VI. Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the modal verbs

1. There may be other elements present in some proteins, e.g. magnesium.

2. Organisms that can live anaerobically are divided into two groups.

3. Every student should know the difference between the leaves of oak and birch.

4. Yet, again and again, something new must have been introduced into the inheritance, if all the higher forms of life that exist today had their origin in such lowly ancestor as Amoeba.

5. This quality was lacking in English wheat, and therefore grain had to be imported from America and Canada.

VII. Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Russian, pay attention to different meanings of the words.

1. By regulating the alternation of light and darkness, one can obtain three generations of sheep in two years.

2. The soil of the South contains usually less moisture than that of the North.

3. It is perhaps the type of character which is best dealt with by means of numerical taxonomy.

4. His method permits one to get good results.

5. It is late to seek advice after you have run into danger.

VIII. Put in some, any, something, anything, nothing, nobody, somebody and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Are there ... interesting articles on ecology in this magazine?

2. ... trees remain green all the year round.

3. I don’t like this book in genetics. There is .. new about gene engineering.

4. ... has taken my book in genetics.

5. There are ... protozoa that have no organs of locomotion.

IX. Make plural forms of the following nouns.

1. bacterium –

2. formula –

3. series –

4. deer –

5. fish –

Variant 6

I. Read the text and answer the questions in written form.

Smallest Units of Life, their Structure

1. All livings things, except for the very smallest, are made up of many units called cells. Although they basically contain the same structures, cells are very varied in shape, size and function. There are many millions of cells in every human being, all too small to be seen individually without microscope. Sperm cells are particularly small, about five-hundredths of a millimeter long. The very largest cells are birds eggs, in which most of the bulk is a food store called the yolk .

2. Each cell contains a nucleus, which looks like a dot under an ordinary microscope and is embedded in a jelly-like mass called the cytoplasm. Using an electron microscope, which gives a greater magnification, various structures (organelles ) can be seen in the cytoplasm. Each of these organelles does a special job.

3. The nucleus controls the shape, size and functions of the cell and it contains the hereditary material. Around the outside of the cell is a very thin membrane called the plasma membrane, which is made of protein and fat. It acts as a sieve, allowing certain chemicals to pass through, while at the same time keeping others out. Within the cells is a complex series of channels bounded by membranes, the endoplasmic reticulum, which acts as a sieve and as a means of transport for substances in the cytoplasm. Another membrane system, the golgi apparatus, secretes substances made by the cell.

4. Among the most important cell structures in the cytoplasm are mitochondria and ribosomes. The mitochondria are organelles in which the complicated processes of respiration take place; they release the energy that keeps the cells alive.


1. What are all living things made up of?

2. How many cells are there in every human being?

3. What cells are the smallest and what cells are the largest?

4. How does a nucleus look like?

5. What does the nucleus control?

6. Where is the endoplasmic reticulum?

7. How does the endoplasmic reticulum act?

8. What are the most important cell structures in the cytoplasm?

II. Rewrite and translate in writing paragraphs 1, 3.

III. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. The dog retains his native hunting instinct.

2. Some insects closely resemble a twig of a tree and it is a good way of its being protected.

3. Annual plants survive the winter as seeds only.

4. There are, however, ten or more amino acids which animals cannot produce in this way.

5. The temperature of the liquid remained constant.

6. This method was done away with many years ago.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form and voice. Translate the sentences into Russian in writing.

1. There (to be) many forms related to the Hydra in the seas.

2. This problem (to solve) by the British scientists many years ago.

3. Francesco Redi (to carry out) a simple set of experiments.

4. The so-called Red Coral (to grow) on the sea floor and (to look) like a small shrub with many red branches and white flowers.

5. Some algae (to be) capable of free movement of their body.

6. Sharks (to produce) large eggs which (to fertilize) inside the body of the mother.

V. Translate the following sentences into Russian in writing, pay attention to different forms of adjectives.

1. In dystrophic lakes rich in organic matter the number of bacteria is clearly lower than in entrophic ones.

2. The eggs were obtained from two females in each series and the spermatozoa from one made whose sperm proved to be the best as assessed from motility tests.

3. As a rule the oxygen content was always more complete in lakes in summer than in autumn.

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