Exercise 7. Find words in the text synonymous in meaning to the following. Read the sentences containing them




1. Activity n – things that people do to achieve a particular goal– діяльність, робота. Business activity – господарська/підприємницька діяльність; economic activity – економічнадіяльність.

2. Average adj – having qualities that are typical of most people or things – середній, пересічний, звичайний, нормальний.

3. Consumev – to buy and use goods, services, energy, or natural resources – споживати.

4. Determinev – to settle or decide (an argument, question, etc.) conclusively, as by referring to an authority – визначати, встановлювати. Todetermine/establish a price – визначати/ встановлювати ціну.

5. Develop v – to make a new idea, product, system etc over a period of time – створювати, розробляти.

6. Distinction n – a clear difference or separation between two similar things – різниця, відмінність, розходження; особливість, характерна риса. To make a distinction– розрізняти. Syn. a difference.

7. Employmentn – зайнятість; робота (по найму), заняття, служба; професія; працевлаштування. Thelevel of employment – рівень зайнятості.

8. Focus on v – to give special attention to a particular person or thing or to make people do this – зосереджувати(ся). Syn.to concentrate on.

9. Involve v – to include or contain as a necessary part – містити (в собі), включати, охоплювати. Syn. to contain, to include. comprise

10. Indicator n – a fact, measurement, or condition that shows what something is like or how it is changing – показник, міра, критерій.Economic indicator– економічний показник. Syn. a measure, index (pl -es, indices).

11. Interact v – to act on or in close relation with each other – взаємодіяти; впливати; впливати один на одного.Syn.to interrelate, to relate.

12. Interaction n – a process by which two or more things affect each other – взаємодія; вплив один на одного. Syn. interrelation, relationship.

13. On the other hand (side)– from that point of view – з іншого боку, проте, навпаки. On the one hand (side) … on the other hand (side)– з одного боку … з іншого боку. Syn. in contrast, on the contrary (to).

14. Output n – the total amount of goods and services produced in the economy or a part of the economy during a particular time period – обсяг випуску продукції, обсяг виробництва.

15. Overall adj – including or covering everything – загальний, сукупний, валовий. Syn. total, aggregate..

16. Pricen – the amount of money for which something is bought, sold, or offered – ціна. Price level/level of prices – рівень цін.

17. Principaladj – first in order of importance, most important – головний, основний; ведучий, провідний. Syn. chief, main.

18. Principle n – a fundamental rule concerning a natural phenomenon or the behaviour of a system – принцип, закон. Syn. a law.

19. Produce v – to make something in large quantities to be sold, bought, used, or enjoyed by people – виробляти. Syn. to make, to manufacture.

20. Solve v – to find the explanation for or solution to a problem, etc. – вирішувати, розв’язати, розв’язувати. Syn. to decide.

21. Seekv – attempt to find (something) – шукати, розшукувати. Syn. to search for, look for.

22. Statementn– that someone says or writes, especially publicly or officially – висловлення, виклад; заява, твердження; викладення; формулювання декларація; констатація. Policy statement– програмна заява. Syn. an assertion.

23. Study n – an investigation and analysis to find out about a particular subject, problem, situation, etc – вивчення, дослідження; наука; галузь науки. Syn. investigation, inquiry, research, examination.

24. Study v – investigate and analyze (a subject or situation) in detail – вивчати, досліджувати: розглядати; обдумувати, обмірковувати. Syn. to examine, to look into/over, to investigate.


We have already known that economics deals with the problems of scarcity and choice that face all the societies and nations throughout history. But it must be admitted* that the development of modern economics began in the 17th century. Since that time economists have developed methods for studying and explaining how individuals, businesses and nations use their available economic resources.

So, what is economics? There are many various opinions concerning economics, but, in general, economics is the systematic study of choosing which goods and services will be produced and consumed to satisfy society’s wants. Since economics involves interactions among members of society it is a social science that studies the behaviour of people in producing, distributing, exchanging, and consuming goods and services. Understanding economic behaviour and the ways in which economic activity is organized and coordinated are at the heart of economics.

