Look at the table and find the four words, beginning with M, I, C, and E which mean the following.

1) occasions when people come together to discuss or decide something – usually involving a small number of people

2) journeys or holidays given to a worker or group of workers as rewards for good work

3) large official meetings, usually lasting for a few days, at which people with the same work or interests come together to discuss their views

4) events at which products and services produced by different companies are shown to the public

Individual business travel Business tourism
· presentations · consultations · investigations · one-to-one meetings · meetings and seminars · conferences · product launches · incentive trips (team, family) · exhibitions (trade fairs, trade shows, consumer shows) · corporate hospitality

Define the types of MICE events using the items from the table. Then complete the sentences (1-5) with the words or phrases below.

a.delegates b. a PowerPoint presentation c. box d. stands e. gala banquet

a. __________

The World Federation of Tour Guides is meeting in Hong Kong to discuss a number of issues affecting their business and to hear talks from key representatives of the industry. There will be 1) ________ from all over the world.

b. ___________

Hammond Brothers Ltd are pleased to announce their new ‘Green machine’ power-cycle, ideal for the business person and the weary sightseeing tourist alike. Come to the Meeting Room of the Imperial Hotel for _________2) by the Chief Designer and the Sales Manager. Drinks and snacks will be provided.

c. ___________

Join us for the final of the Rugby League World Cup for champagne and a superb buffet lunch. Watch the game from the comfort and luxury of our private _________3).

d. ___________

As a reward for achieving record sales figures in the last financial year, the Directors of General Instruments Inc. are delighted to invite you on a tour of the capitals of Western Europe. On the final evening the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will attend the __________4) to personally thank you.

e. _____________

FITUR is the world’s largest travel show after ITB Berlin. There are three trade days (with 75,000 professional visitors expected) and two consumer days (with 150,000 visitors expected). FITUR is also the major event for Latin American tour operators contracting their European tours. Industry partners can hire ________5) for five days for approx. ?4,000.

Where are these people going? Match the sentences with the events.

1. lecture     2. congress     3. workshop   4. board meeting   5.trade fair a. A group of hoteliers who want to listen to a formal talk on management techniques from a specialist speaker. b. Travel agents going to see promotions from tour operators and tourist boards in order to find new packages and venues for their clients. c. An international group of tour operators meeting to discuss global problems. d. Hotel staff needing practical know-how to improve their work techniques. e. The directors of a company going to their monthly decision-making meeting.

Listening & Watching

Watch the video “MICE industry” and answer the questions.

1. What does MICE consist of?

2. What meetings are organized by MICE planners?

3. What do professionals of an industry do in conventions?

4. What is showcased in exhibitions?

5. What does MICE industry offer its attendees?

6. What is the top convention city in Asia?

Translate into English.

1.MICE — область индустрии делового туризма, связанная с организацией и проведением различных корпоративных мероприятий.

2.Понятие MICE образуют четыре базовых направления: meetings - корпоративные встречи, презентации, переговоры и т. д., incentives - поощрительные или мотивационные туры и программы, тимбилдинги, обучение персонала, корпоративные праздники, conferences - конференции, конгрессы, съезды, форумы, семинары и т. д., exhibitions - выставки, имиджевые мероприятия (фестивали, благотворительные концерты и т. д.), PR-события и пресс-туры.

3.В корпоративных мероприятиях принимают участие представители самых разных профессий и отраслей экономики.

4.К основным целям MICE-мероприятий относится:

· проведение встреч, презентаций и переговоров с деловыми партнёрами;

· посещение профессиональных мероприятий (конференций, выставок, конгрессов, семинаров, форумов, съездов и т. д.);

· установление деловых контактов, привлечение новых партнеров, клиентов, инвесторов, поставщиков и т. д.;

· обучение, участие в тренингах и программах по повышению корпоративной культуры или командообразованию (тимбилдингах);

· участие в поощрительных или мотивационных мероприятиях/турах/программах, проводимых компаний для сотрудников или партнеров;

· привлечение внимания инвесторов, партнеров и клиентов к бренду и продуктам/услугам компании за счет проведения имиджевых мероприятий, PR-событий, участия в выставках.

5.MICE-мероприятия напрямую связаны с индустрией гостеприимства. На сегодняшний день все крупные отели располагают обширными возможностями для проведения переговоров, встреч, форумов, конференций, семинаров, тимбилдингов и проч. Информация о MICE-возможностях, бизнес-залах, удобствах и услугах по сопровождению подобных мероприятий, как правило, доступна на веб-сайтах гостиниц, многие из которых дополнительно предлагают вниманию клиентов информационные брошюры и презентации.

12. Speak about Mice industry:

· MICE as a new form of business tourism

· Primary sources of revenue of MICE industry

· Types of meetings

· Types of meeting setups

· Incentive tourism

· Types of conferences

· Exhibitions and trade fairs

MICE Industry in Russia


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