Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочной формы обучения
Методическая разработка по дисциплине
ОГСЭ03 Иностранный язык
Контрольная работа №3
специальность 43.02.11 «Гостиничный сервис»
для студентов заочного отделения 3-го курса
2014 г.
Согласовано Протокол заседания цикловой методической комиссии _______________________________________________ от “___”__________2014 г. №_______ . Председатель ЦМК___________________ /__________ (подпись) (И.О.Фамилия) | Согласовано Методист техникума _________________________/___________ (подпись) (И.О.Фамилия) |
Разработал ____________ _____________ Рева И.И.
(подпись дата)
по выполнению контрольной работы №3
Контрольные работы составлены как домашнее задание и разработаны в 10 вариантах. Номер варианта контрольной работы №3 соответствует последней цифре шифра студента.
Контрольная работа выполняется в отдельной тетради с полями и оставленным местом для рецензии.
Контрольная работа №3 выполняется в сроки, указанные в рабочем графике.
В конце работы контрольной работы №3 указывается источник (литература, Интернет-ресурсы), который был использован при выполнении работы.
Контрольная работа оценивается словами «зачет» и «незачет». При оценке работы словом «зачет», но с имеющимися замечаниями, их учитывают и работу дорабатывают. При оценке работы словом «незачет» работа выполняется повторно и повторно рецензируется.
Для выполнения заданий контрольной работы №3 необходимо изучение следующего грамматического материала:
- употребление артиклей;
- притяжательные местоимения, неопределенные местоимения;
- предлоги места, времени, направления;
- времена групп Simple, Continuous, Perfect в действительном и страдательном залоге;
- степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий;
- согласование времен;
- повествовательные и вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи;
- модальные глаголы.
Выполнение заданий контрольной работы №3 предполагает знание лексического материала по темам:
- форма расчета с потребителями услуг в гостинице;
- организация туристической службы в гостинице;
- организация оказания услуг в гостинице;
- виды услуг, оказываемых в гостинице;
- организация питания в гостинице;
- организация досуга в гостинице;
- этика делового общения в сфере гостиничного сервиса;
- деловая переписка в сфере гостиничного сервиса.
В задании №5 необходимо выполнить письменный перевод с английского языка на русский или с русского языка на английский, используя соответствующие знания лексического и грамматического материала.
Вопросы к зачету.
1. Употребление личных и притяжательных местоимений .
2. Притяжательные местоимения-существительные.
3. Глагол to be в настоящем прошедшем и будущем времени.
4. Употребление оборота there is/there are в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.
5. Употребление артиклей с именами собственными.
6. Употребление неопределенных местоимений.
7. Употребление времен группы Indefinite.
8. Употребление времен группы Progressive.
9. Употребление времен группы Perfect.
10. Степени сравнения односложных прилагательных.
11. Степени сравнения многосложных прилагательных. Исключения.
12. Двойные степени сравнения прилагательных.
13. Употребление модальных глаголов.
14. Типы вопросов в английском языке.
15. Разделительный вопрос.
16. Вопрос к подлежащему.
17. Прямая и косвенная речь.
18. Согласование времен.
19. Косвенный вопрос.
20. Действительный и страдательный залог.
Контрольная работа № 3
Вариант 1
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- What __1__ is it?
- It's half __2__ one.
- Good. Now we __3__ to have lunch. You __4__ on this chair.
- Thank you. Please, __5__ any potatoes.
A. clock | B. hour | C. time | D. watch | |
A. at | B. to | C. past | D. on | |
A. going | B. are going | C. are go | D. goes | |
A. can to sit | B. can sit | C. sitting | D. are sit | |
A. not give me | B. give me | C. don't give me | D. not to give me |
2. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:
- My birthday is … the 19th … April.
- We are very busy … weekends.
- How many …?
- I'll ask the porter to help you … your luggage.
- What kind … room would you like?
- Our waiters work … shifts.
- Do you mind the view … the window?
- Is it just … two nights?
3. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct:
- Your sign here, please.
- I'll come on Wenesday.
- The twelve of June is Sunday.
- He don't like large hotels.
- Their manager travel to work by car.
- She is a porter in our hotel.
- Is she have any form of identification?
- What do I can for you?
4. Choose the words concerning money matters:
Vision, Frank, currant, Visa, currency, bay, bill, chance, ball, fort, traveller's check, charge, advice, traffic-lights.
