The verbs “to be”, “to have”. Possessives

Кафедра иностранного языка

Гаврилова Елена Валерьевна

Шибеко Елена Михайловна


(с дифференцированными лексико-грамматическими заданиями)

Учебно-методическое пособие к комплексу
“Headway Elementary” для студентов 1 курса


Данное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса, начинающих изучать английский язык. Цель данного пособия – формирование и совершенствование лексических и грамматических умений, а также развитие навыков устной речи в рамках тем повседневного общения.

Пособие имеет комплексный характер. В него включены тематические тексты, предназначенные для поискового чтения. Тематика текстов обширна и охватывает общие темы: знакомство, семья, профессии, жилье, еда, отдых и каникулы, путешествия, погода, описание характера человека. Данный материал может служить основой для организации дискуссий, а также развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи. Каждый текст сопровождается предтекстовыми и послетекстовыми заданиями. Предтекстовые задания направленны на активизацию речевой деятельности студентов, введение новой лексики.

Послетекстовые задания – лексические и грамматические – служат для закрепления лексики и грамматических конструкций, встречающихся в тексте, и развитие навыков самостоятельного оперирования данными речевыми образцами.

Спецификой данного пособия является трехуровневая дифференциация заданий (уровни A,B,C). Задания расположены по логике возрастания сложности, что позволяет учесть степень подготовленности студентов, обеспечить постепенное продвижении обучаемых в приобретении речевых умений и навыков.

Работа с пособием предполагает различные форма организации обучения - работа в парах и группе – однако предпочтение отдано самостоятельной работе работе, что позволяет индивидуализировать процесс обучения английскому языку.

Данное пособие может быть использовано в качестве дополнительного материала к любому базовому учебнику по английскому языку, как практикум для внеаудиторной работы студентов.


Предисловие ………………………………………………………………….2

Module 1. Myself and My Family………………………………………… .4

Grammar: The verbs “to be”, “to have”. Possessives

Reading: My Italian family

Module 2. Jobs ..………………………………………………………………..

Grammar: Present Simple (he, she, it)


Module 3. Meals ……………………………………………………………….

Grammar: Present Simple (I, you, we, they)

Reading: Meals In Britain

Module 4. Where do we live? ………………………………………………..

Grammar: There is / are

Reading: Living in the city

Module 5. Shopping …………………………………………………………..

Grammar: Degrees of comparison

Reading: At the supermarket

Module 6. How do people meet ?………………………………..…………..

Grammar: Past Simple (regular / irregular verbs)

Reading: Distant Love

Module 7. Holidays and Special Occasions ………………………………..

Grammar: Present Continuous

Reading: New Year Traditions

Module 8. Travelling ………………………………………………………….

Grammar: Numerals

Reading: Edinburgh : A Colourful City

Module 9. Weather ……………………………………………………………

Grammar: Future Simple


Module 10. Appearance and Character ……………………………………

Grammar: adverbs, adjectives and participle

Reading: Your stars

Заключение . …………………………………………………………………..

Список использованной литературы . ……………………………………


Данное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса, начинающих изучать английский язык. Цель данного пособия – формирование и совершенствование лексических и грамматических умений, а также развитие навыков устной речи в рамках тем повседневного общения.

Пособие имеет комплексный характер. В него включены тематические тексты, предназначенные для поискового чтения. Тематика текстов обширна и охватывает общие темы: знакомство, семья, профессии, жилье, еда, отдых и каникулы, путешествия, погода, описание внешности и характера человека. Данный материал может служить основой для организации дискуссий, а также развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи. Каждый текст сопровождается предтекстовыми и послетекстовыми заданиями. Предтекстовые задания направлены на активизацию речевой деятельности студентов, введение новой лексики.

Послетекстовые задания – лексические и грамматические – служат для закрепления лексики и грамматических конструкций, встречающихся в тексте, и развитие навыков самостоятельного оперирования данными речевыми образцами.

Спецификой данного пособия является трехуровневая дифференциация заданий (уровни A,B,C). Задания расположены по логике возрастания сложности, что позволяет учесть степень подготовленности студентов, обеспечить постепенное продвижении обучаемых в приобретении речевых умений и навыков.

Работа с пособием предполагает различные форма организации обучения - работа в парах и группе – однако предпочтение отдано самостоятельной работе, что позволяет индивидуализировать процесс обучения английскому языку.

Данное пособие может быть использовано в качестве дополнительного материала к любому базовому учебнику по английскому языку, как практикум для внеаудиторной работы студентов.

Module 1

Vocabulary: Myself and My Family.

Grammar: The verbs “to be”, “to have”. Possessives.

Reading:My Italian family.


