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International technical assistance programs in the area of nuclear safety are being implemented according to intergovernmental agreements and are aimed at enhancement of nuclear and radiological safety of the existing units. They include supply of equipment and technologies, transfer of the progressive foreign experience and financial support of the Russian nuclear facilities.

Rosenergoatom is a beneficiary organization of a number of internation­al programs, including TASIC program of the European Commission, «Swedish International Projects», US DOE Inter­national Nuclear Safety Program, UK Safety program etc.

In 2003, there were 152 active international projects (with the total fund­ing of 164 million US dollars); 25 proj­ects with the total funding of 17 million US dollars were completed, equipment and services worth 6,6 million US dol­lars were delivered and rendered to nuclear power plants, the budget for the subsequent period totaling at 44 million US dollars was formed. There were qual­itative positive changes in the effective­ness of international nuclear safety pro­grams, including initiation of some large- scale (up to 10 million euro) projects - the contracts for such large-scale proj­ects for Balakovo and Novovoronezh NPP were signed.

The foreign economic relations car­ried out on the basis of direct commer­cial contracts between the Ros­energoatom concern and foreign com­panies include import of equipment, spare parts, technologies and services, as well as export of goods and services by Rosenergoatom and its subsidiaries.

Rosenergoatom together with its subsidiaries are in possession of unique potential for exporting goods and servic­es associated with operation, mainte­nance, renovation, and lifetime exten­sion of the operating NPP, as well as with рrеcommissioning activities and personnel training. In particular:


- transfer of experience of organization and conduct of operation of nuclear power plants;

- training and retraining of operating and maintenance personnel in the training centers, on-job training;

- development and transfer of operating and maintenance documentation;

- supply material and labor resources for operation of nuclear power plants;

- international cooperation for safe operation of nuclear power plant, exchange of operating experience (WANO, IAEA, VGB);

- cooperation with the foreign operating utilities (NAEC, EDF, Tszyansun nuclear company etc) and support organizations [FRAMATOM etc.);

«Atomtechenergo» federal unitary associated enterprise:

- organization and conduct of pre-commissioning activities;

- organization of operation, accept­ance and warrant testing at new and operating nuclear power plants, participation in the commissioning and startup activities;

- basic training of operating and main­tenance personnel;

- initial training and retraining of the maintenance personnel of nuclear power plants in training centers, devel­opment and implementation of training aids for NPP personnel training;

- technical support of NPP operation;

«Atomenergoremont» federal uni­tary associated enterprise:

- installation and maintenance activi­ties at operating plants and units under construction;

- production and delivery of mainte­nance documentation;

VNIIAES federal unitary associated enterprise:

- scientific support of operation, recon­struction and renovation of NPP;

- production of scientific and technical documentation associated with NPP operation, production of Technicnical Specifications;

- scientific support of training and retraining of operating personnel;

- support of functioning of the auto­mated system for collection and exchange of NPP operating informa­tion, database management;

- reliability analysis, assessment of the residual life of NPP equipment;

- creation of modern full scope simula­tors, functional mathematical models and other special training aids;

- scientific and methodological support of plant decommissioning activities.

The services specified above are ren­dered to WER reactor units operating or being constructed in Russia and abroad. Besides that, transfer of experi­ence of operation of the plants with BN-600 reactors is now being considered. There is a developing partnership between Rosenergoatom and the Chinese state-owned corporation «Machimpex» on joined funding of con­struction of a floating nuclear power plant with HLT-40 reactor.

In summary, today Rosenergoatom and its subsidiaries can offer integrated services for organization and support of operation of nuclear power plants with VER and BN reactors abroad and proj­ects for joined funding of construction of floating power plants.

2 Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1)international technical assistance programs;

2) intergovernmental agreements;

3) enhancement nuclear and radiological safety;

4) supply of equipment and technologies;

5) financial support of the Russian nuclear facilities;

6) qualitative positive changes;

7) the effectiveness of international nuclear safety programs;

8) The foreign economic relations;

9) training and retraining of operating and maintenance personnel;

10) operating and maintenance documentation.

3 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1) импорт оборудования, запасных частей, технологий и услуг;

2) тренировочные центры;

3) материальные и трудовые ресурсы;

4) безопасная эксплуатация АЭС;

5) организация и проведение предпусковых наладочных работ;

6) действующие атомные станции;

7) обучение эксплуатационного и ремонтного персонала;

8) техническое сопровождение эксплуатации АЭС;

9) ремонтно-монтажные работы;

10) ведение баз данных.

4 Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:


2) government;


4) radio;

5) to equip;

6) to effect;

7) person;

8) to organize;

9) partner;

10) method.

5 Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).

They include supply of equipment and technologies, transfer of the progressive foreign experience and financial support of the Russian nuclear facilities.

6 Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции инфинитива, инфинитивные конструкции (сложное дополнение, подлежащее), существительное в роли определения, функции слов one (ones), that (those), условные предложения:

1)International technical assistance programs in the area of nuclear safety are being implemented according to intergovernmental agreements and are aimed at enhancement of nuclear and radiological safety of the existing units.

2) Rosenergoatom is a beneficiary organization of a number of international programs, including TASIC program of the European Commission, «Swedish International Projects», US DOE Inter national Nuclear Safety Program, UK Safety program etc.

3) In 2003, there were 152 active international projects (with the total funding of 164 million US dollars); 25 projects with the total funding of 17 million US dollars were completed, equipment and services worth 6,6 million US dollars were delivered and rendered to nuclear power plants, the budget for the subsequent period totaling at 44 million US dollars was formed.

4) There were qualitative positive changes in the effectiveness of international nuclear safety pro grams, including initiation of some large- scale (up to 10 million euro) projects - the contracts for such large-scale projects for Balakovo and Novovoronezh NPP were signed.

5) The foreign economic relations carried out on the basis of direct commercial contracts between the Rosenergoatom concern and foreign companies include import of equipment, spare parts, technologies and services, as well as export of goods and services by Rosenergoatom and its subsidiaries.

6) Rosenergoatom together with its subsidiaries are in possession of unique potential for exporting goods and services associated with operation, maintenance, renovation, and lifetime extension of the operating NPP, as well as with prеcommissioning activities and personnel training.

7 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1) What is Rosenergoatom?

2) What are the functions of Rosenergoatom?

3) What are the functions of «Atomtechenergo» federal unitary associated enterprise?

4) What are the functions of «Atomenergoremont» federal unitary associated enterprise?

5) How many active international projects were there in 2003?

6) What do the foreign economic relations carried out on the basis of direct commercial contracts between the Rosenergoatom concern and foreign companies include?

7) What kind of a developing partnership is there between Rosenergoatom and the Chinese state-owned corporation «Machimpex»?

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