Task 1. Complete the following sentences, using information from the text.

1. All banks provide online banking facility to …

2. Banks also suggest their customers …

3. Internet banking enables people to carry out …

4. Many financial transactions can be carried out by …

5. The necessary things that a person needs for using online banking are …

6. When a person opens an account with the bank, the bank …

7. The concept of Internet banking has been simultaneously evolving …

8. The online shopping promoted the use …

9. When computers and Internet were not so well developed, “home banking” …

10. The first online banking service in United States …

11. The online banking services are becoming …

Task 2. Fill in the preposition where it’s necessary.

1. All banks provide online banking facility … their customers as an added advantage.

2. Nowadays, people are so busy … their work lives that they don’t even have time to go … the bank.

3. Many financial transactions can be carried … by simply utilizing a computer … an Internet connection.

4. If they are stuck … any process while performing their online transactions, banks have another helpful facility that is “phone banking”.

5. All online banking services, provided … some banks, are free … cost.

6. When a customer views … the bank’s website, he would obligatorily need to log … his virtual account.

7. The Internet banking facilities provided … banks differ … bank … bank, and country … country.

8. The creative process … development of these services were probably sparked … after many companies started the concept of online shopping.

9. The development … these databases were widely used … the development of ATM’s.

10. …1983, the Nottingham Building Society, commonly abbreviated and refereed … as the NBS, launched the first Internet banking service in United Kingdom.

Task 3. Give your own explanation of the following terms.

1. Checkbook

2. Phone banking

3. Home banking

4. Balance

5. Customer’s user ID

6. Banking transaction

7. PIN number

8. Banking sector


Task 4. Match the synonyms.

1. operate 2. execute 3. prompt 4. promote 5. restrict 6. suggest a) keep b) implement c) remind d) propose e) confine f) fulfil g) manage h) refer i) stimulate

Task 5. Match the most suitable word collocations.

1. Financial a) inquiry b) institution c) vision 2. Exchange a) labour b) revelation c) counter 3. Banking a) services b) disappointment c) supervision  
4. Interbank a) place b) clearing c) marking 5. Installment a) cheating b) loans c) roads 6. Commercial a) payments b) banks c) ways.  


Translate into English in written form.

Online banking позволяет:

- с любого компьютера получить доступ к вашим банковским документам через защищенное соединение в сети интернет;

- получать информацию об остатках и движениях средств на ваших счетах в Банке;

- направлять на исполнение в Банк платежные и иные поручения и контролировать процесс их исполнения;

- отзывать ранее направленные поручения;

- осуществлять обмен данными с вашей бухгалтерской системой или системой управления предприятием.


1. How safe is your financial information when you bank online?

2. What are the pros and cons using Internet Banking?


Coming up with New Ideas


Exercise 1. Explain in your own words the following collocations and abbreviation:

Brainstorming, thought provoking way, up-to-date, to be fraught with, R&D.

Exercise 2. Make nouns from the following verbs according to the model and translate them.

a) Model: verb+ing = noun, (to build – building)

Develop, exist, create, surround, suggest, cut, come.

b) Model: verb+ion = noun, (to create – creation)

Innovate, stimulate, generate, contribute, investigate, impress, consult.


Coming up with New Ideas

Having a good idea is often the basis of a new product. Some ideas come quickly and others are years in developing. Some products are innovative, while others are simply copies or adaptations of existing products. Some products have very little in the way of innovation or “new product” appeal and are absolute and shameless copies made just to cash in on the success of the original product.

Good idea or bad, all products start off with an original idea. Any organization wishing to develop new products should therefore address themselves to the problem of creating the right sort of environment and atmosphere to encourage new ideas and hence new products. Here are some of the ways in which the development of new ideas and products may be encouraged:

1. Brainstorming can be a very useful and thought-provoking way of getting people to come up with innovative ideas. Eight to twelve people are put in comfortable surroundings under the direction of a person who is given the role of suggesting useful key words or phrases to help stimulate the creative process. The members of the brainstorming group then shout out the first word that comes into their heads, no matter how stupid the word might seem. The other members of the group respond to that word and come up with another word. It works on the same principle as word association and eventually something useful might come out of it. The brainstorming sessions are usually taped or perhaps recorded with a video camera and the results are played back and analysed. A suggestion box fixed to the wall of the most used part of the factory or office may result in something useful being generated internally from one of the members of the workforce. This has proved especially effective for some businesses and they now offer financial incentives for good ideas and to help encourage more members of staff to contribute. Payments to staff are usually based on how much money the company will save from adopting their suggestion. Indeed, the bulk of suggestion box ideas have more to do with cost cutting and efficiency than new product ideas, but a fair percentage of ideas may well be for new products.

2. Forced relationships. The concept of forced relationships is an interesting one. With this technique two or more seemingly unrelated items are considered together.

3. Marketing research should help develop many new ideas. Most, of course, will be utterly impractical or unprofitable. In the consumer field, however, the number of “free” ideas received from the public is amazing. General market research cannot be expected to generate much in the way of specific ideas. It needs to be taken a step further, asking people specifically about their unsatisfied needs and coaxing the answers out of them.

4. Research and development is an area of high cost and employment in certain companies. Some companies need to spend vast sums of money on R&D just to keep up with their competitors. The highest costs are in areas such as electronics, drugs and computers.

5. The sales force itself often feels that it is the least consulted and most full of ideas. It is an unwise company which ignores what is, effectively, its “eyes and ears” in the market place. The members of the sales force day; they, above all, know what the market needs and can pass on the thoughts and requirements of the company’s customers, as well as their own.

6. Competitors looking at what the competition is selling can be very useful, but is also fraught with dangers. Most businesses keep an up-to-date collection of their competitors’ brochures and sales literature. Some may even buy and thoroughly investigate their competitors’ products. This makes good sense, but, if the product they are looking at has not been properly market-tested in the first place, anyone copying it will just be buying themselves a headache. Who wants another version of something nobody wants? Even if the product is OK, the copier will probably be too late to make much impression on the market by the time the copy is ready for sale.


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