Read and translate these words.

surname [`sә:neım] fashionable [`f?∫(ә)nәbl]

talkative [`to:kәtıv] cousins [kΛzn]

nephew [`nevju:] aunt [a:nt]

air company [ә`kΛmpәnı] country [`kΛntrı]


Match the words from these columns. How do we call … .?

your mother’s sister … parents

your father’s parents … an aunt

your brother’s daughter … a cousin

your aunt`s child grandparents

your mother and father … a nephew


Fill in seven missing words into the sentences. Use the words in the box:

parents husband sister cousins family wife grandparents child

1. Our … is not very large. I am not the only … . I have an elder … .

2. David is a teacher. His … is a teacher too. They live in New-York.

3. At week-and we go to our … . They live in the country.

4. My sister is married and has a good … . He is an economist.

5. Tom has three aunts and six … . They all are schoolchildren.


Answer the questions about you and your family.

1. What is a large family? Are you from a large family? What is your surname?

2. Are you the only one in the family?

3. Are you married or single?

4. Are you from the city or the country? Are your grandparents in the country?

5. Are you tall or short? Are your parents calm or talkative?



Hi, my name is Roberto and my surname is Dori. I`m seventeen. Now I am a student at the Oxford University. I study Biology here and I like it very much.

I come from Rome. It is the capital of Italy. It is a very big and beautiful city.

In Italy I have a large family. My mother is a housewife. Her name is Isabella. She is at home now. My mom is a very nice and smiling person. She is very talkative and has a lot of friends. My mother is a tall woman. My father’s name is Marco. He is a doctor in the hospital. My daddy is a calm person. He isn’t very tall but well-built.

I am not the only child. I have an elder brother. My brother’s name is Toni. He is an office-worker in the air company. His job is very interesting. Toni is married and has a daughter Anna. So she is my nephew. She is very little and funny. Toni’s wife is a very beautiful woman. She’s a shop-assistant in a fashionable shop. Laura is tall and slim. She has blonde hair and green eyes.

Also I have two cousins. They are my aunt `s children. They are twins and are very noisy.

My grannies are in the country. They have an orange-tree garden. My grandparents` garden is fantastic. I love their oranges!


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Complete the sentences about Roberto’s family.

Marco is his … …

Laura is his … …

Toni is his … …

Anna is his … …

Isabella is his … …

2. Find in the text the answers to the questions:.

1. Who in the family is …

a) a shop-assistant / a doctor? / an office-worker / a housewife?

b) smiling / beautiful / tall / noisy / calm?

2. Who has …

a) twins /a lot of friends / a daughter ?

b) blonde hair / a good job / a garden ?


1. Transform the sentences using the words from the text. Who are the sentences about?

a) She has much work at home.

b) These children are not very calm.

c) She likes big companies.

d) They are not from the city.

e) She has a good figure.

2. What can you say about these people from the text: their names, jobs, etc?

- Roberto Dori - - Roberto’s mother

- Roberto’s brother - Roberto’s father

- Toni’s wife - Roberto’s grandparents


1. Who in Roberto’s family can say these words? Why?

1.”This woman is my wife.”

2. “I have two children.”

3.”I love my job!”

4. “You are very noisy today.”

5. “I am so far.”

6. “See you at the week-end!”

2. Tell this story in the person of Laura. Tell more about Roberto.


Module 2

Vocabulary: Jobs

Grammar: Present Simple (he, she, it)

Reading: I want to be a doctor


Read and translate these words.

noble [`neubl] surgeon [`sз:dζәn]

necessary [`nesәs(ә)ri] recovered [ri`kΛvәd]

require [rı`kwaiә] able-bodied [`eibl-bΛdid]

responsibility [risponsә`bilәti] deal with [`di:l]


Find the Russian equivalents for these words. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation.

take care operate on the people

require responsibility catch a cold

have a fever noble professions

patient operation


1.Do you know the following professions? Use a dictionary for their pronunciation.







2. Make a list of professions you know. Compare your list with your partner.


1. Answer the questions.

1. What do you like to do?

2. Do you have hobbies?

3. What professions are interesting for you and why?

4. What do your parents do?

5. What noble professions do you know?

6. Do you have doctors in your family?

7. Would you like to be a doctor? Why?

2. Give the definitions of the professions from the task above. Try to remember other manes of doctors.



There are many interesting and noble professions. I want to be a doctor. It is an interesting profession.

I understand that it is necessary to study a lot to become a doctor. I also understand that this profession requires great responsibility because it deals with the most important thing that a person has — with his health.

My mother and my grandfather are doctors. My grandfather works as a surgeon in a hospital. I often go to the hospital and spend some time there because I like to watch how my grandfather works.

His main task is to operate on the people. After each operation he takes care of patients until they are recovered.

He listens very attentively to what his patients tell him. He is always kind and attentive to his patients. They feel it and believe him, and it makes his work easier.

I know that he wants to see all his patients able-bodied and notice that he is happy when his patient is recovered.

Mу grandfather can also help if somebody catches a cold or has a fiver. My grandfather always tells me a lot of true stories about doctors and their profession.