The discipline of economics is divided into two interrelated branches: macroeconomics and microeconomics.

Microeconomics is the study of individual consumers and business firms who make choices on such matters as what to buy and what to sell, how much to work and how much to pay, how much to borrow and how much to save. Microeconomics focuses on how individuals and firms behave, how they interact in the market, and how these interrelations determine a price and allocate scarce resources. Microeconomics is not used to determine how a specific individual will act, since it examines how an “average” individual will probably behave under a certain set of conditions. It tracks cause-and-effect relationships that influence choices of individuals, businesses and society and is concerned with issues such as scarcity, choice and opportunity costs, and with production and consumption. The principal emphasis is given by microeconomists to the study of prices and their relationship to any economic units.

Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole. Macroeconomics seeks solutions to macroeconomic problems such as how fasttheeconomy is growing, how employment can be increased, how much total income is, how inflation will effect economic growth and how different governmental policies can be used to stabilize the level of business activity in the economy. Macroeconomics looks into the total effect of individual choices on the overall productive efficiencyof the economy reflected by such economic indicators as the nation’s price level, total output, and level of employment.

Everyone should realize that economists deal with two worlds: the “world that is”, and the “world that ought to be”. Economists have developed and generally agree on basic economic principles and economicmodels that try to explain or describe the “world that is”. In many cases, however, economic issues cannot be solved with theories and models alone. Solutions to these problems include opinions, politics, and personal values.

Economists make a distinction between positive economics and normative economics. To the economists the positive-normative distinction is useful because it helps people with very different views about what is desirable to communicate with each other.

Positive economics looks at/on the facts and the economy as they actually are, avoiding value judgements* and attempting to seek scientific bases about economic activities. It is an approach that deals with “what is” rather than* with “what ought to be” and contains no indication of approval or disapproval. What are the causes of poverty in the country? What will be the effect of higher cigarette taxes on the number of smokers? These questions can be solved only on the basis of facts.

Normative economics, on the other hand, is concerned about what ought to be. It comprises ethical precepts and value judgments* about whether economic policies are good or bad. Normative economics is used to take decisions as for issues of equity, equality, and fairness, since these concepts include judgments about what ought to be.

Should the government give money to poor people? Should the budget deficit be reduced by higher taxes or by lower spending? There are no right or wrong answers to these questions as they involve ethics and values rather than facts. Thus, these issues can be debated, but they can never be decided by using facts as they are solved by political decisions, not by economic science.

Since most assertions are not easily classified as purely positive or purely normative statements, they must be combined to make a good policy statement. One must decide what goals are desirable (the normative part), and choose a way of attaining those goals (the positive part).


it must be admitted – необхідно зазначити;

value judgement– суб’єктивна оцінка;

rather than– а не;

value judgment – ціннісне судження.


Exercise 1. Read, translate into Ukrainian in written form and memorize the definitions of the following key economic terms and concepts:

1. Economist:an expert in economics. _______
2. Economic model:any simplified statement, diagram or formula used to understand economic events ____________________________________________
3. Economics:the study of a man in his attempts to make a living by using his scarce resources. ____________________________________________
4. Macroeconomics:the branch of economics that studies behaviour and overall productive efficiency of the economy as a whole. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________
5. Microeconomics:the study of the individual parts of the economy, with special attention to the market price and how it works. ___________________________________ ________ ___________________________________
6. Normative economics:an econo-mic analysis that includes value judgments about what ought to be done, rather than simply developing a theory. ____________________________________________________
7. Positive economics: an economic analysis that is purely based on facts rather than opinions and studies why the economy operates as it does. ____________

Exercise 2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following.

