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RBMK-1000 Plant Safety

Implementation of the cluster control rods within the Control and Protection System in the RBMK-1 ООО reactors was continued. According to the GAN (Gosatomnadzor) licenses, pilot controls rods were installed at Kursk-1, 3 and 4, Leningrad-2 and 3, and Smolensk-1 and 2.

In-depth safety assessment for RBMK-1 ООО reactors were continued, including those based on the review find­ings of the GAN NTC experts where the in-depth safety assessment report (ISAR) was updated for the Kursk-1 are Leningrad-1 and 2.

In 2003, the ISAR for the Kursk-1 and Leningrad-3 were developed and prepared for review by GAN experts.

Pursuant to the Nuclear Safety Account Agreement between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Russian Federation, the major milestones of the second stage of the Kursk-1 ISAR international review were achieved.

Development and implementation at the RBMK-1 ООО plants of the symptom-oriented emergency procedures (SOEP) were continued. A complete set of the SOEP documentation was developed for the Smolensk-1 and 2.

In the Smolensk, Kursk and Lenin­grad power units the measures to pre­vent corrosion cracking of the primary austenitic pipelines were continued in particular:

- the pipe weld sleeving technology was implemented;

- the trial application of the technology for deaerated startup after outage is carried out.

In the year of 2003 the licenses of Gosatomnadzor of Russia were reissued for operation of the Kursk-1 to 4, Leningrad-1 to 4, and Smolensk-1.

EGP-6 Plant Safety

The EGP-6 power units with channel-type uranium-graphite low- capacity reactors belong to the first generation, and during the whole operational time they demon­strate their reliability and safety.

At present, the Bilibino NPP is still the most powerful and reliable electricity source of the Tchaun-Bilibino power ter­minal, and provides more than 70 % of regional needs in electrical supplies.

At the Bilibino NPP power units all neces­sary activities on equipment reliability improvement and safety level mainte­nance are carried out as required by the current regulations.

In 2003, the on improvements of the building structures and safety-related equipment seismic resistance, upgrad­ing of the reliable electrical power supply system and replacement of the equipment with the expired design lifetime, were continued.

Modernization of the unit 4 complet­ed at the Bilibino NPP. All the modified systems and equipment were put into operation. Safety justifications were developed for the purpose of the unit life­time extension by 15 years.

The ISAR for the Bilibino-1 to 3 was updated based on the GAN NTC experts' review findings. In the year of 2003, at the unit-2, a new methodology for the fuel cladding leaktightness monitoring system indications analysis was imple­mented.

Regular probabilistic safety assess­ments, annual operational safety status reports as well as conclusions of the state safety regulatory authority confirm satisfactory level of the Bilibino opera­tional safety status.

At present, all the Bilibino power units are operated based on the long- term licenses of Gosatomnadzor of Russia.

BN-600 Plant Safety

The fast breeder reactors pos­sess a number of principal advantages as to safety and use of fuel if compared with nuclear reactors of other types, including the possibility of use of MOX fuel in the BN-600 reactor core with the purpose of the weapons-graded plutonium recy­cling.

In the year of 2003, the works or preparation of the BN-600 reactor to transfer to the «hybrid» core and safety substantiation for the full-scale MOX fue charge were continued. The program and schedule for main works stages were prepared for transfer of the BN-600 reactor to «no side shield» core (activities are carried out in the frame­work of the international cooperation ~ the area of MOX fuel use). Tests of two MOX fuel types were continued in the BN-600 reactor of the Beloyarsk NPP in order to identify the optimal fuel load.

In the year of 2003, at the Beloyarsk-3 the activities on implemen­tation of the upgraded control rods with extended lifetime were continued.

Works on transfer of the BN-600 reactor plant to the increased burnup core are carried out, which would allow extending the campaign to 560 eff. days. The core design is developed. The BN-600 transfer to the new core is planned to start in the year of 2004. In the year of 2003, the license of Gosatomnadzor of Russia was re-issued for operation of the Beloyarsk-3.

2 Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1) Control and Protection System;

2) GAN (Gosatomnadzor) licenses;

3) in-depth safety assessment;

4) Nuclear Safety Account;

5) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development банк реконструкции и развития;

6) international review;

7) а complete set of the documentation;

8) measures to pre vent corrosion cracking;

9) to demonstrate reliability and safety;

10) the most powerful and reliable electricity source.

3 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1)обеспечивать потребности региона в электроэнергии;

2) выполняются все необходимые работы;

3) повышение надёжности оборудования;

4) обеспечение уровня безопасности;

5) в соответствии с современными требованиями;

6) работы по повышению сейсмостойкости строительных конструкций и оборудования, важного для безопасности;

7) модернизация системы надёжного электроснабжения;

8) модифицированные системы введены в эксплуатацию;

9) внедрена новая система контроля;

10) регулярные оценки безопасности.

4 Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:

1) to implement;

2) to protect;

3) mile;

4) to date;

5) document;

6) to justify;

7) life;

8) probable;

9) leak;

10) substance.

5 Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).

Safety justifications were developed for the purpose of the unit life time extension by 15 years.

6 Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции инфинитива, инфинитивные конструкции (сложное дополнение, подлежащее), существительное в роли определения, функции слов one (ones), that (those), условные предложения:

1) In-depth safety assessment for RBMK-1 ООО reactors were continued, including those based on the review findings of the GAN NTC experts.

2) In 2003, the ISAR for the Kursk-1 and Leningrad-3 were developed and prepared for review by GAN experts.

3) In the Smolensk, Kursk and Lenin grad power units the measures to pre vent corrosion cracking of the primary austenitic pipelines were continued.

4) At the Bilibino NPP power units all necessary activities on equipment reliability improvement and safety level maintenance are carried out as required by the current regulations.

5) In 2003, the on improvements of the building structures and safety-related equipment seismic resistance, upgrading of the reliable electrical power supply system and replacement of the equipment with the expired design lifetime, were continued.

6) In the year of 2003, at the unit-2, a new methodology for the fuel cladding leaktightness monitoring system indications analysis was implemented.

7) In the year of 2003, the works or preparation of the BN-600 reactor to transfer to the «hybrid» core and safety substantiation for the full-scale MOX fuel charge were continued.

7 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1)What purpose were safety justifications developed for?

2) How are all the Bilibino power units operated at present?

3) When was the license of Gosatomnadzor of Russia re-issued for operation of the Beloyarsk-3?

4) When was a new methodology for the fuel cladding leaktightness monitoring system indications analysis implemented?

5) What kind of Agreement is achieved between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Russian Federation.

6) When were the licenses of Gosatomnadzor of Russia reissued for operation of the Kursk-1 to 4, Leningrad-1 to 4, and Smolensk-1?

7) When was the BN-600 transfer to the new core planned to start?

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