5. Translate the dialogue:
- С чего бы вы хотели начать?
- Какую рыбу вы могли бы порекомендовать?
- Возьмите палтус или копченого угря.
- Хорошо, пусть будет палтус, и принесите, пожалуйста, ассорти из свежих овощей и не забудьте оливки.
- Как насчет супа?
- Я не хочу суп. Я буду свинину, тушенную в пиве, или лучше отбивную из баранины.
- Я бы посоветовал свинину. Это действительно очень вкусно.
- Замечательно. А что такое картофель «Сюрприз»?
- Это картофель, начиненный мясным фаршем, запеченный под грибным соусом. Вы будете десерт?
- Нет, только крепкий кофе и вишневый ликер, а сейчас принесите мне стакан апельсинового сока.
Вариант 2
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- Are you going to the meeting tomorrow?
- Where __1__ going to be?
- At the home of some friends __2__.
- __3__ is it going to start?
- If everyone __4__ there on time, at about 8.30.
- What are we going to __5__?
- Well, in this district a lot of parents have young children. They're not __6__ school but there isn't __7__ for them.
- So what can we do?
- We must find someone __8__ a big garden. We also need someone who likes children and can __9__.
- __10__ of my friends have big gardens, but I'll still come to the meeting.
A. is it | B. it is | C. is there | D. there is | |
A. to us | B. of us | C. to ours | D. of ours | |
A. which hour | B. which time | C. what hour | D. what time | |
A. will get | B. shall get | C. get | D. gets | |
A. talk about | B. speak on | C. tell on | D. say about |
A. old enough to | B. old enough for | C. enough old to | D. enough old for | |
A. somewhere other | B. somewhere else | C. anywhere other | D. anywhere else | |
A. which have | B. which has | C. who have | D. who has | |
A. look after it | B. looks after it | C. look after them | D. looks after them | |
A. not any | B. nobody | C. no one | D. none |
2. Fill in the chart with the correct forms of the adjective:
dry | drier | The driest |
The worst | ||
sweet | ||
stronger | ||
salty | ||
The most delicious |
3. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct:
- I like some salad.
- Children prefer mash potatoes.
- What would you like main dish?
- Currants are extremely spicy.
- Almond is a berry.
- Shall I put ice at your whisky?
- What is a tastiest dessert?
- It look like a soup.
- Boiled means cooked in an oven.
- That is all?
4. Choose the objects – names of entertainments:
hospital, museum, chemist's, theatre, plant, circus, post-office, bar, school, casino, barber's, disco, swimming pool, business centre, car park.
5. Read and translate the text:
Gardenia Hotel
The Gardenia Hotel is a modern hotel, conveniently located within just a 5-minute walk from the city centre, with its shops and nightlife, and 600 m from the nearest beach.
Accommodation consists of 40 standard rooms (double and single), each with shower, air conditioning, balcony or terrace, and 4 suites furnished with comfort and style.
The Terrace restaurant offers Turkish cuisine, and besides there are an indoor and outdoor bars, with splendid music, open to 4 a.m.
The hotel facilities include a swimming pool, a tennis court, a children's room. Laundry service and baby-sitting on request are available.
Вариант 3
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- Have you __1__ this book before?
- Yes, Tom __2__ it last week. He thought it __3__. Have you read it?
- Not __4__, but I want __5__ it this weekend.
A. seen | B. saw | C. see | D. seed | |
A. read | B. reads | C. red | D. has read | |
A. were very good | B. was very good | C. were very well | D. was very well | |
A. already | B. yet | C. still | D. before | |
A. read | B. reading | C. to read | D. to reading |
2. Fill in the chart with the correct verb form:
Present Simple | Past Simple | Present Perfect |
Sell, didn't go, have been, is, might, doesn't work, has offered, enjoyed, can, lost, have lunch, gets, was, hasn't bought, stole.
3. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct:
- It's only two stops bus.
- On case of emergency phone the police!
- We have already visit that exhibition.
- You should go to the nurse if you broke your shoe heel.
- Have she bought the tickets yet?
- We haven't stayed in this room last year.
- Our restaurant opens at 8 a.m. so I can get up early.
- The Casle is over there.
- The only thing I can to do is to speak to the manager.
- I can't see anything, I've broken my glass.
4. Use the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets:
- She (to work) at a foreign company after she (to graduate) from the Academy.
- You (not to achieve) much unless you (to work) hard.
