Функции причастия в предложении и способы его перевода на русский язык

Функции в предложе нии V -ing V3
Как переводится на русский язык
Определение 1. Причастием с суффиксами -ащ(-ящ); -ущ(-ющ) The ozone layer is a filter protecting us from harmful radiation from the sun. Озоновый слой выступает в качестве фильтра, защищаю-щего нас от вредной солнечной радиации. 2. Придаточным предложением The skin being protected from harmful solar radiation is very beautiful. Кожа, которая защищена от вредной солнечной радиации, очень красива.   3. Причастием с суффиксами -ем, -им The skin being protected from harmful solar radiation will never be damaged. Кожа, защищаемая от вредной солнечной радиации, никогда не будет повреждена. Причастием с суффиксами -ен(н), -ан(н), -ян(н), -т The skin protected from harmful solar radiation was not damaged. Кожа, защищенная от вредной солнечной радиации, не была повреждена.
Обстоя тельство Деепричастиями, заканчивающимися на -я(-ая), -в и деепричастными оборотами Protecting us from harmful solar radiation the ozone layer acts like a filter. Защищая нас от вредной солнечной радиации, озоновый слой выступает в качестве фильтра. Having protected us from harmful solar radiation the ozone layer acted live a filter. Защитив нас от вредной солнечной радиации, озоновый слой выступил в качестве фильтра. 1. Придаточным предложением (При + существительное) If (when) protected from harmful solar radiation the skin will not be damaged. Если (когда) кожа будет защищена от вредной солнечной радиации, она не будет повреждена. Having been protected from harmful solar radiation the skin was not damaged. Так как кожа была защищена от вредной солнечной радиации, она не была повреждена.  
Часть сказуемо- го Личной формой глагола. The ozone layer is protecting us from harmful solar radiation. Озоновый слой защищает нас от вредной солнечной радиации. Личной формой глагола (учитывая способы перевода страдательного залога). The skin was protected from harmful solar radiation. Кожа была защищена от вредной солнечной радиации.

Task 2. Translate into Russian paying attention to different forms of the Participle.

1. The earth’s surface and its interior are constantly changing.

2. Mexico City is built on the naturally deposited sand.

3. Mountain ranges are worn down to plains through slow, but dramatic, processes.

4. The earth can be visualized as a giant machine driven by two engines, one internal and the other external.

5. Water, especially in the oceans, is evaporated by solar heating.

6. Solid rock will break down when exposed to the atmosphere.

7. Geography is pursued not only to satisfy curiosity.

8. Most of the deaths were caused by loose debris falling off buildings or by structures collapsing.

9. Knowledge should be applied to improve the design of buildings built on different kinds of material.

10. The environment is threatened because these are nonrenewable resources.

11. You would want the house designed and built to absorb the kind of vibrations given off by earthquakes.

12. The hot rocks blasted out of the volcano caused part of the ice and snow capping the peak to melt.

13. The mud flow overwhelmed the town, killing most of its inhabitants.

14. Geologists published maps showing the location and extent of expected mudflows.

15. The upper mantle underlying the lithosphere, called the asthenosphere, is soft.

16. The forces generated inside the earth, called tectonic forces, cause deformation of rock.

17. The mechanical energy may be stored or converted to heat energy.

18. The plate tectonic theory, currently accepted by most geologists, is a unifying theory.

19. Earthquakes were presumably caused by continuing movement of the continents.

20. Some tests did not work out exactly as predicted.

21. The original concept was, and continues to be, modified.

22. Streams running toward oceans remove and transport some of the land over which they run.

23. Erosion requires a transporting agent such as running water.

24. In time a layer of sediment deposited on the sea floor becomes buried under another layer.

25. These events occur when stored energy, sometimes stored for centuries, is suddenly released.

26. Many rocks exposed at the earth’s surface are only partially weathered.

27. Nuclear power plants produce steam using the heat given off during nuclear reactions.

28. A snowfall can be compared to sediment setting out of water.

29. Air sinking down through the atmosphere is compressed by the weight of the air above it.

30. Caves (or caverns) are naturally formed underground chambers.

31. Rift valleys have been explained by extension caused by an expanding earth.

Task 3. Comment on the forms and functions of the Participle.

1. The elements making up climate are temperature, precipitation, and humidity of the air, cloudiness, air pressure and wind.

2. Blowing from the ocean the prevailing winds are mild in winter and cool in summer, but approaching the mountainous areas near the west coasts they are forced to rise with a consequent lowering of temperatures.

3. The single tempering influence in this field of extreme climatic conditions is that of the Atlantic Ocean.

4. Especially characteristic for Eastern Siberia are the extremely low winter temperatures coupled with a relatively warm summer.

5. The climate of Central Asia is characterized by very high summer temperatures; winters are unusually cold for the latitude concerned, and very low precipitation.

6. The trend for protecting coastal communities benefits both the developed and developing world.

7. These measures, combined with the new pollution controls, led to greatly reduced levels of air pollution.

8. Low-lying coastal areas are more likely to be flooded than high cliffs or inland areas.

9. Sewage treatment plants may be flooded, resulting in pollutants being spread over a wide area.

10. Having learned the characteristics of moving air currents we can predict daily weather with great accuracy.

11. When freezing water expands by about one-tenth of its volume.

12. The combination of decreased temperature and increasing moisture with increased elevation tends to produce a microcosm of climates and vegetation patterns in a very small area.

