Spade penknife chisel fork drill

Scissors mallet jack rake

Spade penknife chisel fork drill -

(a) We cut paper or cloth with a pair of______.

(b) We put in and take out screws with a______.

(c) We dig holes in the ground with a______.

(d) We make holes in wood, metal or stone with a______.

(e) We raise a car to change a wheel with a______.

(f) We knock nails into wood with a______.

(g) We cut down trees with an______.

(h) We carve wood or stone with a______.

(i) We hit a chisel with a______.

(j) We collect dry leaves and make earth level with a______.

(k) To cut a string and other things, we carry in our pocket a folding______.

(l) We turn the earth over in the garden with a spade or______.

(m) We saw wood with a______.

(n) We tighten or loosen nuts and bolts with a______.

Spade penknife chisel fork drill - nail nut pin screw bolt safety pin rubber band

Rope string chain thread needle drawing pin paper clip

Spade penknife chisel fork drill -

(a) We sew cloth with a_____and_ .

(b) We tie up a parcel with ____ .

(c) Mountaineers use____ to keep together and avoid falling.

(d) To keep a baby's nappy in place we use _____.

(e) We use a hammer to knock a ____ into wood.

(f) To pin a notice to a notice board we use a ____.

(g) To keep pieces of cloth together in dressmaking we use ____.

(h) We keep pieces of paper together firmly with a _____.

(i) Different parts of a bicycle and other machines are kept together with ___and ___.

(j) We use a screwdriver to put in or take out _____.

(k) Large ships in port are kept in place with heavy iron _____ .

Spade penknife chisel fork drill - (l) The postman keeps all the letters for one street together with a ____ made of elastic.

Pay back spend save open lend

Borrow earn afford owe pay

Joy: Pam, I'm in trouble. I (a)______£200 a week from my job, but I need to

(b)______about £250 a week just on basic things like food, rent and fares.

I can't make ends meet on £200. I've got to (c)______some money. Can you help?

Pam: Yes, OK. I'm quite well-off at the moment. I can (d)______you £100. Here

you are. But why don't you (e)______a bank account? It's very simple.

Then you can (f)______a little bit every week, and you won't be so hard-up.

Joy: Pam, I haven't got enough money to put in a bank account! I can't (g)_____

my gas and electricity bills. I can't (h)____ to go on holiday. I'm not just a

bit hard-up. I've got no money at all. I'm broke! Anyway, thanks for your

Spade penknife chisel fork drill - help. I promise to (i)______the £100 next month. I don't like to be in debt. I won't forget. I now (j)______you £100.


Broke hard-up in debt well-off make ends meet

(a) She earns a lot of money. She's very______.

(b) He never has a lot of money. He can't afford luxuries. He's always______.

(c) I'll have to get an extra job in the evenings. I can't ______on my salary.

(d) I'm sorry I can't lend you any money. I haven't got any. I'm absolutely ____.

(e) He's______. He owes money to me and to the bank, too.


In from on

(a) He earns £150______his evening job.

(b) I spend £8 a week ______ fares.

(c) She has to make ends meet______£500 a month.

(d) I put some money ______ my bank account.

Spade penknife chisel fork drill - (a) taxes (1) cinema, theatre, restaurant meals, etc.

(b) pocket-money(2) money for transport, e.g. bus, train, taxi

(c) salary(3) part of income paid to government

(d) entertainment(4) money parents give children every week

(e) rent (5) money from work, usually hourly or weekly

(f) interest (6) money for lighting, heating in your house

(g) wages (7) money from work, usually monthly or annually

(h) pension (8) e.g. 6% a year from your money in the bank

(i) fares (9) money for people who stop work at the age of about

(j) gas and electricity(10) weekly or monthly payments for your room, flat or

bills house

1. Spade penknife chisel fork drill - What do you spend your money on?

2. How much does a doctor earn in your country?

3. Do you save any money? If so, how (bank, cash)?

4. Is it easy to open a bank account in your country? How much do you need to start?

5. Do you owe money? Who to? When will you pay back the money?

6. Is there something you want to do or buy but can't afford to?

7. Do you often lend money? Who do you lend it to?

8. Do you often borrow money? Who do you borrow it from?

9. Do people in Russia receive a state pension when they are old? How old are they when they begin to receive it?

10. What bills do you have to pay?

11.How much pocket-money did you receive when you were 12 years old?

12. In Russia, what percentage of a person's income is taken in taxes?

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