Времена глагола в действительном залоге
Некоторые трудности перевода
С английского языка на русский
Литературы по специальности
«Промышленная теплоэнергетика»
Учебно-методическое пособие
Некоторые трудности перевода
С английского языка на русский
Литературы по специальности
«Промышленная теплоэнергетика»
Учебно-методическое пособие
УДК 802.2(075)
К 431
ББК 81.2(Англ)я7
Кириллова В.В., Лиоренцевич Т.В., Шарапа Т.С.
Английский язык. Некоторые трудности перевода с английского языка на русский литературы по специальности «Промышленная теплоэнергетика»:
учебно-методическое пособие / СПбГТУРП. – СПб., 2015. – 75 с.
Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов факультета промышленной теплоэнергетики и имеет целью развитие навыков чтения и перевода специальной литературы.
Пособие содержит грамматические таблицы, охватывающие основные грамматические явления, и упражнения для усвоения соответствующих правил.
Рецензенты: зав. кафедрой английского языка и литературы
Санкт-Петербургской государственной полярной академии,
канд. филол. наук К. Н. Антонова;
доцент кафедры иностранных языков СПбГТУРП,
канд. филол. наук З. И. Мартемьянова
Рекомендовано к изданию Редакционно-издательским советом университета в качестве учебно-методического пособия.
© Кириллова В.В., Лиоренцевич Т.В., Шарапа Т.С, 2014
© Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический университет
растительных полимеров,
Пособие посвящено повторению и освоению наиболее распространённых грамматических структур, встречающихся в литературе по промышленной энергетике и вызывающих трудность при переводе. Рассматриваемые грамматические структуры представлены в виде таблиц. Особенности их перевода связаны с морфологической характеристикой и синтаксической функцией. Упражнения построены на лексике по специальности, состоят из предложений, заимствованных из соответствующей литературы.
Прилагаемый словарь содержит слова, встречающиеся в упражнениях в их контекстуальном значении, и облегчает работу над переводом.
Таблица 1
Времена глагола в действительном залоге
Время | Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма | |
Simple | Present (настоящее) | I ask. – Я спрашиваю. He (she) asks. – Он (она) спрашивает. We (you, they) ask. – Мы (вы, они) спрашивают. | Do I ask? Does he (she) ask? Do we (you, they) ask? | I do not ask. He (she) does not ask. We (you, they) do not ask. |
Past (прошедшее) | I asked. – Я спросил. He (she) asked. – Он (она) спросил(а). We (you, they) asked. – Мы (вы, они) спросили. | Did I ask? Did he (she) ask? Did we (you, they) ask? | I did not ask. He (she) did not ask. We (you, they) did not ask. | |
Future (будущее) | I shall ask. – Я спрошу. He (she) will ask. – Он (она) спросит. We shall ask. – Мы спросим. You (they) will ask. – Вы спросите (они спросят). | Shall I ask? Will he (she) ask? Shall we ask? Will you (they) ask? | I shall not ask. He (she) will not ask. We shall not ask. You (they) will not ask. |
Продолжение табл. 1
Время | Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма | |
Continuous | Present (настоящее) | I am asking. – Я спрашиваю. He (she) is asking. – Он (она) спрашивает. We (you, they) are asking. – Мы (вы, они) спрашиваем (-ете, -ют). | Am I asking? Is he (she) asking? Are we (you, they) asking? | I am not asking. He (she) is not asking. We (you, they) are not asking. |
Past (прошедшее) | I was asking. – Я спрашивал. He (she) was asking. – Он (она) спрашивал(а). We (you, they) were asking. – Мы (вы, они) спрашивали. | Was I asking? Was he (she) asking? Were we (you, they) asking? | I was not asking. He (she) was not asking. We (you, they) were not asking. | |
Future (будущее) | I shall be asking. – Я спрошу (буду спрашивать). He (she) will be asking. – Он (она) спросит (будет спрашивать). We shall be asking. – Мы спросим (будем спрашивать). You (they) will be asking. – Вы (они) спросят (будут спрашивать). | Shall I be asking? Will he be asking? Shall we be asking? Will you (they) be asking? | I shall not be asking. He (she) will not be asking. We shall not be asking. You (they) will not be asking. |
Окончание табл. 1
Время | Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма | |
Perfect | Present (настоящее) | I have asked. – Я спросил. He (she) has asked. – Он (она) спросила. We (you, they) have asked. – Мы (вы, они) спросили. | Have I asked? Has he (she) asked? Have we (you, they) asked? | I have not asked. He (she) has not asked. We (you, they) have not asked. |
