System of government in great britain


adviser [ System of government in great britain - d'vaız System of government in great britain - ] n советник, консультант body of advisers совещательный орган affair [ System of government in great britain - 'fε System of government in great britain - ] n дело state affairs государственные дела allow [ System of government in great britain - 'lau] v позволять, давать разрешение to allow an argument признавать (справедливым) довод amend [ System of government in great britain - 'mend] v вносить поправки, изменения amendment [ System of government in great britain - 'mendm System of government in great britain - nt] n поправка (к резолюции законопроекту) to make amendments (to) вносить поправки (в) appeal [ System of government in great britain - 'pi:l] n апелляция Court of Appeal апелляционный суд right of appeal право обжалования apply [ System of government in great britain - 'plaı] v обращаться с просьбой appoint [ System of government in great britain - 'p System of government in great britain - ınt] v назначать (на пост), утверждать (в должности) appointment [ System of government in great britain - 'p System of government in great britain - ıtm System of government in great britain - nt] n назначение (на должность, пост) to make appointments делать назначения authority [ System of government in great britain - :'θ System of government in great britain - rıtı] n власть, полномочие; авторитет back [bæk] n поддерживать, подкреплять belong [bı'l System of government in great britain - ŋ] v принадлежать bill [bıl] n законопроект body ['b System of government in great britain - dı] n орган, общество, ассоциация bodies of power органы власти borough ['bΛr System of government in great britain - ] n город с самоуправлением change [t System of government in great britain - eınd System of government in great britain - ] v изменять choose [t System of government in great britain - u:z] v избирать, выбирать church [t System of government in great britain - System of government in great britain - :t System of government in great britain - ] n церковь compulsory [k System of government in great britain - m'pΛls System of government in great britain - rı] а обязательный conduct [k System of government in great britain - n'dΛkt] v вести, руководить constituency [k System of government in great britain - ns'tıtju System of government in great britain - nsı] n избирательный орган county ['kauntı] n графство court [k System of government in great britain - :t] n суд Royal Court Королевский суд International Court of JusticeМеждународный суд Supreme Court Верховный суд delay [dı'leı] v откладывать, отсрочивать dissolve [dı'z System of government in great britain - lv] v распускать парламент dominant ['d System of government in great britain - mınent] а господствующий dominant parties господствующие партии dominate ['d System of government in great britain - mıneıt] v господствовать, преобладать duty ['dju:tı] n обязанность; долг elect [ı'lekt ] v избирать elective [ı'lektıv] а выборный electoral [ı'lekt( System of government in great britain - )r( System of government in great britain - )l] а избирательный electoral law избирательное право entitled [ın'taıtld] имеющий право equal ['i:kw System of government in great britain - l] а равноправный, равный equality [i(:)'kw System of government in great britain - lıtı] n равенство executive [ıg'zekjutıv] а исполнительный executive body исполнительный орган executive power исполнительная власть explain [ık'spleın] v объяснять; толковать found [faund] v основывать, создавать govern ['gΛv System of government in great britain - n] v управлять government ['gΛv System of government in great britain - nment] n правительство heir [ε System of government in great britain - ] п наследник hereditary [hı'redıt System of government in great britain - rı] а наследственный influence ['ınflu System of government in great britain - ns] n влияние influential [,influ'en System of government in great britain - System of government in great britain - l] а влиятельный introduce [,ıntr System of government in great britain - 'dju:s] v представлять, вносить на рассмотренье to introduce amendments вносить поправки introduction [,ıntr System of government in great britain - 'dΛk System of government in great britain - n] n представление, введение, включение (в состав чего-л.) job [d System of government in great britain - System of government in great britain - b] n работа judge [d System of government in great britain - Λd System of government in great britain - ] n судья judicial [d System of government in great britain - u(:)'dı System of government in great britain - ( System of government in great britain - )l] а судебный law[1 System of government in great britain - :] n закон; право civil law гражданское право criminal law уголовное право labour law трудовое право leader ['li:d System of government in great britain - ] n лидер, глава legislation [led System of government in great britain - ıs'leı System of government in great britain - n] n законодательство legislative ['led System of government in great britain - ısl System of government in great britain - tıv] а законодательный legislative body законодательный орган limit ['lımıt] v ограничивать limitation [lımı'teı System of government in great britain - n] n ограничение majority [m System of government in great britain - 'd System of government in great britain - System of government in great britain - rıtı] n большинство measure ['me System of government in great britain - System of government in great britain - ] n мера; мероприятие to take measures принимать меры monarch ['m System of government in great britain - n System of government in great britain - k] n монарх monarchy ['m System of government in great britain - n System of government in great britain - kı] n монархия limited monarchy ограниченная (конституционная) монархия nominate ['n System of government in great britain - mıneıt] v назначать на должность nomination [n System of government in great britain - mı'neı System of government in great britain - n] n назначение; выдвижение кандидатов (на выборах) object [ System of government in great britain - b'd System of government in great britain - ekt] v возражать, протестовать objection [ System of government in great britain - b'd System of government in great britain - ek System of government in great britain - n] n возражение objection overruled возражение отклоняется objection sustained возражение принимается obliged [ System of government in great britain - b'laıd System of government in great britain - d] обязанный obtain [ System of government in great britain - b'teın] v получить to obtain majority получить большинство occupy ' [' System of government in great britain - kjupaı] v занимать oppose [ System of government in great britain - 'pouz] v противостоять opposition [ System of government in great britain - p System of government in great britain - 'zı System of government in great britain - n] n оппозиция parliament ['pα:l System of government in great britain - m System of government in great britain - nt] n парламент parliamentary [pα:l System of government in great britain - 'ment System of government in great britain - rı] a парламентский pass [pα:s] v принимать (решение, резолюцию) to pass the bill принять закон population [p System of government in great britain - pju'leı System of government in great britain - n] n население power [раu System of government in great britain - ] п власть, полномочия print [prınt] v печатать property ['pr System of government in great britain - p System of government in great britain - tı] n собственность, имущество queen [kwi:n] n королева register ['red System of government in great britain - ıst System of government in great britain - ] n список electoral register список избирателей register v регистрировать reign [reın] v царствовать reject [rı'd System of government in great britain - ekt] v отвергать require [rı'kwaı System of government in great britain - ] v требовать requirement [rı'kwaı System of government in great britain - m System of government in great britain - nt] n требование resident ['rezıd System of government in great britain - nt] n постоянный житель resign [ri'zaın] v уходить в отставку to resign the Cabinet выйти из (состава) правительства responsible [rıs'p System of government in great britain - ns System of government in great britain - bl] а ответственный right [raıt] n право human rights права человека right to work право на труд rule [ru:l] v управлять; руководить ruler ['гu:l System of government in great britain - ] п правитель senior ['si:nj System of government in great britain - ] а старший sign [saın] v подписывать signature ['sıgnıt System of government in great britain - System of government in great britain - ] n подпись; подписание significant [sıg'nıfık System of government in great britain - nt] а важный, знаменательный society [s System of government in great britain - 'saı System of government in great britain - tı] n общество submit [sΛb'mıt] v представлять на рассмотрение (в суд, комиссию) to submit a bill to Parliament представить законопроект на рассмотрение парламента suffrage ['sΛfrıd System of government in great britain - ] п избирательное право universal suffrage всеобщее избирательное право summon ['sΛm System of government in great britain - n] v созывать парламент support [s System of government in great britain - 'p System of government in great britain - :t] v содействовать, поддерживать unanimous [ju:'nænım System of government in great britain - s] а единодушный, единогласный virtual ['v System of government in great britain - :tju System of government in great britain - l] а действительный, фактический vote [vout] я голос majority vote большинство голосов vote v голосовать wealth ['welθ] n богатство А   А А D, Т2   D     С А   T2 А, В     Т T1 С С     С, Т2 T1 Т2 B, C, Т2 Т2 A C, Т2 C, Т2 A, B   D   T1 A A, Т2   Т2 Т2   C     D T1 A     A C T1 C   C A, C A D   A A     А A A А   А     С, Т2   A     Т2     А А   A   D   T2 А А T2 А     Т2 А D В   Т2 С   В T1   T1 А   В D   T1 С   В   Т2   А D, Т2 T1 А     С, D, Т2 А



