Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний

1) to borrow money 2) to lend money 3) to set up a new business 4) cash flow 5) to draw a chart 6) to provide a security 7) to pay off debts 8) interest   9) overdraft 10) loan 11) to take out money 12) account 13) property   14) borrowing a) движение денежной наличности b) счёт (в банке) c) чертить схему d) ссуда, заём e) брать взаймы, получать заем f) давать взаймы, одалживать, ссужать g) (ссудный) процент h) овердрафт; превышение кредита в банке i) предоставить залог, гарантию j) собственность k) расплатиться с долгами l) снять деньги со счета m)создать новое предприятие, начать новое дело n) заём, кредит, ссуда

3. Переведите на русский язык интернациональные слова, встречающиеся в тексте "Borrowing money"

effective, bank, manager, investment, guarantee, form, limit, interest, basis, moment, sum, guarantor

4. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой поставлены вопросы.


1) What must people know when they set up a new business?

2) When is the business effective?

3) When will the bank manager lend you money?

4) What is security?

5) What forms of borrowing money do you know?

6) Why is loan safer than an overdraft?


a) When money comes in faster than it goes out the business is effective.

b) If your business is a good investment the bank manager will lend you money.

c) It is property that guarantees your ability to pay off your debts.

d) Overdraft and loan.

e) People must know how much money they need to borrow and how many workers they need to employ.

f) The period of your repay is fixed.

5. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

1) A guarantor is your friend or relative… 2) The bank can ask you...   3) You can’t take out more money than… a) …you have in your account.   b) …who can repay your loan for you. c) …to repay your overdraft at any moment. d) …pay interest on the whole loan.

Контрольная работа №2

Вариант 1

Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык в письменной форме


1.When your business goes well you receive orders for your goods and services. Тhen youbegin to makе money bу selling them. Уoucan sell in different ways.

2. Direct selling. Тhis is when your product is sold direct to the public, for example, in your shop or market stall. Its great advantage is that youknow the opinion of your customers and can makе а better product.

3. Mail order. Уoucan advertise in newspapers or magazines, inviting your customers to order goods from you bу post. Тhis is called mail order.

4. Direct mail. It is another way of selling bу post. Уousend sales leaflets with order forms to potential customers.

5. Working to order. If youprovide а service or makе personalized goods, youneed to encourage orders from customers. Уoucan do it bу printing leaflets and giving information aboutyour self and your work in the advertising sections of newspapers and magazines. Designing an advertisement is not an easy thing to do.

6. Selling throughagents and sales reps. While expandingsales youmау need to employ sales representatives or agents. Agents arе people who have а number of contacts and а specialist knowledge in а particu1ar field. Тhey work freelance (without а contract) for several clients at once. Тhey makе their money bу taking а percentage, say 10% оn everything they sell. Sales reps provide you with weekly sales reports, giving comments, assessments, and desires expressed bу the customers aboutеасh product.

2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1) to order goods 2) market stall 3) customer   4) to provide a service   5) to design an advertisement 6) sales rep (representative) 7) specialist knowledge 8) to work free-lance 9) to make money 10) sales report   11) order form 12) sales leaflet 13) to take interest   a) оказывать услугу b) покупатель, заказчик, клиент c) работать без контракта (не по найму) d) торговый отчет; отчет о продаже товара e) рыночный ларёк (палатка) f) специальные знания g) бланк заказа h) торговый проспект i) создавать рекламу j) агент по продаже товаров, торговый агент k) заказывать товары l) зарабатывать деньги m) получать процент  

3. Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы, встречающиеся в тексте “Selling”

service, public, product, form, potential, personalized, information, section, agent, contact, specialist, contract, client.

4. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой вопросы поставлены заданы.


1) What is direct selling?

2) What is mail order?

3) What is direct mail?

4) How can you encourage orders from customers?

5) What are sales reps?


a) They are people who have a number of contacts and a specialist knowledge in a particular field. They work freelance and make their money by taking a percentage (say 10%) on everything they sell.

b) You send sales leaflets with order forms by post to potential customers.

c) This is when your product is sold direct to the public in your shop or market stall.

d) You can do it by printing leaflets and giving information about yourself and your work in the advertising sections of newspapers and magazines.

e) This is a way of selling by post when you advertise in newspapers and magazines inviting your customers to order goods from you by post.

5. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

1) Sales reps provide you…   2) The great advantage of direct selling is that… 3) You can give information about your work…   a) …with order forms to potential customers b) …in the advertising sections of newspapers and magazines c) …you know the opinion of your customers d) …with weekly sales reports  

Контрольная работа №2

Вариант 2

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