Past (прошедшее) | I had asked. – Я спросил. He (she) had asked. – Он (она) спросила. We (you, they) had asked. – Мы (вы, они) спросили | Had I asked? Had he (she) asked? Had we (you, they) asked? | I had not asked. He (she) had not asked. We (you, they) had not asked. | |
Future (будущее) | I shall have asked. – Я спрошу. He (she) will have asked. – Он (она) спросит. We shall have asked. – Мы спросим. You (they) will have asked. – Вы (они) спросите. | Shall I have asked? Will he (she) have asked? Shall we have asked? Will you (they) have asked? | I shall not have asked. He (she) will not have asked. We shall not have asked. You (they) will not have asked. |
Упражнение 1
Вспомните три основные формы некоторых неправильных глаголов.
to be – was, were – been – быть, являться
to become – became – become – становиться
to begin – began – begun – начинать
to come – came – come – приходить
to do – did – done – делать
to fall – fell – fallen – падать, снижаться
to find – found – found – находить
to fly – flew – flown – летать
to get – got – got – получать; становиться
to give – gave – given – давать
to go – went – gone – идти, уходить
to have – had – had – иметь
to learn – learnt – learnt – учиться, узнавать
to leave – left – left – оставлять, уходить
to make – made – made – делать
to say – said – said – сказать
to see – saw – seen – видеть
to speak – spoke – spoken – говорить
to take – took – taken – брать
to tell – told – told – сказать, говорить
to think – thought – thought – думать
Упражнение 2
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple. Предложения переведите.
1. The department of heat-power engineering (to train) qualified heat-power engineers capable to operate the most complicated up-to-date technological processes.
2. The first-year students (to have) lectures, classes and (to work) in the laboratories.
3. The students (to take) notes at the lectures as it will help them to read up for their examinations.
4. Water (to circulate) from the steam drum to the lower drum through six rows of tubes and the comparatively low gas temperature results.
5. The steam (to pass) on its way through the turbine.
6. Simple impulse turbine (to have) a considerable number of pressure stages.
7. The engineer closely (to examine) the results of the operation.
8. The arrangement of the tubes (to permit) to reduce the length of the turbine to be reduced.
Упражнение 3
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple. Предложения переведите.
1. Last year I (graduate) from the secondary school and I (enter) this university.
2. I (get) interested in mathematics when I (be) at school.
3. Yesterday it (take) me an hour to get to the university. I (not miss) the first lecture and (arrive) in time.
4. For three days they (carry out) this interesting work.
5. They speak English rather well, but last year they (speak) poorly.
6. Modern hydroelectric power stations (begin) to use water power to turn the machines which generate electricity.
7. The construction of the steam engine (involve) great difficulties.
8. A boiler feed pump (deliver) the water to economizer.
9. As furnace input (increase), the entire floor was water-cooled.
10. They (provide) the boiler with a steel frame and with brick setting.
Упражнение 4
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Simple. Переведите предложения.
1. My elder sister (graduate) from our university next year. Her speciality (be) engineer economist.
2. We usually take notes at the lectures as it (be) easier to read up for exams.
3. We (have) our exams in January and then we (have) vacation.
4. Tomorrow the lecture on physics (begin) at 9.30.
5. The design of machines for using water power greatly (depend) on the nature of the available water supply.
6. In order to keep surface to a minimum and thus reduce the cost of the superheater, it should be located where high-temperature gases (flow) around the tubes.
7. In conventional boiler the theoretical minimum flue-gas temperature (be) the saturation temperature of the water in the boiler tubes.
8. The expansion of the steam (take place) in the fixed nozzle passages.
9. Because of the great efficiency of large units turbine manufacturers (continue) to raise the upper limit of speed and capacity.