1. to develop methods for studying and explaining __________________________ ________________________________________________________________

2. in producing, distributing, exchanging, and consuming _____________________ _________________________________________________________________

3. a specificindividual _______________________________________________

4. the principal emphasis is given by microeconomists _______________________ ________________________________________________________________

5. to seek solutions to macroeconomic problems ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________

6. reflected by such economic indicators ________________________________

7. to contain no indication of approval ____________________________________

8. to comprise ethical precepts __________________________________________

9. to involve ethics and values rather than facts _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________

10. most assertions are not easily classified _________________________________

Exercise 3. Find the English equivalents for the following.

1. охоплювати взаємодії членів суспільства ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________

2. лежати в основі економіки __________________________________________

3. за певного ряду умов ______________________________________________

4. рівень цін країни __________________________________________________

5. охоплювати/включати погляди, політику, особисті цінності ______________ ___________________________________________________________________

6. вирішення цих проблем ____________________________________________

7. шукати наукові пояснення щодо напрямків економічної діяльності ________ _________________________________________________________________

8. на основі фактів ___________________________________________________

9. напрямки економічної політики ______________________________________

10. ці проблеми можуть розглядатися ____________________________________

11. вирішуватися за допомогою політичних рішень, а не економічною наукою ____

Exercise 4. Match the verbs/verbal phrases, prepositions/adverbs and nouns/noun phrases as they occur together in the text. Translate the expressions they make into Ukrainian.

1. to agree   theories and models
2. to allocate about the level of business activity
3. to trace   political decisions
4. to be concerned on scarce resources
5. to be divided by all the societies and nations
6. to be solved   the facts and the economy
7. to be solved at basic economic principles
8. to stabilize into cause-and-effect relationships
9. to face   higher taxes
10. to look with two interrelated branches
11. to look   what ought to be
12. to be reduced   the total effect

Exercise 5. Copy out from the texts the sentences containing the following words and word-combinations and translate these sentences into Ukrainian.

1. to satisfy society’s wants _____________________________________________


2. the study of individual consumers ______________________________________


3. cause-and-effect relationships _________________________________________


4. how much total income is _____________________________________________


5. deal with two worlds _______________________________________________


6. what is desirable ____________________________________________________


7. since these concepts _________________________________________________ ____________________

8. to make a good policy statement _______________________________________


Exercise 6. Find in the box the English equivalents to the words listed below. More than one is possible.

1. вивчення (4) ______________________________________________________

2. виробляти (3) _____________________________________________________

3. охоплювати (3) ____________________________________________________

4. досліджувати (4) __________________________________________________

5. з іншого боку (3) __________________________________________________

6. закон (2) _________________________________________________________

7. зосереджуватися (2)________________________________________________

8. показник (3) ______________________________________________________

9. розв’язувати (2) ___________________________________________________

10. сукупний (3) ______________________________________________________

11. твердження (2) ____________________________________________________

12. відмінність (2) ____________________________________________________

13. взаємодіяти (3) ____________________________________________________

14. взаємодія (3) ______________________________________________________

15. основний (3) ______________________________________________________

to concentrate on to contain to study to relate an indicator a study
an investigation to decide to make to examine a statement overall
on the other hand total a measure a principle to involve main
interrelation an index an assertion distinction a difference in contrast
to manufacture to solve to include interaction to interrelate to produce
to investigate a law to focus on to look into on the contrary aggregate
examination principal research to interact relationship chief

Exercise 7. Find words in the text synonymous in meaning to the following. Read the sentences containing them.

word synonym word synonym
progress   in general  
a view   to define  
different   helpful  
regular   though  
a subject   really  
to act   base  
special   incorrect  
on the whole   necessary  

Exercise 8. Replace the words or word combinations in bold type with their synonyms.