13. Large cities have temperatures several degrees higher than the surrounding country side.

14. If warming persists resulting in substantial reduction of ice caps, the rising seas will change the patterns of the world’s coastlines.

15. Increased human activity, especially in the burning of the hydrocarbon fuels, has added to pollution and diminished the clarity of the atmosphere.

16. Living with nature, the human species can occupy this good blue-green earth for millennia.

17. A storm is a disturbance of the atmosphere characterized by strong winds and frequently accompanied by rain, snow, hail, thunder and lightning.

18. The North and South poles have six months of continuous daylight followed by six months of darkness each year.

19. The conference produced agreement among 33 countries that greenhouse effect should be reduced, individual countries being responsible for how reduction targets should be distributed between industrial, energy and transport sector.

20. A number of world’s driest deserts are found along coastal margins dominated by high pressure cells and bordered by cold ocean currents.

Task 4. Translate from Russian into English.

Встречающийся – встречая – встретив – встречаемый – встреченный;

Смягчающий – смягчая – смягчив – смягчаемый – смягченный;

Влияющий – влияя – повлияв;

Увеличивающийся – увеличивая – увеличив – увеличиваемый – увеличенный;

Испытывающий – испытывая – испытав – испытываемый;

Получающий – получая – получив – получаемый – полученный.

Task5. Use the information from Task 1 to complete the following sentences with the best form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The general distribution of temperature is based mainly on the amount of solar energy (to receive).

2. The mountains cause the westerly winds to rise across the land, (to produce) abundant rainfall. This is heaviest on mountain slopes (to expose) to the prevailing winds.

3. (To situate) in the mid-latitude westerly wind belt and (to surround) by the open ocean, New Zealand has a temperate, moist, and maritime climate.

4. Broad climatological regions obviously – do not adequately explain the variety of microclimates (to encounter) in a mountainous region.

5. Desiccating winds (to bear) enormous quantities of dust and sand, and high temperatures (to blow) out of desert regions into more humid adjacent lands may bear local names like scirocco or harmattan.

6. (To blow) from low latitudes, the wind warmed the area over which it traveled.

Task 6. Here are some sentences about climate, its elements and controls. Discuss with a partner the best way to translate the words in brackets.

1. The equatorial climate is found as a belt (простирающийся приблизительно на 50) on each side of the Equator. The Amason and the Congo basins are typical areas (имеющие) this climate.

2. All geographic controls (взаимодействующие в) various combinations on the climatic elements, produce both climate and weather.

3. The great disturbance (вызываемые торнадо) is due to the strong winds.

4. A storm is a disturbance of the atmosphere (которое характеризуется сильными ветрами и часто сопровождается дождем, снегом, градом, громом и молнией).

5. Taken collectively, (различные составляющие) of the environment, (включая) weather and climate, provide the framework within which people live.

6. Very large droplets of water (падающие из) thunderstorms may represent hailstones that melted before they reached the surface.

7. Currents are driven not only by wind and pressure belts, but by differences in density (вызванные испарением), surface heating, and variations in salinity.

8. (Сжигая ископаемое топливо) man is creating irreversible climatic changes.

Task 7. Translate into English.

1. Методы, используемые в этом эксперименте, очень интересные.

2. Большое влияние на формирование климата Южной Америки оказывают Анды, которые преграждают (to bar) путь воздушным массам с Тихого океана на востоке.

3. При движении ледники выпахивают (образуют) котловины.

4. Достигнув цели, ученые прекратили работу.

5. Земли, открытые Колумбом, европейцы назвали Новым Светом.

6. Собрав данные за длительный период, ученые сообщили о климатических изменениях в этом регионе.

7. Первыми исследователями неизвестных земель были путешественники и мореплаватели.

8. Основу систем постоянного наблюдения за объектами на Земле (GPS) составляют 24 искусственных спутника Земли, непрерывно вращающиеся вокруг нашей планеты и излучающие радиосигналы, которые принимаются на Земле.

9. При составлении планов местности кривизну шарообразной поверхности Земли не учитывают.

10. Лед, будучи веществом пластичным, течет вниз в виде ледникового языка.

11. Периодические колебания уровня океанов и морей, вызываемые силами притяжения Луны и Солнца, называются приливом и отливом.

12. При сильном охлаждении морская вода, как и пресная, замерзает.

13. Прибрежные участки морей и океанов отравляются загрязненными водами из городов и рек, впадающих в моря.

14. Половодье – высокий и продолжительный подъем уровня воды в реке, который обычно сопровождается затоплением поймы.

15. Северная часть Южной Америки находится в жарком поясе; а южная часть материка лежит в умеренном поясе.

16. Так как южное побережье Крыма защищено горами от холодных ветров степей, его климат подходит (be good for) для выращивания различных сортов винограда.

17. Когда шторм заканчивается (pass over), дуют западные или северо-восточные ветры.

Task 8. Study the following table.

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