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Семестр 2I. № п/п Тема практического занятия Кол-во часов Упражнения для самостоятельного выполнения Формы контроля Раздел 2 «Грамматические явления, характерные для коммуникативных ситуаций неофициального общения»

Задание 16.18.Передайте следующие предложение в Passive Voice по данному образцу

Образец: When I came,they were still asking questions. – When I came, the questions were still being asked. 1. When she came, her husband was doing the washing-up. 2. When I came to this town again, they were building a new school in front of the supermarket. 3. He entered the hall and heard that somebody was calling his name. 4. As we were passing their garden, he was watering the flowers. 5. When they

Прочитайте тексты. Установите соответствие тем А-H с текстом 1-7. Используйте каждую букву только 1 раз. В задании 1 тема лишняя

A. Head-and-Heart Listening B. Clear Responsibilities C. Family Discussions D. Flexibility E. Balanced Communication F. Caring and Appreciation G. Family Roots H. Encouragement 1. Building a successful family is like building a home. Both need a plan. A successful family based on unity and love takes careful planning, but it's worth every moment. The best way to be organized as a family is to talk about family

Задание 15.16. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите времена выделенных глаголов

А.1. He runs a large travel agency. 2. The theif enters the room and opens the safe. 3. Skill comes with practice. 4. She’s been practising that song for hours. 5. He’s working hard these days. 6. He’s gaineda lot of weight recently. 7. Tom’s picking me up at 7 o’clock tonight. 8. She’s staying with a friend in London at present. 9. The ferry arrives at 10:00 am. 10. They’ve been talkingon the phone

A. Переделайте предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени

You may read a book now. He can speak English very well. They must read for their exam today. Students in Oxford must wear a uniform. You can show better results if you don't work by fits and starts. Mike must pass the credit test today. You may go for a walk as soon as you finish your homework. Students can get a scholarship if they are at the top of the group.B. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные в скобках, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста

Do you prefer being 1) _____(act) to sitting around all day? Are you completely crazy about football, basketball, ice-skating, or some other sport? If health and 2) ______ (fit) are your passion, and if you have plenty of natural 3)_______ (able), you could become a professional athlete. You'll have to be a good entertainer! Fans will pay to watch you, but you'll have to 'perform' for them. If you're brilliant at

Getting off the beaten track

Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, when Africans first realised that tourism might be a way out of poverty, they built big concrete hotels on the beaches of Kenya, South Africa and other countries. For some time numerous charter flights came from Germany and Italy. Tourists hoping to see lions in nature reserves - but also expecting to enjoy the comforts of home - packed into overcrowded resorts that were trying to

The Profession of a Lawyer. One of the most popular professions among the young people of our country is the profession of a lawyer

One of the most popular professions among the young people of our country is the profession of a lawyer. The profession of a lawyer is very interesting and diverse. Our country is building a rule-of-law state, and a lawyer should play a very important role in this process. The profession of a lawyer is quite necessary for regulating social relations in the state. In Yekaterinburg, training lawyers is the task of the

Busy little buyers

It's a typical Sunday afternoon at Tokyo's Girl Is Girl store and customers crowd into this mecca of Japanese teen fashion. 11-year-old Chihiro holds up a lemon yellow shirt with hearts and stars and says longingly, 'This is so cute. The next time I'll come with Mum.' Her two friends nod in agreement. Chihiro and her friends are no ordinary shoppers; they are about the only dynamic consumers left in the sluggish

Задание 8.4. Раскройте скобки, употребив существительные во множественном числе

A.I wonder who decides what sort of (animal) are kept in (zoo)? You expect to see a lot of (monkey), (rhino), and (lion), but you rarely see (ox), (sheep), (deer) or (goose), probably because these can be seen commonly enough in the wild. Each day large (delivery) of food arrive for the (beast) to eat. Not expensive items like (saimon) or (trout), but ordinary things like (potato) and (tomato) – although the

The Judicial System of the UK

The structure of the court system in Britain is many-layered and almost incomprehensible. There is no comprehensive law regulating the organization and competence of the courts. The legal system for England and Wales (there are separate ones for Scotland and Northern Ireland) does not have a criminal or civil code. It is founded upon two basic elements: Acts of Parliament or statute law, and common law which is the

Mass Media in Great Britain

Grammar: неличные формы глагола: инфинитив; конструкции с инфинитивом; виды придаточных предложений в английском языке Словарный минимум Существительные: advertising реклама feature черта, особенность mass media средства массовой

Задание 19.26. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы и выражения

1.Я должен купить торт сегодня. 2.Мой брат не умеет говорить по-английски. 3.Моя сестра умеет говорить по-немецки. 4. Можно, я посмотрю вашу фотографию? 5. Вы можете показать мне свою фотографию?6. Не может быть, что ему сорок лет: он

The Profession of a Lawyer

One of the most popular professions among the young people of our country is the profession of a lawyer. The profession of a lawyer is very interesting and diverse. Our country is building a rule-of-law state, and a lawyer should play a very important role in this process. The profession of a lawyer is quite necessary for regulating social relations in the state. Graduates of different law schools can work at the

Конструкции this is / these are, it is / they are

    This is a Ns (книга) These are Ns (книги) It isa Ns (книга) They are Ns (книги) Обе конструкции, причем как в единственном, так и множественном числе, переводятся на русский язык одинаково, но тем не менее между ними есть смысловая

Прочитайте тексты. Установите соответствие тем А-H с текстом 1-7. Используйте каждую букву только 1 раз. В задании 1 тема лишняя

Контрольная работа (ПОВЫШЕННЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ)ВАРИАНТЧасть 1. Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение,