Working with vocabulary


Раздел 1

Тема1.1. Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких, и т.д. (внешность, характер, личностные качества)

Тема 1.2. Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе

Раздел 2

Тема 2.1. Повседневная жизнь условия жизни, учебный день, выходной день

Тема 2.2.Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни

Тема 2.3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура

Тема 2.4. Досуг

Тема 2.5. Новости, средства массовой информации

Тема 2.6. Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология)

Тема 2.7. Образование в России и за рубежом, среднее профессиональное образование

Тема 2.8. Культурные и национальные традиции краеведение, обычаи и праздники



Here are some words you need to talk about people’s appearance. Let’s brush them up.

Age Body build Height
young fat/stout/plump/obese/overweight mediumheight
middle-aged thin average height
elderly slim below average
old skinny short/shortish
in his/her 30′s medium-build tall/tallish
Hair style Hair colour Face
long dark-haired thin
short red long
straight fair round/ oval/ square
wavy blonde gloomy
curly grey ugly
neat dyed/coloured heart-shaped
untidy mousy high cheekbones
with plaits   high forehead
a fringe   thin/ full lips
bald   freckles
in a bun   straight nose
pony-tail   turned-up nose/ flat nose
to grow thinner   a pointed chin
shoulder-length   a double chin
waist-length   wrinkles
rich hair   compressed lips
    shaking lips
Eyes Complexion Dress
long eyelashes pale/ruddy well-dressed
thick eyelashes tanned casual
bushy eyelashes/eyebrows fair-skinned conservative/old-fashioned
narrow eyes oriental elegant
close- / deep- / wide-set eyes   fashionable

Useful word combinations for your vocabulary

to have aged well –

to look one’s age –

to be pretty/handsome –

to be typical –

to be well-groomed –

to look a mess, to look scruffy –

to look like smb –

to remind smb of smb –

to stammer – заикаться

to take after smb –

to take care over one’s appearance –

appearance is deceptive –

to go by appearance/to judge by appearance –


Read the text and retell it.

The way we look means much in our lives. People usually judge us by appearance. So it takes much time to look well. There are a lot of medical services, which help keep beauty. The variety of cosmetics is great. And so it is important to know how you should describe appearance. But remember that appearance can be deceptive. And you mustn’t judge people by the first impression. I’d like to tell you some words about me.

I am 30, but everyone says that I don’t look my age. I take much care over my appearance and I have aged quite well. I am of medium height and built. I do a lot of sport and so I look slim. My hair is wavy and blond. My nose is straight and eyes are blue. My ears are not big, the face is oval. What I don’t like in myself is freckles. They always come in spring. My friends sometimes call me a «typical blonde». I should admit that this style is close to me.

I take after my granny. She looked just like me when she was young. I prefer dresses, skirts and romantic style tocasual clothes. I try always to be well dressed. To tell the truth I devote much time to my appearance and spend much money for it.


Write the similar story about yourself.


Play the game with your classmates.

Describe someone in your group, without telling the name. Let your classmates guess whom you are talking about.



1. Answer these questions:

1) Do you have a real friend?

2) What is friendship for you?

3) Is it difficult to be a real friend?

4) What by your opinion does the phrase mean: “fair weather” friend?

Read the proverbs and try to translate. Which one do you like? Why?

1) A friend is easier lost than found.

2) A friend is never known till a man has need.

3) A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

4) A good friend is as sun in winter.

5) A good name is better than a good face.

6) A good name is better than riches.

7) A man is known by his friends.

8) Before you make a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.

9) Treat others as you want to be treated.


1. Divide a page into two columns and write the words using the table:


attractive, sensitive, lively, ambitious, egoistic, tactful, quick-tempered, unruly, careless, generous, selfish, tolerant,reasonable,disciplined,imaginative,(un)reliable, emotional,capable, creative, shy, gentle, modest,optimistic, determined, (im)patient,self-confident,boastful,(dis)honest,witty,courageous,balanced,calm,greedy,serious,envious,absent-minded, attentive,devoted,lazy, jealous,artistic,thoughtful,passionate,capricious,demanding, straightforward,respectful, funny, fun-loving, exciting, adventurous, open-minded, easy-going, quarrelsome, sociable, cheerful, loyal, calm, kind, cruel, unkind, romantic, sentimental, tender, caring,warm,curious,friendly,hardworking, well-educated,understanding,energetic, enthusiastic,confident in oneself,(im)polite, rude, mean, (un)selfish, (un)helpful, moody, organized, bright, (in)considerate, even, tempered, reserved.

Working with vocabulary.

1) What character do you have?

2) What qualities would you like to have?

3) Name 4 qualities that you like and hate most.

4) Find the opposites. Example: active – passive


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