Give a short summary of the text. You may use the plan which is given below.

· Give the definition to mining and its methods.

· Tell about the functions of mining.

1. The text tells us about ________________ .

2. The author points out _______________ .

3. He believes ____________________ .

4. In the second part of the text he continues _______________ .

5. The author also gives the information about __________ .

6. In conclusion, ________________ .

Lesson VIII



Oil extraction (oil production) isa process of oil recovery from a well.

Write down the words associated with “oil extraction”.Explain your associations.


1) to extract oil - добывать нефть
2) to establish - оценивать, устанавливать
3) refinery - нефтеперерабатывающий завод
4) reserves - запасы
5) to decrease - уменьшать, убывать, понижаться
6) to increase - увеличивать, повышать, усиливать
7) to discover - обнаруживать, открывать
8) to recover - добывать(нефть, газ)
9) to pump - качать, откачивать \ насос
10) substance - вещество, материя
11) сomposition - состав, соединение
12) viable -жизнеспособный
13) recovery factor - коэффициент нефтеотдачи
14) to extract   - извлекать (нефть, газ или инструмент из скважины)
15) excess pressure - избыточное давление
16) sluggish - медлительный, медленный
17) treacle - вязкая жидкость
18) seam - пласт; тонкий слой; прослой
19) large-scale - широкий, масштабный; крупномасштабный
20) commercial production - промышленная добыча
21) production facilities - эксплуатационное оборудование
22) trap (pocket) - ловушка (для отделения газа от жидкости или нефти от воды)
23) reservoir - пласт-коллектор; пластовый резервуар (нефти, газа)
24) sufficient - достаточный; обоснованный
25) to force - выталкивать
26) to inject - нагнетать
27) atmospheric temperature - температура воздуха

Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following terms.

[ai] refinery, viable, widely, pipeline

[e] excess, well, generally

[i:] treacle, seam, decrease, increase

Pay attention to the stress in the following words. Pronounce them.

´viable es´tablished ´excess
´terminal ´sluggish dis´covered

Read the text and fulfil the exercises.


Discovering new reservesof oil is only the beginning of the story. It's then the job of a new team of economists, scientists and engineers to decide whether - and how - to go into large-scale commercial production.

Once oil or gas have been discovered, it has to be established how much is there, how much can be recovered, what its quality is and how the oil and gas can be transported safely to arefinery or terminal. In other words, is the find economically viable? If so, further wells will have to be drilled and production facilities established.

The recovery factor - the amount of oil that can be economically extracted compared with the total amount estimated to be in the ground - varies widely. Twenty years ago a recovery factor of about 30 per cent was normal. Today the average is about 45 per cent. Improved technology is likely to increase this further.

Crude oil is found in underground pockets or traps. Gas and water are generally found in the reservoir too - usually under pressure. This pressure is sometimes sufficient to force the oil to the surface of the well and excess pressure may cause problems.

In the early stages of production an oilfield may have freely flowing wells, but as oil is extracted the pressure decreases and pumping may become necessary. Alternatively, it may be possible toincrease the pressure by injecting further gas or water into the edges of the reservoir.

Crude oil is a natural substance whose composition varies. Even in the same oilfield, where oil is obtained from different depths, it can vary greatly in composition and appearance. It may be an almost colorless liquid or a sluggish, black substance, so heavy that it cannot be pumped at atmospheric temperatures. Generally, however, crude oils look rather like thin, brown treacle.

There is no single solution to the problem of getting oil out. Production and transport methods will depend on where the oil is found, and in particular, whether it has been found under the land or under the sea. Obviously, it is a lot harder and more expensive to drill for oil beneath the sea than on land, which is one reason why the majority of the oil that we use is produced onshore.

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