Интонация обстоятельственной группы

интонация обстоятельственной группы - student2.ru

Обстоятельственные группы в начале предложений обычно выделяются в отдельную синтагму и произносятся низким восходящим тоном. Например:

интонация обстоятельственной группы - student2.ru

Обстоятельственные группы в конце предложений, как правило, подуударны или без-ударны. Например:

интонация обстоятельственной группы - student2.ru

Exercise I. Read the sentences. Concentrate your attention on the intonation of the adverbials.

1. During the latest years our country has changed beyond recognition. 2, In 1918 the capital of the country was moved to Moscow. 3. Under tsar Fyodor Moscow was already considered to be one of the largest cities in Europe. 4. In front of you is an ancient monument of Red Square — Po-krovsky Cathedral. 5. On the left you can see the Tower of London. 6. Not far from Trafalgar Square there is a quiet little street. 7. On Tuesday we have two seminars. 8. On the 12th of May I leave for London.

Exercise II. Read the sentences according to the given model.

интонация обстоятельственной группы - student2.ru

1. There are more than 80 parks in London. 2. There are four seasons in a year. 3. Sunday is a very quiet day in London. 4. They often watch TV after supper in the evening. 5. People like to go to the country for skiing in winter. 6. Thanksgiving Day was marked irregularly after 1623. 7. I fell as-leep after a few minutes. 8. There are many good laboratories at our Institute. 9. We see a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas in the hall. 10. You can see a large window on the left.

Exercise III. Listen to the following sentences. Mark the stresses and tunes.

1. The Arctic Ocean and its seas wash the frontiers of Russia in the north. 2. During the Second World War the British Museum was badly damaged. 3. You can find a complete reconstruc-tion of Sherlock Holmes' living-room on the upper floor. 4. The streets are lit by electricity at night.

5. In spring Nature awakens from her long winter sleep. 6. At two o'clock lessons start again. 7. At night millions of stars shine in the darkness. 8. We have a holiday on the first of May. 9. In the pic-

ture we can see a sitting-room. 10. We have thirty days in November.

Exercise IV. Complete the sentences and read them. Keep the exercise moving on rapidly.

1. On Sunday ... 2. In May ... 3. At night ... 4. On the ground floor ... 5. On the right ... 6. At seven o'clock in the morning ... 7. In 1872 ... 8. During the term-time ... 9. On the 7th of October ...

10. In winter ... 11. A few minutes later ... 12. In the picture ...

Exercise V. Listen to the dialogue. Practise and memorize it.

— What d'you usually do on Sunday?

— It depends on the season. In winter I usually read or go to the club. In summer I usually go to the country.

— What do you usually do there?

— In the morning I usually work in my garden. At three o'clock I have dinner. After dinner I go to the river. At seven we have supper.

— What d'you do after supper?

— After supper I usually go to the pictures. At eleven o'clock in the evening I go to bed. Exercise VI. Read the text. Pick out sentences with the adverbials. Explain their intonation.We have a house in a London suburb. I bought it about fifteen years ago when I got married. It

consists of two floors. On the ground floor we have the dining-room, the sitting-room, the kitchen and the hall. In the hall you can see a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. A staircase leads from the hall to the landing on the first floor. On the top floor we have four bedrooms and a bathroom. On the top of the roof there are two chimneys. In front of the house we have a small garden. At the back of the house you can see a much larger garden with a lawn and some fruit-trees.

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