Страдательный (пассивный) залог

Образуется: глагол to be (в соответствующем времени) + Participle II

Правила и способы перевода Пример Перевод
1. Страдательный залог показывает, что действие глагола-сказуемого направлено на лицо или предмет, выраженный подлежащим. В ряде случаев подлежащее переводится прямым или косвенным дополнением и ставится, соответственно, в форме винительного или дательного падежа. Hewas given a task. Емудали задание.
Wewere informed that a new idea had been advanced recently. Насинформировали, что новая идея была выдвинута недавно.
2. Если после глагола в пассиве есть дополнение с предлогом by или with, то оно указывает, кем или чем производится действие. Предлоги переводятся «путём», «при помощи», «посредством» либо соответствуют творительному падежу и не переводятся. Steam is produced by three stream generators. Пар вырабатывается тремя парогенераторами (при помощи трёх парогенераторов).
The boiler is supplied with steam. Котёл снабжается паром.

Продолжение табл. 2

Правила и способы перевода Пример Перевод
3. Сочетанием глагола «быть» с кратким страдательным причастием с суффиксами -н- или -т-. Глагол «быть» в настоящем времени опускается. The turbine is built by the workers. are built was built were built has been built have been built shall/will be built will be built Турбина построена рабочими. построены была построена были построены была построена были построены будет построена будут построены
4. Глаголом на -ся в соответствующем времени, лице и числе. The steam is being generated in the boiler. was being generated Пар образуется в котле.   образовывался
5. Глаголом действительного залога в 3-м лице множественного числа, в неопределённо-личном предложении. The fuel is burned in the furnace. was burned will be burned Топливо сжигают в топке. сжигали будут сжигать

Окончание табл. 2

Правила и способы перевода Пример Перевод
6. Глаголы с относящимся к ним предлогом, которые переводятся также глаголами с предлогом: to depend on – зависеть от to insist on –настаивать на to look at – смотреть на to rely on – опираться на to speak of (about) – говорить о to refer to – ссылаться на, называть to deal with – иметь дело с и др. переводятся глаголами в неопределённо-личной форме, причём соответствующий русский предлог ставится перед английским подлежащим. The new power plant is much spoken about.     О новой электростанции много говорят.
7. Глаголы без предлогов, которые переводятся глаголами с предлогом: to affect – влиять на to answer – отвечать на to influence – влиять на to follow – следовать за и др. переводятся глаголами в активном залоге или неопределённо-личной форме, причём соответствующий русский предлог ставится перед английским подлежащим. The conditions of work are greatly affected by the steam pressure. На условия работы сильно влияет давление пара.

Упражнение 1

Переведите предложения, учитывая, что глагол-сказуемое стоит в пассивном залоге.

1. The attraction between molecules is being neglected.

2. The positive particle in the nucleus of the atom was given the name of "proton".

3. Some pressing problems will be discussed at the symposium.

4. Any deduction is usually preceded by a number of experiments and observations.

5. The gas turbines are used in such applications as electric power generation, natural gas transmission pumping and locomotives.

6. The high-pressure, high-temperature steam is expanded in a steam turbine which is generally connected to an electric generator.

7. The furnaces were first partly, then completely water-cooled to overcome the slagging of the boiler surfaces.

8. Some boilers are bottom supported, and others are suspended from the upper drums.

9. The passage of the water through small diameter tubes in the furnace is followed by its conversion into steam.

10. The increase of overall efficiency of the cycle is affected by efficiency of the feedwater heater.

11. The amount of steam pressure is influenced by the stress limitations of the heater shell.

12. The reduction of the amount of boiler feedwater is affected by condensing the steam in order that it can be returned to the boiler.

13. The choice of material for condenser tubes is influenced by cooling water, corrosive in nature.

14. Expansion and contraction of the condenser shell may be taken care of by providing an expansion joint in the shell wall at one end.

15. If noncondensable gases are permitted to collect in the condenser, the vacuum in the condenser will decrease.

16. A large energy drop can be dealt with in the first pressure stage of the impulse turbine.

Упражнение 2

Переведите предложения, учитывая, что глагол-сказуемое стоит в активном или пассивном залоге.

1. The stoker design aims at different purposes: maximum rates of burning, highest continuous efficiency and the unlimited choice of fuels.

2. Proper treatment of the coal at the correct time is realized on its passage through the furnace.

3. All pulverized coal-fired furnaces are partially or completely water-cooled.

4. The feedwater entering the boiler at high temperature affects the reduction of temperature stresses within the boiler.

5. The design of heat exchangers is influenced by different functions which they perform and different conditions under which they operate.

6. If the furnace region is completely surrounded by water-cooled surfaces, the furnace is internally fired.

7. The turbine efficiency is adversely affected by a decrease in the pressure drop through the turbine.

8. The reduction of the size and the cost of the turbine are influenced by the high rotative speeds with relatively little vibration.