- Students (not to get) financial rewards unless they (to get) high grades.
- I (to talk) to the dean if I (to see) him.
- They (to finish) the work before we (to return).
- We (to go) to the restaurant if we (to get) hungry.
- I (to stay) here as long as our money (to last).
5. Translate the dialogues:
1) - Я пытаюсь найти метро.
- Это недалеко, пять минут пешком. Идите вдоль набережной, мимо магазина «Цветы», поверните налево, и там вы увидите станцию прямо перед вами.
2) — У нас билеты в театр оперы и балета. Как туда лучше добраться?
- Вы можете поехать туда на трамвае. Остановка трамвая за углом у светофора, но это довольно долго. Спектакли начинаются в восемь. Вам лучше взять такси.
Вариант 4
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- Where __1__ yesterday?
- We went to that new restaurant. We __2__ there at 8 o'clock and there wasn't __3__ in the place.
- Did you __4__?
- No, we stayed for half an hour, but we only __5__ a drink.
A. have you gone | B. went you | C. did you go | D. you do go | |
A. got | B. came | C. get | D. come | |
A. nobody | B. anybody | C. no persons | D. any people | |
A. leave | B. live | C. lived | D. left | |
A. were having | B. were taking | C. had | D. took |
2. Match the line in A with the line in B:
A | B |
1. Teacher | a. explains and serves wines |
2. Manager | b. explains Grammar |
3. Chambermaid | c. shows guests to their rooms |
4. Waitress | d. is responsible for the Front Desk work |
5. Head receptionist | e. deals with money |
6. Cashier | f. runs the hotel |
7. Bellboy | g. serves dishes in the restaurant |
8. Wine waiter | h. tidies up rooms |
3. Solve the problem. What should have been done if the guest's complaint is:
- The bulb in my lamp has burnt out.
- The noise in the next door room is awful!
- I asked for a large room!
- The carpet is dirty!
- There are no toilet paper and clean towels.
- I ordered champagne an hour ago!
- The heating is not working!
4. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct:
- I like some salad.
- Children prefer mash potatoes.
- What would you like main dish?
- Currants are extremely spicy.
- Almond is a berry.
- Shall I put ice at your whisky?
- What is a tastiest dessert?
- It look like a soup.
- Boiled means cooked in an oven.
- That is all?
5. Translate the dialogue:
- Вы готовы сделать заказ?
- Да, я начну с мидий в белом вине.
- Как насчет салата, или принести овощное ассорти?
- Лучше я возьму салат из помидоров и огурцов с зеленью. Там есть лук или чеснок?
- Нет. Чем заправить?
- Я бы хотел оливковым маслом.
- Вы будете суп?
- Да, грибной, а затем бифштекс из телятины, только, пожалуйста, хорошо прожаренный.
- Что на десерт?
- А что у вас есть?
- Шоколадный мусс, салат из свежих фруктов, яблочный пирог, различное мороженое.
- Из чего состоит фруктовый салат?
- Там апельсин, клубника, виноград, персики, сверху взбитые сливки.
- Звучит вкусно. Пусть будет фруктовый салат.
- Что вы будете пить?
- Сухое красное вино и бутылку минеральной воды, только не газированной.
Вариант 5
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- Hullo, Tony. Where __1__ you been?
- We've __2__ back from a holiday __3__ the country.
- When did you go?
- We went on the __4__ of July.
- __5__ a good time?
- Yes, it was very good.
A. are | B. do | C. has | D. have | |
A. came just | B. come just | C. just come | D. just come | |
A. in | B. at | C. on | D. to | |
A. fifty | B. fifteen | C. fiftieth | D. fifteenth | |
A. had you | B. did you have | C. have you got | D. were you having |
2. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:
-It is closed … Sunday.
-They serve lunch … 11 a.m. … 1 p.m.
-This way, please, I'll show you … our manager's office.
-The hotel is … the city centre.
-We have a baby-sitter … request.
-The room is $50 … person … night.
-What's the charge … a single room?
- Not … all, sit down, please.
3. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct:
- Are they work today?
- A telefone is there.
- He not here.
- How many is a single room?
- What's she name?
- You are married?
- They usually come home in 5 o'clock.
- Is there many restaurants here?
4. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
Do you like travelling? As for me, I (to like) it very much. When I (to travel) with my friend we (not stay) in old-fashioned hotels because my friend (not like) them. My mother usually (to book) a room for us in advance, because it (to be) difficult to find one at the seaside in summer. So we always (to have) a twin room somewhere within easy reach of the beach. But the problem (to be) that my friend (to have) a dog and (not want) to leave it at home. That's why we (to choose) a hotel where dogs (to be) allowed. We (to relax) all day on the beach but if the weather (to be) rainy we (to swim) in the indoor swimming pool and (not go) anywhere.
5. Put the jumbled sentences in the correct order and translate the dialogue:
- Добрый вечер, говорит администратор.
- Вы сказали, Испания?
- И-т-а-л-и-я.
- Простите, у нас действительно очень плохая линия. Я не уловил, что вы сказали.
- Нет, я хочу позвонить в Италию.
- Я бы хотел код Италии.
- Назовите по буквам, пожалуйста.
- Я бы хотел сделать междугородный звонок, теперь понятно?
- Код Италии 390. Наберите «8», затем код страны.
Вариант 6
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- __1__ drive a car when you __2__ 16 years old?
- No, and I __3__ can't drive a car. I go everywhere by bus.
- Doesn't that take __4__?
- Not always. Sometimes it's __5__ by car.
A. did you could | B. did you can | C. could you | D. can you | |
A. had | B. have got | C. were | D. was | |
A. still | B. yet | C. now | D. already | |
A. many times | B. much time | C. long time | D. a long time | |
A. quickly as | B. quicker as | C. quicker than | D. quickly than |
2. Fill in the chart with the correct verb form:
Present Simple | Past Simple | Present Perfect |
Sell, didn't go, have been, is, might, doesn't work, has offered, enjoyed, can, lost, have lunch, gets, was, hasn't bought, stole.
3. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct:
- It's only two stops bus.
- On case of emergency phone the police!
- We have already visit that exhibition.
- You should go to the nurse if you broke your shoe heel.
- Have she bought the tickets yet?
- We haven't stayed in this room last year.
- Our restaurant opens at 8 a.m. so I can get up early.
- The Casle is over there.
- The only thing I can to do is to speak to the manager.
- I can't see anything, I've broken my glass.
4. Put in the correct comparative:
- She is … person I know. (intelligent)
- In which museum is … diamond in the world? (big)
- He comes here … than I do. (often)
- I have to start work … than you do. (early)
- This model is as … as the one offered by our competitors. (reliable)
- Having no money is … problem he has at the moment. (bad)
- My English is as … as his. (good)
- He was … after the holiday than he was before. (tired)
5. Choose the proper word from the list below:
At the Reception Desk
Receptionist: Good morning, sir. Can I … you?
Smith: Good morning. You have a … in my name.
Receptionist: What's your … , please?
Smith: Smith.
Receptionist: How do you spell it, …?
Smith: S-M-I-T-H.
Receptionist: Have you got … letter of confirmation?
Smith: Yes, I've got it here. Here … is.
Receptionist: Thank you, Mr Smith. A single … with bath. Have you … your passport, please?
Smith: Yes, of course. Here you are.
Receptionist: That's all right. Now you should … in this form:
Surname (full name) __________
Profession __________________
Nationality _________________
Passport No. ________________
Date of birth/place of birth _____
Smith: Certainly. Can I fill … this form in Russian?
Receptionist: No, you should fill it in … .
Smith: Here it is.
Receptionist: Many thanks ,sir. Your room … No.21.
In, name, our, room, it, help, reservation, is, sir, fill, English, got
Вариант 7
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- When __1__ your homework?
- I usually go __2__ early and do it there.
- I __3__ in bed but I __4__ the radio. I do my homework in the morning. I __5__ six o'clock and do it then.
A. you do | B. do you | C. to do | D. do you do | |
A. to bed | B. to the bed | C. in bed | D. in the bed | |
A. am never reading | B. never read | C. read never | D. never am reading | |
A. hear on | B. hear to | C. listen to | D. listen on | |
A. get up on | B. get up at | C. go up on | D. go up at |
2. Fill in the gaps with a/ the/ some/ any or nothing:
- Could I have … juice?
- … Italian cuisine is spicy.
- There isn't … champagne left.
- Will you bring me … cup of coffee?
- I prefer … liqueurs or vermouth.
- Are there … French wines in your bar?
- Saint Valentine's Day is on … 14th of February.
- This is … most expensive restaurant in our city.
