sitting comfortably in a gardener's shed reading a book.

Exercise 26

Translate into Russian and compare the use of the modal verbs NEED and SHOULD in the meaning of necessity/absence of necessity.

1. You should not have done it yourself: all you had to do is ask me.

2. You need not have paid your debt so soon. I do not need this money so urgently.

3. You should not give the child so much care. It may make him dependent on your attention. He should be more self-confident.

4. You needn't have come so early. Now you will have to wait until four o'clock.

5. I am sorry, I should not have told you that: it has upset you so much!

6. You need not have carried this luggage yourself: there were a lot of porters around.

Exercise 27

Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs MUST, SHOULD and OUGHT TO followed by the appropriate form of the infinitives in brackets.

1. ‘You are grown up enough and you ... (to know) that such things ... (not to say) in public.

2. He could not see anything in the cave. He thought he ... (to bring) a torch.

3. If one is in love it is only natural that he ... (to be) happy and radiant.

4. Then, logically, he ... (to laugh) but he heard himself saying: 'You are absolutely right', instead.

5. How I ... (to know) where you have left your glasses? They can be anywhere considering your absent-mindedness.

6. It is too late and you are exhausted after such an eventful day. I ... (to think) about it and (to let) you have a rest.

7. You ... (to take) a long walk every morning. Exercise will only do you plenty of good.

8. You ... (to be) there with your friends, fighting. While they are risking their lives it's mean of you to stay here.

9. Children, you... (to say) good-bye to your grannie and then we ... (to go).

10. 'Who is going to come to young Collins' wedding?'

I suppose, there ... (to be) Nick and Sarah, since they are always invited to any of the gatherings organized by the Collins and the rest will be quite mixed.'

11. Molly telephoned that she was on her way home, so at any moment she ... (to arrive).

12. How I... (to know) what you have told Michael? I did not hear your talk and I haven't seen Mike as yet.

13. There ... (to be) many guests yesterday, I suppose: the Oxleys are so hospitable.

14. She ... (to tell) the truth then. Now nothing can be done to improve the situation.

15.My goodness! You are still reading! This text is as simple as it can be! You ... (to go) to bed: you are definitely tired. In the morning you ... (to be) fresh and bright.

Exercise 28

Translate into English.

1. Я не ожидал, что мои слова так подействуют на Вас. Мне не следовало этого говорить Вам.

2. Ей совсем не следовало вставать: она ещё не оправилась после болезни, и эта прогулка может иметь нехорошие последствия.

3. Я сожалею, что был с тобой более откровенен, чем следовало.

4. Я думаю, тебе уже нужно бы знать, что этого делать не следует в обществе людей старше тебя.

5. С какой стати я Должна звонить ему первая? Он начал это дело, пусть он теперь и отвечает за всё.

6. Откуда же мне знать, что он устроил скандал в школе? Я уже вторую неделю сижу дома и не вижу никого.

7. Вам нужно побольше двигаться и бывать на свежем воздухе. Вашему сердцу это полезно.

8. Должно быть, Алиса уже приехала, и нам следует поторопиться, чтобы встретить её.

9. Наверное, спектакль начнётся в семь часов вечера. В этом, театре все вечерние спектакли начинаются в семь.

10. Я сказал что-нибудь такое, чего не нужно было говорить? Должно быть, её расстроила моя новость. Но откуда мне было знать это?

11. — Я уже второй день ищу Алекса. Он куда-то исчез!

— Как, ты не знаешь? Он же уехал в Австралию!

— Да! Он же говорил! Мне бы следовало догадаться!

12. Нелли всегда очень пунктуальна. Если она что-нибудь обещает, то Обязательно сделает. Значит, с минуты на минуту она будет здесь.

13. Ты плохо выглядишь, ты бледен и слаб. Не надо было тебе приходить на работу. Ничего бы не произошло, если бы ты не пришёл.

14. Как ты мог поступить так с ней? Стыдись! Тебе надо попросить у неё прощения.

15. Это же твоя специальность! Ты же профессионал и должен знать такие вещи.

16. Девочки тайком убежали на танцы, в то время как они должны были учить уроки.

Exercise 29

Make up situations to illustrate the use of the modal verbs in the sentences below.

1. a) He ought to know.

b) You should do it.

c) You should have done it.

2. a) You ought to do something for him.

b) You ought to have done something for him.

3. a) You should not tell anyone about it.

b) You should not have told anyone about it.

4. a) How should I know?

b) Why should I do that?

Exercise 30

Look at these notices. Try to explain what they mean and say where you might come across them.

1. Final date for application: 1 September.

2. Emergency exit only.

3. Pay cash here.

4. Please enter without knocking.

5. Prepaid envelope. No stamp required.

6. No smoking.

7. Silence.

8. Fasten your seat belts.

9. Admission: Adults: £1, Children 50p.

10.Come in and look around — no obligation to buy.

11.Exact fare only. No change given.

