Экзаменационный билет № 15. 1.Концепсии и принципы логистики

  1. Концепции и принципы логистики
  2. Методы определения месторасположения распределительного центра
  3. Перечислить факторы, которые влияют на выбор вида транспорта.

1.Концепсии и принципы логистики

The concept and principles of logistics.

The concept is a system of views, understanding of the phenomena, processes; the basic constructive principle of various kinds of activity.

The principle is the main initial position of any theory, doctrine or science.

Let's in short characterize each of the listed principles of logistics.


♦ formation of all kinds of maintenance (of developed infrastructure) for realization of movement of streams in concrete conditions;

♦ coordination of actions of direct and non-direct participants of movement of resources and products;

Scientific character:

♦ strengthening of estimate at all stages of stream management from planning to the analysis, performance of detailed calculations of all parameters of a trajectory of movement of a stream;

♦ recognition behind qualified personnel of the status of the most important resource of logistical structures of firm.


♦ accurate and exact estimation of all resources used at realization of logistical process: financial, labor, material etc. ¹

♦ realization of movement with the least costs of all kinds of resources;


♦ stream scheduling, continuous tracing of moving and change of each object of a stream and operative updating of its movement; careful revealing of details of all operations of material support and transportation of goods.


♦ non-failure operation and traffic safety maintenance, reservation of communications and means for change in case of need trajectories of movement of a stream;

♦ wide use of modern means of moving of traffic control; high speeds and quality of information delivery and technology of its processing.


♦ possibility of flexible reaction of firm on demand fluctuations ² and other revolting influences of environment;

♦ purposeful creation of the reserve capacities, which loading is carried out according to preliminary developed reserve plans of firm.

The concept of logistics

The concept is a system of views on understanding of the phenomena, processes.

The concept of logistics is the system of views on perfection of economic activities by management rationalization of material streams. Its substantive provisions:

1. Systematic construction of enterprise logistics on the basis of methodology of the general cybernetic theory of systems with fixing of high lights of the system approach: the purposes of creation of logistics system; a

2. The main thing in procedure of the organization of a material stream is an account of requirements of the market.

3. The priority of distribution of the goods over their manufacture. It is considered that it is more important to plan and provide distribution and sale of the goods, than to produce them.

4. Necessity of establishment of an optimum level of servicing (the client is any consumer of the goods, works, the services offered by the enterprise in the market).

5. The analysis of a logistical chain is necessary to conduct from the end of the process, i.e. from a point of destination or appointment of a material stream to directions, to the return of a material stream.

6. At improvement or designing of any separate link of a logistical chain it is necessary to consider not only this linkseparately, but all logistical chain and toanalyze how changes in one link of a logistical chain will affect all material stream and general results of logistical process.

7. Performance of calculations and use of decisions in technical and economic indicators on the organization of goods traffic of cost of each elementary logistical operation, both in a material subsystem of a material stream, and in a subsystem of its information support.

8. A choice of variants of logistical system on the basis of comparison of their technical and economic indicators.

9. Conformity of all decisions on planning and organization of material streams of general strategy of the enterprise.

2. Definitions of a site of a distribution center in the logistics, factors influencing it.

Definition of a site of a distribution center:

1 . Method of full search. The problem of a choice of the optimum location is solved by full search and an assessment of all possible options of placement of distribution centers and carried out on the COMPUTER by methods of mathematical programming.

2 . Heuristic methods. These methods are effective for the solution of big practical tasks; they give good, close to optimum, results at low complexity of calculations, however don't provide search of the optimum decision.

3 . Method of definition of the center of gravity (it is used for definition of the location of one distribution center). Method of definition of the center of gravity it is possible to optimize, for example, placement of the wholesale base supplying shops of the area with foodstuff.


1 . Size and site configuration. A large number of the vehicles serving entrance and output material streams, demands the sufficient area for a parking, maneuvering and journey. Lack of such areas will lead to jams, loss of time of clients.

2. Transport availability of the district. Significant component of expenses of functioning of any distribution center are transportation costs. Therefore at a choice of a site it is necessary to estimate leading roads to it, to study plans of local administration on expansion of a network of roads.

3. Plans of local authorities. Choosing a site, it is necessary to study plans of local administration on use of adjacent territories and to be convinced of lack of factors which could have subsequently constraining impact on developments of a distribution center.

4 . Local legislation. It is necessary to consider local rules of construction, safety, height of buildings, etc.

5 . Construction factors. Distances between buildings, an entrance to them, etc.

3. Choice of a type of the vehicle

The problem of a choice of a type of transport is solved in an interconnection with other problems of logistics, such, as creation and maintenance of an optimum level of stocks, a choice of a type of packaging, etc.

Basis of a choice of a type of transport, optimum for concrete transportation, information on characteristics of different types of transport serves.

Let's consider the main advantages and the shortcomings of motor, railway, water and air transport essential from the point of view of logistics.

Motor transport. It is traditionally used for transportations on short distances'. One of the main advantages — high maneuverability. By means of the motor transport freight can be delivered "from doors to doors" with necessary degree of urgency. This type of transport provides a delivery regularity, and also possibility of delivery with small parties. Here, in comparison with other types, less rigid demands are made to goods packing.

The main lack of the motor transport is rather high cost of transportations the payment for which is usually raised on the maximum loading capacity of the car. To other shortcomings of this type of transport refer also urgency of unloading, possibility of plunder of freight and motor transport stealing, rather small loading capacity. The motor transport is ecologically adverse that also constrains its application.

Railway transport. This type of transport is well adapted for transportation of various parties of freights under any weather conditions. The railway transport provides possibility of rather fast delivery of freight on long distances. Transportations are regular.

Here it is possible to organize performance of loading and unloading works effectively.

Essential advantage of railway transport is rather low cost of transportation of goods, and also existence of discounts.

To shortcomings of railway transport it is necessary to refer limited quantity of carriers, and also low possibility of delivery to consumption points, i.e. in the absence of access roads the railway transport has to be supplemented with the automobile.

Sea transport. Is the largest carrier in international transport. Its main advantages — low freight rates and high carrying ability.

To shortcomings of sea transport carry its low speed, rigid requirements to packing and fastening of freights, small frequency of sendings. Sea transport significantly depends on weather and navigation conditions and demands creation of difficult port infrastructure.

Inland water transport. Here low freight rates. At transportation of goods weighing more than 100 t on distance more than 250 km this type of transport — the cheapest.

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