3. Choose pronouns and fill in the chart:
in, is, an, it, their, hi, has, they, I, am, there, its, the, my, nick, his, hear, he
Personal | Possessive |
4. Fill in the blanks with shall or will:
- My granny … be at home next Sunday.
- They … leave Moscow on Monday.
- I … be with you in a month.
- He … be very busy on weekdays.
- We … have lunch at home tomorrow.
- How long … it take up to get to the airport?
- At this time tomorrow she … be far from here.
5. Translate the dialogue:
- Здравствуйте, отель «Европа», что я могу сделать для вас?
- Могу я остановиться в вашем отеле?
- Да, но это зависит от дня. На выходных у нас обычно нет мест.
- Нет, мне бы хотелось номер на два человека со вторника по пятницу. Это возможно?
- Да, конечно. Вам все равно, какой вид из окна?
- Нет, я бы хотел с видом на море. Сколько это стоит?
- 50 долларов с человека в сутки.
- Замечательно.
- Как вас зовут?
- Свит. Мистер и миссис Свит, но мы приедем поздно ночью.
- Ничего страшного, мы подержим комнату до полуночи. Итак, мистер Свит, мы ждем вас 21 февраля, во вторник. Ваш двухместный номер 384, до свидания.
Вариант 8
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- Where's Brighton?
- It's __1__ the south coast of England.
- How many kilometres __2__ from London?
- About 80 kilometres. You can go __3__ train.
- How __4__ does it take?
- About 55 minutes.
- And __5__ many trains?
- Yes, a lot.
A. by | B. beside | C. on | D. in | |
A. is there | B. are there | C. is it | D. are they | |
A. by | B. on | C. in | D. with | |
A. much | B. many times | C. long | D. far | |
A. there are | B. are there | C. they are | D. are they |
2. Make a dialogue back from the message:
The Grand Hotel
Date: 27 January
Time: 8.30
Message for: Room 312, Mike Nilson
From: Irene
wants you to meet her tomorrow. The train arrives at 5 p.m. He will call back at 9 a.m.
3. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct:
- Today is a first of September.
- We are fully book in summer.
- I am always book rooms beforehand.
- He is our waitress.
- They doesn't stay in expensive hotels.
- Our Chief always arrive on time.
- I wonder it is possible to reserve a table.
- Are you have a reservation?
4. Fill in the chart with the correct forms of the adjective:
dry | drier | The driest |
The worst | ||
sweet | ||
stronger | ||
salty | ||
The most delicious |
5. Translate the dialogue:
- Здравствуйте, отель «Палас», чем могу помочь?
- Я бы хотел остановиться в вашем отеле.
-Какую комнату вы хотите?
- Сколько стоит одноместный номер?
- 50 долларов в сутки.
- Замечательно. Мне это подходит.
- Когда вы хотите приехать?
- В субботу 17 мая, до понедельника.
- К сожалению, в эти дни все места полностью забронированы.
- Какая жалость! А следующая неделя?
- Минутку, я сейчас проверю наличие. Да, у нас есть одноместные номера на следующие выходные.
- Пожалуйста, забронируйте мне номер, только с ванной, если можно.
- Ваше имя?
- Блэк.
-Итак, мистер Блэк, ждем вас 24 мая. Ваш номер 980.
Вариант 9
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- Did you see the film on television __1__?
- No, we went to see some friends of __2__. We __3__ very late.
- Why? What __4__?
- There weren't __5__, so we walked and it took two hours.
A. at night | B. in the night | C. last night | D. tonight | |
A. we | B. us | C. our | D. ours | |
A. get home | B. got home | C. get to home | D. got to home | |
A. did happen | B. have happened | C. happened | D. has happened | |
A. some bus | B. some buses | C. any bus | D. any buses |
2. Read the words and choose the adverbs:
interesting, good, clearly, careful, early, unhappy, well, different, hard, fluently, dry, unfortunately.
3. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
Do you like travelling? As for me, I (to like) it very much. When I (to travel) with my friend we (not stay) in old-fashioned hotels because my friend (not like) them. My mother usually (to book) a room for us in advance, because it (to be) difficult to find one at the seaside in summer. So we always (to have) a twin room somewhere within easy reach of the beach. But the problem (to be) that my friend (to have) a dog and (not want) to leave it at home. That's why we (to choose) a hotel where dogs (to be) allowed. We (to relax) all day on the beach but if the weather (to be) rainy we (to swim) in the indoor swimming pool and (not go) anywhere.