12. No photographs.

13. Private.

14. Not transferable.

15. Evening dress optional.

16. Valid on day of issue only.

Exercise 31

Look at these road signs. Try to explain what they mean. Work in pairs or individually.

> Pattern: You should slow down: the gates might be closed in case there is a train coming.

VII. The Past Perfect Passive -

VII. The Past Perfect Passive -

VII. The Past Perfect Passive -

These words might be useful: crossroads, level-crossing, the turn of the road, slippery, steep, slope, rise drawbridge, delay, roadworks, precipice, landslip.

Exercise 32

Giving advice. Work in groups. Use the situations below to make up dialogues of your own.

1. Someone you meet at a party asks you to recommend a good place to spend an evening in your town.

2. Your friend's husband took the dog for a walk five hours ago. The dog has just come back without him.

3. Your friend has been working twelve hours a day for the last month and he/she is beginning to look ill. This morning for no reason at all he/she lost his/her temper.

4. Your friend is digging in his/her garden when he/she discovers an old chest full of gold coins.

5. Your friend got engaged. Her fiancee gave her a very expensive diamond ring just before she went to France. When she got back she realized that she had lost the ring. She doesn't know what to do.

Exercise 33

Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the modal verb WOULD expressing an habitual action in the past.

That's Harris all over — so ready to take the burden of everything himself, and put it on the backs of other people.

He always reminds me of my poor Uncle Podger. You never saw such a commotion up and down a house in all your life, as when my Uncle Podger undertook to a job. A picture would have come home from the frame-maker's and be standing in the dining-room, waiting to be put up; and Aunt Podger would ask what was to be done with it, and Uncle Podger would say: 'Oh, you leave that to me. Don't you, any of you, worry yourselves about that. I'll do all that.'

And then he would take off his coat, and begin. He would send the girl out for sixpenn’orth of nails, ... and from that, he would gradually work down, and start the whole house.

'Now you go and get me my hammer, Will,' he would shout; 'and bring me the ruler, Tom.'...

And then he would lift up the picture, and drop it, and it would come out of the frame, and he would try to save the glass, and cut himself; and then he would spring round the room, looking for his handkerchief. He could not find his handkerchief, because it was in the pocket of the coat he had taken off, and» he did not know where he had put the coat, and all the house had to leave off looking for his tools, and start looking for his coat; while he would dance round and hinder them...

(After Jerome K. Jerome)

Exercise 34

Fill in the blanks with the modal verb WOULD where necessary. Think of other ways of expressing an habitual action in the past.

...That was a Tuesday. He ... (to come) on Wednesday; he ... (to come) on Thursday; he ... (to come) on Friday; and he ... (to come) on Saturday. It is true that each visit... (to begin), (to continue) or (to conclude) with a declaration of love, but in between there was much room for silence. They ... (to sit) on either side of the fire-place and sometimes the Archduke ... (to knock) over the fire-irons and Orlando ... (to pick) them up again. Then the Archduke ... (to bethink) him how he had shot an elk in Sweden, and Orlando ... (to ask), was it a very big elk, and the Archduke ... (to say) that it was not as big as the reindeer which he had shot in Norway; and Orlando ... (to ask), had he ever shot a tiger, and the Archduke ... (to say) he had shot an albatross, and Orlando ... (to say) (half hiding her yawn) was an albatross as big аз an elephant, and the Archduke ... (to say) — something very sensible, no doubt, but Orlando heard it not, for she ... (to look) at her writing-table, out of the window, at the door. Upon which the Archduke ... (to say), 'I adore you', at the very same moment that Orlando... (to say) 'Look, it's beginning to rain,' at which they ... (to be) both much embarrassed, and blushed scarlet, and could neither of them think what to say next...

(After Virginia Woolf)

Exercise 35

Translate into English paying attention to the way you render an habitual action taking place in the past.

…Обыкновенно двое должны были придерживать стул, а третий помогал ему (дядюшке Поджеру) забраться на него (стул) и поддерживал его на стуле. Четвертый же держал и подавал ему гвоздь, пятый подавал молоток. И, как обычно, дядюшка брал гвоздь и ронял его.

«Вот так! — говорил он обиженным голосом,— ну, теперь гвоздя нет.»

И мы все обыкновенно опускались на четвереньки и ползали таким образом в поисках гвоздя, в то время как он

(дядюшка), как всегда, стоял на стуле и ворчал, спрашивая «Мне что, стоять здесь весь вечер?»

Наконец гвоздь находился, но к этому времени, обыкновенно, терялся молоток... Мы находили ему молоток, и затем он терял из виду отметку, которую он сделал на стене, и куда должен был быть вбит гвоздь. И каждый из нас должен был забраться на стул рядом с ним и попытаться найти эту отметину. И каждый из нас находил её в разных местах, и он называл нас дураками одного за другим, и приказывал спуститься...

(По Джерому К. Джерому)

Exercise 36

Write a composition. Imagine that, fifty years from now, someone in your group is very famous. Write an account of his/her life. Describe his/her hab­its and ways, his/her daily routine etc. Try to use as many modal verbs as you can in your composition.

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