Lesson 4. Curriculam Vitae

Exercise 4.1. Tick the items you would state in your CV and write your own CV:

__The title and reference number of the job you wish to have

__Your surname, first name, address and telephone number

__Your date of birth

__Your marital status

__Your hobbies and leisure interests

__The sports you play

__The name and address of present or last employer

__Details of all the jobs you have had

__Details of your achievements and responsibilities in your working


__The languages you speak or write

__Details of the examinations you passed at a secondary school __Details of the examinations you had at a higher school __Details of the professional diplomas or degrees you have __Details of training courses you have attended __Your suitability for the job advertised __Your reasons for applying for this job/

Do you know these words?


next of kin - родственник

proficiency [pro'fijnsi] -

securities [si'kjuriteiz]


to approach smb

to be available [a'veilabl]

Ex. 4.2 Writing : Interview.



From To




Name Address , Phone

Exercise 4.3. Read the dialogue – interview and continue it..

Cristal Dangizer’s inyerview

I: Come in, Ms Danziger. Did you have a good trip?

C: It was OK. I got in on the early flight this morning.

I: Ah, you're from Los Angeles, aren't you?

C: I live in L.A. at the present time, but I'm originally from New York. Of course, I'm not often in L.A. I travel a lot.

I: Tell me about your present job.

C: I'm a sales representative for a book publisher. We sell guide books and maps. I travel around Latin America. You see from my resume that I speak Spanish and Portuguese. I majored in Spanish for my Bachelor's degree.

I: Where did you get your degree?

C: I got it from the University of Chicago. Then, after that, I did my Master's at the University of New Mexico.

I: And do you speak any Asian languages? C: No, but I learn fast. I majored in languages

Lesson 5. TEST. Контроль навыков устной речи и лексического минимума.

1Find the English equivalents of the following words :

a)низкая самооценка

в)надёжный исполнитель

с) учёт отсутствия на работе

d)« птица высокого полёта

е) оправдывать надежды

f) совладать, справиться

g) следовать политике компании

h) оказаться перед угрозой увольнения

i) производить хорошее впечатление

j) подрывать политику компании

Fill in the gaps in the brackets and translate the sentences into Russian

He has all the ( квалификацию) for a headhunter : a limitless capacity for talking on the phone , and a lot of rich personal ( связи).

Before we invite you to attend an interview we will need (рекомендацию) from your former employers.

It should be born in mind at the recruitment stage that people don’t change and that their childhood experiences have a strong influence on forming their ( характер).

Most employers require from their applicants at least three year’s (опыт) in a particular sphere of work mentioned in a job advertisement.

Being very proud of his working class (происхождение) he always emphasizes it.

In spite of our expectations he turned out to be a person of average ( ум).

3. Find the words defined below :

a) the emotional condition of employees

b) the style of everyday clothes

c) to stop doing smth

d) a Zodiac sign

e) the way you look

f ) mental abilities

g) a person who can achieve great results

h) to train specially for smth.

i) to keep in mind

J to satisfy somebody’s expectations

Choice list

1. ability 19. look smart 37. to follow the сomраny’s

2. absentee record 20. low esteem new image

3. age 21. marital status 38. to give up

4. appearance 22. morale 39. to make a good impression

5. astrological sign 23. personality 40. to groom

6. blood group 24. qualification 41. to present oneself

7. casual clothing 25. recruitment 42. to undermine company’s

8. come up to expectations 26. reference discipline

9. contacts and connections 27. repackage

10. deliver 28. sex

11. experience 29. sickness record

12. family background 30. skills

13. fundamentals 31. steady performer

14. handwriting 32. to bear in mind

15. high – flier 33. to conform the company’s new image

16. human rights 34. to cope with

17. intelligence 35. to dismiss

18. lack of emotional warmth 36. to face the sack

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