9. The construction of the steam engine involved great difficulties.

10. The water was delivered to economizer by a boiler feed pump.

11. The rotation of the wheels is affected by the steam which impinges on the wheel blades.

12. The high pressure drives the piston downward and rotates the shaft.

13. In the impulse turbines the expansion of the steam is carried out on stages which are referred to as "pressure stages".

14. The number of pressure stages in the impulse turbines is affected by the available heat drop.

15. The nuclear reactor, heat exchanger and pump replace the fuel burning equipment and the steam generator of the conventional steam power plant.

16. In the reaction turbines expansion in the stationary and rotating passages is followed by development of pressure at the entrance to the rotor blades.

Таблица 3

Модальные глаголы

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты Значение Времена
Present Past Future
can to be able to могу, умею can work am (is, are) able to work – могу /может /умеет работать could work was (were) able to work – мог /умел работать ― shall (will) be able to work – сможет / сумеет работать
may to be allowed to могу, можно, разрешено may work am (is, are) allowed to work – могу/ можно/ разрешено работать might work was (were) allowed to work – мог / было разрешено работать ― shall (will) be allowed to work – смогу / будет можно работать
must to have to должен, надо, нужно must work have (has) to work – должен / приходится работать ― had to work – должен был работать ― shall (will) have to work – должен буду работать
to be to должен, предстоит, (обусловлено заранее намеченным планом) am (is, are) to work – должен работать was (were) to work – должен был работать
should + инфинитив без “to” должен, должен бы, следует, следовало бы (наставление) This equipment should be handled carefully. – С этим оборудованием следует обращаться осторожно.
ought to должен, следует (совет, моральный долг) The results of this experiment ought to be checked. Результат этого эксперимента надо проверить.

Упражнение 1

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на эквиваленты модальных глаголов.

1. They were allowed to provide us with all the necessary data.

2. The engineer will be able to discuss this problem with you next week.

3. We are able to obtain various fuels from the crude oil.

4. Before the designer begins his work he is to know the specifications of the future device.

5. You are allowed to use this computer for calculations which are necessary to you.

6. You have not to put so much fuel into the boiler.

7. In order to raise the productivity of labour we are to replace old machines with new ones.

8. On Monday he has to get up very early as his lectures begin at 8 o'clock.

9. You will have to come here again.

10. The student had to be sent to the hospital as he was badly hurt.

Упражнение 2

Переведите предложения.

1. Steam turbines may be broadly grouped into three types in accordance with the conditions of operation of the steam on the rotor blades.

2. It should be noted that the superheaters and reheaters occupy a major part at the total volume of the installation.

3. The length of the turbine is to be reduced.

4. All the heat must be transferred through the heating surfaces to reach water.

5. It should be noted that the hot end of the superheater is next to the furnace.

6. The steam has to pass on its way through the turbine.

7. Superheaters are to be classified as convection or radiant superheaters.

8. The feedwater can be converted into saturated steam of high quality of some desired pressure.

9. To maintain a high heat transfer for the heater the water velocity should be high.

10. The feedwater is able to be converted into saturated steam.

11. After the convection the heated or cooled fluid may flow to some other region.

12. A power plant has to be built on this river.

13. The expansion of the steam must take place in the fixed nozzle passages.

14. The products of combustion have to be cooled sufficiently before they enter the superheater tubes.

15. The temperature of cooling water has to vary only with atmospheric conditions.

16. The noncondensable gases being highly corrosive have to be removed from the condenser.

17. A power plant cycle has to convert a portion of the stored energy of a fuel into work.

18. The steam generation unit has to add energy to the fluid in the form of heat transfer from the burning fuel.

19. There may be two, three of four drums and one lower drum at the top of the boiler.

20. The bent tube allows great flexibility in design, particularly with regard to drum arrangement, as it may enter the drum radially.

21. Generally the pressure in a furnace should be slightly less than atmospheric pressure.

22. Electricity can be used to make magnets. One has to place a steel bar inside a wire coil and pass direct current through the coil.

23. The spring supports have to permit the condenser to rise or fall without overloading the turbine exhaust line.

Таблица 4

Глагол “to be”

Функция в предложении и значения Примеры Перевод
1. Смысловой глагол «быть», «являться», «находиться». The fuel-injection system is an integral part of the thermal engine. Система введения топлива является неотделимой частью теплового двигателя.
2. Вспомогательный глагол для образования сложных глагольных форм (группа времен Continuous, страдательный залог). Самостоятельно не переводится. This material is offering high resistance to the flow of current.   The lecture was delivered yesterday. Этот материал оказывает высокое сопротивление потоку тока.   Лекцию прочитали вчера.
3. Модальный глагол (в сочетании с инфинитивом с частицей “to”) со значением долженствования. A boiler is to generate steam. Котёл должен вырабатывать пар.
4. Конструкция “there be” играет в предложении роль сказуемого и переводится «есть», «имеется», «существует». In recent years there has been a great increase in size, capacity and output of Russian turbines. В недавние годы было (произошло) большое увеличение в размерах, объёме и производительности российских турбин.


