Drill. Intonation of special questions

Where was it quiet?-In the woods. What did they drink? -Sweet white wine. Why did they walk quickly? -To keep warm.

Специальные вопросы обычно произносятся нисходящим тоном. Категоричные, серьезные, формальные вопросы имеют низкий нисходящий тон, заинтересованные, живые вопросы имеют высокий нисходящий тон.

1. When d’you get up? 2. Why did you do such a stupid thing? 3. How long do you intend being away? 4. When can you do it? 5. Where does he come from? 6. Which subject do you prefer? 7. What's your name? 8. How many cousins have you got? 9. Whose pen is this? 10. What are you studying this year?

Unit 39. YELLOW

[j] – среднеязычный щелевой срединный сонант. Средняя часть языка поднята к твердому небу. Края языка прижаты к верхним зубам, образуя проход для воздуха вдоль середины языка. Английский согласный значительно слабее русского [й].

Избегайте шума при произнесении [j], как при [й]; для этого начинайте произносить[j] с гласного.

1. Drill. Intonation of special questions - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

joke-yolk, Jack-yak, jam-yam, Jess-yes, jeers-years.

2. Drill. Intonation of special questions - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

yes, yesterday, yellow, years, York, Europe, onion, millionaire, you, university, excuse me, tutor, tunes, tuba, tubes, stupid, student, stew, Hugh, huge, Young, few, knew, New York, music, beautiful, produces.

3. Dialogue. A stupid student

A.: Excuse me. Did you use to live in New York?

B.: Yes. Did you use to be a tutor at the University?

A.: Yes. For a few years.

B.: Do you remember Hugh Young? He was a music student.

A.: Hugh Young? Did he use to have a huge yellow jeep?

B.: Yes. And he used to play beautiful tunes on the tuba.

A.: Yes, I knew Hugh. He used to be a very stupid student. Do you have any news of Hugh?

B.: Yes. He’s a millionaire now in New York.

A.: A millionaire? Playing the tuba?

B.: Oh, no. He produces jam in tubes, and tins of sausages and onion stew, and sells them in Europe. I read about Hugh in the newspaper yesterday.

A.: Oh! Well, he wasn’t so stupid.

4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Yellow yo-yos,

Yellow yo-yos,

Yellow yo-yos.

You usely use unique unicorns.

Unit 40. HAT

[h] – глухой щелевой фарингальный согласный. При его произнесении в области зева образуется неполная преграда сближением корня языка и задней стенки зева. Язык в момент произнесения принимает положение для последующего гласного, на слух звук воспринимается лишь как выдох.

Избегайте шума, похожего на русское [х]. Сделайте вдох и резко выдохните воздух в момент произнесения [h]. Cконцентрируйтесь на последующем гласном.

1. Drill. Intonation of special questions - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

ill-hill, eel-heel, and-hand, old-hold, ear-hear, eye-high.

2. Drill. Intonation of special questions - student2.ru Listen and repeat:

hit, Hilda, Mrs. Higgins, hello, Helen, husband, having, happened,

hospital, horrible, how, house, horse, heard, hope, perhaps, behind, unhappy.

3. Dialogue. A horrible accident

H.: Hello, Ellen.

E.: Hello, Helen. Have you heard? There’s been a horrible accident.

H.: Oh, dear! What’s happened?

E.: Hilda Higgins’ husband has had an accident on his horse. How awful! Is he injured?

H.: Yes. An ambulance has taken him to hospital.

E.: How did it happen?

H.: He was hit by an express train. It was on the crossing just behind his house.

E.: How horrible!

H.: He’s having an important operation in hospital now. Poor Hilda!

E.: She’s so unhappy.

H.: Perhaps he’ll be all right.

E.: I hope so.

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