Comment on the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I'm sorry I can't accept your invitation; we have already made our plans for the holiday. 2. Hello, Anne. Haven't seen you since the end of the term. 3.1 think there is something in the stories that have been going around. 4. You haven't yet said a word about your holiday, Mike. — I've been waiting for my chance to put a word in.

3. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. I've been wanting a word with you, Lewis. 2. She hasn't bought any new clothes since the beginning of the year. 3. He has written me only once since he went away; I've sent him four letters. 4. I'm going to suggest something to you. I've been talking it over with your mother. 5. Beryl has been telling me the most amazing things. Surely, she must be exaggerating. 6. I've asked him to lunch on Sunday. 7. That's what I've been trying to remember since I met him. 8. "It can't be true. It's a dream I've been having," she thought. 9. You know, I've missed you very much these last few weeks. 10. I'm afraid I don't understand you, Gerald. I haven't changed my mind. Have you changed yours? You have been waiting here for two hours. Have you been waiting here for two hours? You have not been waiting here for two hours. 11. They have been talking for the last hour. 12. She has been working at that company for three years. 13. What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes? James has been teaching at the university since June. 14. We have been waitinghere for over two hours! 15. Why has Nancy not been taking her medicine for the last three days? Recently, I have been feeling really tired. 16. She has been watching too much television lately. 17. Have you been exercising lately? 18. Mary has been feeling a little depressed. Lisa has not been practicing her English. 19. What have you been doing?

5. Ask special questions:

1. You have been waiting here for two hours. 2. They have been talking for the last hour. 3. She has been working at that company for three years. 4. You have you been watching TV for the last 30 minutes. 5. James has been teaching at the university since June. 6. We have been waiting here for over two hours! 7. Nancy has not been taking her medicine for the last three days. 8. Recently, I have been feeling really tired. 9. She has been watching too much television lately. 10 Mary has been feeling a little depressed. 11. Lisa has not been practicing her English

4. Use the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous instead of, the infinitives in brackets:

1. "How long you (to be) here?" she demanded angrily. 2. This pair of shoes is just what I (to look for) to match my new frock. 3.1 want you to remember that I never (to ask) you for anything before. 4. What's that noise? — Mary (to break) a tea-cup. 5.1 (to think) about it the last three days, it's such a bother to me. So it really is a relief to talk it over with you. 6. Listen to me, all of you! I (to come) with the most tremendous news. 7.1 see you (not to do) much. What you (to do} all the morning? 8. It's hard to believe that it (to be) only two years and a half since I met him. 9. We (not to see) Edward for a long time. He (to change) very much? — No, he is just the same. 10. Of course, we trust her. After all, Margaret and I (to know) Lucy all our lives. 11.1 (not to wear) this dress for two years. 12. My watch (to go) for three days and it (not to stop) yet 13. Jack (to go) to Bulgaria for a holiday, I hear. I myself never (to be) there.

5. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:

1. How long you (to wait) for me? 2. I (to know) her since my childhood. 3. He (to think) about it for three days. 4. They always (to prefer) theatre to TV. 5. How long she (to study) music? - Oh, she (to study) music since her early childhood. 6. Since she was a little girl she (to try) not to take things seriously. 7. The students (to write) their test for two hours already. 8. She (to live) in that house round the corner about thirty years. 9. You (to play) too long. It's high time to do your lessons. 10. She (to be ill) for more than two weeks. I (to miss) her terribly.

Translate into English.

1. Я жду тебя два часа. 2. Она готовит ужин уже три часа. 3. Я читаю эту книгу с начала лета. 4. Мы живем в этой гостинице почти месяц. 5. Как долго она встречается с твоим братом? 6. C каких пор ты снимаешься в кино? 7. Он сидит в гостиной с тех пор, как пришел. 8. Я читаю этот журнал с тех пор, как купил его неделю назад. 9. Я живу в Англии последние восемь лет. 10. Она выглядит грустной. Что ты ей наговорил? 11. Мы очень устали, так как гуляли в горах с раннего утра. 12. Посмотри на себя! Ты что делал? 13. Я люблю его с нашей первой встречи. 14. Мы знаем друг друга уже два года. 15. Слава богу, ты здесь! Я очень хотел с тобой поговорить. 16. Нам нужны были эти деньги с того момента, как мы поженились, и мы знаем, на что их потратить.

Будущее время

В английском языке 6 способов передачи будущего времени.
В разговорном английском наиболее часто используются

·Future Indefinite

·Future Continuous

·Present Continuous

·Future Perfect

·To be Going to

·Present Continuous

К сожалению, выбор каждого вида будущего времени в английском языке не столь строго ограничен, как в случае с временами группы Past и Present . При выборе времени здесь важнее учитывать спонтанность принятия решения о совершении действия, наличие уверенности говорящего в том, что действие произойдет. Например, Future Indefinite используется, когда действие произойдет в будущем, но решение о выполнении действия принято спонтанно. АPresent Continuous используется, когда действие произойдет, и говорящий хочет выразить свою уверенность в этом.

Более подробную информацию по использованию каждого конкретного времени можно найти в соответствующих разделах "Использование...".

N. B. Любое будущее время английского языка переводится на русский язык только будущим временем.

Future Indefinite

Образование утвердительного высказывания

Для образования времени Future Indefinite используется вспомогательный глагол will или shall.

Для глаголов 2 и 3 лиц единственного и множественного чисел:

will + глагол

Для глаголов 1 лица единственного и множественного чисел:

shall + глагол


will + глагол

(в разговорной речи).

В разговорной речи предпочтительней использовать сокращенную форму:

I'll, you'll, he'll, she'll, it'll, we'll, they'll.

Образование вопросов

Для образования общих, специальных и альтернативных вопросов вспомогательный глагол will или shall, который используется в утвердительном предложении, ставят перед подлежащим.

утвердительное предложениеI shall buy this dress someday.

общий вопрос Shall I buy this dress someday?

специальный вопрос What shall I buy someday?

N. B. В специальных вопросах к подлежащему порядок слов сохраняется таким же, как и в утвердительном предложении.

Образование отрицаний

Для образования отрицаний после вспомогательного глагола will или shall в утвердительном предложении ставят частицу not.

утвердительное предложениеI shall go fo a walk tomorrow.

отрицание I shall not go fo a walk tomorrow.

В разговорной речи предпочтительней использовать сокращенную форму:

shan't = shall not,

won't = will not.

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