I love and respect my grandfather and want to become a doctor as well.


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Match the words from these columns. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation.

catch profession

able a cold

have care

noble a fiver

require bodied

take responsibility

2. Divide these words into two columns.

Doctor Patient

operate on people, help, require responsibility, catch a cold, take care, have a fiver, work in a hospital, study a lot, be recovered, listen attentively, be kind, believe


1. Explain in English the meaning of these words:

- doctor - hospital

- surgeon - fiver

- patient - job

2. Develop following statements in two or three sentences.

- profession of a surgeon

- noble professions

- your health

C. Answer the questions.

1. Is it necessary to study to become a doctor?

2. Is the profession of a doctor connected with great responsibility?

3. In your opinion, must a doctor be a kind and attentive person?

4. What do you think, is it pleasant to see a person healthy again?

5. Are there any doctors in your family?

6. What else do you know about doctors and their profession?

2. Make a list of question to know what your group mates like to do and which professions (jobs) they find attractive for them.



A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal - sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms ... . But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam, or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same! Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Sometimes people have coffee, often instant coffee. Many visitors to Britain find this coffee disgusting!

For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can have a meat or fish sandwich with brown or white bread or a roll. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School-children can have a hot meal at school, but many take a snack from home - a sandwich, a drink, some fruit, and perhaps some crisps.

'Tea' means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea.

The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it between 6.00 and 8.00, and often the whole family eats together. As a rule it is a complete dinner.

On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat - beef, lamb, chicken, or pork - with potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.

People often have take-away meal – you buy the food in the restaurant and bring it home to eat.


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Find in the text the expressions where these words are used.

cereal / marmalade / instant / to serve / whole / roast / sauce

2. Say what the English eat choosing the correct answers.

An English breakfast is: chicken, pizza, bacon and eggs, rice, mushrooms, potatoes, cheese, a toast with jam, sausages, a sandwich, cereal.

For lunch the English have: soup, a sandwich with meat, fried potatoes, macaroni, fruit, a fish sandwich, bacon with tomatoes, pizza.

A traditional Sunday lunch is: tea with cakes, sandwiches, pork, vegetables, soup, beef, a glass of milk, chicken, potatoes, mushrooms, gravy.


1. Explain in English what is:

- marmalade - jam

- a sandwich - gravy.

2. Develop following statements in two or three sentences.

- English coffee - Children `s snack

- English “tea” - Sunday lunch

- A sandwich bar


1. Find the difference between food / dish / meal. Fill in the right word..

1. The English have three … a day.

2. You can buy … in the restaurant or cook it yourself.

3. Dinner is usually a big … .

4. Pasta with cheese is a traditional Italian … .

5. When you cook it is important to have fresh … .

6. This … is made of fish and vegetables.

2. You are in England for the first time. You live in the family. Write a letter to your friend who lives in other country, and describe what you think of English meal.

45, Newton st.

London SW 6

Dear Kate



Living in a city has its advantages and disadvantages.

On the plus side, there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don't need to have a car. Also, there are many interesting things to do: go to the cinema and to the theatre. There are a lot of places to see: museums, art galleries. If you want to eat there is a big choice of cafes, restaurants and pubs. If you want to relax there are parks and gardens, libraries and sport clubs. City life is full of variety and you feel never bored.

But for all plus there is a minus. There is a necessity to have a well-paid job, because living in the city is often very expensive. There is much of traffic and there are a lot of people even in the parks and gardens, especially on Sundays. And it is very dirty and noisy there. In cities there is no fresh air to breath, that's why there are always many people who prefer the peace of countryside to the city.


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Find in the text the expressions with constructions: There is ... . There are...

2. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of living in the city .

There is: a choice of public transport; a big choice of cafes, restaurants and pubs; a necessity to have a well-paid job; no fresh air.

There are: many interesting things to do; a lot of places to see; parks and gardens, libraries and sport clubs; a lot of people.


1. Find the difference between there is I there are. Fill in the gaps.

1. There ... a lot of people in the parks and gardens, especially on Sundays.

2. In fhe city there ... a big choice of places where you can eat.

3. There ... no fresh air in the city because of transport.

4. If you want to relax there ... parks and gardens, libraries and sports clubs.

5. Many people prefer countryside to the city because there ... peace.

2. Give some more advantages and disadvantages of living in the city.


1. Answer the questions.

1. Why do any people prefer countryside to the city?

2. Are there any places in the countryside to see?

3. Is there anything interesting to visit?

4. How many modes of public transport are there in the city?

5. Why is there a necessity to have a well-paid job in the city?

2. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of living in the country. Compare with your partner.


There is / there are


1. Make the sentences negative.

e.g. There are many places to relax in the country. - There aren't (there are no) places to relax.

