IV Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.
1. unlimited sources a) исчезать
2. acid rains b) под угрозой
3. disappear c) поглощать
4. reduce d) кислотные дожди
5. under threat e) неограниченные источники
6. absorb f) сокращать
III семестр
I Выберите подходящее по смыслу причастие I или II.
1. Iron becomes magnetized if placed / placing in a strong magnetic field.
2. On May, 7 A. Popov made a report on the invention of radio, sent / sending the first radiogram.
3. The student speaking / spoken at the meeting yesterday completed his work successfully.
II Выберите правильный перевод выделенных слов с суффиксом -ing.
4. Working at his new device the inventor made many improvements.
a) работающий b) работая c) работа
5. Being a good conductor copper is often used in industry.
a) являясь b) явившись c) явившийся
6. On coming to the laboratory he began a new experiment.
a) придя b) приходя c) приходящий
III Укажите номер предложения с независимым причастным оборотом.
7. Mankind is interested in atomic energy being used for peaceful purposes.
8. The experiments having been carried out, we started new investigations.
IV Выберите предложение, содержащее субъектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex subject – сложное подлежащее) и переведите их.
9. The construction of a new bridge was reported to have been completed.
10. We watched the robot perform many operations.
11. My sister seemed to have lost her temper.
V Укажите номера предложений, которые можно перевести, начиная с союзачтобы.
12. To understand this material you must study hard.
13. To read English is a great pleasure.
14. To make the experiment you must improve the device.
Часть В – Лексика - Vocabulary
I Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским словам.
a nobleman | a | соединять | |
to describe | b | дворянин | |
a compound | c | инертный | |
to combine | d | описывать | |
inert | e | сложное вещество, соединение |
II Сопоставьте русские и английские фразы.
the important discovery | a | растворяться в воде | |
a dangerous experiment | b | важное открытие | |
electric sparks | c | смесь водорода и кислорода | |
mixture of hydrogen and oxygen | d | электрические разряды | |
to dissolve in water | e | опасный эксперимент |
III Закончите предложения из текста и переведите их.
11. H. Cavendish was an English nobleman who…
12. He made an important discovery that water is not an …
13. He described his experiments to …
14. Cavendish did his experiment safely; he wisely used a …
15. Now we think this gas was probably …
Часть С – Понимание прочитанного текста.
I Прочитайте текст.
The Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell never planned to be an inventor, he wanted to be a musician or a teacher of deaf people. The subjects that he studied at school included music, art, literature, Latin and Greek. They didn’t include German, which all scientists used in their books.
When Alexander was only sixteen, he became a teacher in boys’ school in Scotland. He liked teaching there but still he wanted to become a teacher of deaf people. He read all the books about sound that he could find and started to work on some of his own experiments. At twenty-five Alexander became interested in finding a way of sending human voice through an electric wire. The parents of his pupils contributed money for the equipment. He found an assistant, Tom Watson, who worked in an electric shop. For two years Tom and Alexander had been working together to build a machine that people could use to talk one to another over long distances. One day they were working on a new transmitter. Tom Watson, who was alone in another room, heard a voice. The voice was coming through a wire to a receiver on the table. The voice was of Alexander Bell. It was saying. “Come here, Mr Watson. I need you.”
Пояснения к тексту.
deaf people - глухие
to contribute - жертвовать (деньги)
a shop - мастерская
a receiver - приемник
II Определите тему текста и закончите предложение.
This text is about…
a) the benefits(польза) of the telephone;
b) the invention of the telephone;
c) the improvement of the telephone.
III Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием текста.
At the age of sixteen Bell…
a) became a teacher of deaf people;
b) taught boys at a school in Scotland;.
c) started to work in an electric shop.
IV Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос.
Who contribute money for Bell’s experiments?
a) Bell’s parents;
b) His pupils’ parents;
c) His assistant Tom Watson