Типы английских деловых писем

Все деловые письма в зависимости от намерений автора письма (от цели письма) можно свести в основном к 23 типам:

1 Письмо - запрос информации о возможных деловых партнерах.

2. Письмо-запрос информации о какой-либо конкретной фирме.

3. Письмо-предложение / письмо-ответ на запрос информации.

4. Письмо-реклама (рекламное письмо).

5. Повторное письмо-предложение.

6. Письмо-заказ.

7. Письмо-отказ.

8. Письмо, подтверждающее заказ или отклоняющее заказ.

9. Письмо-извещение об отправке (товаров, грузов) и счет.

10. Письмо, подтверждающее получение товара.

11. Письмо - уведомляющее о платеже.

12. Письмо о задержке поставки товаров.

13. Письмо-рекламация.

14. Письмо-ответ на рекламацию.

15. Письмо-предупреждение по поводу задержки платежа.

16. Письмо-ответ на предупреждение.

17. Письмо-оплата векселями.

18. Письмо-консенсус.

19. Письмо-ответ на предупреждение при задержки платежа.

20.Письмо-запрос о кредитоспособности клиента / фирмы.

21.Письмо- приглашение.

22.Письмо-сообщение (уведомление, извещение).

23. Письмо-поздравление.


25. Письмо-извинение.


Схематически структуру письма-запроса можно представить следующим


1. Ссылка (Откуда я узнал о фирме? Источники моих сведений о фирме.)

2.Повод / причина (По какому поводу я пишу?)

3. Предмет (Что я хотел бы узнать? О чем прошу? – описание товара, предполагаемый объем

заказа, возможный срок поставки, условия поставки, формы оплаты, цена на товары)

4. Заключительное предложение (Надежда на незамедлительный скорый ответ).


Iporters of Fashion Goods PARIS Avenue Ravigny 14 Paris XV

12 October 1978


The Western Shoe Co. Ltd.

Yeovil, Somerset S19 3AF I


Dear Sirs

We have heard from the British Embassy in Paris that you are producing for export hand-made

shoes and gloves in natural materials. There is a steady demand in France for high-quality goods

of this type.

Sales are not high, but a good price can be obtained for fashionable design.

Will you please send us your catalogue and full details of your Export prices and terms of payment,

together with samples of leathers used in your articles and, if possible, specimens of some

of the articles themselves.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully


J. du Pont

Managing Director

(Letter to an agent)

Типы английских деловых писем - student2.ru JAMES SCOTT

Photographic Dealer


J. White & Co Ltd

254 Smuts Avenue 15 August 2005

Cape Town

Dear Sirs

I see from the Camera Review that you are the South African agents for Messrs. Derby and

Sons of London.

Would you please send me price lists and catalogues for all DERVIEW products you stock,

as well as details of discounts and terms of payment. Are you prepared to grant special

terms for annual orders totaling R 35,000 in value?

I would appreciate a visit, from your representative whenhe is next in the Durban area:

perhaps he could bring some samples of DERVIEW colour transparencies, which are

attracting a good dealof Interest here.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully

James Scott

(Enquiry from an export merchant who has not been able to obtain

satisfactory deliveries from his regular suppliers)


Import-Export Mechants ZURICH

Messrs W H. Strong and Co

73 Crimea Road London SE25 3NF

England 13May2005

Dear Sirs

We have been given your name by our associates J.J. Mieller of Basle, who

inform us that they have been doing business with you for some fifteen years.

We asked them if they

knew of a manufacturer who might be able to supply at very short notice the articles specified

on the enclosed list, and they advised us to contact you.

We can explain in confidence that our normal supplier has rather let us down on delivery dates

this year, and we are in danger of getting into arrears with some of our overseas contracts.

If you can supply the goods we require, please accept this as our order. Payment will be

made in accordance with your usual terms of business.

We hope you will be able to help us in this instance, and can add that if your products

and terms are as competitive as we have been led to believe, we will be interested in

a long-time contract with you.

We would appreciate a reply by telex.

Yours faithfully

A. Zimmerli AG

Bruno Schmidt

Export Manager

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