1. There is a choice of public transport in the country.

2. There are many places to eat out in the country.

3. In the city there is fresh air to breath.

4. In the city there is peace in the parks and gardens, especially on holidays.

5. On Sundays there are few people in the parks.

2. Ask general questions to the sentences from part 1.

e.g. There are many places to relax in the country. - Are there many places to relax in the country


1. Ask questions to the parts ot the sentences in bold

e.g. There are parks and gardens to relax. - What are there to relax?

1. There is much of traffic in the city.

2. There are a lot of people even on Sundays.

3. Also, there are many interesting things to do: go to the cinema and to the theatre.

4. There is a necessity to have a well-paid job because living in the city is often very expensive.

5. There is a big choice of cafes, restaurants and pubs.

2. Ask and answer the similar questions with your partner (according to the text).


2. Complete the phrases without looking into the text.

1. In the city there is a choice ... .

2. If you want to eat ... .

3. For all plus ... . There is a necessity ... .

4. There are a lot of ... especially on Sundays. And it's ... there.

5. In cities there is no ... , that's why ... .

2. Work out several arguments for living in the city (in the countryside.

Module 5

Vocabulary : Shopping

Grammar : Degrees of comparison

Reading: At the supermarket


A. Read and translate these words.

wire basket [`waıә`bα:skıt] weigh [weı]

toothpaste [`tu:θ`peıst]] convenient [kәn`vi:njәnt]

powder [`paudә] exactly [ıg`z?ktlı]

department [dı`pα:tment] queue [kju:]

B. What departments in a food store do you know? Match the products with the department.

In the baker`s they sell meat

greengrocer`s vegetables, fruit

dairy milk, cheese

butcher`s bread

grocer`s tea, cereals, sugar

C. Answer the questions?

1) Do you often do shopping? Do you enjoy it?

2) Where do you usually buy food – at a local shop, a big store or a market? Why?

3) Do you need help when you do shopping? Do you ask anybody for advice?

What do you think is…?

a) a self-service store b) house agents c) a shopping list



At the weekends when she has more free time, Elinor does her shopping at the big food store because she can buy a lot of things much cheaper than at her local shop. The supermarket is a self-service store. It is much larger than a shop in the centre and there you can buy any food and different house agents: toothpaste, soap, washing powder, cleaning powders etc. And the choice of food is wider than in little shops– there is everything from quick-frozen food to fresh vegetables, from tinned products to cooking oil. Most of food is on the shelves but some like meat and fish is in the departments where you can ask the shop assistant to cut and weigh as much as you need. Also there is a department with prepared food. If you have little time it is more convenient to take ready food than to cook it yourself.

Elinor walks from shelf to shelf and fills her wire basket. She always writes a shopping list and knows exactly what she needs. She watches prices and chooses the most attractive prices. But she never buys products of low quality, even if they are the cheapest. When the wire basket is full she goes to the cash desk. Elinor chooses a cash desk with the shortest queue. When it is her turn she pays for the products takes her change. She pays in cash but sometimes by card. Then she puts everything into a plastic bag. She arrives home tired but happy that she has saved some money.


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Find in the text the expressions where these words are used.

house agents cash-desk

shop-assistant change

tinned products quality

2. Choose the correct variants.

People buy in the supermarket: shampoo, medicines, sandwiches, yoghurt, biscuits, soap, a computer, Cds, pasta, coffee, tomatoes, books, eggs, bread, a clock, washing powder, shoes, sausage;

When people do shopping they need: a plastic bag, a knife, a credit card, a shopping list, a newspaper, a trolley, a purse, a thermometer, cash, a wire basket, family photos, a pen, a calculator.

3. Complete the expressions:

pay by … , pay in … , save …, to fill … , to write… .


1. Try to explain in English what the word from the task 1 A mean.

Use them in your own sentences.

2. Describe how do you do following:

a) choosing the food

b) paying for the food

c) unpacking the products at home.

3. What departments do you go if you:

a) prepare a big dinner for 10 persons;

b) want to make a vegetable soup;

c) need to clean your house;

d) expect a company and don`t have time to cook a big dinner.


1. Think of the answers to following questions. Use the text to have ideas.

1. Who can help you in a supermarket? How?

2. What is the most comfortable way of doing shopping in a supermarket?

3. How can you save your time in a supermarket? Your money?

4. What problems can you have doing shopping in a supermarket?

2. What are advantages and disadvantages of:

- local shops / big stores

- ready food / not prepared food

- paying by credit card /paying in cash?

3. Writing.

Immagine: you are an owner of a supermarket. Your store is the best in the city. Describe your ideal supermarket.


Degrees of comparison


1. Find in the text all phrases with comparative degree of comparison. Make a table.

simple adjectives complex adjectives irregular form

Form the comparative degree of following adjectives:

cold, warm, powerful, active, happy, good, popular, strong, little, low, famous, busy

Do the same using the superlative degree.

2. Make up phrases with following expressions: of good quality – food of better quality - food of the best quality

1) high prices 3) a long shopping list

2) a near shop 4) an empty basket


1. Make up comparative sentences using the example:

e.g.right queue / short/ left queue – The right queue is shorter than the left one

1) fresh food / good/tinned food

2) this supermarket / convenient / that shop

3) prices in big city / high / prices in the country

4) a wire basket / heavy / a plastic basket

5) the choice in the store / wide / choice in the shop

2. Make up the sentences this superlative degree of adjectives using the example:.

e.g. The service in this shop is good. – The service in this shop is the best in the city.

1. The shop-assistants in this supermarket are very attractive.

2. The house agents here are rather expensive.

3. The queue at this cash-desk is always long.

4. The lift in this store is very dangerous.

5. The shelves of this supermarket are always clean.


1. Fill in the right form of the adjectives. Pay attention to the spelling.

1. At the butcher`s I always ask to cut the meat in (small) pieces.

2. As a rule I prefer a basket and don`t take a trolley because it is (heavy).

3. My mom often goes round the shop and looks for (low) prices.

4. We never go to that store because it is (far) from our house.

5. Today the queue at the cash-desk is (long an slow).

2. Compare two big supermarkets of your city: size, prices, choice, service, quality of food, position, etc.

Module 6

Vocabulary : How did people meet?

Grammar : Past Simple

Reading: Distant love



Read and translate these words.

1. message [`mesıdз] 2. fiancee [fı`α:nseı]

screen [`skri:n] wedding [`wedıη]

to send [`send] to propose [prә`pәυz]

to type [`tαıp] to be engaged [ın`geıdзd]


What is the idea of the text? From this list find two common words for the columns A and B and make up two phrases (for example: column 1- computer, column 2- lovestory, the phrase is computer love story).

dictionary love radio romance friendship email parents internet photo

C. Answer the questions: Do you believe in distant love? Why? Do you remember the stories of happy or unhappy internet love? After reading the text think of the title.



They exchanged computer messages for nine months. Then they realized they were in love. One day John sent a message to Ashley. It said, 'I love you. Why don't we get married?' On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean she typed her answer and 'Yes!' appeared on John's screen. They were engaged.

This week 28-year-old John travelled from his home in Britain to the United States to see his fiancйe for the first time. He also proposed again - this time on one knee. The 26-year-old teacher said 'yes' again.

John explained, 'This is love in the twenty-first century. I feel I know Ashley very well. The advantage of a computer romance is that you get to know the real person who is far away from you.'

Ashley said, 'John's a true English gentleman. I knew that from his messages on the screen and it's great to see him.'

John and Ashley 'met' through their home computers in March last year. John is going to live in the United States after the wedding next year. Until then, John will return to Britain. 'Sadly, we’re going back to computer love. Happily, we know each other much better now.'


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Match the words to make phrases. Put them in chronological order like in the text.

to travel messages

to exchange to Britain

to propose to the USA

to return on one knee

2. Is the statement true or false? Prove it using the text.

- John and Ashley wrote messages for a year.

- They live in different countries.

- Ashley said ”no” to John.

- After their wedding they will live in Britain.


1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate word: a verb or a noun

- Ashley’s answer … on the screen

- we live in the twenty-first … now

- computer romance has a great …

- after the proposal John will … to Britain.

- every day they send … to each other

2. Try to guess who and when says these words? Why do you think so?

- «Oh, dear, I must come back to my work. »

- «Do you want to be my wife? »

- «Your messages are really nice and kind. »

- «I agree. »

- «Internet helps people from other countries to meet.»


1. Try to guess what is the difference between the phrases:

-we are in love / we fell in love

-we are married / we got married

-we are engaged / we got engaged.

Make up 6 your own sentences about John and Ashley with these phrases.

2. Make up a similar love- story. Base on these facts.

Brian and Carrie intelligent and funny person

wrong number sweet voice

four months of phone talks diamond ring


Past Simple


1. Put these verbs into the Past Simple and divide them into two columns (regular and irregular):

know say meet exchange type appear explain realize travel

2. Make these sentences negative

e.g. John sent a message to Ashley . - John didn’t send a message to Ashley

1. He proposed to Ashley two times.

2. John saw his fiancйe in the USA.

3. Ashley got a message with proposal.

4. John decided to stay in the USA after the meeting.

5. They got married just after the first meeting.


1. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. There is one or two mistakes in each.

e.g. John sended much messages to Ashley. - John sent many messages to Ashley

1. John and Ashley meet in March in last year.

2. The young pupil thinked of living together in the future.

3. John is proposed twice: through internet and personally.

4. Did Ashley liked he’s letters?

5. The young teacher didn’t said ”yes” to the proposal.

2. Choose between was/ were or did

1. … they know each other through internet?

2. … she say 'Yes!' to the proposal?

3. … they engaged through internet?

4. … they in love for nine months?

5. … they return to computer love?


1. Complete John’s story. You’ve got the first and the last sentences. Write 5-7 more. Use the Past Simple tense and change the sentences from direct into indirect speech.

«Well … Last year in chat I met a girl, Ashley, she was very nice girl and we talked for four hours …. …. . I` m sure we will be a very happy family. »

2. You are a journalist. Make up 5 questions to Ashley and John (four questions in the Past Simple, one question about their future plans).

Module 7

Vocabulary: New Year traditions

Grammar: Present Continuous

Reading: New Year traditions all over the world


Read and translate these words.

striking [`straıkıη] mouthful [`mauθful]

resolution [`rezә,lu:∫(ә)n] laugh [la:f]

especially [`ispә∫(ә)lı] celebrate [`selı, breıt]

trouble [`trΛbl] parade [pә`reıd]


Match the words from these columns. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation.

a resolution is … to close

a co-worker is … a problem

to shut is … to enjoy oneself

a trouble is … to wait for

to expect is … a collegue

to have fun is a promise


Complete the phrase using the words in the box. Make up your own sentences with any three words in the box


parades celebrate midnight luck troubles mouthful

1. All the family is waiting for the last stroke of the … .

2. At the new year night people put on the table the symbol of the year, they think it brings … .

3. We forget all our … and have fun on this special day.

4. Generally people … the New Year at the end of December and the beginning of January.

5. There are big … on some special days such as Victory Day or Independence Day.

6. On the New Year’s Day my Mom cooks so many tasty things that I see the night in with … of food.


Do you agree with the following statements? Give a detailed answer.

1. Making wishes on the New Year’s night is a stupid thing is the modern world.

2. I don’t celebrate the New Year’s Day because I’m too busy for parties, gifts and dancing all the night.

3. I think that the New Year’s Day is a family day and I see it in with my family and TV.

4. I love making different gifts to my friends and my family. I think it is a great pleasure to give presents, not only get them.

5. The New Year’s Day is for children, adults must be more serious about parties.

6. People see in the New Year’s Day all over the world.


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Make the phrases with the words from two lines. Use the text if you don’t remember the phrase.

is striking are carrying are making is shutting are having are watching is waiting

acrobats the door dragons the midnight fun the clock resolutions

2. Say where people are doing this:

- are letting the New Year out - are making resolutions

- are eating grapes - are dancing in the street

-are watching parades - are going to pubs

-are spending time with co-workers - are laughing at each other


1. Answer the questions:

1. What is happening at the midnight in Spain? In England?

2. Are bonenkai parties family days?

3. Why are the Chinese buying oranges?

4. Are Spanish people looking funny at the moment of eating the grapes?

5. What promises do English people make in December?

6. When is the Japanese New Year’s Day?

2. Are the sentences true or false?

1. In Spain people see the New Year in with a mouthful of cherries.

2. Japanese people celebrate the New Year with their co-workers.

3. In China people go out into the streets and have fun, dance and sing.

4. Children always try to keep their New Year resolutions.

5. Bonenkai parties are popular in China.


1. Describe:

1. The Spanish tradition of celebrating the New Year’s Day.

2. The English children’s customs.

3. The Chinese celebration.

4. Japanese bonenkai party .

5. Letting the New Year out.

2. You are at the New Year’s party art the moment. Make the report about the seeing the new Year’s day in your country. Are there any special traditions? What are people doing?


Present Continuous


1. Use the words in brackets in Present Continuous.

e.g.The Japanese (have) fun with co-workers in a pub . –

The Japanese are having fun with co-workers in a pub.

1. Manuela (laugh) at the plate with grapes.

2. On the parade the people (sing and watch) magic tricks.

3. In English family the father (open) the door for the New Year..

4. This Chinese man (buy) oranges for the New Year party.

5. You (celebrate) the bonenkai party.

2. Ask general questions to the sentences.

e.g.Tomoko is having fun in the pub– Is Tomoko having fun in the pub?

1. Lee is watching the parade.

2. Johnny and Mary are writing the papers with their resolutions.

3. Anna is sitting with mouthful of grapes.

4. Mr. Smith is opening the door for the New Year.

5. We are enjoying funny tricks.


1. Choose between Present Simple and Present Continuous.

e.g.People like / are likinghaving New Year’s parties.

1. Generally we buy / are buying much food for New Year’s dinner.

2. Look! That boy makes / is making tricks in the street.

3. We don’t celebrate / are not celebrating the New Year with our friends.

4. I go / am going to the pub because my friends wait / are waiting for me there.

5. In Britain people usually make / are making promises for themselves.

2. Ask questions to the parts in bold. Watch the tense!

e.g. We always go to the bonenkai parties with colleagues. – Where do you always go?

1. The Chinese are singing and dancing together in the streets.

2. People all over the world are waiting for Santa Claus.

3. In England people have a tradition of letting the New Year out.

4. The Spanish are seeing the New Year in with mouthful of grapes.

5. The Chinese is making wonderful tricks with fire.

6.In December we try to forget our old troubles.


