Упр.1. Вместо точек вставьте нужные слова из Урока 4

– Sergey is Russian. Russian is his... language. Of course he can..., ... and... Russian.

– Jane is English. ... is her native language. Of course she..., ... and... English well.

– Sun is Chinese. He is unable..., ..., or... English.

– Sophie is Italian. Her native language is... Besides, she speaks... and...

– Olga is an interpreter. She speaks... and... very well.

Упр.2. Give positive and negative answers to questions (Дайте положительные и отрицательные ответы на вопросы)


– Do you speak French?

– Yes, I do.

– No, I don’t.

Do you understand English?

Does he/she speak Chinese?

Can he/she write German?

Can your friends read Italian?

Do you understand Japanese?

Can you speak Swedish?

Упр.3. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык)

а) Меня зовут Ирина. Я русская. Русский язык – мой родной язык. Конечно, я хорошо говорю, читаю, пишу и понимаю по-русски. Я учу английский язык. Сейчас я немного говорю по-английски и немного понимаю.

б) Меня зовут Дэн. Я англичанин. Мой родной язык английский. Сейчас я живу и работаю в Москве. Я переводчик и работаю в фирме. Я хорошо говорю и понимаю по-русски. Ещё я говорю по-немецки и по-французски.

Упр.4. Fill in the answers (Вставьте ответные реплики)

1) – Do you speak Italian? _________________________

2) – What is your native language? _________________________

3) – Do you understand German? _________________________

4) – Are you able to speak and write in Chinese? _________________________

5) – Does he/she speak English? _________________________

6) – Are you able to read Swedish? _________________________

7) – Are your parents able to read and write in Japanese? _________________________

Упр.5. Fill in the questions (Вставьте вопросительные реплики)

1) _________________________ – They speak German well.

2) _________________________ – No, I am not able to read Polish.

3) _________________________ – Yes, John speaks Russian.

4) _________________________ – Lena used to be unable to speak French.

5) _________________________ – Her native language is English.

6) _________________________ – Of course I understand Chinese.

7) _________________________ – I speak a little French.

8) _________________________ – Yes, now I can read and write in Turkish.



Послушайте диалоги и расскажите, что вы поняли

Make up dialogues using the material of Lesson 4 (Составьте диалоги, используя материалы Урока 4)

Ask your friends what foreign languages they know. What is their native language? (Спросите своих друзей, какие иностранные языки они знают. И какой их родной язык?)

Tell how you speak and read English. How did you speak and read before? What is your native language? (Скажите, как вы говорите и читаете по-английски. Как вы говорили и читали по-английски раньше? Какой ваш родной язык?)

Lexical Lesson 5

Family (Семья)

Proverb (пословица)

As the tree, so the fruit.



Прочитайте и запомните слова и выражения по теме Family

1.parents 2.father 3.mother 4.sister 5.brother 6.uncle 7.aunt 8.cousins 9.daughter 10.son 11.children 12.wife 13.husband 14.niece 15.nephew 16.grandparents 17.grandfather 18.grandmother 19.grandchildren 20.grandson 21.granddaughter



Упр.1. Complete the sentences (Дополните предложения)

1.Your mother’s sister is your __________.

2.Your father’s parents are your __________.

3.Your uncle’s children are your __________.

4.Your aunt’s husband is your __________.

5.Your brother’s son is your __________.

6.Your mother and father are your __________.

7.Your brother’s daughter is your __________.

8.Your daughter’s son is your __________.

Упр.2. Read the story of Charlotte, and then fill the gaps in the family tree

(Прочтите рассказ Шарлотты, а затем заполните пропуски в фамильном древе)

“My name’s Charlotte. I’m married to John. We have two children, Stephen and Sylvia. My mum’s name is Theresa and my father is called Alan. I have two sisters and a brother – Emily, Rebecca and Michael. Emily’s married to Craig and they have a son called Freddie and twin daughters, Lizzie and Vicky.”

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