Публикации рубрики - Другие языки. Страница: 135

На этой странице собрано около (~) 2777 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Другие языки. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Задание 4.3

A. Употребите little, a little, few или a few. 1.There is … salad left in this bowl. 2. Would you like … salad? – Yes, thank you. My doctor says it`s good for my health. 3. I have … money, so we can go to the cinema. 4. I have … money, so we cannot go to the cinema. 5. This girl works very … , that`s why she knows nothing. 6. Mother gave us … apples, and we were glad. 7. He did not like it

TEXT 2. Early fuel injection systems

Diesel's original engine injected fuel with the assistance of compressed air, which atomized the fuel and forced it into the engine through a nozzle (a similar principle to an aerosol spray). The nozzle opening was closed by a pin valve lifted by the camshaft to initiate the fuel injection before top dead center (TDC). This is called an air-blast injection. Driving the three stage compressor used some power but the

Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1,3,4 и 5

Cambridge University 1. Cambridge is situated at the distance of 70 miles from London. The greater part of the town lies on the left bank of the Cam River crossed by several bridges. Cambridge is one of the loveliest towns of England and looks much more like a country town, because it is very green presenting to a visitor a series of old architectural buildings, green trees, gardens, lawns and unique bridges. The

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare, ... greatest English playwright, was born in 1564 in ... Stratford-on-Avon in ... England. ... Stratford is... small country town in ... farming dis­trict near ... centre of... England ... Avon, which is... pretty river with ... grass and ... trees all along its banks, runs through ... Stratford. Not much is known of... Shakespeare's father. He was... farmer who, at... differ­ent times of his

Translate the phrases in bold. Complete the sentences about you and your family

Ex: Harriet is the youngest person in my family. 1. People often say I look like _____ . 2. I lookvery different from_____ .3. My hair is _____ my mother’s / sister’s. 4. My eyes are _____my brother’s / my grandmother’s. 5.I’m _____than my brother / sister / cousin. 6.My mother is _____ than my father. 7.My father is the _____ person in my family. 8.In my family, _____ is more organized than _____. Make

Exercise 2. Дайте три формы глаголов

To read, to write, to take, to give, to drive, to have, to be, to go, to come, to get, to put, to understand, to make, to fall, to feel, to awake, to bring, to ring, to run, to sit, to set, to think, to drink, to find, to throw, to hit, to hurt, to buy, to cost, to send, to say, to tell, to speak, to see, to hear, to win, to ride, to catch, to hide, to let. 5. The Past Indefinite Tense (Прошедшее

Criminal law

Criminal law involves prosecution by the government of a person for an act that has been classified as a crime. Civil cases, on the other hand, involve individuals and organizations seeking to resolve legal disputes. In a criminal case the state, through a prosecutor, initiates the suit, while in a civil case the victim brings the suit. Persons convicted of a crime may be incarcerated, fined, or both. However,

Quot;Golden Rules" for Writing Business Letters

1. Give your letter a heading if it helps the reader to see at a glance what you are writing about. 2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write. 3. Use short sentences. 4. Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph. 5. Use short words that everyone can understand. 6. Think about your reader. Your reader ... ... must be able to see exactly what you mean: your letters should be CLEAR; ... must be

VII. Составьте диалог между двумя студентами об учебе в вузе, используя предыдущие диалоги.

Словарь по теме “ Hochschule” der Bewerber, - абитуриент das Abitur, - e экзамен на аттестат зрелости der Abiturient, -en человек, сдающий экзамен на аттестат зрелости der Studiengang, -gänge учебный курс die Lehrveranstaltung, -en учебные занятия der Fachbereich, -e (узкая)

Customs and Holidays of Great Britain

Grammar: модальные глаголы долженствования have to, be to; повелительное наклонение; повторение модальных глаголов; Passive Voice Perfect; безличная конструкция в пассивном залоге; повторение форм пассивного залога Словарный минимум

Упр. 182. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present, Past или Future Simple

1.1 (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2.1 (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When you

Правила чтения согласных букв и буквосочетаний

Таблица 7 Буква или буквосо-четание Звук Примечание Пример g 1. Перед гласными a, o, u 2. Перед согласными 3. В конце слов Game Glad Big r 1. В начале слов перед гласной 2. После согласной Red Green th 1. В начале значимых

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные формы страдательного залога

1. The situation is serious. Something must (do) before it’s too late. 2. The music was very loud and could (hear) from a long way away. 3. A new supermarket is going (build) next year. 4. The room should (clean). 5. I haven’t received the letter vet. It might (send) to the wrong address. 6. There were some problems at first, but they seem (solve). 7. “Are you going to the party?” — “No, I (not/

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence

1. Most young people in the Western world have ________ to a decent education. A) entrance B) reach C) access D) opportunity 2. We are just going to have to ________ the money from a bank. A) borrow B) loan C) owe D) lend 3. The tourist ________ is very important to the economies of some countries. A) trade B) industry C) business D) profession 4. Banks pay you ________ if you leave your money in an account. A)


1. Thank you for helping me. 2. I remember your telling me the story five years ago. 3. It`s no use arguing about trifles. 4. He dreams of becoming a sailor. 5. We enjoyed walking slowly along the silent streets. 6. You will enrich your vocabulary by reading more English books. 7. There is no chance of his winning the first prize. 8. I remember seeing you somewhere. 9. Peter`s hobby is seeing all new films. 10. This

Множество N натуральных чисел

Числа 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…, использующиеся для счета предметов или для указания порядкового номера предмета, называются натуральными (множество N). Натуральные числа представляют собой бесконечное множество. Элементы этого множества

Формы герундия

  INDEFINITE PERFECT ACTIVE writing (V+ING) having written (HAVING+P II) PASSIVE being written (BEING+P II) having been written (HAVING BEEN + P II) Употребление 1. Геpундий в форме Indefinite Active и Passive употребляется для выражения действия, одновременного с действием, выраженным

Упр. Раскройте скобки, употребляяглаголыв Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect

1. They (to tell) me yesterday that you (to get) an excellent mark. 2. When you (to receive) a letter from your friend? 3. Our grandmother (to cook)dinner from twelve till three yesterday. 4. Look! What beautiful flowers she (to buy)! 5. They (to travel) along the coast of Africa last year. 6. We (not to see) each other for ages. 7. They (to eat) all the apples which I (to bring). 8. When the children (to have)

Text 2 (B) Civil and Public Law

In many countries a distinction is made between private (or civil) and public law. Civil law concerns disputes among citizens within a country, and public law con­cerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another. The main categories of English civil law are: Law of Contracts; binding agreements between people (or companies); Law of Torts: wrongs committed by one individual against