1. Fill in the necessary verb. Mind the spelling of the verbs with – ing form.

1. Why … you … at the table with the plate full of grapes?

2. We … the door and then we … it.

3. Many people … paper dragons and flowers.

4. – Tomoko … fun with her co-workers in a pub.

5. How many oranges … you … for the party?

6. The clock … twelve and we … “Happy New Year” !

2. Ask 5 tag-questions with not true information to the text. Make up the questions of different types. Make questions in the Present Continuous and the Present Simple tenses.


In Spain people wait for the midnight with a plate of grapes, don’t` they?

What are the people looking at the Chinese parade?

Module 8

Vocabulary: Travelling

Grammar: Numerals

Reading: Edinburgh: A colourful city


Read and translate these words.

Edinburgh [`edınbәrә] medieval [medi`i:vәl]

colourful [`kΛlәfәl] ghost [`gәust]

hundred [`hΛndrıd] castle [`ka:sl]

thousand [`θauzәnd] volcano [vol`keınәu]


Match the words from these columns. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation.

Castle a New year party in Edinburgh

Ghost a fortified building

Festival a spirit of a dead person

Edinburgh any occasion for celebration

Hogmanay the capital of Scotland


Read and translate the phrases, pay attention to the numerals.

1. 450 000 people live in Edinburgh.

2. In 2003, there were over 500 different shows.

3. Over 1 000 000 people visit the castle every year.

4. The old city has 100s of ghosts.

5. 100 000s of years ago, the hills in Edinburgh were volcanoes.


Answer the questions.

1. Which old cities of your country do you know?

2. How old are they?

3. How many castles could you name?

4. Which festivals are there in your country?

5. What do people do there?



Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. Four hundred and fifty thousand people live there, and because it’s in the North the skies are often grey. But Edinburgh itself is a colourful city – it mixes modern and medieval, the traditional and the new. It’s famous for its international festivals and unusual local culture.

When you arrive the first thing you see is Edinburgh castle, on a hill, high above the city. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the hills in Edinburgh were volcanoes. Today, the volcanoes are quiet. Over one million people visit the castle every year. Part of it is a thousand years old. Edinburgh castle is not the only castle in Edinburgh. In fact there are many old castles and old houses.

It’s not surprising that the old city has hundreds of ghosts. Some are famous. One is the ghost of George Mackenzie who killed a lot of people.

Edinburgh is a great place for a party. From the twenty-ninth of December – the first of January Edinburgh has a New Year festival called Hogmanay. Four hundred thousand people from all over the world go to the party. There are fireworks, concerts and a huge street party with dancing in the street!

Every summer there are art festivals in the city. They include jazz, book, cinema festivals and, of course, the famous International and Fringe Theatre Festivals. At these festivals you can see everything from circuses to ballets and from comedy shows to Shakespeare plays. In 2003, there were five thousand different shows and many of them were free!


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Find in the text the expressions and read them correctly.

450 000 / 1 000 000 / 1 000 / 400 000 / 5 000 / 2 / сотни / сотни миллионов / 29-ое число / 1-ое число

2. Complete the sentences.

1. Edinburgh is … .

2. When you arrive the first thing you see is … .

3. Edinburgh castle is not … .

4. Edinburgh is famous for … .

5. In 2003, there were … .


1. Explain in English what is:

- a ghost - Edinburgh

- a festival - a castle.

2. Answer the questions.

1. How many people live in Edinburgh?

2. When is Hogmanay?

3. What type of festivals does Edinburgh have in summer?

4. What could you see at the festivals?

5. Who is George Mackenzie?


1. Find the difference between the numerals hundred-hundreds/ thousand-thousands / million-millions. Fill in the right word in the gaps.

1. Every old castle has h… of ghosts.

2. One m… people visit the castle yearly.

3. Part of Edinburgh castle is a t… years old.

4. M… of years ago the hills were volcanoes..

5. There were over five h… different shows.

2. Write an advertisement for foreigners who are interested in old cities and castles of our country. Recommend them to visit some traditional festivals and explain what people do there.




1. Write the numerals.

e.g.45 000; 1 April – Forty-fivethousand; the first of April.

1. in 2003

2. 29 December

3. 100s

4. 100 000s

5. 1 000 000

2. Write by numbers.

e.g.six million – 6 000 000

1. the first of January

2. five hundred

3. four hundred and fifty thousand

4. one million

5. two festivals


1. Transform all ordinal numerals into the cardinal.

e.g. the second – two; the sixty-ninth – sixty-nine

1. the first

2. the millionth

3. the fiftieth

4. the five thousandth

5. the twenty-forth

2. Ask questions to the numerals.

e.g.450 000of people live in Edinburgh. – How many people live in Edinburgh?

