Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence.

1.the dishes / she / after supper / washed.

2.started / the train / at 9 pm.

3.a lot / danced / at the party / they.

4.happened / in the South China sea / the accident.

5.gathered / in the street / yesterday / a lot of people.

6.jogged / last morning / in the park / Peter.

7.opened / the new text / they / translated / and / their textbooks.

8.she / to France / wanted / to go.

9.finished/his bicycle/repairing/yesterday/evening/Rob.

10.accepted / I / with pleasure / the invitation / to the theatre.

8. Open the brackets using Past Simple.

Tommy Brown lives in a small village and works on a farm. Tommy is a real story-teller. But no one believes what he says because he is always telling lies. Here is one of his stories:

“One night last week I 1) ….. (finish) work late. I 2) ….. (decide) to go home. But suddenly I 3) ….. (look) up and 4) ….. (notice) a UFO with bright flashing lights. I 5) ….. (watch) the UFO for some time. Then it 6) ….. (land) in the field near the farm. A few green men 7) ….. (look) at me from the UFO’s illuminators. I 8) ….. (scream), 9) ….. (drop) my bag and 10) ….. (rush away). When I 11) ….. (arrive) at the village I 12) …..(start) telling the villagers the amazing story but they all 13) ….. (laugh) at me. No one 14) …... (believe) me.”

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - Many years ago people 1) ….. (believe) that some women were witches. These women 2) ….. (not/live) in big cities. They 3) ….. (live) in small villages. They 4) ….. (behave) strangely because they 5) ….. (not/act) like other people. They 6) ….. (treat) people with unusual medicine which they 7) ….. (prepare) from plants. They also 8) ….. (travel) on brooms. Do you believe in witches?

Translate the sentences.

Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - A. 1. В какой гостинице она останавливалась прошлым летом? – Она останавливалась в «Метрополе». 2. Когда она сдала экзамен? – Она сдала экзамен вчера. 3. Она посмотрела на меня и улыбнулась. 4. Где ты жила 5 лет назад? – Я жила во Франции. Где ты тогда работала? – Я работала в международной компании. 5. Я посмотрел на доску и переписал новые слова. 6. Тебе понравился фильм? – Да. Мне понравились актеры и музыка. 8. Кто изобрел телефон? – Телефон изобрел Александр Белл. Когда он изобрел телефон? – Он изобрел его в 1876 г. 9. Она навела порядок в комнатах, приготовила обед и вымыла посуду. 10. Ты посмотрела вчера вечером триллер? – Да, но он мне не понравился. 11. Джейн не играла в теннис на прошлой неделе. 12. Они послушали его рассказ и засмеялись.

Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - B. 1. М-р и миссис Смит любили готовить. 2. М-р Смит также мечтал о повышении по службе в своей компании. 3. Они решили, что настало время для званого ужина.4. М-р Смит позвонил своему новому боссу, м-ру Пламмеру и пригласил его с супругой на ужин в пятницу вечером. 5. В пятницу М-р и миссис Смит потратили много времени на приготовление изысканного ужина. 6. Они приготовили лосося, фаршированного креветками с соусом “чили”. 7. Пламмеры пришли вовремя, в восемь часов вечера. «Пойдемте, выпьем», - сказал мистер Смит. 8. Они все прошли в гостиную. 9. Затем они увидели стол, и пришли в ужас. 10. Блюдо было пустым. 11. Лосось бесследно исчез! 12. Миссис Смит расплакалась. 13. М-р Смит выбежал из дома. 14. Он побежал в магазин «Рыба и чипсы» и купил четыре порции рыбы с чипсами.


Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. -



Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - Listen to the text

Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - Read and translate the text

a spanish restaurant

Last month Monica and Larry were on vacation in California. Everything was just fantastic. The weather was beautiful and the ocean was very warm. They stayed at an excellent hotel. There was a swimming pool and a private beach.

Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - Monica and Larry went out for dinner every night.They especially liked Casa Pedro – a small Spanish restaurant across the street. It was one of the best places to eat in town –very popular with tourists and always crowded. They liked its atmosphere – friendly andrelaxed. The service was very good, the chef was great and the waiters werereally helpful. They were always happy to explain the different dishes of spicy Spanish cuisine and recommend the wine.

Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - The food was always fresh andtasty. Monica and Larry absolutely lovedit! The choice of dishes and drinkswasfantastic. And it was fairly cheap, only about $20 per person with wine. They usually ordereda salad of lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and onions as a starter. Larry also likedpizza topped with eggplant, tomato, garlic, basil and cheese. Every time they went there they triedsomething new. They chose a lot of different small dishes called tapas and shared them.