4. Try to solve the guest's problem or help his advice:
- I can't move my leg!
- There is a smoke in the next door room!
- My glasses are broken!
- I'm late for the plane!
- Where can I buy Russian souvenirs?
- I might be sunburnt!
5. Translate:
- Я бы хотел оплатить счет. У меня билет на поезд завтра утром.
- Вы не могли бы назвать ваше имя и номер комнаты?
- Меня зовут Глайд, я из номера 618.
- Вот вам счет, пожалуйста.
- Там все включено?
- Да, все услуги и налог включены. Общая сумма составляет $900.
- Там нет ошибки?
- Позвольте я объясню. У вас 20% скидка, т. к. вы останавливались на выходные семьей.
- Ничего, если я оплачу завтра? Я, кажется, забыл кошелек в номере.
Вариант 10
1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct:
- Have you __1__ to the shops?
- No, I went this morning.
- __2__ many things?
- Yes, but everything __3__ expensive. I didn't buy __4__ fruit but I got __5__ apples.
A. just done | B. just been | C. gone just | D. been | |
A. bought you | B. you bought | C. did you buy | D. you did buy | |
A. was very | B. were very | C. was much | D. were much | |
A. much | B. many | C. some | D. any | |
A. any big red | B. some big red | C. any red big | D. some red big |
2. Make up disjunctive questions:
- Susie will not waste money on sweets.
- You'll buy some bread on you way home.
- They will go to the Art Museum on Sunday.
- We'll take a taxi to a hotel.
- She will recognize you.
- We'll go sightseeing after breakfast.
3. Use the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets:
- She (to work) at a foreign company after she (to graduate) from the Academy.
- You (not to achieve) much unless you (to work) hard.
- Students (not to get) financial rewards unless they (to get) high grades.
- I (to talk) to the dean if I (to see) him.
- They (to finish) the work before we (to return).
- We (to go) to the restaurant if we (to get) hungry.
- I (to stay) here as long as our money (to last).
4. Find and correct mistakes:
- Could you speak in?
- I'll be with you immediate.
- Just a moment, I'll check for you it.
- I'm sorry, I'm not catch that.
- She stay in a hotel last year.
- Where you went yesterday?
- When you have a bad line, try to speak quickly.
- You can't find the telephone number in the directory.
- Hold the line, I'll put you through.
- Dear Mrs Drive,
Thank you,
Yours faithfully.
5. Translate this dialogue into English:
- Здравствуйте, я бы хотел получить одноместный номер.
- Вы сделали предварительный заказ?
- Да, моя фамилия Родионов. Я заказал одноместный номер телеграммой.
- О, г-н Родионов. Да, сэр. Сорок пятый номер.
- Окна этого номера выходят на улицу или во двор?
- На улицу.
- Я предпочел бы с окнами во двор.
- О, сэр. Окнами гостиница выходит на (it looks out on) тихую улицу.
- Хорошо. Сколько платить в сутки за этот номер?
- 25 фунтов, включая завтрак... Можно узнать, на сколько дней вы собираетесь остановиться у нас?
- Я думаю пробыть здесь неделю.
-Очень хорошо, сэр. Известите нас, пожалуйста, за день до вашего отъезда. Тогда мы сможем приготовить ваш счет.
Основные источники:
1. Королева Н. Е. ,Барсегян А. М. ,Сербиновская А.М «Английский язык. Сервис и туризм» . – Ростов-на-Дону, 2009
2. Бисько И. А. ,Маевская В. А. ,Паксюткина Е. А. «Организация обслуживания туристов» 2-е издание -М., 2010
3. Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И. «Planet of English» -М.,2012
4. Щербакова Н.И., Звенигородская Н.С.«Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания» - М., 2012
5. Гончарова Т.А. Английский язык для гостиничного бизнеса –М.,2012.
Дополнительные источники:
- Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский. – М.: Эксмо, 2008.
- Осечкин В.В., Романова И.А. Англо-русский учебный словарь по экономике и бизнесу. – М.: Феникс, 2008.
- Голицынский Ю. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений.- СПб., 2010.
- Грамматика современного английского языка) / под ред. А.В.Зеленщикова, Е.С.Петровой. – СПб.: Филологический факультет СПбГУ; М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2003.
- Макнамара Т. Языковое тестирование. – М.: RELOD, 2005.
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УТВЕРЖДАЮ Заместитель директора по учебной работе _______________Н.В. Попова “___”___________20 _г |