Future Simple (he, she, it)


1. Make the sentences negative.

e.g.It is going to rain tomorrow. – It isn't going to rain tomorrow.

1. A lot of people are going to stay at home on holiday.

2. Western Europe is going to have snow.

3. The rain is going to move into Greece tonight.

4. Southern Spain and Turkey are going to be mostly cloudy.

5. There's going to be a thunder in the North of England.

2. Ask general questions to the sentences from part 1.

e.g.It is going to rain tomorrow. – Isitgoing to rain tomorrow?

3. Answer the questions From part 2 using the text.

e.g. Isitgoing to rain tomorrow? – No, it isn’t going to rain tomorrow.


1. Answer the questions according to the text.

e.g.What is the weather going to be like in Spain? – It is going to be a hot, sunny day, with temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius.

1. What is the weather going to be like in Spain?

2. What is the weather going to be like in Britain?

3. What is the weather going to be like in Athens?

4. What is the weather going to be like in France?

5. What is the weather going to be like in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia?

2. Fill in the right auxiliary verb. Sometimes you need to make it negative.

1. It's Saturday, and many people … going away on holiday.

2. The sun … going to shine and there … going to be wet or cold.

3. Europe … going again to be windy with changeable skies.

4. Western Europe … going to have rain.

5. Eastern Europe and Scandinavia … going to have sleet and snow.

6. In Spain it … going to rain tomorrow. It … going to be a hot, sunny day, with temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius.


1. Complete the sentences with to be going to. Sometimes you need to make it negative.

1. Tomorrow … be wet and windy in the South of France.

2. There … be strong southwesterly winds reaching nearly gale force

3. There … be a thunder in the North of England.

4. We … look at the European weather map for tomorrow morning at nine o'clock.

5. It … be a cold, wet day again. There … be sunny or warm.

6. the area bordering the Tyrrhenian Sea … be mostly cloudy with occasional showers.

2. Ask 5 questions which true or not to the text information.

e.g. Is it going to be sunny in Italy?

What is the weather going to be like in Russia?

Module 10

Vocabulary: Describing Character

Grammar: adverbs, adjectives and participles

Reading: Your stars


Read and translate these words.

Aquarius [ә`kweәriәs] Leo [`li:әu]

Pisces [`paısi:z] Virgo [`vә: gәu]

Aries [`әri:z] Libra [`li:brә]

Taurus [`torәs] Scorpio [`sko:piәυl]

Gemini [`dζemınai] Sagittarius [s?dζi`teәriәs]

Cancer [`k?nsә] Capricorn [`k?priko:n]


Find Russian equivalents for the following expressions. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation.

practical realistic

intelligent a leader

impulsive loyal

sensitive serious

ambitious emotional


Match the words with their synonyms or definitions. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation







sure of oneself


able to be trusted

calm, tranquil

sociable person

refusing to agree, comply

C. Answer the questions about yourself.

1. Is it difficult for you to make up your mind?

2. Do you like to dominate people?

3. Do you have a good sense of humour?

4. How often do you take anything to heart?

5. Are you a good listener?

6. Could you see things in black and white?



Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You are practical and realistic about what is important in life. Also you are intelligent and love thinking up new ideas but sometimes you are absent-minded.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You are sensitive and creative, but also very emotional - your heart rules your head. Sometimes it`s difficult for you to make up your mind.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

You are a leader and like to dominate people. You are very active and impulsive. Your mood changes very easily from anger to laughter.

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