Переведите предложения, учитывая разные функции и перевод глагола "to be".

1. Most steam power plants of large size are now being built for operation at steam pressure of 1500 to 2400 psi, and in some plants more high pressures are being used.

2. Turbine generator units of these capacities are being supplied with steam from a single steam generating unit.

3. These engineers are looking for new methods of cooling materials.

4. Some of the boiler water is blown to a sewer, carrying out of the system the impurities that are coming into the boiler.

5. The aim of many early experimenters was the production of light sources small enough to be used in the house.

6. The fundamentals of electricity are the fundamentals of electronics, both are branches of physics.

7. Industrial power plants are frequently noncondensing plants because large quantities of low pressure steam are required for manufacturing operations.

8. A superheater is a coil of tubing surrounded by the hot products of combustion.

9. If combustion is to be complete in a furnace of economical size, turbulence is essential.

10. As the pressure increases, greater tube spacing is required and the tubes are to be smaller in diameter.

11. The furnace walls are to be covered with boiler tubes either partially or fully.

12. The jet condenser is to be used for small prime mover installations.

13. The aim of a circulating pump in a condenser is to circulate the cooling water.

14. In many cases the air circulation is inadequate, and mechanical equipment is to be built to supplement the natural circulation.

15. There are two types of water turbines: the reaction turbines and the impulse turbines.

16. The volute shape of the pump casing is to permit flow with minimum friction to convert a part of velocity head into static head.

17. Besides the principal components of a modern thermal power-station there are many additional parts of the plant.

18. There is a danger of corrosion in the tube due to low flue gas temperature.

19. If the source of cooling water is a lake or a river, there is no need for water conservation.

20. In this superheater there will be a decrease in steam pressure due to friction in the superheater tubing.

21. Conduction occurred in liquids and gases at rest, that is, where there was no motion of the molecules.

Таблица 5

Глагол “to have”

Функция в предложении и значение Примеры Перевод
1. Смысловой глагол «иметь» A steam generator has a series of heat exchangers. Парогенератор имеет ряд теплообменников.
2. Вспомогательный глагол для образования сложных форм глагола (группа времен Perfect). Самостоятельно не переводится. This method has found universal recognition. Этот метод нашел всеобщее признание.
3. Модальный глагол (в сочетании с инфинитивом с частицей “to”) со значением долженствования. They have to use this new method in their research worn. Они должны использовать этот новый метод в своем исследовании.


Переведите предложения, учитывая разные функции и перевод глагола "to have".

1. The plungers have a characteristic forward and upward motion.

2. Combustion in the cyclone furnace is complete and has practically no carbon loss.

3. Series of lectures on new types of turbines have been delivered at our research centre this year.

4. The coal has to be taken from the bunkers to the feeding hoppers on the boilers.

5. An extensive program of theoretical research and experimentation has been carried out before the first departments of the mill were built.

6. Long tubes closely spaced have to maintain high air and gas velocities.

7. Condensate from the turbine condenser has to be used as cooling water to condense the steam in the ejector.

8. A chain-grate stoker has a moving grate in the form of a continuous chain.

9. Polzunov’s engine has been working from August to November 1766.

10. One of the most important problems the engineers have to study is the efficient and controlled transfer of fluids from one point to another.

11. Boilers that have the hot products of combustion in the tubes and water outside the tubes are called firetube boilers.

12. One has to maintain the gas at a low temperature in order to permit an increase in the mass rate of flow with corresponding reduction in size and horsepower.

13. The horizontal straight tube boiler is simple in operation and has low draft loss.

14. Since the economizer has water in the tube and dry gas around the tube, the major resistance to heat transfer is on the gas side.

15. A small stoker fired steam generating unit has a capacity of 72,500 lb. of steam per hr.

16. Because of variable or seasonable supply of gaseous fuels, combination burners have been developed to permit the simultaneous burning of the available gas together with pulverized coal or oil.

17. Among the advantages of this type of generators is the fact that it does not have to be synchronized.

18. The condensate pump has to return the condensate to a surge tank where it can be reused as boiler feedwater.

19. The atmospheric relief valve has to relieve the pressure in the condenser in case the condenser or auxiliaries do not function properly.

20. The turbine operating at high speed has the following advantages: lighter weight, more compactness, great suitability for high-pressure, high-temperature operation.

21. Heat has been defined as energy that is being transferred across the boundaries of a system because of a temperature difference.

22. The simplest type is the single-cylinder turbine, for it is compact and has few parts.

23. During the evolution of the boiler as a heat producer many new shapes and designs have appeared.

24. Small turbines, varying in size from a few horsepower to several thousand horsepower have to be used, wherever steam is readily available at low cost or where exhaust steam is needed.

25. Liquid, gaseous and vapour states of fluid have a tendency to move because of natural forces.

Таблица 6

Наши рекомендации