Публикации рубрики - Другие языки. Страница: 129

На этой странице собрано около (~) 2777 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Другие языки. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Common law v. Civil law

There are a number of institutions associated with the common law system not usually found in civil law systems. Principal among these is the jury. The jury is a group of citizens, traditionally 12 in number, summoned at random to determine the facts in a lawsuit. When a trial by jury is held, the judge will instruct the jury on the law, but it remains for the jury to decide the facts. This means that ordinary

Before you read the passage, talk about these questions

1 How has technology improved farming in your country? 2 What are the negative effects of technology in farming? Text № 3: Revolution farm equipmentSave time and labor by our mechanized solutions works for you. Call for pricing. Save water with this drip irrigation system.It featuressmart irrigation control toprevent over wateringduring rain or high wind. The Magic Dripper promotes healthy plants while using 25%

Read the text again and choose the best answer (a,b, or c)

1) Paragraph 1 is mostly about: a) the wonders of water; b) water as the most wonderful substance on the Earth; c) properties of water. 2) Paragraph 2 is mostly about: a) how water possesses a high heat capacity; b) how water has conditioned the Earth’s climate; c) how seas, oceans act as heat accumulators. 3) Paragraph 3 is mostly about: a) the unique role of water in nature; b) water’s ability to form a strong

Рекомендуемые правила перевода метонимических единиц

ГЛАВА 2. ПРИЕМЫ ПЕРЕВОДА МЕТОНИМИИВводные сведенияОсновной проблемой перевода метонимичес­кого словоупотребления является различие как в спо­собах метонимизации, так и в степени ее распро­страненности в речи на исходном и

Sharing Music with Friends

Brenda is a nineteen-year old full-time college student, and she earns money working part time as a waitress. Brenda loves to listen to music like most young people, but she can’t 1_______________the high CD prices that record companies 2__________________for popular CDs. Brenda says that the prices of CDs are ridiculously high at $17 to $20 each and there are only two or three good songs on each CD. She

Упр. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple

1. I (to read) books in the evening. 2. I (not to read) books in the morning. 3. I (to write) an exercise now. 4. I (not to write) a letter now. 5. They (to play) in the yard now. 6. They (not to play) in the street now. 7. They (to play) in the room now? 8. He (to help) his mother every day. 9. He (to help) his mother every day? 10. He (not to help) his mother every day. 11. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 12. My

Множественное число существительных


Упр. 237. Употребите следующие предложения как придаточные дополнительные. В роли глав­ных предложений используйте предложения, дан­ные в скобках

(I supposed; He believed; She was sure; We were told; I heard; She said; He understood; She imagined; The letter said.) E.g. My brother willbe sleeping. I supposedthat my brother wouldbe sleeping. 1. They will win the game. 2. I shall go to the south. 3. My sister will not forget to ring me up. 4. I shall have done my homework by nine o'clock. 5. The tourists will not return by sunset. 6. My friends will be waiting

Упр. 266. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Passive Voice

1. At the last competition the first prize (to win) by our team. 2. The question (to settle) as soon as they arrived. 3. Your report must (to divide) into two chapters. 4. Soon he (to send) to a sanatorium. 5. The book (to discuss) at the next conference. 6. The composition must (to hand) in on Wednes­day. 7. Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech. 8, The article (to publish) last week, if I am not mistaken.

Задания для контрольной работы №2

Вариант 11. Прочтите текст, выписывая незнакомые слова с переводом: Eating out in Moscow Some years ago it was rather difficult to find a place for eating in Moscow. There were few canteens, cafes and restaurants where people could have lunch, dinner or a snack. But Moscow has changed. Now­adays there are a lot of different places here where we can eat decent

Frankfurt am Main

1. 1994 feierte die Stadt Frankfurt am Main ihren 1200-sten Geburtstag. Mit etwa 635000 Einwohnern ist sie eine der größten Städte Deutschlands. Diese Stadt hat eine reiche Geschichte. 1500 fand hier die erste deutsche Buchmesse statt. In den folgenden Jahrhunderten war Frankfurt Tagungsort zahlreicher Reichsversammlungen. Die Bankhäuser der Stadt erlangten internationale Bedeutung. Der Handel

The legislature

Legislatures are the law-making branches of federal, state and local governments. The Congress of the United States, a state assembly and a city board of aldermen or a city council are all legislatures. Many legislatures are divided into two parts, or houses (often called a senate and a house of representatives, as in the U.S. Congress), whose members are elected for different terms. The U.S. Constitution and the

Урок 11

2. Ответьте на вопросы. а) 1. Wo isst Uwe gewöhnlich zu Mittag? - Gewöhnlich isst Uwe in der Mensa, manchmal auch in einem Café. 2. Wann lädt Oleg seinen deutschen Freund zu sich zum Essen ein? – Er lädt seinen deutschen Freund am Sonntag zu sich zum Mittagessen ein? 3.Wer deckt den Tisch? – Die Mutter deckt den Tisch, ihre Tochte hilft ihr dabei. 4. Wie hilft die

How to become a lawyer

If you decide to become a lawyer, the time to start thinking seriously about law is during your college years. On most college campuses, you will find prelaw counselors who can advise you what courses to take before going to law school and tell you something about different law schools. As to college courses, your best procedure is to take as many so-called liberal arts courses as possible: courses in English,

Crimes against real property

Arson Arson is the malicious burning of another person's property. It is not arson to burn your own building, but don't burn your house down to collect insurance on it; to do so is a separate statutory offense. Arson is widely recognized as a felony. Vandalism Wilful damage to another person's property is also an offense. Vandalism is the one we read about most often, especially in connection with public buildings,

Complete the diagram below with words from the text, add your own

Study the tableDEGREES OF COMPARISON OF AdjectiveS and AdverbsСтепени сравнения прилагательных и наречий Односложные, двусложные Положительная степень Positive Сравнительная степень Comparative Превосходная степень Superlative   -er -est kind – добрый kinder

Урок 10 1 страница

Урок 1 Wir lernen Fremdsprachen Ich bin Ingnieur. Ich arbeite schon 3 Jahre als Ingenieur. Ich arbeite nur am Tage. Die Arbeit beginnt um 8 Uhr morgens. Am Abend besuche ich einen Kurs für Fremdsprachen. Ich lernen Deutsch. Ich besuche den Unterricht dreimal in der Woche. Ich wohne in der Nähe und gehe gewöhlich zu Fuß zum Unterricht. Der Unterricht beginnt um 7 Uhr abends. Um 10 Uhr ist er

Урок 10 6 страница

Через 2 часа фильм заканчивается, и Петя спрашивает девушку: «Тебе понравился фильм?» - «Он мне очень понравился!» - отвечает Инга. Тогда Петя спрашивает: «Может, посидим немного в кафе? Я тебя приглашаю». «Спасибо, я охотно принимаю

Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод Passive

1. The house was destroyed by the fire. 2. She is invited to come to England next year. 3. This house was rebuilt after the war. 4. Your parents are taken good care of. 5. We were flying at an altitude of 2,000 metres. 6. He should be stopped in Paris only for 3 hours, the he must fly straight to London.Перепишите предложения и переведите их на английский язык.1.