Не сдавайтесь, если вам отказали

Очень важно оставаться деликатным, если вам отказывают в работе, и еще важнее — постараться узнать причины, по которым вам отказали. Если вы убеждены, что вы хотите работать именно в этой компании, тогда продолжайте тактично напоминать о себе руководителю фирмы.

Итак, подведем итог того, что делает суперкандидат чтобы устроиться на работу?

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1. Подает заявку на вакансию, соответствующую его профессиональной квалификации, и убеждается в наличие значительных перспектив для карьерного роста.

2. Не допускает грамматических ошибок в резюме и в приветственном письме.

3. Выполняет все условия подачи заявки.

4. Приходит вовремя на интервью в опрятном и профессиональном виде.

5. Думает в первую очередь не о деньгах, а о том, как устроиться в самую интересную компанию и потом стать ее бесценным сотрудником.

6. Не нарушает договоренностей.

Если вы выполните все эти пункты, я гарантирую, что вы не сможете не устроиться на интересную для вас работу в ближайшем будущем, потому что таких как вы — 1% всего работоспособного населения планеты.

PART II. Curriculum Vitae/Resume, Covering Letter

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I. Study the following categories that are usually included on a CV/resume and see two examples of CV.


Date of Birth

Marital Status

Address and Telephone - include local and/or permanent address and phone number, with ZIP and area codes. List email if you check it daily. List a message phone number if you do not have an answering machine.


Education - use the reverse chronological order, since it is more important what master’s degree you have rather than that, very probably, you went to high school in your native town. No matter for which order you decide - chronological or reverse - you should keep it the same throughout the rest of your CV/resume.

Examinations and qualifications

AWARDS - you should introduce this header right after the education. Here is the place to mention scholarships, stages abroad you had to compete for, prizes in contests, any kind of distinction.

WORK EXPERIENCE - list your most recent experience first. Give the name of your employer, job title, and very important, what you actually did and achieved in that job. Part-time work should be included. Don't feel ashamed with what you did, don't try to diminish your accomplishments! The idea is that when you apply for a job you have to show growth-potential.

PUBLICATIONS - list articles you have published and those that have been accepted for publication.

RESEARCH - Give the employer insight into your professional abilities and training by listing the past and present research projects in which you have participated. List specific research skills with which you are familiar.


Languages - list here all the languages you speak, with a one-word description of your knowledge of that language. We suggest the following scale: conversational, intermediate, advanced, and fluent. List any certificates and/or results like TOEFL scores, with date.

Computer Skills - Employers expect computer literacy. List hardware, software, and operating systems with which you are familiar. Write everything you know, including Internet browsers and text editing skills.

Interests and Activities - here you may list any sport activities, singing, playing an instrument, reading, photography, Internet, socialising with friends, etc. They will be particularly interested in activities where you have leadership or responsibility, or which involve you in relating to others in a team. If you have been involved in any type of volunteer work, do give details.

REFEREES - here you can list with contact details persons ready to recommend you. Generally a reference sheet will consist of the name, title, phone number and email address of two or three academic and/or business references. Do not use relatives, friends or other students as references. Be sure to obtain permission from each person you plan to list prior to distributing your reference sheet.

Не сдавайтесь, если вам отказали - student2.ru CV example № 1:

Personal data
Tigran Gavrilov
Gercena str. 28-29, Town of Oktyabrskiy,
Respublika Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
+7 906 38198754632
[email protected]

Date of Birth: 25.08.1972
Marital Status: married

To obtain a position service engineer that will allow me to use my knowledge and take advantage of my desire to work in Sulzer Ltd.


08.2002 – 06.2007 Ufa State Oil Technical University Oktyabrskiy Branch (OF UGNTU)

Specialty: Engineer-mechanic

Work experience
10.2011 – till now OAO "Rosneft"

Position: Head of Service of Manufacturing Custom Equipment.
Activities and responsibilities:

ü Manage the production of service of manufacturing custom equipment.

ü Control and technical maintenance of production metal parts

03.2010 - 10.2011 OAO "Rosneft"

Position: Engineer-constructor

Activities and responsibilities:

Schematic drawing metal parts for different equipment, technology of metal processing for the manufacture of metal parts.

06.2007 - 03.2010 Gazprom
Position: Engineer-constructor

Activities and responsibilities:

constructor documentation of Installation Electric Submersible Pumps - Electric Submersible Pumps (18-400 cubic meters per day), electric asynchronous motors, protector.

MS Word, Excel Typing, Compas 3d.
Russian: native
English: Fluent reading, writing and speaking ability

Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Reading, Internet

Available upon request

Не сдавайтесь, если вам отказали - student2.ru CV example № 2:

Name: Ekaterina Ivanova

Address: 29-403, Penza-7 Penza RUSSIA

Phone: +7(9062)381851

E-mail: [email protected]

Date of birth: 13 August 1995

Age: 19

Marital status: Single

Nationality: Russian


2007 – to present The Penza State University of Architecture and

Construction, Russia.

2002 – 2007 School №44, Penza, Russia.

2000 – 2002 School №36, Irkutsk, Russia.

1997 – 2000 Municipal Classical Gymnasium №1, Penza, Russia.


December 2009 – to present "Emerald city", Cashier, Penza, Russia

July – August, 2008 Sandwich Lodge & Resort, Housekeeper, CA, USA

June – July, 2008 IHOP, Hostess, CA, USA

September – October, 2007 Club "Kaliostro", Barman, Penza, Russia

January – October, 2006 Mall "Magnet", Promoter, Penza, Russia


English - very good

German - conversational


Experience of computing: MS Office (Word, Excel), Power Point, Internet Explorer.


Among my interests I can name drawing, sewing, reading, swimming and dancing.


Olga Sidorova +7(9062)376843

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