Ex 3.2. Прочитайте тексты. Сопоставьте имя каждого человека с его профессией, компанией и профессиональной деятельностью в таблице.

Olaf: I’m a systems developer and I work for a finance company. I’m responsible for our website and managing the IT systems. But I also develop new systems for the future.

Rania: I work as a project manager for a travel company. We help hotels to develop websites. My role is to meet clients and find out what they want from their website. Then I prepare a proposal and present it to them.

Da The: I’m a lawyer and I work for a mobile phone company. We make deals with companies to supply parts and services. My main role is to check the contracts with suppliers, but I also negotiate new contracts.

Jaana: I’m an accountant at a Finnish paper manufacturing company. We make the paper for magazines. I’m responsible for payments to suppliers. I check the invoices from suppliers and send the payments.

Person Job Company Main activity
Olaf Lawyer Paper manufacture manages IT systems
Rania Accountant Finance house meets clients
Da The Project Manager Mobile phone company deals with payments
Jaana Systems Developer Travel company checks contracts

Ex 3.3. Заполните пропуски предлогами:on, for, to, with.

1. to be responsible ____ doing something

2. to be promoted ____ a new position

3. to work ____ a project

4. to work ____ colleagues

5. to work ____ a company

Ex 3.4. Заполните пропуски словами. Переведите текст:

get learn offer spend want work not have not earn

Ines Garcia is a Spanish graduate in business administration and she 1wants to have a career in business management. At present, she 2__________ for a large telecommunications company in Madrid. It’s a one-year graduate trainee programme and she 3__________ any guarantee of a job at the end of the year. The company usually 4___________ jobs to only a few of the best trainees. Ines hopes to be one of these.

Trainees on the programme 5___________ up to six weeks working in different departments. This is usually helpful because the trainees 6___________ useful work experience. A disadvantage is that trainees 7____________ very much money. Ines says “It’s a hard life just now, but it’s good experience and I 8___________ a lot of new things.”

Ex 3.5. Опишите компанию, в которой вы работаете, свою профессию и ваши обязанности.

recognition, text to speech, etc.

2 Mark the following statements as True or False:

IV Applying for a job: A letter of application

Ex 4.1. a) Прочитайте объявление о работе (the job advertisement) и заполните информацию внизу:

Job title –

Department –

Location -

Responsibilities –

Skills required –

Experience required –

Qualifications required –

How to apply –

STYLE HOUSE Fashion Accessories

Marketing Executive

We are looking for a dynamic new Marketing Executive to join our busy team. The Marketing Department is based in Manchester in the UK.

Our Marketing Executives are responsible for maintaining the current client base, researching their ongoing requirements and informing the sales and design teams, as well as giving suggestions for promotional activity. You will also be expected to research the market place in order to expand the existing client base, and keep up-to-date with current competition.

Previous experience is not necessary as training will be given. You will be a university graduate (any subject), with a keen interest in the fashion world, good communication and IT skills, a clean driving licence, motivated and able to work to tight deadlines.

This is a permanent position.

To apply, please complete the application form and send it with a covering letter to Martha Chase, Human Resources Director.

Interviews will be held on 11th August.

b) Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What kind of experience is the company looking for?

2. Would you like to apply for this job? Why / Why not?

Ex. 4.2. Прочитайте сопроводительное письмо (a covering letter) Кейт. Отвечает ли Кейт требованиям, предъявляемым в объявлении из упражнения 4.2.? Является ли она подходящим кандидатом на эту должность?

38 Steeple Drive Marsden MD4 8YT Tel: 08931 462918 Email: [email protected]   Martha Chase Human Resources Director Style House Marsden MD2 4BK   28th July 2010 Dear Ms Chase, I would like to apply for the post of Marketing Executive advertised in this week’s Fashion News. I have worked as part of the sales team for a fashion designer for six months. I am very interested in the world of fashion and am keen to pursue a career in this area. I have good communication skills and am able to work both independently and as part of a team. I am self-motivated and can work to tight deadlines. Although I do not have a degree, I have good qualifications from school and excellent computer skills. I have a clean driving licence. Please find enclosed my CV. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Kate Campbell

Ex.4.3. Заполните письмо словами:

closing, CV, Department, experience, interview, manager, post, qualified, salary, skills

Dear Sir,

I am writing to apply for the 1 _______ of Sales Manager advertised on 3rd March in The Times newspaper. I have worked for the past two years as a junior 2 ____________ in an electronics company in the II. Re-read the text to find the answers to these questions.

Marketing 3 _____________. I feel now is the right time to apply for a higher position as I believe I have gained the necessary 4____________.

I am a 5_____________ engineer (see the enclosed 6__________) and believe I have excellent management 7___________. My 8___________ at present is $25,000 a year.

I realize that the 9____________ date for applications was last Friday, but I hope that you will still be willing to consider my application. I am available for 10_________________ at any time. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Jason Stephenson

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