Task: read the text; translate it into Russian in written form.

Great Britain is a monarchy, but the Queen of Britain is not absolute but constitutional. Her powers are limited by the Parliament. The Parliament is the supreme legislative authority in Britain. Queen's power is hereditary and not elective.

In practice the Monarch has no actual power: they say1 the Monarch reigns but does not rule. The Prime Minister is the virtual ruler of the country. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party that obtains a majority in the House of Commons. That party which has majority of seats in the House of Commons is called the Government and the other is the Opposition. The leader of the party in the opposition occupies a salaried office of the Leader of the Opposition. The Government may hold office for five years.

All the affairs of the state are conducted in the name of the Queen, but really the Prime Minister is responsible for every measure submitted to Parliament.

The Queen summons, prorogues and dissolves Parliament2. Normally she opens each session with a speech from the throne outlining the Government's programme. It is her duty to make appointments to all important state offices, including those of judges, officers in the armed forces, diplomats. She must, in theory at least, see all Cabinet documents. The Queen has the power to conclude treaties, to declare war and make peace.

The Queen has her own Privy Council3. The Cabinet developed from this Council, which used to be body of advisers of English monarchs. As the system of Cabinet developed the Privy Council declined in importance. The Privy Council consists of members of the royal family, the archbishops4, colonial governors and senior ministers. There are about 300 of them altogether. The committee of the Privy Council, the Judicial Committee, however, is the final court of appeal for the British - a Royal court.

Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952 after the death of her father, King George VI. She has four children: one daughter and 3 sons. The Queen's heir is Charles, Prince of Wales. He was born in 1948, educated in Cambridge, served in the Royal Navy5. Now he is involved in various aspects of public life, in particular industry and government.

The Royal family is the principal aristocratic house in Britain, closely connected with other members of the hereditary aristocracy and with big finance interests. The Queen is known to be among the wealthiest women in the world.


1 they say - говорят

2 summons, prorogues and dissolves Parliament - созывает, прерывает и распускает парламент

3 Privy Council - Тайный совет

4 archbishops - архиепископы

5 Royal Navy - Королевский флот, ВМС Великобритании


Ex. 1. Read the international words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress.

'monarchy 'industry 'Prime 'Minister 'programme 'theory 'public 'final 'absolute 'practice 'documents 'officers 'cabinet 'office 'aspect 'parliament 'leader 'throne 'judge consti'tutional com'mittee oppo'sition

Ex. 2. Memorize the following pairs of derivatives:

N → Adj V → N
constitution – constitutional practice – practical monarchy – monarchical theory – theoretical industry — industrial office - official govern – government appoint – appointment oppose – opposition limit – limitation conclude – conclusion develop - development

Ex. 3. Transform as in the models:

Model 1: to elect MPs — election of MPs

to limit powers; to dissolve the Parliament; to appoint officers; to declare war; to conclude a treaty; to develop the policy.

Model 2: powers of the Queen — Queen's powers

heir of the Queen; decision of the Cabinet; functions of the Prime Minister; decisions of the committee; prerogative of the Monarch.

Model 3: members of the Cabinet — the Cabinet members

programme of the party; workers of the office; documents of the Government; offices of the state; court of appeal.

Ex. 4. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1. hereditary power 2. actual power 3. virtual ruler 4. armed forces 5. party in the opposition 6. leader of the party 7. in the name of the Queen 8. responsible for all measures 9. to make appointments а. лидер партии b. действительный правитель с. вооруженные силы d. партия, находящаяся в оппозиции е. наследственная власть f. действительная власть g. делать назначения h. от имени королевы i. ответственный за все меры

Ex. 5. Choose the right word or word-combination.

1. The Queen's power is ... .

a) elective b) hereditary c) unlimited

2. Prime Minister is the ... ruler of the country.

a) formal b) hereditary c) virtual

3.The Party which has majority in the House of Commons forms ... .

a) opposition b) parliament c) government

4. It's the ... duty to make appointments to all important state offices.

a) Queen's b) Prime Minister's c) Lord Chancellor's

5. The Cabinet developed from ... .

a) Privy Council b) Judicial Committee c) House of Lords

Ex. 6. Complete the sentences:

1. The Queen's power in the United Kingdom is ... . 2. Prime Minister is the leader of the party that ... .3. Prime Minister is responsible for ... . 4. The Queen has the power ... . 5. The Privy Council consists of ... .

Ex. 7. Insert the right words:

Great Britain, House of Commons, Prime Minister, Parliament, Privy Council, Council, Court of Appeal, Queen.

1. ... is a monarchy. Queen's powers are limited by ... . 2. ... is the virtual ruler of the country. 3. That party which has majority of seats in the ... forms the government. 4. The ... opens each session of Parliament with a throne speech. 5. The Queen has her own ... . There are about 300 members in this ... . 6. The Judicial Committee is the final ... .

Ex. 8. Mark the statements that are true.

1. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. 2. The Queen's powers in Britain are unlimited. 3. The Prime Minister is the leader of the party which has majority in the House of Lords. 4. The Queen opens each session of Parliament with a throne speech. 5. The Privy Council is responsible for all government measures. 6. The Judicial Committee is the final court of appeal in Britain.

Ex. 9. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What kind of monarchy is Great Britain? 2. Is the Queen's power hereditary or elective? 3. Who is the virtual ruler of the country? 4. What are the functions of the Queen of Britain? 5. The Privy Council consists of 300 members, doesn't it? 6. What is the final court of appeal in Britain?

Ex. 10. Make a short summary of the text.


Task: read the text, find the answers to the questions given below.

Effective power belongs to the Government, which is part of Parliament and responsible to it, but which also normally dominates it. The Government consists of about a hundred politicians under the Prime Minister. Members of the Government are not elected by the House of Commons. They are nominated by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister may also require ministers to resign. A modern government is arranged in about fifteen departments, each with its ministerial head. The number changes from time to time, as departments are split or joined together1. All the heads of departments are members of the House of Commons.