1. The principles of economics help solve problems in a wide variety of areas. 2. Economics helps us examine trade-offs between various goals. 3. Almost all issues of governmental policies involve economics. 4. Studying economics helps people realize the difference between statements of fact and expressions of opinion. 5. Microeconomics focuses on determining why individuals purchase one product instead of another. 6. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, looks into behaviour and the overall production efficiency of the economy as a whole. 7. Macroeconomics usually includes such issues as the effects of full employment on the economy, total output and general price levels. 8. Economics is the systematic study of how the decisions made by individuals, business firms and the government affect the way in which resources are distributed in society. 9. Good economic indicators show a nation’s high living standards.

Exercise 9. What economic terms given in the text do the following definitions refer to?

1. The branch of economics that deals with large-scale economic phenomena, particularly inflation, unemployment and economic growth.  
2. Economic analysis that is concerned with “what ought to be” rather that with “what is”.  
3. The study of the behavior of individual units such as consumers, firms and resource owners.  
4. The area of economics that deals with facts and relationships among them.  
5. The representation of the essential features of a theory expressed in the form of words, diagrams, graphs used to understand economic events.  
6. The organization that brings together and coordinates factors of production for the purpose of producing goods and services.  
7. The study of how people choose to use scarce productive recourses, to produce various goods and services, and to distribute them among consumers.  

Exercise 10. Pair the halves of the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian.

1.Economic laws are used to solve a number of different issues a.that enables an individual to be a better producer, consumer and citizen.
2.The macro approach and the micro approach are two ways of looking at b.a value judgment about whether a situation is desirable or undesirable.
3.Microeconomics looks at the behaviour of individual economic units and c.often used to look into cause-and-effect relationships carefully.
4.Macroeconomics concentrates on the nation’s total output of goods and services, d.economics and the economy that economists have.
5.A normative statement expresses   e.overall price level, level of employment, and economic growth.
6.Positive economics is the study of "what is" in economic matters, while f.that, generally, seem unrelated to economics.
7.An economic model is a representation of a theory or a part of a theory, g.macroeconomics, on the other hand, concentrates on the behaviour of entire economies.
8.Cultural, ethical and political values are at the heart of economics h.examines how prices are determined in a specific market
9.Microeconomics focuses on the decisions of individual consumers and producers, i.normative economics is the study of "what ought to be" in economic matters.
________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Exercise 11. Translate the words in brackets into Ukrainian.

Economics is … (суспільна наука) that analyzes and describes … (виробництво), (розподіл), and… (споживання) of wealth.

… (дисципліна економічної теорії) has two broad branches: … (мікроекономіку) and … (макроекономіка).

Microeconomics … (досліджує економічну поведінку) of specific factors such as businesses and individuals with a view* to realize …(процес прийняття рішень) in the face of … (нестачі) and … (економічні наслідки) of … (цих рішень) on other participants. One of the goals of microeconomics is to analyze market mechanisms that … (встановлюють ціни) for goods and services and … (розміщують обмежені ресурси) among many alternative uses.

Macroeconomics … (зосереджується на господарстві) as a whole with a view of understanding … (взаємодії) between … (сукупними економічними показниками) such as national income, … (рівень зайнятості), (загальний обсяг виробництва) and … (інфляція). Macroeconomics can be used to analyze how best … (впливати на цілі) of different governmental policies such as … (економічне зростання), price stability, … (повна зайнятість) and others.

*with a view of/to – з метою/з наміром; для того, щоб.

Exercise 12. Translate the texts into Ukrainian.

To some economists, economics as a social science may be divided into positive and normative ones. ____________________________________________
Positive economics looks at facts and avoids value judgements. ________
Positive economics attempts to set forth* scientific statements about economic behavior ____________________________________________
Normative economics, in contrast, involves ethical precepts and value judgments about what the economy should be like or what particular policy should be recommended on the basis of a given economic generalization* or relationship. ____________________________________________________________
Positive economics looks into what the economy is actually like; normative economics examines whether certain conditions or aspects of the economy are desirable or not. ________________________

*to set forth -формулювати

*generalization -узагальнення

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