Introduction and focusing attention

Formal Meeting Informal Meeting
1. As you already know, today’s presentation is designed to present some important points of …. This first slide shows our agenda for the day.   1. All right, let me start by saying thanks to all of you for the interest in this presentation. / I would like to talk to you today about …. for… minutes.
2. The topic of my presentation today is ... 2. What I'm going to talk about today is ...
3. First, I will begin with an overview of … Then, Ms. … / Mr. … will present the data that she gathered and her ideas for … She / He will be followed by Mr…., who will discuss …, and at last we'll make a conclusion with the main recommendations. 3. First I would like to talk about….   Then I would like you to take a look at… Following that we're going to talk about… Then I'm going to wrap things up with our team’s recommendations. Lastly we are going to discuss…
4. Since we have very limited time today, please hold your questions until the end of the presentation. 4. Any questions so far? Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.

Some more useful phrases:

Now we will look at… Теперь взглянем на …

I’d like now to discuss… Теперь мне хотелось бы обсудить…

Let’s now talk about… Давайте теперь поговорим о …

Let’s now turn to… Теперь давайте перейдем к …

Let’s move on to… Продолжим с …

That will bring us to our next point… Это отсылает нас к следующему пункту

Moving on to our next slide … Двигаемся к нашему следующему слайду

I'd like to illustrate this by showing you...

Я бы хотел продемонстрировать это, показав Вам…

Firstly … Во-первых, …

Secondly … Во-вторых, …

Thirdly … В третьих, …

I'd like to expand on this aspect / problem / point …

Я хотел бы заострить внимание на данном аспекте / проблеме / пункте…


Let's sum it up. Давайте суммируем

Let's wrap it up. Давайте завершим.

I would like to sum up the main points again…

Еще раз хотел бы суммировать главное…

So, in conclusion… Итак, в заключение…

Finally let me just sum up today’s main topics…

Наконец, подведем итог сегодняшним главным моментам…

Answering questions

I think I answered your question earlier. Я думаю, я ответил уже на Ваш вопрос ранее.
I'm glad you asked that. Рад, что Вы спросили об этом.
Well, as I already said… Итак, как я уже и говорил…
That's a very good question (of you to ask). Очень хороший вопрос (который Вы задали).
So you are asking about… Итак, Вы спрашиваете о …
If I’ve understood you correctly you are asking about… Если я правильно понял Вас, Вы спрашиваете о …
I’m sorry I don’t think I’ve understood your question, could you rephrase it for me? Извините, я думаю, что не совсем понял Ваш вопрос, не могли бы Вы его перефразировать?
I’m sorry could you expand on that a little? Could you clarify your question for me? Извините, не могли бы Вы уточнить свой вопрос для меня?

PART II. Staff Management

Introduction and focusing attention - Staff management is the management of the subordinates in an organization. In large organizations, many of these functions are performed by a specialist department such as Personnel or Human Resources, but all line managers are still required to supervise and administer the activities and well-being of the staff that report to them.

Introduction and focusing attention - LET’S READ

I. A. Read the statements about the principles of staff management. Do you think they are true (T) or false (F)?

1 Mutual trust and re­spect are important conditions for managing people successfully.

2 A staff manager should be very irritable with the employees who confronted him/her.

3 A staff manager shouldn’t be open with the employees.

4 If a man­ager wants to be effective he should set clear goals.

5 A manager should respect his/her subordinates, praise them and never criticize them.

6 A manager should always teach what his/her subordinates need to know.

B. Read the text and check your answers.

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