Публикации рубрики - Геология. Страница: 59

На этой странице собрано около (~) 2049 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Геология. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Основы методик построения моделей пластов по геолого-физическим и промысловым данным

Создание модели пласта на основе часто разрозненных геолого-физических и промысловых сведений о нем требует от инженера-разработчика глубоких знаний, проявления научного, творческого подхода. Нефтегазоносные пласты не похожи

Модели пластов и процессов разработки

Создание моделей нефтяных месторождений и осуществление на их основе расчетов разработки месторождений - одна из главных областей деятельности инженеров и исследователей-нефтяников. На основе геолого-физических сведений о

Моделирование разработки нефтяных месторождений

Институт природопользованияКафедра геологииМОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ РАЗРАБОТКИ НЕФТЯНЫХ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЙКурсовая работапо дисциплине «Нефтегазопромысловая геология» Выполнил: студент группы збу2н-62 Алиев.Н.И ___________ ___________________ число

Discuss the following questions.

1) How would you define chemistry? 2) What do you know about chemistry? 3) What does chemistry study? 4) What sciences is chemistry closely connected with? 5) What is the task of chemistry? 6) What are chemists interested in? 7) What is the objective of chemistry? 5. Look through the text again and a) find all the definitions that are given in it; b) give your own definitions to the chemical terms in bold.Match the

Answer the following questions.

1) What branch of science does economics belong to? 2) What problems does economics deal with? 3) Why do you think some people are poor and others are rich? 4) Which two main divisions of economics do you know? 5) What do micro- and macroeconomics deal with?Complete the sentences. Use the information from the text.1) Economics studies a wide _________ questions. 2) Economics is closely tied with ________ . 3) Many

Pay special attention to the stress in the following groups of words. Pronounce them.

distribute-distributing-distribution deliver-delivering-delivery process-processing transport-transporting-transportation produce-product-production refine-refinery locate-location gather-gathering Read the text “Pipeline System”; look at the diagram and pay attention to the underlined terms in the text.Pipeline System Fig. 1 Pipeline system In the petroleum industry, pipelines are used

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word-groups.

1) living organisms 2) multidisciplinary science 3) life-supporting layer 4) concept of the biosphere 5) interdisciplinary science 6) highest concentration 7) environmental change 8) human 9) interactionMatch the words in column A with their translation in column B. 1) to influence a) возникать 2) mankind b) междисциплинарная наука 3) high concentration c)

Give a short summary of the text. You may use the plan which is given below.

· Give the definition to mining and its methods. · Tell about the functions of mining. 1. The text tells us about ________________ . 2. The author points out _______________ . 3. He believes ____________________ . 4. In the second part of the text he continues _______________ . 5. The author also gives the information about __________ . 6. In conclusion, ________________ . Lesson VIIIOIL EXTRACTIONLead-inOil

Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following terms. Pronounce them.

mining, incline, either, drives tremendous, tendency dimensions, metal mineral, distance, driven, dimension, drift tabular, capacity, extraction earth, depth, length, methodPay attention to the stress in the following words. ´mining im´proving ´substance ext´raction di´mension exploi´tation ´bearing de´velopment Read the text and fulfil the

Read the text. Find the number of the paragraph with the following information.

a. Regional geophysical mapping is not too costly. b. The earthquakes occur earth weakness zones. c. A team effort is the most successful approach to explorationFind and correct the wrong word in the following sentences.1) The methods of geophysics are used to give us a worse understanding of our physical environment. 2) Through the study of the chemical processes of earth movements we will learn more about the

Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Наука «геология» объясняет происхождение этих полезных минералов. 2) Мы полагаемся на изучение физических свойств этих минералов. 3) Инструменты, используемые для геофизической съемки, обычно специально проектируется. 4) Они

Match the parts of the sentences.

1. The word geology comes a. with the practical use of geological knowledge. 2. Geology has become subdivided b. to a particular area. 3. We can draw c. into several more specialized disciplines. 4. The upper part of the crust is affected d. at the integration of the geological information. 5. The crust is constantly subjected e. from the Greek language. 6. Regional geology aims f.

Express your personal viewpoint on the following.

1) The work of an engineer is: · prestigious · well-paid · difficult · exciting · responsible · creative · monotonous and dull 2) Mechanical engineers have a lot of job opportunities. 3) Mechanical engineers are extremely important in the running of different plants and industries. 4) Teamwork is very important. 5) Engineers manage our future. Lesson IXNEW ENERGY FROM OLD SOURCESLead-inWhat is energy? What

Read the text about Nick and his job, decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

MY JOB My friend Nick works at the plant. He is a skilled metal worker. He works in the assembling workshop of the tractor plant. Tractors and lorries of different kinds are produced there. His work starts at 8 o’clock in the morning and finishes at 5 o’clock in the evening. Nick is responsible for special assembling operations. He makes a part of the product and passes it to the next person. So he has to be

Now say a few words about yourself using the example – diagram.

Vocabulary 1) family - семья   2) large - большой   3) flat - квартира   4) industrial centers - промышленные центры   5) automobile plant - автомобильный завод   6) marks - отметки   7) to do well -хорошо учиться   8) to enter - поступать в ВУЗ

Write down words that come to your mind on the topic “My Family and Me”.

ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕИзменения, происходящие в нашей стране, рост международного сотрудничества, поставили выпускников технических вузов перед необходимостью владения иностранным языком. Формирование готовности и развитие

Упругие и пластические деформации земной коры

Под тектоническими движениями понимают механические перемещения вещества в земной коре и верхней мантии, связанные с физико-химическими процессами, происходящими на разных уровнях в недрах Земли. Основными источниками

Теоретическое и практическое значение деятельности рек

Изучение деятельности рек имеет большое теоретическое значение. Состав аллювия и соотношение его фаций, количество древних надпойменных террас и изменение их высот вдоль долины реки дают возможность понять историю новейшего