Употребление и перевод глагола should.

1. Should употребляется для образования глагольного времени Future in the Past (с 1-м лицом):

We decided that we should meet in February. Мы решили, что встретился в феврале.

2. В условных предложениях (с 1-м лицом): If it were my book, I should give it to you.

Если бы это была моя книга, я бы дала ее вам.

I should have done this work, in case I had been informed before.

Я бы выполнила эту работу, если бы я узнала об этом заранее.

3. В придаточных предложениях после безличных предложений типа it is necessary.

It is important that you should do the work yourself. Важно, чтобы вы сделали эту работу сами.

4. В придаточных предложениях цели после союзов that— чтобы и lest— чтобы., не. otherwise — иначе бы...:

Не helped me greatly otherwise I should not be able to carry out tny work.

Он очень помог мне, иначе я бы не смог выполнить эту работу.

5. В бессоюзных условных предложениях:

Should the letter be brought in the morning, put it on my desk please.

Если письмо принесут утром, пожалуйста, положите его мне на стол.

6. Should в качестве модального глагола со значением долженствования.

One should be careful when crossing the street.

Надо быть очень внимательным при переходе улицы.

1. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The substance under investigation should be examined both by chemical and physical means.

2. Why should metals, even in the solid state, be excellent conductors of electricity, whereas salts ordinarily need to be melted before they conduct?

3. One should keep in mind that the accuracy of Ohm's law fails for certain solutions when alternating currents of very high frequency are employed.

4. Should the uniform change in volume continue during the cooling of a gas to very low temperatures, the gas sample would have no volume at — 273°.

5. "If the beam of ray in the cathode ray tube is influenced by a magnet, why should it not be influenced also by an electrostatic field?" — thought Thomson.

6. In order that this relation should be valid two conditions must be observed.

7. It was already indicated that we should stop further discussion of the physical character of atoms and turn for the moment to another angle of the question of atomic structure.

8. In order that the number of ions in the stream should not fall off as the pressure is reduced, the ions were generated by the action of ultraviolet light on a metal plate.

9. It is of interest to inquire whether a radioactive charge should be classed as chemical in character or not.

10. Should the anode grow too hot you must decrease

the power of the transmitter.

11. The same mechanism should be invoked to interpret the data of Fig. 1 as well.

12. To obtain high current densities in a spot, the spot should be at high potential.

13. It should be said that the importance of Mars studies is acknowledged by all.

14. Reliability of every vehicle should be paid great attention to during the production process.

15. It is required that an airplane should be well balanced dynamically.

16. Should there be even a small deviation in the velocity, the space vehicle would pass the planet.

17. K.E. Tsiolkovsky suggested that man-made rockets for the future space flights should use liquid-propellant engines.

18. We were told that we should take part in the discussion.

19. One should not forget that electricity is the most important source of energy at present.

Функции глагола would.

Употребление и перевод глагола would.

1.Would употребляется для образования глагольного времени Future in the Past (с 2-м и 3-м лицами).

He said he would help us.

Он сказал, что поможет нам.

2.В условных предложениях (с 2-м и 3-м лицами):

Не would have helped me last week, if he had been in the town.

Он бы помог мне на прошлой неделе, если бы он был в городе.

3. Would со всеми лицами употребляется для выражения повторного действия в прошлом. При переводе при этом добавляются слова обычно, часто, бывало:

She would sit at the window for hours. Она бывало часами сидела у окна

4. Would со всеми лицами выражает желание (или нежелание) совершить действие:

The doctor insisted that he give up smoking but he would not.

Врач настаивал на том, чтобы он бросил курить, но он не хотел.

5. Would употребляется при вежливом обращении: Would you kindly help me.

Будьте любезны, помогите, пожалуйста.

1. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The question is whether a similarly high ion density would have existed an the axis when the pencil beam is switched off.

2. The value of the surface energy would therefore be expected to depend on crack velocity.

3. If the entire Earth were covered by ocean, high and low tides would follow one another at regular intervals in response to the rotation of the Earth and the revolution of the Moon.

4. The kinetic theory and the corresponding molecular theory of liquids and gases have been of great service in helping to form mental pictures of many processes which would be otherwise too difficult to understand.

5. The average depth of the ocean is approximately 13000 feet. This figure seems large, but if we were to build a scale model with the Earth as a ball 100 feet in diameter, this ocean would be less than half an inch deep.

6. For example, if the magnitude and phase of the negative resistance generator input impedance were largely dependent on transistor transconductance, the conversion of low-frequency noise variation in transconductance to signal amplitude and phase modulation in the Q — multiplied resonator would result in unacceptable performance.

Переведите следующие предложения, объясняя употребление и значение глаголов should и would:

1. It is essential you should know that this solution fumes slightly in air.

2. It should be emphasized that amorphous sulphur does not crystallize at all.

3. One should always dilute sulphuric acid by pouring it into a large excess of water.

4. The preparation of highly purified tellurium requires that more time and labour should be spent than is the case with sulphur and selenium.

5. From the requirements of the theory of Bohr it is to be anticipated that the theory would be more accurate the higher the speed of the particle.

6. If the entire Earth were covered by ocean, high and low tides would follow one another at regular intervals in response to the rotation of the Earth and the revolution of the Moon.

7. Formerly weather forecasts would base almost exclusively on data secured from the air close to the Earth.

8. In the absence of dust the air would become supersaturated with water and clouds and rain would be unlikely to form.

9. It is natural that aluminium should receive a great amount of attention from research workers with a view to improving the mechanical properties of the metal.

10. The kinetic theory and the corresponding molecular theory of liquids and gases have been of great service in helping to form mental pictures of many processes which would be otherwise too difficult to understand.


Engine room fires.

1. Translate the following word combinations (noun+noun) into Russian.

Engine room, fuel oils, average size ship, pressure pipes, fuel present, engine room ventilation, fire flaps, machinery control room, fire boundaries, machinery area, fire alarm systems, fuel supply, fire dampers,

control box, emergency shut, fire detection systems, work shop, engine control room smoke detectors,

water nozzles, high pressure air bottles.

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