10. The water level in the drum (permit) separation of the steam from the water.
Упражнение 5
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous или Past Continuous. Учтите, что времена этой группы показывают длительность действия (действие как процесс). Переведите предложения.
1. Electronics (become) increasingly important in all branches of production.
2. The Russian scientists (solve) successfully important problems in mathematics, chemistry, electronics, medicine and biology.
3. During the flight the astronauts (observe) the earth and the sky.
4. During the work on his discovery the scientist observed that a small electric current (flow). He rightly concluded that some electrons (move) through the vacuum.
5. The spacecraft (circle) the globe when the newspapers all over the world began to comment its flight.
6. Within several years nuclear power plants (generate) great amount of electrical power.
7. The time will come when spacecrafts (fly) to the planets in the solar system.
8. Large installations with mighty turbogenerators (operate) at a number of thermal power-stations in this country.
9. One of the world's largest heating-and-power installations (operate) at the Moskovskaya thermal power-station-25.
10. Let us suppose now that a small current (flow) along a thick metal conductor.
11. Hydropower engineering (develop) mainly by constructing high capacity stations integrated into river systems known as cascades.
Упражнение 6
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect. Учтите, что это время употребляется для выражения действия, которое уже закончилось к данному моменту, но связано с настоящим. Эта связь часто поддерживается словами never – никогда, already – уже, since – начиная с, lately – недавно, this year/month/week – в этом году/месяце/на этой неделе и т. п. Переведите предложения.
1. This year I (enter) the Saint-Petersburg state technological university of plant polymers.
2. They (solve) recently many important problems in the field of artificial radioactivity.
3. It is necessary to point out that the power machine building industry (start) to manufacture greater capacity installations for thermal power stations.
4. This method (find) universal recognition and application in a short period of time.
5. These countries (develop) large hydroelectric power stations for the past years.
6. If you (not see) a power station it will be difficult for you to imagine its enormous size.
7. Steam must be condensed after it (pass) through the turbine, and this requires large quantities of cooling water.
8. Science (solve) a lot of important problems and will solve still more in future.
9. They (solve) recently many important problems in the field of radioactivity.
10. They (complete) already their investigation.
Упражнение 7
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Perfect. Учтите, что это время употребляется для выражения действия в прошлом, которое совершилось ранее другого действия в прошлом. Переведите предложения.
1. My friend told me that he (see) already the new film.
2. Another problem which he (solve) by that time was important and interesting for researchers.
3. When he came into the laboratory, they (finish) already their experiment.
4. He (collect) some information about modern discoveries in the branch of biology by the end of last year.
5. After Becquerel (make) a great number of experiments, he discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity.
6. In 1898 the Curies discovered a new substance which they (receive) during their experiment. They found that it was much more active.
7. After we (construct) a number of new power stations, our country got cheap electric power.
8. By 1910 the steam turbine (replace) the reciprocating steam engine in the central station industry.
Упражнение 8
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму. Переведите предложения.
1. Every day he (attend) lectures on mathematics.
2. Yesterday they (not work) in the laboratory as there was no electricity.
3. He (pass) his exams well, and now he (rest).
4. They (get) good results, which helped them in their work.
5. Many students (graduate) from the university last year.
6. When they (heat) water to 100 degrees it (begin) to boil.
7. Next year he (graduate) from the university and (leave) Saint-Petersburg for his native town.
8. They (use) this new device in their work soon.
9. Recently scientists and engineers (find) an increasing number of ways in which electronic conduction can be guided and controlled for useful purposes.
10. Interplanetary travel (become) a reality in our epoch.
11. The future of astronautics (be) a logical continuation of what has already been achieved.
12. The development of science and technology (open up) infinite possibilities for conquering the forces of nature.
13. The increase of the amount of air supplied to the cylinder (permit) burning more fuel and obtaining more power from a given size of cylinder.
14. The students (read up) for examinations.
15. Nuclear power stations on floating platforms (produce) not only great amounts of fresh water from the sea, but (help) on weather control.
Таблица 2