Make sentences putting the words in the right sequence. - On the last day of their visit Monica and Larry wanted to have pizza, but as they were looking at the menu, Walter, the owner, came out with a huge live lobster. They changed their minds and decidedto have the lobster with baked potatoes stuffed with cheese and ham for the main course. The lobster was simply boiled, but it was really delicious. And theyhad cakes for dessert and drankgreen tea. They were both in heaven. What a perfect vacation!


private ['praɪvɪt] частный
especially [ɪs'peʃəlɪ] особенно
Casa Pedro ['kʌzə pedrəʊ] Каса Педро
fairly [ˈfeəli] довольно
tapas [ˈtæpəs] острые закуски
Walter [wɔltə] Уолтер
to recommend [ˌrekə'mend] рекомендовать


1. vacation[və'keɪʃn] to be on vacation отпуск быть, находиться в отпуске
Last month Monica and Larry were on vacation in California. В прошлом месяце Моника и Лэрри были в отпуске в Калифорнии.
2. restaurant [ˈrestrɒnt] ресторан
They especially liked a small Spanish restaurant across the street. Им особенно нравился маленький испанский ресторан на противоположной стороне улицы.
3. crowded [ˈkraʊdɪd] людный, переполненный
The restaurant was very popular with tourists and it was always crowded. Ресторан был очень популярен среди туристов, и там всегда было многолюдно.
4. atmosphere [ˈætməsˌfɪə] атмосфера
They liked its atmosphere – friendly andrelaxed [ rɪˈlækst]. Им нравилась атмосфера ресторана – дружелюбная и непринужденная.
5. service[ˈsɜːvɪs] обслуживание
The service was very good. Обслуживание было очень хорошим.
6. chef [ʃef] шеф-повар
The chef was great. Повар был великолепным.
7. waiter [ˈweɪtə] официант
The waiters were really helpful. Официанты были всегда готовы придти на помощь.
8. cuisine [kwɪˈziːn] кухня, кулинарное искусство
spicy [ˈspaɪsi] cuisine острая кухня
9. tasty [ˈteɪsti] вкусный
The food was always fresh andtasty. Еда всегда была очень свежей и вкусной.
10. dish[dɪʃ] блюдо, кушанье; тарелка
The choice of dishes and drinks was fantastic. Выбор блюд и напитков был фантастическим.
11. to order [ˈɔːdə] заказывать
12. lettuce['letɪs] салат (листовой)
13. сucumber['kjuːkʌmbə] огурец
14. tomato[təˈmɑːtəʊ] помидор, томат
15. carrots['kærəts] морковь
16. onions['ʌnjəns] лук
17. starter['stɑːtə] закуска
as a starter на закуску
They usually ordered a salad of lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and onions as a starter. Они обычно заказывали салат из листьев салата, огурцов, помидоров, моркови, и лука на закуску.
18. to top[tɔp] положить что-либо сверху
19. eggplant['egplɑːnt] баклажан
20. garlic['gɑːlɪk] чеснок
21. basil['bæzl] базилик
He also liked pizza topped with eggplant, tomato, garlic, basil and cheese. Ему также понравилась пицца с баклажаном, помидором, чесноком, базиликом и сыром.
22. menu['menjuː] меню
to look at the menu просматривать меню
23. owner ['əunə] владелец, хозяин
24. lobster['lɔbstə] лобстер, омар
huge [hjuːʤ] live [laɪv] lobster огромный живой лобстер
25. to change one’s mind[maɪnd] передумать
They changed their minds and decided to have the lobster. Они передумали и решили заказать этого лобстера.
26. to bake [beɪk] запекать
baked potatoes печеный картофель
27. ham[hæm] ветчина
stuffed with cheese and ham фаршированный сыром и ветчиной
28. main course [meɪn kɔːs] второе, горячее (блюдо)
for the main course на второе
29. to boil[bɔɪl] варить, отваривать
The lobster was simply boiled. Лобстер был просто отварным.
30. dessert[dɪˈzɜːt] десерт
They had cakes for dessert. Они ели пирожные на десерт.
31. delicious[dɪˈlɪʃəs] очень вкусный
It was really delicious. Он был очень вкусным.
32. to be in heaven['hevən] быть на седьмом небе от счастья
They were both in heaven. Они оба были чрезвычайно довольны.


1. Answer the questions:

1.Where were Monica and Larry last month?

2.What was the weather like?

3.What kind of hotel did they stay at?

4.How often did they go out for dinner?

5.Why did they like Casa Pedro?

6.Was it cheap or expensive?

7.What salad did they usually order?

8.What pizza did Larry like?

9.What did Monica and Larry try every time they went there?

10.What did they decide to have on the last day of their visit?

11.What was the food like?

12.What dishes did Monica and Larry often order?

13.What did they have for dessert?

V. GRAMMAR: the Past simple tense

спряжение глагола to be (быть)

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