Прочтите диалог. Затем воспроизведите и продолжите его
Student: We are interested in Russian oil and gas potential and we are going to ask you some questions.
Teacher: All right. You may put questions to me and I’ll try to answer them.
Student: Well, what can you say about oil and gas deposits in Russia?
Teacher: As far as I know our country has unique oil and gas deposits. New discoveries come thick and fast.
Student: Where are the largest of them located?
Teacher: You see, the largest have been those of the West Siberian gas fields, mainly in the Tyumen region, in the Komi Autonomous Republic, and near Orenburg.
22. Английский юмор:
Two students’ father were talking about their children. One of them said: “When my son went to college, it took him three years to get his BS.”
The second father smiled: “ That’s nothing. When my daughter went to college, it took her two years to get a Ph. D.”
“How could she get a Ph. D. in only two years?”
Father said complacently “ She married him”.
1) BS – Bachelor of Science – бакалавр наук
2) Ph. D. – Doctor of Philosophy – доктор философии
3) complacently – самодовольно
* * *
The professor was delivering the final lecture of the term. He stressed the fact that each student should devote all the time that he has to preparing for the final examinations.
“The examination papers are now in the hands of the printer. Are there any questions?”
There was a silence. Suddenly a voice from the back seat asked: “Who’s the printer?”
Which Is Best
Two men with their sons in college were talking things over. “My boy is certainly getting smart in the language”, boasted one, “his letters always send me to the dictionary”.
“You are lucky”, growled the other, “my boy’s letters always send me to the bank”.
Грамматика: 1. Герундий.
2. Причастие II.
3. Страдательный залог.
4. Инфинитив.
Текст: Drilling
1. Прочтите вслух следующие слова:
- discovering, hung, jumping, other, countryside, under, gusher, uppermost, mud, flush, cuttings, thus, unimportant
- heavy, credit, empty, method, prevent, effective, instead
- called, board, born, water, overall
- early, earth, third, circulate, turbo-drilling, turbine, surface, turn
- through, tool, remove, fluid, blew, moving,
- tube, spew, introduce, reducing
- underground, around, doubt, encountered
- framework, raised, ancient, cable, casing, caving, wasted, formation, penetrated,
obtain, bailer
- only, over, hole, lower, notably, blow, flow, rotary, motor
- pipe, describe, brine, provide, high-grade
- machinery, mentioned, ancient, traditionally, Russia, Russian, commercial, essentially, pressure, stationary, penetration, efficiency, application
- century, Chinese, attach
2. Прочтите следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:
machinery [ ], derrick [ ], technique [ ],
commercial [ ], essentially [ ], suspended [ ], progressively [ ], diameter [ ], prevent [ ], effective [ ], progress [ ], encountered [ ], pressure [ ], quantities [ ], spectacular [ ], serious [ ], continuously [ ], surface [ ], annular [ ], column [ ], stationary [ ], efficiency [ ].
3. Запомните произношение следующих слов:
Titusville [ ], Pennsylvania [ ], Ontario [ ], Canada [ ], Chinese [ ].
4. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:
rock - (горная) порода
framework - каркас
derrick - буровая вышка
tap - вскрывать (пласт)
stratum (strata) - пласт, слой (пласты, слои)
brine - соленая вода
bit - долото
commercial - промышленный
cable-tool method - канатно-ударный метод бурения
blow - удар
attach - прикреплять
drill stem - ударная штанга (в ударном бурении), бурильная колонна (во вращательном бурении)
length - длина; отрезок (трубы)
suspend - подвешивать
wire - проволока
rope - веревка; канат
bottom - забой скважины; дно; низ, нижняя часть
cuttings - обломки выбуренной породы; шлам
bailer - желонка
tube - труба; syn. pipe
valve - клапан; вентиль, задвижка
casing - обсадные трубы; крепление обсадными трубами
caving - обрушение породы, обвал
flow - поток, течение
shallow - неглубокий; ant. deep
means - средство, способ
by means of - посредством, при помощи
stem - останавливать, задерживать
encounter - (неожиданно) встречаться, сталкиваться
blow out - выброс
spew - извергать
quantities - большое количество, множество, изобилие
gusher - фонтан, мощный фонтан
spectacular - эффектный, захватывающий
waste - попусту тратить, расточать
hazard - риск, опасность
rotary method - вращательный метод бурения
turn of the century - начало века (столетия)
string - колонна труб
rotary table - ротор
kelly - рабочая труба
drilling fluid (mud) - буровой раствор, буровая жидкость
hollow - полый, пустой
surface - поверхность
annular space - кольцевое, затрубное пространство
flush - промывать, вымывать
column - колонна
formation - формация; пласт
penetrate - проникать, проходить
turbo-drilling - турбинное бурение
stationary - неподвижный
stream - поток
rate of penetration - механическая скорость бурения
conventional - общепринятый, традиционный, обычный
wear out - изнашиваться; wear - износ
overall - общий
high-grade - высокосортный, высококачественный
obtain - получать, доставлять, приобретать
rapid - быстрый, скорый; syn. quick, fast
5. Подберите из правой колонки правильный перевод английских слов и словосочетаний:
1) ways of discovering 1) самая верхняя труба
2) steel framework 2) вместо того, чтобы двигаться вверх и вниз
3) the third century A.D. 3) за исключением
4) spring board 4) приводимый в действие
5) cable tool method 5) неглубокие скважины
6) essentially 6) хотя
7) except for 7) способы обнаружения
8) to keep back 8) быстрый износ долота
9) shallow wells 9) стальной каркас
10) were a serious fire hazard 10) удержать (задержать)
11) instead of moving up and down 11) третий век н.э.
12) the uppermost pipe 12) по существу
13) powered by 13) трамплин
14) although 14) представляли серьезную опасность пожара
15) rapid bit wear 15) канатно-ударный метод бурения
6. Переведите на русский язык следующие сочетания слов без словаря:
ways of discovering, underground oil, the only way, steel framework, is raised and lowered, goes far back into history, as early as the 3rd century A.D., a heavy bit, as to, the first commercial oil well, repeated blows, except for, from time to time, in such cases, over the countryside, at the turn of the century, instead of moving up and down, by means of, the uppermost pipe, with this method, so that, rapid bit wear.
7. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке:
machinery, the technique of well drilling, the petroleum industry, traditionally, a Russian engineer, the first commercial oil well, cable tool method, effective for shallow wells, progress was slow, the flow of oil and gas, a serious fire hazard, is circulated down, the risk of blow out, a variant of rotary drilling, turbo-drilling, fluid motor or turbine, overall efficiency.
8. Определите по суффиксам, какой частью речи являются следующие слова и переведите их на русский язык:
history - historic - historical - historian; tradition - traditional - traditionally; consider - considerable - consideration; drill - drilling - driller; note - notable - notably; commerce - commercial - commercially - commercialize - commercialism; essence - essential - essentially; attach - attachment; suspend - suspender - suspension; cut - cutter - cutting; progress - progressive - progressively; spectacle - spectacular - spectator; rotate - rotation - rotational - rotative - rotary - rotatory; introduce - introduction - introductory; continue - continuous - continuously - continual - continually - continuance - continuation - continuity; penetrate - penetration; apply - appliance - applicable - applicant - application.
9. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения слов:
only - только little - мало
the only - единственный a little - немного
first - сначала few - мало
the first - первый a few - несколько
other - другой, иной
another - другой, еще один
1. The only way to get underground oil is to make a borehole through the rock, earth and sand. 2. Only metals can be used over and over again. 3. Nowadays he was very busy and he saw few of his old friends. 4. Adeline had slept little last night and she had a headache. 5. I beg your pardon, but allow me to have my dinner first, for I am hungry. 6. The only Greek letters used to denote kinds of rays are alpha, beta, gamma, pi and mu. 7. There remain only five cases to be considered in this analytic study. 8. The first reaction from the financial community abroad to the measures taken by the British Government was cautiously favourable. 9. I’m afraid I have not much news to convey but still there are a few things I should like to add. 10. Aunt Florrie had a little money. 11. At the same time oil wells were being drilled in other places. 12. Would you like another cup of tea? 13. I made few friends in those days, for I was occupied with other things. 14. The houses on the other side of the river were built out of gray stone.