The executive power belongs to the Cabinet of Ministers. The Cabinet consists of 16 to 24 senior ministers whom the Prime Minister has appointed. Most ministers in the Cabinet are heads of departments. The Cabinet meets once a week in No 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the British Prime Minister. Cabinet-making2 is the most important part of a Prime Minister's job. The Prime Minister decides which ministers will be included. In order that it can work as a team and arrive at decisions more easily and quickly the Cabinet is restricted to about twenty members.

The Cabinet formulates a comprehensive policy covering all major issues both at home and abroad. The Cabinet has to decide on important day-to-day issues as they arise, e.g. a major strike, a run on the sterling, political upheavals abroad. It must also consider future policy. The policy decided upon by the Cabinet is implemented by the various departments of state. The Cabinet is also the Court of Appeal: This is presided over by the Lord Chief Justice of Appeal, and a quorum is three judges.


1 split or joined together - дробятся или соединяются

2 Cabinet-making - создание кабинета

1. Which body has more powers: Parliament or the Government?

2. How is the choice of the members of the Government exercised?

3. Is the number of Ministers in the Government constant?

4. What kind of state body is the Cabinet: executive, legislative, judicial?


Task: read the text, get ready to render its contents in Russian.

The legislative power resides in Parliament, which, strictly speaking1, consists of the Sovereign, the House of Commons and the House of Lords2.

There are 635 members of the English House of Commons, or MPs as they are usually called. They are elected by popular vote and represent the counties and borough constituencies. The House of Commons seems to have most of power within Parliament. It is here that the Government is formed. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of that party which has majority in the House of Commons. Any member of the House may introduce a Bill. The maximum life of the House of Commons has been restricted3 to 5 years since the Parliament Act 1911.

Each session of Parliament is usually opened in the House of Lords. The House of Lords, or the Upper House4, consists of hereditary and life peers and top church officials. In the full House of Lords there are some 650 members. The House of Lords is not an elective body. The House of Lords like the Monarch has now lost most of its powers and cannot influence the process of decision-making5 in Parliament. In practice, the powers of the House of Lords have been truncated6 to limited 'revising and delaying functions. It is the House of Commons which is the dominant part of the legislature. The Lords and the Commons began to meet separately some five centuries ago. The House of Lords consists of the Lords «Spiritual and Temporal»7. The Lords Spiritual are the two archbishops (Canterbury and York) and twenty-four bishops of the Church of England. The Lords Temporal include peers by hereditary right, peers by virtue of their office (the Law Lords), and Life peers created under the Life Peerage Act, 1958.


1 strictly speaking - строго говоря

2 the Sovereign, the House of Commons and the House of Lords — монарх, палата общин и палата лордов

3 to restrict — ограничивать

4 Upper House — верхняя палата парламента

5 decision-making — принятие решений

6 to truncate — сокращать

7 the Lords «Spiritual and Temporal» — лорды духовные и светские


Task: read the text and say, how many stages a bill must pass to become an Act of Parliament.

A law passing through Parliament is called a bill. It becomes a law, an Act of Parliament, when it is passed by Parliament.

Preparing a bill for submission to Parliament may take many months, and it may be preceded by other government publications. A Green Paper sets out various alternatives or discussion. Pressure groups make their views known.

Government departments concerned are also consulted. The Government then issues a White Paper containing its definite proposals for legislation. Any member of the House of Commons may introduce a bill. When the bill is introduced it receives its formal «first reading»1 after which it is printed2 and circulated to members. The first reading of a bill is scarcely3 objected to as there is no debate or amendment allowed at this stage, but a date is fixed for the second reading.

At the «second reading» the bill is debated. When this second reading takes place, the member who has introduced the bill makes speech explaining the proposed new law and his reasons for bringing it forward4. Some members may support the bill, but others may oppose it. There may be a discussion. If the bill passes this stage it is sent to a Committee where details are discussed and amendments generally made.

Finally the bill is given a «third reading». The House of Commons may be unanimous in favour of5 the bill or not. The Speaker must then call for a division6. If the bill has a majority of votes it will go before the House of Lords.

The House of Lords can not reject bills passed by the House of Commons. The Lords can merely delay7 bills which they don't like.

A bill becomes an Act of Parliament when the Queen signs it.


1 "first reading" - «первое чтение» (законопроекта)

2 to print - печатать

3 scarcely - редко

4 bringing forward - выдвижение

5 in favour of - в пользу

6 call for a division - призвать к голосованию

7 to delay - отсрочить


Для того, чтобы выполнить контрольные работы, необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал:

1. Словообразование: основные словообразовательные суффиксы.

2. Видо-временные формы глагола (действительный и страдательный залог).

3. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

4. Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no и их производные.

5. Согласование времен.


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