1. In 2003 many shows were free. (When?)

2. The old city has hundreds of ghosts. (How many?)

3. Hogmanay is from 29 December – 1 January. (When?)

4. Hundreds of millions of years ago, these hills were volcanoes. (How many?)

5. Four hundred of people from all over the world go to the party. (How many?)


1. Transform all cardinal numerals into the ordinal.

e.g. one hundred – the hundredth; three – the third

1. one million

2. five hundred

3. two

4. forty five thousand

5. twenty nine

2. Ask 5 special questions about your city (How much…? How many…? When…? How old…?)

e.g. When was Minsk mentioned in chronicles? – In 1067.

How many people live there? – Over 2 million.

Module 9

Vocabulary: Weather

Grammar: Future Simple

Reading: Weather forecast


Read and translate these words.

weather [`weрә] Celsius [`selsiәs]

forecast [`fo:ka:st] thunder [`θΛndә]

temperature [`temprәt∫ә] gale [`geil]

degree [di`gri] sleet [`sli:t]

Find the translation of these proper nouns. Use a dictionary for unknown words pronunciation.

Europe Spain

France South

Greece Athens

Russia Scandinavia

Channel Turkey

Tyrrhenian Sea


Match the words from these columns. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation.

The weather in Belarus is … hot, wet,

The weather in Britain is … cloudy

In autumn it is … rainy, sunny,

In winter it is … snowy, cool,

In spring it is … windy, cold,

In summer it is … warm, foggy,

B. Complete the phrase.

1. I like when it’s … in summer.

2. In North Pole it is usually … .

3. People don’t like when it’s … in autumn.

4. In deserts it’s often … .

5. My favourite weather is … .

6. My favourite season is … when it’s … .

7. Now the weather is … .

C. Answer the questions from the point B.

1. What is the British weather like?

2. What is the weather like today?

3. What was the weather like yesterday?

4. What weather is going to be today in the evening?

5. What weather is expected to be in your country tomorrow?

6. What kind of weather do you like?

7. What kind of weather don’t you like?



Good evening!

This is Gale Goodkind with the weather forecast for tomorrow. It's Saturday, and a lot of people are going away on holiday. We're going to look at the European weather map for tomorrow morning at nine o'clock.

First, the bad news. It's raining in Spain at the moment. And the good news. It isn't going to rain tomorrow. It is going to be a hot, sunny day, with temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius.

The rain is going to move into France tonight. Tomorrow is going to be wet and windy in the South of France. In Italy it's going to be a dry day, but cloudy. The temperature there is going to be about 20 or 21 degrees Celsius.

What about Greece? Well, the sun's going to shine there. A very hot day, with temperatures about 30 degrees in Athens, 27 or 28 degrees in the islands.

And Britain? Sorry, but it's going to be a cold, wet day again. It's going to snow in Scotland, and there's going to be a thunder in the North of England.

Europe is going again to be windy with changeable skies. It is going to have

cloudy, rainy weather with strong winds to an area from France to Russia. Western Europe is going to have rain. Eastern Europe and Scandinavia are going to have sleet and snow. There are going to be strong southwesterly winds reaching nearly gale force with the possibility of gales in the Channel. Southern Spain and Turkey are going to be mostly sunny.

The interior of Italy is going also to be sunny, but the area bordering the Tyrrhenian Sea is going to be mostly cloudy with occasional showers.

Have a nice holiday!


Vocabulary and speaking


1. Find in the text the expressions where these words are used.

forecast / weather / day / temperature / wind

2. Form derivatives of the following words.

Europe rain

sun wind

cloud fog

snow West

North East



1. Explain in English when it is:

- cloudy - windy

- rainy - snowy

- foggy - sunny

2. Scan the text and tell in what countries the weather is going to be:

- wet - dry

- rainy - sunny

- hot - windy

- cloudy - cold


1. Answer the questions.

1. With whom and where do you discuss weather?

2. Do fast changes in weather influence you and your health?

3. In what ways do they influence you?

4. Which season do you like most of all and why?

5. Is there any difference between weather in big cities and in the country?

6. What weather make you depressed and why?

2. Make a forecast you expect to have tomorrow.

3. You are going to England. Describe the weather you expect to have there.


Future Simple (he, she, it)


1. Make the sentences negative.

e.g.It is going to rain tomorrow. – It isn't going to rain tomorrow.

1. A lot of people are going to stay at home on holiday.

2. Western Europe is going to have snow.

3. The rain is going to move into Greece tonight.

4. Southern Spain and Turkey are going to be mostly cloudy.

5. There's going to be a thunder in the North of England.

2. Ask general questions to the sentences from part 1.

e.g.It is going to rain tomorrow. – Isitgoing to rain tomorrow?

3. Answer the questions From part 2 using the text.

e.g. Isitgoing to rain tomorrow? – No, it isn’t going to rain tomorrow.


1. Answer the questions according to the text.

e.g.What is the weather going to be like in Spain? – It is going to be a hot, sunny day, with temperatures of 30

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