Read and translate the descriptions of the suspects’ appearance.

1. He is of medium build. He has a long clean-shaven face. He has wavy shoulder-length hair. He has a high forehead. His eyes are grey. He has thin lips. He has no distinctive marks.

2. She has a round face, a low forehead and blue eyes. Her cheeks are plump. She has no any distinctive marks.

3. He is well-built. He has brown eyes, thin eyebrows, black hair, aquiline nose. He has a birthmark under his left eye.

4. He is very skinny. His forehead is low. He has black curly hair, small hazel eyes. He has a scar running from the right eye to the corner of his mouth.

5. A man of 20-25, of average built, medium height, regular features, bald. He has blue eyes.

6. He was about 40 years old, with black hair, 185 cm tall, of very slim build.

7. A 42 years old man, 180 cm tall, with sunglasses, of stout build, with short black hair, green eyes.

8. She was about 25 years old, 170 cm tall, with long blond hair and grey eyes.

9. He was about 25 years old, of slim build, about 175 cm tall, with short black hair, black moustache.

10. A man about 30 years old, 175 cm tall, overweight, with long dark hair and beard.

11. A man of 20-25 years old, of medium build, 180 cm, accurate moustache, blue eyes, short brown hair and pointed nose.

12. He looked very young, with oval face. He was of medium height, approximately 180 cm tall. He had thin eyebrows and small ears. His nose was straight. He was wearing glasses. He had thick black hair. He had a moustache.

13. He is about 50 years old. He has a beard. His hair is black. His face is square. He has heavy eyebrows.

14. He was slim and tall. He was wearing a blue tracksuit and white trainers. He had blond hair. He wasn’t wearing glasses, but he had moustache.

Read and translate the descriptions of the missing people given by police.

1. Sally Piersen, aged 20.

Sally is tall and slim with long straight black hair and green eyes.

2. Jim Scott, aged 23.

Jim is tall and slim with straight fair hair and blue eyes.

3. Peter Armstrong, aged 50.

Peter is quite well-built. He has grey hair, a grey moustache and blue eyes.

4. Mary Stuart, aged 40.

Mary is quite tall. She has long black curly hair and brown eyes.

5. Chris Murthy.

Chris is 60 years old. He has short grey hair and a grey beard and a moustache. He also wears glasses.

If you know anything about any of these people, please call the nearest police station.

Read and translate the dialogue.

P.O.:Sir (madam), can you testify?

F.:Yes, I can. I’m a witness (an eyewitness).

P.O.:Will you show your identity papers?

F.:Here they are.

P.O.:Have you ever seen the criminal before?


P.O.:How does he look like?

F.:He is old (young), short (tall) and fat (thin).

P.O.:What was he dressed in?

F.:He was dressed in a coat (raincoat, jacket, shirt, t-shirt) and jeans (trousers).

P.O.:What colour is his coat?

F.:His coat is grey (black, brown).

P.O.:Has he any distinctive marks?

F.:Yes, he has moustache (beard, a scar).

P.O.:Thank you for the information. Sign here, please.

F.:Not at all.


Read the police officer’s part and find the suitable foreigner’s phrases given in brackets. Complete the dialogue. Work in pairs. Read and translate the composed dialogue.

P.O.:Can you describe the offender?


P.O.:How tall is he?


P.O.:Can you describe his build?


P.O.:What colour is his hair?


P.O.:What colour are his eyes?


P.O.:What was he wearing?


P.O.:Has he any distinctive marks?


P.O.:How old is he approximately?


P.O.:What else do you remember?


P.O.:Thank you for the information.


(He is about 25 years old. / Yes, I can. / I think, he is about 175 cm tall. / Black. / He is of medium build. / Blue jeans, white shirt and black shoes. / He has brown eyes. / Yes, he has a scar on his left cheek. / Not at all. / His face is square and he has heavy eyebrows.)

Read the foreigner’s part and find the suitable police officer’s phrases given in brackets. Complete the dialogue. Work in pairs. Read and translate the composed dialogue.


F.:Yes, I can.


F.:I think, his height is about 180 cm.


F.:He is of stout build.


F.:He hasshort brown hair.


F.:He has small grey eyes.


F.:He was dressed in blue jeans, green shirt and black military style boots.


F.:He has a birthmark under his left eye. He also wears glasses.


F.:I think he is about 30 years old.


F.:His nose was straight. He has oval, clean-shaven face. He has regular features.


F.:Not at all.

(How tall is he? / What colour is his hair? / Can you describe the offender? / Can you describe his build? / Has he any distinctive marks? / What colour are his eyes? / What was he dressed in? / How old is he approximately? / Thank you for the information. / What else do you remember?)

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