Business and Statistics. Entrepreneurs in Small Business Now.

Який же він, типовий американський малий підприємець сьогодні? Яка частка малого бізнесу в різних сферах економічної діяльності в СІЛА нині?

Зішлемося на дослідження, які проводяться компанією "Рісерч енд Форкаст" (Нью Иорк) і друкуються такими видавництвами як "Статистикал абстракт оф зе Юнайтед Стейтс", "Смал бизн-ес ін Америка" та інших.

Власники невеликих фірм із обсягом продаж до 300 тисяч дохпарів - це американці у віці від 35 до 49 років, переважно чоловіки. 33% фірм мають по 5 і більше працюючих, 30% - по 3-4 працюючих, 37% - по 1 - 2 працюючих.

Слід особливо підкреслити, що трудове навантаження малого власника виключно високе в порівнянні з особами найманої праці. 30% обстежених взагалі не користувалися відпусткою в минулому році, 11 % - відпочивали один - три дні, 26% - чотири - десять днів, 14%) - одинадцять - п'ятнадцять днів, 4%> - шістнадцять - двадцять днів, 15%о - більше двадцяти днів.

У двох третіх із них робочий день продовжується дев'ять і більше

Існує традиційний стереотипний погляд на дрібних бізнесменів, як на недостатньо досвідчених і культурних практиків - ділків. Може Пуги це в якійсь мірі і стосується дрібних підприємців минулих десятиліть, що знаходило інколи відображення в усмішках, анекдотах, окремих художніх творах. Сучасні наукові дослідження мовою статистики підтверджують те, що в дійсності картина зовсім Інша. Кількість підприємців малих

комерційних структур, що «кінчили коледж, майже вдвічі перевищує середній показник по країні в цілому.

Хоча підприємці дрібних структур стоять перед обличчям великого ризику, проте вони залишаються за підсумками обстежень, "найбільш життєстійкою і оптимістичною групою активного населення США". 84% опитаних відмітили, що їм подобається класний бізнес, що вони пишаються ним та вірять у нього. Останні 16% у загальному теж задоволені.

Additional Reading

Curious Statistics (Figures speak)

It's interesting to know

* ... that the human brain is made of 85 per cent of water;

* ... that the birth-rate of the state of Vatican is zero;

* ... that the population of Vatican is 1.000;

* ... that the wettest place on earth is in India. Cherrapungi has an average annual rainfall of 432 inches. Thus, London with its 25 inches is a dry desert compared with Cherrapungi;

* ... that the greatest rainfall ever recorded - 88 inches - fell in the Philippines in
1911, from July 14 to July 17;

* ... that the largest meteorite that hit the Earth in historic times fell near
Vanovara, Central Siberia, on June 30, 1908. It weighs approximately 200 tons;

* ... that the world average temperature is 15°С.

Тематичне заняття № 15-17

Text: Advertising

Grammar: The Types of Questions The Present Perfect Tense Indefinite-personal Sentences Translation:Реклама

Communication Speaking on Advertising Additional Reading in Advertising


№ 1. Read the words given in an explanatory way and translate them into Ukrainian:

a billboard- board on which advertisements are posted a circular - letter or notice distributed among people for business purposes skywriting- writing in the sky by an aircraft copy- ad text

a form letter- standardised printed letter space advertising- advertising on large areas a booklet- very small and thin book a give-away- something given free to attract customers effective- good, producing some effect, result to induce— cause, influence to hold interest- keep interest

№ 2. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions to it. Retell it.


In business they spend billions on advertising. Products and services are advertised through mass media including radio broadcasts, television, newspapers and magazines. They are also advertised through billboards, handbills, circulars, skywriting, through space advertising, booklets, giveaways and so on.

In small business they prepare their own copy and give it to newspapers, as a rule, or they mail circulars or form letters all by themselves.

In big business, however, they employ the whole army of specialists in the field of advertising. They work out advertising programmes, provide means for advertising purposes, discuss and solve many advertising problems with the owner or management of a company. As a rule, they advertise to sell their products and services through various advertising muss media.

To-day there are many types of advertising. We can classify the most popular of them:

1) television advertising;

2) radio advertising;

3) space advertising (newspapers, periodicals, house walls);

4) stores advertising (including special departments);

5) mail advertising (letters, calendars, catalogues, circulars, booklets, give-always);

6) position advertising (street-car, train, bus, window cards, billboards).

What is an effective advertisement? It is one that attracts your attention. It is such an advertisement which keeps an honest information about a product or a service. It often has a clever and interesting picture or drawing, skilful use of colours. It is also put in the right place.

Apart from attracting your attention a good advertisement must hold your interest. What is more, a really effective advertisement induces action. You simply go and buy this very product. In a word, a good idvertisement sells the product or the service.

Timeliness of Advertising

Innearly every type of business there are certain times when advertising can be done more effectively than at others. For instance, manufactures and sellers of toys advertise widely before the Christmas holidays. Outdoor furniture is advertised in the spring and early summer. Blankets tire advertised in the late summer and early fall. Laundries and dry-cleaning establishments feature special advertisements for curtains and draperies in the spring and the fall. Rug-cleaning companies make a special advertising drive at housecleaning time in the spring. At other times of the year advertising may be wasted to a great extent. One should therefore study business to determine the most opportune times at which to advertise.

For a local merchant, payday for his customers is an important date The alert advertisers in every city study payroll records very carefully lo determine the most effective day of the week to spend most of their money for advertising. These dates determine when they should feature their sales Figures on payroll payments are available in almost every city through the local newspaper or the chamber of commerce. In the smaller city they can be determined by investigation among employers and the banks. For instance, in most cities wages are usually paid on Friday. Employees who are paid twice monthly usually receive their pay about the middle of the month and at the end of the month; and those who are paid monthly, at the end of the month. If one is going to advertise at a time when a consumer has the most cash available, it should correlate with these paydays.

Frequency of Advertising

A single advertisement may produce temporary results, but the cumulative effect of advertising is important in building a steady stream of customers. If advertising does not appear often enough, customers will tend to forget about a business. Continuous advertising, regardless of its nature, helps to hold old customers and to get new ones. It builds confidence and familiarity. Not all customers will read a business' advertisement at any particular time; but if advertising is repeated often enough, most of the prospective customers will be reached. Therefore, it is desirable for most businesses to spread their advertising appropriations over the entire year by using smaller and less expensive advertisements frequently rather than to spend all advertising funds on a few expensive advertisements.

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