Auditing Basics Questions and Answers
- 1 .What companies are required to publish accounting (financial) statements?
2. Auditing is an independent financial control. It is carried out (виконується) on contract (agreement) basis between an owner and an auditor. Inspection is a state control. The aim is to find out breach, violation (порушення)
3. What is a difference between auditing and inspection?
4. These are such companies as commercial banks, insurance companies, trusts, joint-stock companies and other financial institutions (фінансові організації)
5. How much is the auditor's job connected with the field of law, jurisprudence (юриспунденція)
6. Well, first of all, the auditor must know the business law (господарське право), the economic-legal mechanism (господарсько-правовий), tax code
- 4.Does the auditor take part in investigation? I mean does he or she participate in trials?
- The main duty of the auditor is to report on the truth and fairness of the financial
statement - 5.What is the main function of the auditor?
10. The auditor never investigates for a trial. He or she never performs functions of lawyers, judges or prosecutors. Everyone in this life should know his business, you know
11. Yes, that's right. There is "qualified report" and "an unqualified report". Next time I'll explain the difference.
12. What I know is that the auditor's report is a brief statement. It is addressed to the members of a company. There are two types of report. What are they?
№ 11.Read and translate the following texts. Make a list of words and word combinations dealing with the idea of justice, law.
For example, "Any auditor forms an opinion on the truth and fairness of the financial statements. In the process of work he or she may discover some fraud or abuse..." List of words:
* truth and fairness;
* form opinion on truth and fairness;
* fraud;
* discover fraud or abuse...
Тематичне заняття № 36-37
Text A Themis, the Goddess of Justice. Erinnyes and Ethics.
Text B: Kyiv
Communication based on the active vocabulary
Making a Report (I)
Texts A Themis, the Goddess of Justice
Themis, the goddess of justice, looked after moral order among gods and men. She protected the weak and ill-treated. Themis possessed the gift of divmation, and had her own oracle at Delphi before it was taken over by Apollo, to whom she passed on her oracular skills. Themis was the daughter of Uranus and Mother Earth, and the sister of Cronus, Rhea, Mnemosyne, Oceanus and the other Titans.
Her union with Zeus produced the Horae ("hours"), Eunomia ("order of law"), Dice ("justice") and Eirene ("Peace"), who looked after the works of men, along with the three Fates. The first of the three Fates, Clotho, spun the thread of human life; the second, Lachese, shared out joy and sorrow, and the third, Atropos, cut the thread to bring life to an end.
The Erinnyes and Ethics
When Cronus mutilated the Sky, castrating him with a sickle, the blood that dripped to Earth gave birth to the Erinnyes (the Furies): Ellecto, Tisiphone and Megaera. Cruel, implacable goddesses, they exercised control over conscience and persecuted every transgression. Sometimes they inflicted punishment in the personification of remorse after an unjust act and sometimes like terrible figures with a death-like mien, they hunted down and punished all hideous crimes and incest.
The Erinnyes were a form of "divine justice" who above and beyond the justice meted out by Zeus, punished all those who transgressed the rules of ethics.
According to the legend once upon a time three brothers: Kiy, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister Lybed travelling along the Dnieper saw the beautiful hills. They landed there and founded a town on one of them. It was named Kyiv after the eldest brother, Kiy.
There are many beautiful songs about Kyiv. One of them is:
Carinas give me bright glances, So I pour out my heart -May they see my enchantress And my true love impart.
All the dreams I own for you On hope's wings consign. How can I not adore you, Kyiv of mine...
Weary city sleeps restless, Finding peace in sweet dreams. See - lights swing like a necklace 'Cross the Dnieper's broad stream
Falls in waves of joy o'er you, The night's velvet shine. How can I not adore you, Kyiv of mine...
Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the oldest cities in Europe. The chronicles call Kyiv the "Mother of Russian Cities". It is more than fifteen centuries old.
Being one of the most ancient cities of Europe Kyiv has many places of historic interest. One can mention Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the St. Sophia Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the monuments to Bohdan Khmelnitskiy and Prince Volodimir.
There are a lot of fine museums such as the Museum of Ukrainian Art, the Museum of Russian Art, the State Historical Museum, the Shevchenko Museum and others.
Kyiv is also famous for its theatres. Opera House, Drama and Musical Comedy Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre are quite famous not only in Kyiv or Ukraine but also in many other countries.
