Упр.1. Вместо точек вставьте нужные слова из Урока 4
– Sergey is Russian. Russian is his... language. Of course he can..., ... and... Russian.
– Jane is English. ... is her native language. Of course she..., ... and... English well.
– Sun is Chinese. He is unable..., ..., or... English.
– Sophie is Italian. Her native language is... Besides, she speaks... and...
– Olga is an interpreter. She speaks... and... very well.
Упр.2. Give positive and negative answers to questions (Дайте положительные и отрицательные ответы на вопросы)
– Do you speak French?
– Yes, I do.
– No, I don’t.
Do you understand English?
Does he/she speak Chinese?
Can he/she write German?
Can your friends read Italian?
Do you understand Japanese?
Can you speak Swedish?
Упр.3. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык)
а) Меня зовут Ирина. Я русская. Русский язык – мой родной язык. Конечно, я хорошо говорю, читаю, пишу и понимаю по-русски. Я учу английский язык. Сейчас я немного говорю по-английски и немного понимаю.
б) Меня зовут Дэн. Я англичанин. Мой родной язык английский. Сейчас я живу и работаю в Москве. Я переводчик и работаю в фирме. Я хорошо говорю и понимаю по-русски. Ещё я говорю по-немецки и по-французски.
Упр.4. Fill in the answers (Вставьте ответные реплики)
1) – Do you speak Italian? _________________________
2) – What is your native language? _________________________
3) – Do you understand German? _________________________
4) – Are you able to speak and write in Chinese? _________________________
5) – Does he/she speak English? _________________________
6) – Are you able to read Swedish? _________________________
7) – Are your parents able to read and write in Japanese? _________________________
Упр.5. Fill in the questions (Вставьте вопросительные реплики)
1) _________________________ – They speak German well.
2) _________________________ – No, I am not able to read Polish.
3) _________________________ – Yes, John speaks Russian.
4) _________________________ – Lena used to be unable to speak French.
5) _________________________ – Her native language is English.
6) _________________________ – Of course I understand Chinese.
7) _________________________ – I speak a little French.
8) _________________________ – Yes, now I can read and write in Turkish.
Послушайте диалоги и расскажите, что вы поняли
Make up dialogues using the material of Lesson 4 (Составьте диалоги, используя материалы Урока 4)
Ask your friends what foreign languages they know. What is their native language? (Спросите своих друзей, какие иностранные языки они знают. И какой их родной язык?)
Tell how you speak and read English. How did you speak and read before? What is your native language? (Скажите, как вы говорите и читаете по-английски. Как вы говорили и читали по-английски раньше? Какой ваш родной язык?)
Lexical Lesson 5
Family (Семья)
Proverb (пословица)
As the tree, so the fruit.
Прочитайте и запомните слова и выражения по теме Family
1.parents 2.father 3.mother 4.sister 5.brother 6.uncle 7.aunt | 8.cousins 9.daughter 10.son 11.children 12.wife 13.husband 14.niece | 15.nephew 16.grandparents 17.grandfather 18.grandmother 19.grandchildren 20.grandson 21.granddaughter |
Упр.1. Complete the sentences (Дополните предложения)
1.Your mother’s sister is your __________.
2.Your father’s parents are your __________.
3.Your uncle’s children are your __________.
4.Your aunt’s husband is your __________.
5.Your brother’s son is your __________.
6.Your mother and father are your __________.
7.Your brother’s daughter is your __________.
8.Your daughter’s son is your __________.
Упр.2. Read the story of Charlotte, and then fill the gaps in the family tree
(Прочтите рассказ Шарлотты, а затем заполните пропуски в фамильном древе)
“My name’s Charlotte. I’m married to John. We have two children, Stephen and Sylvia. My mum’s name is Theresa and my father is called Alan. I have two sisters and a brother – Emily, Rebecca and Michael. Emily’s married to Craig and they have a son called Freddie and twin daughters, Lizzie and Vicky.”