Найдите в тексте предложения, где говорится о раздаточной коробке передач.

3. Какие тормоза используются в данной модели автомобиля ?


The new vehicle was designed and built by the General Engineer­ing Division. A conventional chassis, rigid axles and leaf spring sus­pension are used in this car. However, the frame has been modified to improve the angle of turning. The rear suspension incorporates rubber spring washers. There are telescopic shock absorbers all around. This car has four-wheel drive, it is fitted with larger tires. The wheels are driven through a four-speed gearbox, third and the top gears being synchromesh. The car is also fitted with a transfer gearbox with a 1.148:1 high ratio and a 2.4:1 low ratio. This gives the car eight forward and two reverse speeds. Both front and rear axles incorporate spiral bevel differentials. Brakes are of drum type with servo assistance and the steering system is modified. The car is powered by a six-cylinder engine, which resulted in a maximum average speed of 55 miles per hour. It should be noted that ventilation is provided by means of a standard air system.

Section 6

1.Прочтите текст.

2.Напишите основные характеристики автомобиля в порядке их важности по вашему мнению.


What Motor-Car Buyers Want

In answer to a questionnaire sent out by the General Motors Cor­poration relating to the general characteristics considered most im­portant in cars, 211000 replies were received. According to the Auto­mobile Daily News, car users specified the following characteristics, listed in order of their importance:

    6.     ease of control;
7. smoothness;
8. low first cost;
9. pick-up;
10. speed.


2.operating economy;




It is very significant that pick-up and speed, frequently stressed in automobile advertising, are, according to the answers of this question­naire, considered of least importance by the car buyers.

Section 7

1.Прочтите текст.

2.Найдите в тексте предложение, где говорится о способе переключения коробки передач, и переведите его.

3.Каков основной недостаток этого узла ? Найдите в тексте это пред­ложение и переведите его.

4.Кратко изложите содержание текста на русском языке.


Automobile Synchromesh Transmissions

This automated transmission provides effective two-pedal motor­ing, with the standard four-speed all synchromesh gearbox, a hydraulically operated diaphragm spring clutch and a low ratio torque con­verter. A microswitch in the gear lever knob initiates clutch disengage­ment when the knob is touched, thus making normal gear changes de­spite the absence of the clutch pedal. Although the torque converter can start in any gear, it is desirable that the converter should start in the first or second gear from the point of view of acceleration requirements. Any gear ratio may be kept in engagement to suit the driver's wishes and road and traffic conditions.

This transmission makes driving in the city traffic easier and has good characteristics even when the car is moving on snow and ice. The only drawback of this synchromesh transmission is its cost.

Section 8

1.Прочтите текст.

2.Переведите текст на русский язык в письменной форме.

3.Для какого класса автомобилей предназначена (найдите в тексте) такая тормозная система?


Super Stoppers

Disk and drum brakes are conventional ones. Improved hydraulic systems and anti-lock devices are designed to make brakes more effective. But they don't improve the brakes themselves.

Recently a clutch-type brake of extreming simplicity was created. Most brakes are cooled by air, like an air-cooled engine. But like a car engine they could be liquid-cooled, a water tank cools the brakes with itswater when the brakes reach a certain temperature. That method sho­uld be used only for sport cars, but not for conventional passenger-cars.

The inventor became interested in liquid cooling of brakes and developed several systems.

In passenger cars the engine's water and radiator were used to cool (he brakes. The idea is that both the engine and the brakes will not be generating peak heat at the same time.

Radar-controlled brakes are being studied now. In such cars radar is used for measuring the distance to the next car, printing that infor­mation into a simple computer, which points the accelerator, and brakes what to do.

Section 9

Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

a.What elements does the electric gear change control system consist of?

b.Where is the system used?

c.What does the control system provide the driver?


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