Kyiv may be justly called the centre of science and education. Say, there are a lot of research institutes. Perhaps, the Paton Research Institute of Electric Welding is the most popular one. There are some important institutes doing research in the
field of cybernetics and superhard materials and so on. There are a lot of establishments of higher learning.
The population of Kyiv is more than 3 million. It occupies an area of 790 square kilometres. Kyiv is situated on the banks of the beautiful Dnieper. Kyiv is called a garden city. It is very picturesque with its Botanical Gardens and many parks and hills.
Kyivites are justly proud of the city. № 12. Answer the following questions:
Questions to the text C:
1. What is the capital of Ukraine?
2. How was Kyiv called in ancient times?
3. What Kyiv places of interest do you know?
4. Can you mention any Kyiv museum? What do you know about it?
5. Do you visit Kyiv theatres? Name some of (hem.
6. Why can one call Kyiv the center of science and education?
7. What do you know about the Paton Research Institute of Electric Welding?
Who was its founder?
8. What is the population of the capital?
9. What is the area of Kyiv?
10. Why do they call Kyiv a garden city?
№ 13. Do you know that:
* Kyiv stretches along the Dnieper far more than 50 km.
* In building the E.O. Paton Bridge, for the first time, all welded metal constructions were used.
* The largest bridge in Kyiv is the Moskovskiy Bridge which came into operation in 1976.
* On June 14, 1892 Europe's second electric street car line was put into
operation along Volodimirskyi Slope.
* In 1902 the first medical aid station was organized in Kyiv.
* In 1912 it had 6 horse ambulances.
* Today almost 20 m of greenery falls per capita of population in Kyiv.
* The Central Botanical Gardens have one of the richest collection of lilac in Europe.
* In 1980 Kyiv became an Olympic city.
№ 14. After translating the above-mentioned facts give some interesting facts about Kyiv you know.
№ 15. Who is the author of the song which begins:
Greenery plays like an ocean,
Peace of day burns to night.
Dearer grows my devotion
To the Dnieper's steep heights....
What is the name of the English poet who translated "Kyiv of mine " into English?
№ 24. Translate into English. Remember the word order.
1. Україна має синьо-жовтий державний прапор?
2. Одним із найкрасивіших міст Європи є Київ.
3. Далеко за межами України знають і люблять українські пісні.
4. Гордістю України є такі видатні поети як Т. Шевченко і Л. Українка.
5. На території нашої країни живуть представники різних національностей.
6. Я дуже люблю українську мову.
7. Я покажу сьогодні тобі вино, що роками зріє в погребах «Масандри», вино що увібрало у себе сонце винограду Криму.
8. Надійним орієнтиром для підприємницької діяльності є прогнозований курс національної валюти.
9. Як ви гадаєте, кого він зустрів?
10. Директор хоче знати, що вони сказали про плани на майбутнє.
11.Кого Ви зустріли по дорозі на роботу?
If you are going to make a report based on material in English the first thing you should do is to read carefully the text, article or book. Then you make a list of unknown words, terms, word-combinations. Then you reread, retranslate and make your choice of points, ideas, thoughts you are going to include in your own report. After that you make a plan to the report.
The Oxford Academy worked out Pattern Plan of a Report given below.
Let us consider it. It consists of 8 (eight) items. Translate it, read the text "Ukraine. The Past and the Future". Learn the vocabulary to the text, enlarge it with some more unknown words or word-combinations, make your own plan based on the material of the text and make a report "Ukraine. The Past and the Future". Use some additional material.
The Plan to a Report
1. Greeting/ Introducing oneself Beginning
2. Introducing the subject of Your speech
3. Describing the sequence Outline of what you intend to speak on
4. Starting the presentation itself
5. Moving on to the next point Subject Matter, Essence
6. Summarizing
7. Concluding End of your speech
Thanking/Inviting questions
Тематичне заняття № 38
Module test paper №3
Тематичне заняття № 39-40
Text A Management and Manager.
The Future Tenses
Text B Management qualities
Read the following words and word combinations and learn their meanings by heart:
in the focus of attention- у центрі уваги
environment- оточення
an approach- підхід
to approach- підходити
an innovation- інновація
judgement- здатність судити, приймати рішення;
skills- майстерність
maturity- зрілість
adaptability- здатність до адаптації, пристосування
assertiveness - здатність відстоювати свої права
a suggestion- 'пропозиція, 2натяк
a limit- межа
to limit- обмежувати
№ 3. Read and translate the text and then answer the following questions.